Democrat Managers are destroying their entire case.

Next thing you know, Black Democrats will be looking to impeach Lincoln for taking their slaves away.
Slaves are a "Confederate Thing" Southern, THUS (R)
Dixiecrats don't count. Learn your History.

"I'll buy a clue for -$2,000 Alex" Because I'm a moron.
You're babbling nonsense again, kid.
Do you even know how schools are funded?
Totally, so why do you believe you should be able to send your child to any school you want?
****disclaimer****** you Orangecat support school choice. If NOT, just opt out.
It is that simple.
Public Schools work like this Orangecat
I have ZERO children in the Public School System.
My Taxes pay for children to go to public school, NOT private School. Meaning my taxes pay for public schools.

Did I get anything wrong fucking Orangecat
Totally, so why do you believe you should be able to send your child to any school you want?
I don't have a child. I believe parents should be able to send their kids to any school that has openings. They should also pay for their children's educations.
****disclaimer****** you Orangecat support school choice. If NOT, just opt out.
It is that simple.
Did you even attend a school? If so, it didn't work out well.
1. This destroys the reason they used for their Shampeachment.....Trump‘s speech that day.
They showed that Trump knew his audience was dangerous and violent. That he KNEW what he was sending to the Capitol that morning.

That was compelling and well documented
When he said this:

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.-President Donald J Trump
20 words out of an 11,000 word speech, whoopdee do!

One .mention of peacefully....

17 mentions of FIGHT!!!
Once again do you want to stick with the story that using the word “fight” is inciting violence?

when you say yes is when I bring all the Dimwingers using it.
It always depends on the circumstances.... yelling fire, fire, is protected free speech, but NOT free speech if yelling FIRE, in a crowded theater that has no fire!

It is not cut and dry....

Trump told them to FIGHT, when he knew they came to physically fight, be his stop the electoral votes from being stolen from them. They were invited there to do t h at, they were sent down to the capitol to do that.... to physically, stop the steal....

He, trump, did not speak out against their physical fight.
Then apparently, the alleged Trump supporters should have looted the Capitol, then burned it to the ground with the Congressmen and Senators inside, since THAT would have fit the Democrat's definition of a PEACEFUL PROTEST...
At times, I'm beginning to wonder if the former president is actually insane.
1. This destroys the reason they used for their Shampeachment.....Trump‘s speech that day.
They showed that Trump knew his audience was dangerous and violent. That he KNEW what he was sending to the Capitol that morning.

That was compelling and well documented
When he said this:

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.-President Donald J Trump
20 words out of an 11,000 word speech, whoopdee do!

One .mention of peacefully....

17 mentions of FIGHT!!!
Once again do you want to stick with the story that using the word “fight” is inciting violence?

when you say yes is when I bring all the Dimwingers using it.
It always depends on the circumstances.... yelling fire, fire, is protected free speech, but NOT free speech if yelling FIRE, in a crowded theater that has no fire!

It is not cut and dry....

Trump told them to FIGHT, when he knew they came to physically fight, be his stop the electoral votes from being stolen from them. They were invited there to do t h at, they were sent down to the capitol to do that.... to physically, stop the steal....

He, trump, did not speak out against their physical fight.
Then apparently, the alleged Trump supporters should have looted the Capitol, then burned it to the ground with the Congressmen and Senators inside, since THAT would have fit the Democrat's definition of a PEACEFUL PROTEST...
View attachment 455707
Peaceful protest marches took place alll day, every day, for blm.

Rioters, looters, thugs came out at night.

All rioting is bad!!!!

Egged on rioting with thousands attacking the Capitol of the USA....pummeling and bashing windows, doors and policemen, to usurp/ and steal an election from the just winner...

via stopping a joint session of congress with the vp present, who were there certifying the Electoral College Presidential votes, which is required by the Constitution... is just a tad more serious than a blm riot!!! It's an insurrection!!!!
FACT: All 5 who died on Jan 6th were Trump supporters, including the officer who died hours after the event of a stroke. There are zero reports of anyone discharging a firearm or threatening anyone with a gun, other than the trigger happy capital police officer who shot an unarmed women Trump supporter dead. THOSE ARE THE FACTS.
meh, they don't care. This has nothing to do with that day.

