Democrat Managers are destroying their entire case.

They laid out exactly what lead up to Trump sending that mob on it's murderous mission. They showed that he knew how violent they were and in fact had cheered their past violence.

They pointed out that there was nothing that the crowd to do BUT violently attack the Capitol if they were going to do what Trump told them to do
You mean when he said "go home"? Yes! Damning!!
Too bad he said that HOURS after the attack began...AFTER he had tweeted attacks on Pence...which ;lead to chants of "HANG MIKE PENCE"
Idiot, people go to protest their corrupt representatives. This is what we are supposed to do.
What was that MAGA mob going to do? How could they stop anything? Standing outside the Capitol peacefully was not going to stop Congress from certifying that election and stopping that certification was the goal.

"Stop the Steal"

Trump SENT his people to STOP THE STEAL. The only way they could do that was to attack that building and physically prevent the counting from happening

Now you can lie and claim that Trump just wanted his mob to demonstrate peacefully outside the Capitol. But there's a problem. That would have stopped nothing. Trump knew that. The mob knew that

You can lie and claim that Trump was blameless. He didn't incite that mob. But that has a problem too. Were it true, when the mob DID turn violent, if Trump wasn't promoting that...inciting that, an innocent man would have tweeted for it to stop. Would have condemned the violence. Did Trump do that?

He did not. In fact he did the opposite. He tweeted out a video of his speech inciting this attack

He tweeted out attacks on Mike Pence.

He called Tommy Tubberville to request that he delay the count with objections (to give the mob time to get to the Chambers?)

It wasn't until hours later that he tweeted out anything that could be considered a "stand down" request.

Why? Because that attack was JUST what Trump wanted.

Crimes of commission and omission. Impeachment AND criminal trial and totally warranted
meh, they don't care. This has nothing to do with that day.

They're trying to stamp out Trump and anyone that opposes their ideas. Trying to drag them through some BS process in hopes of some sort of modern-day tar and feathering of an entire group of millions of people.

Trump had them shitting all over themselves from Day 1, not because he was some loon, but because if he succeeded the Dems were fucked as a party and they knew it. That's what this has been about for 4 years and what it's about now. Now they're simply having their dog and pony show to get one last kick at the dog and the ideas that propelled him into office.


Again, recall that the majority vote is that the trial is constitutional. For additional evidence of illiteracy: See the failure at, "Dick and Jane!" Dick AND Jane are independent persons. Removal from office AND disqualification from further federal office are independent trial outcome penalties.

No one denies that the march to the Capitol Grounds was intended to be peaceful and patriotic. That is normal. There was no call for the protestors to immediately commence shooting at one another(?)! Recall the First Amendment protests, however, over the summer. In Santa Monica, the police were guarding the First Amendment. The looters were apparently monitoring the police activity--pulled up to the pricey stores, and in their BMW's: And loaded up!

There was advance "Regalia," in evidence: In the summer looting.

So the Capitol Marching was directly ordered and incited. Many in fact inferred "Marching Orders!" They were then "Ordered" to scream like hell was getting set loose--many seem to have inferred. See below how others interpret the matter.
Then-President Donald Trump addressed an enormous crowd in front of the White House on Jan. 6. "We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” he loudly declared to the thousands of people gathered.

He added: “After this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. … We’re going to walk down to the Capitol … because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength. … We're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue … and we're going to the Capitol.”
The "Peaceful and Patriotic" includes, clearly the March. No one had been asked to commence the riot at the Ellipse, or start the shooting--of one another--during the March. The March of a Cadre was directly ordered, "WE'RE" going, and The Trumped-Up failure was to be a part of the Cadre. Then the Cadre was incited, ". . . .because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show STRENGTH, , ," and not just showing up in Sunday-go-to-meeting attire! These were a cadre, riot-ready at the Ellipse--visible.

After the screaming and yelling, the "Marching Orders" intended action to take back the country. Step one could be inferred the capture or isolation of the Legislative Branch.

"Take back our country" is directly quoted!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(See people prayer for a world in which Lives Don't Matter: Matt 25: 14-30!)
FACT: All 5 who died on Jan 6th were Trump supporters, including the officer who died hours after the event of a stroke. There are zero reports of anyone discharging a firearm or threatening anyone with a gun, other than the trigger happy capital police officer who shot an unarmed women Trump supporter dead. THOSE ARE THE FACTS.
but there are 140 cops that were injured, one cop lost his eye, another lost two fingers....two committed suicide,

one lady died in the stampede...