They're trying to stamp out Trump and anyone that opposes their ideas. Trying to drag them through some BS process in hopes of some sort of modern-day tar and feathering of an entire group of millions of people.

Trump had them shitting all over themselves from Day 1, not because he was some loon, but because if he succeeded the Dems were fucked as a party and they knew it. That's what this has been about for 4 years and what it's about now. Now they're simply having their dog and pony show to get one last kick at the dog and the ideas that propelled him into office.
They're using this impeachment to prepare to come after us in the same manner.
Removing freedom of speech, freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom from illegal search and seizure, and the right to bear arms.
They will make it illegal to hold political rallies.....just you watch. It's coming.

Remember, "do unto others"
Listening to the farce now.......they are going into detail about the weeks leading up to it how hundreds of posts were going back and forth organizing it. They had maps, walkie-talkies...etc.

They are claiming this was well known.

1. This destroys the reason they used for their Shampeachment.....Trump‘s speech that day.

2. When will they call Wray to testify why he knew all about this for weeks and did nothing to prevent it.

This sham is falling apart.
You are confused.They are saying that the incitement speech was part of a pattern of incitement that went on for weeks.
So how can they blame Trump for it?
Have you watched CNN lately?
What they say every day is much worse than anything Trump ever said.....and they've been doing it for at least 2 solid years.
Its on the TV idiot. Hours and hours of it. FIGHT !!!!!!!!
So, saying the word “fight” is inciting insurrection?

You sure you want to run with that, Limey?

Go curtsy your Queen.
You need to watch the evidence. Trump lyimg, threatening officials,stirring up attacks on officials,cheering on acts of violence,sending his loons down the capitol and telling them to fight like hell.
You sure can pack a lot of lies into one post, Limey.

Go curtsy your Queen, Peasant.

What did Tommy lie about?

Everything Tommy wrote is factual and is what Trump and those like you did and will do again if given another chance!

Do you really condone the chants by the crowd that Trump incited to the point they were chanting to hang Pence and if so how sick in the head are you?

What Trump speech and comments have caused should be condemned but those like you will blame the other side because you can not accept reality Trump is guilty of what he incited ...
1. This destroys the reason they used for their Shampeachment.....Trump‘s speech that day.
They showed that Trump knew his audience was dangerous and violent. That he KNEW what he was sending to the Capitol that morning.

That was compelling and well documented
When he said this:

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.-President Donald J Trump
20 words out of an 11,000 word speech, whoopdee do!

One .mention of peacefully....

17 mentions of FIGHT!!!
Worse, they're pretending that his constant tweeting and conspiracy-mongering about rigged elections and losing their country over the previous four fucking years have nothing to do with January 6th, when it's at its very core.

Either they're liars, or just so slow that they can't even see it. Who knows.

They know they are lying and they know Trump is or was wrong but their mental issues with anything that is not Trump causes them to act as Borg and never allow them to think for themselves and defend a loser like Trump!
1. This destroys the reason they used for their Shampeachment.....Trump‘s speech that day.
They showed that Trump knew his audience was dangerous and violent. That he KNEW what he was sending to the Capitol that morning.

That was compelling and well documented
When he said this:

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.-President Donald J Trump
20 words out of an 11,000 word speech, whoopdee do!

One .mention of peacefully....

17 mentions of FIGHT!!!
Once again do you want to stick with the story that using the word “fight” is inciting violence?

when you say yes is when I bring all the Dimwingers using it.
So....your idea of "fight" is hiding in your basement and making stern posts with bold font and all caps?

And in red!
"No peace, no sleep" guess who said that while inciting a mob to gather at government officials homes :oops: yes Dem Rep and leader Maxine Waters that's who.

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