Were they among the 2,000 cops injured during your Dem protests? :talk2hand:
FACT: All 5 who died on Jan 6th were Trump supporters, including the officer who died hours after the event of a stroke. There are zero reports of anyone discharging a firearm or threatening anyone with a gun, other than the trigger happy capital police officer who shot an unarmed women Trump supporter dead. THOSE ARE THE FACTS.
but there are 140 cops that were injured, one cop lost his eye, another lost two fingers....two committed suicide,

one lady died in the stampede...

Were they among the 2,000 cops injured during your Dem protests? :talk2hand:
Those cops don't count cuz Nazi Pelousy didn't get scared while they were injured.
FACT: All 5 who died on Jan 6th were Trump supporters, including the officer who died hours after the event of a stroke. There are zero reports of anyone discharging a firearm or threatening anyone with a gun, other than the trigger happy capital police officer who shot an unarmed women Trump supporter dead. THOSE ARE THE FACTS.
but there are 140 cops that were injured, one cop lost his eye, another lost two fingers....two committed suicide,

one lady died in the stampede...

Were they among the 2,000 cops injured during your Dem protests? :talk2hand:
Those cops don't count cuz Nazi Pelousy didn't get scared while they were injured.

Dems injured 2,000 cops while attacking law enforcement and defunding them. This kangaroo impeachment is utterly ridiculous given the Dem's behavior this past year, it's a joke.
He was talking about the Republicans had no backbone . Which many don't.
It's been a complaint for many years by republican voters.
He was talking about the republician primary and Mitt Romney when he said we need to fight like hell to win back the House & Senate .
Very deceitful to drop the full context of that incident.
Listening to the farce now.......they are going into detail about the weeks leading up to it how hundreds of posts were going back and forth organizing it. They had maps, walkie-talkies...etc.

They are claiming this was well known.

1. This destroys the reason they used for their Shampeachment.....Trump‘s speech that day.

2. When will they call Wray to testify why he knew all about this for weeks and did nothing to prevent it.

This sham is falling apart.
You are confused.They are saying that the incitement speech was part of a pattern of incitement that went on for weeks.
So how can they blame Trump for it?
Have you watched CNN lately?
What they say every day is much worse than anything Trump ever said.....and they've been doing it for at least 2 solid years.
Its on the TV idiot. Hours and hours of it. FIGHT !!!!!!!!
So, saying the word “fight” is inciting insurrection?

You sure you want to run with that, Limey?

Go curtsy your Queen.
You need to watch the evidence. Trump lyimg, threatening officials,stirring up attacks on officials,cheering on acts of violence,sending his loons down the capitol and telling them to fight like hell.
You sure can pack a lot of lies into one post, Limey.

Go curtsy your Queen, Peasant.

What did Tommy lie about?

Everything Tommy wrote is factual and is what Trump and those like you did and will do again if given another chance!

Do you really condone the chants by the crowd that Trump incited to the point they were chanting to hang Pence and if so how sick in the head are you?

What Trump speech and comments have caused should be condemned but those like you will blame the other side because you can not accept reality Trump is guilty of what he incited ...
This is what you leftist do.
You totally ignored the over 250 "Peaceful Protests" last year that were happening daily and focus on a false-flag operation carried out on Jan 6th by many of the same people....and then accuse people who weren't even within a thousand miles of Washington of the same thing.
You also claim that the phrase "Fight Like Hell" is now illegal even though the people making this claim used the exact phrase on numerous occasions.
That's the problem with you folks.
You aren't being honest to us or yourselves.
It's why so many of you are on ignore at USMB.
You're all dishonest lying fucks.
FACT: All 5 who died on Jan 6th were Trump supporters, including the officer who died hours after the event of a stroke. There are zero reports of anyone discharging a firearm or threatening anyone with a gun, other than the trigger happy capital police officer who shot an unarmed women Trump supporter dead. THOSE ARE THE FACTS.
but there are 140 cops that were injured, one cop lost his eye, another lost two fingers....two committed suicide,

one lady died in the stampede...

Were they among the 2,000 cops injured during your Dem protests? :talk2hand:
They weren't my or anyone's protests....other than George Floyd protests.... No one in the Party called for the protests to happen.

The stop the steal or whatever it was called protest, was preprogrammed for January 20 or 21st, Trump had that changed to a January 6th protest, and promoted the rally and protest and march. He paid for ads promoting it, he advertised it at every rally, he tweeted about Jan 6th about 50 times in the previous two weeks, 17 times t h e day before the event....

It was going to be WILD according to Trump....


There is absolutely NO COMPARISON with Trump and his protest turned to mayhem, and any Democratic Congress critter during the George Floyd protests.... No one was out there rioting for a candidate, or to overturn an election through a coup.
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FACT: All 5 who died on Jan 6th were Trump supporters, including the officer who died hours after the event of a stroke. There are zero reports of anyone discharging a firearm or threatening anyone with a gun, other than the trigger happy capital police officer who shot an unarmed women Trump supporter dead. THOSE ARE THE FACTS.
but there are 140 cops that were injured, one cop lost his eye, another lost two fingers....two committed suicide,

one lady died in the stampede...

Were they among the 2,000 cops injured during your Dem protests? :talk2hand:
They weren't my or anyone's protests....other than George Floyd protests.... No one in the Party called for the protests to happen.

The stop the steal or whatever it was called protest, was preprogrammed for Jan u art 20 or 21st, Trump had that changed to a January 6th protest, and promoted the rally and protest March. He paid for ads promoting it, he advertised it at every rally, he tweeted about Jan 6th about 50 times in the previous two weeks, 17 times t h e day before the event....

It was going to be WILD according to Trump....


There is absolutely NO COMPARISON with Trump and his protest t u need to mayhem, and any Democratic Congress critter during the George Floyd protests.... No one was out there rioting for a candidate, or to overturn an election through a coup.

Lib please Dem leaders cheered and incited these Dem protests over several months. :talk2hand:
FACT: All 5 who died on Jan 6th were Trump supporters, including the officer who died hours after the event of a stroke. There are zero reports of anyone discharging a firearm or threatening anyone with a gun, other than the trigger happy capital police officer who shot an unarmed women Trump supporter dead. THOSE ARE THE FACTS.
but there are 140 cops that were injured, one cop lost his eye, another lost two fingers....two committed suicide,

one lady died in the stampede...

Were they among the 2,000 cops injured during your Dem protests? :talk2hand:
They weren't my or anyone's protests....other than George Floyd protests.... No one in the Party called for the protests to happen.

The stop the steal or whatever it was called protest, was preprogrammed for Jan u art 20 or 21st, Trump had that changed to a January 6th protest, and promoted the rally and protest March. He paid for ads promoting it, he advertised it at every rally, he tweeted about Jan 6th about 50 times in the previous two weeks, 17 times t h e day before the event....

It was going to be WILD according to Trump....


There is absolutely NO COMPARISON with Trump and his protest t u need to mayhem, and any Democratic Congress critter during the George Floyd protests.... No one was out there rioting for a candidate, or to overturn an election through a coup.
Jan 6. A vote was delayed for a few hours.

9 months of dimwinger riots resulted in more deaths, more injuries, tens of thousands of businesses destroyed, rioting, looting, murder, rape.............but you leftists want to make all that into "peaceful protests".

You are a clown.
Listening to the farce now.......they are going into detail about the weeks leading up to it how hundreds of posts were going back and forth organizing it. They had maps, walkie-talkies...etc.

They are claiming this was well known.

1. This destroys the reason they used for their Shampeachment.....Trump‘s speech that day.

2. When will they call Wray to testify why he knew all about this for weeks and did nothing to prevent it.

This sham is falling apart.
You are confused.They are saying that the incitement speech was part of a pattern of incitement that went on for weeks.

And it's all easily provable. His own tweets, his own words, all of it.

You mean when he said "go home"? Yes! Damning!!
Duhh Frankie...

He said to go home,

3 1/2 hours after the breach and attack on our Capitol....

He let it fester for three and a half hours of bashing, beating, killing, looting, stampeding, gallow set ups, chants of executing pence, stampeding, and police beating flag pole impaling thugs....
Their sight and hearing are extremely selective.

They don't remember his words for the previous four years either, building up to this moment by convincing them their country was being taken away from them by The Evil Deep State Swamp Commies.

They are just gone.
Their sight and hearing are extremely selective.
Like yours and others viewing the video that shows the obvious fraud in GA? Like that?

You wouldn't have the first clue what that video shows if the voice over wasn't lying to you about what was happening. That particular piece of video was actually used as evidence by the Trump lawyers. A Georgia state official went onto the stand and gave testimony as to what was REALLY happening, and the case was dismissed completely.

They're told it's fraud, they want to believe it, they will believe it.

They are just gone.
If you NAZIs are so confident that it was legitimate, then why are you so afraid to have any Trump supporter talk about it?
The fact is:


You sure you want to compare death tolls and riot numbers?
Cheered on by Presidents, thanked by Presidents, fomented by Presidents over four years?

You bet.

Trump did no such thing.
But we do have video after video of your leftist idols doing so.
The insurrection was based on totally fabricated lies.
The insurrection began long before Jan 6, when Trump kept repeating the Grand Lie, that the election was stolen.
The President of the United states can not spread serious lies about election fraud that never happened.

Trump supporters are dumb fuckin retards and they believe any lie Trump tells them. Trump pumped up his supporters for months with lies and it finally boiled over with all the wacko, insane, idiot Trump supporters.

Trump is 100% guilty of inciting an insurrection by telling his supporters lies for months, and he must be held accountable.
so criticizing Democrat NAZIs is treason? Trump told no lies, and turds like you are not appointed to be the arbiters of who is telling the truth.
1. This destroys the reason they used for their Shampeachment.....Trump‘s speech that day.
They showed that Trump knew his audience was dangerous and violent. That he KNEW what he was sending to the Capitol that morning.

That was compelling and well documented
When he said this:

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.-President Donald J Trump
20 words out of an 11,000 word speech, whoopdee do!

One .mention of peacefully....

17 mentions of FIGHT!!!
Once again do you want to stick with the story that using the word “fight” is inciting violence?

when you say yes is when I bring all the Dimwingers using it.
It always depends on the circumstances.... yelling fire, fire, is protected free speech, but NOT free speech if yelling FIRE, in a crowded theater that has no fire!

It is not cut and dry....

Trump told them to FIGHT, when he knew they came to physically fight, be his stop the electoral votes from being stolen from them. They were invited there to do t h at, they were sent down to the capitol to do that.... to physically, stop the steal....

He, trump, did not speak out against their physical fight.
Utter horseshit.

It's hysterical watching you NAZI morons trying to defend this impeachment.
1. This destroys the reason they used for their Shampeachment.....Trump‘s speech that day.
They showed that Trump knew his audience was dangerous and violent. That he KNEW what he was sending to the Capitol that morning.

That was compelling and well documented
When he said this:

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.-President Donald J Trump
20 words out of an 11,000 word speech, whoopdee do!

One .mention of peacefully....

17 mentions of FIGHT!!!
Once again do you want to stick with the story that using the word “fight” is inciting violence?

when you say yes is when I bring all the Dimwingers using it.
It always depends on the circumstances.... yelling fire, fire, is protected free speech, but NOT free speech if yelling FIRE, in a crowded theater that has no fire!

It is not cut and dry....

Trump told them to FIGHT, when he knew they came to physically fight, be his stop the electoral votes from being stolen from them. They were invited there to do t h at, they were sent down to the capitol to do that.... to physically, stop the steal....

He, trump, did not speak out against their physical fight.
Utter horseshit.

It's hysterical watching you NAZI morons trying to defend this impeachment.
So, what was the purpose of changing the rally date from January 20th to January 6th, and changing the permit request for the Ellipse to the Ellipse down to the Capitol?

What steal could be stopped by just yelling outside of the Capitol, and at a distance? How was that fighting like hell to keep the evil dems and RINOs from taking their country away?

How was that fighting for anything?

How were they suppose to stop congress from certifying the votes from a distance and by just shouting???

How is shouting behind a barrier, at a distance WILD?
1. This destroys the reason they used for their Shampeachment.....Trump‘s speech that day.
They showed that Trump knew his audience was dangerous and violent. That he KNEW what he was sending to the Capitol that morning.

That was compelling and well documented
When he said this:

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.-President Donald J Trump
20 words out of an 11,000 word speech, whoopdee do!

One .mention of peacefully....

17 mentions of FIGHT!!!
Once again do you want to stick with the story that using the word “fight” is inciting violence?

when you say yes is when I bring all the Dimwingers using it.
It always depends on the circumstances.... yelling fire, fire, is protected free speech, but NOT free speech if yelling FIRE, in a crowded theater that has no fire!

It is not cut and dry....

Trump told them to FIGHT, when he knew they came to physically fight, be his stop the electoral votes from being stolen from them. They were invited there to do t h at, they were sent down to the capitol to do that.... to physically, stop the steal....

He, trump, did not speak out against their physical fight.
Utter horseshit.

It's hysterical watching you NAZI morons trying to defend this impeachment.
So, what was the purpose of changing the rally date from January 20th to January 6th, and changing the permit request for the Ellipse to the Ellipse down to the Capitol?

What steal could be stopped by just yelling outside of the Capitol, and at a distance? How was that fighting like hell to keep the evil dems and RINOs from taking their country away?

How was that fighting for anything?

How were they suppose to stop congress from certifying the votes from a distance and by just shouting???

How is shouting behind a barrier, at a distance WILD?
Is there any point to your moron questions?
Is there any point to your moron questions?
They are not moronic. They get to the CRUX of the issue. Trump sent those rioters to the Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power.

To "stop the steal".

They had ZERO means to do that other than by using physical violence. That violence was the INTENDED result
Is there any point to your moron questions?
They are not moronic. They get to the CRUX of the issue. Trump sent those rioters to the Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power.

To "stop the steal".

They had ZERO means to do that other than by using physical violence. That violence was the INTENDED result
One little problem with your fairy tale...............

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.-President Donald J Trump

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