Democrat Nashville Mayor Resigns -- Now A Felon...

Man, what happened to Nashville? How did a corrupt Communist/Democrat become Mayor? So bizarre.

Nashville Mayor Megan Barry resigned on Tuesday amid a sex scandal involving her former head of security, a stunning fall from power for a leader who was once among Democrats' brightest political stars.

Barry announced her resignation at a packed morning news conference Tuesday at the mayor's office. It came after she pleaded guilty in court a half-hour earlier as part of a negotiated agreement with District Attorney Glenn Funk to felony theft over $10,000 related to her affair with her former police bodyguard...

Nashville Mayor Megan Barry resigns from office as part of guilty plea to felony theft charge

When Progs behave badly, it's NO indication of a systemic issue.

When a Con behaves badly, every con who has ever lived is complicit.
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I'm just still shocked folks in Nashville elected a Democrat Mayor. What the hell were they thinking?

Shocked? Has Nashville every elected a Republican mayor? The last 8 mayors of the consolidated metro area have been Democrats.

Most Tennesseans despise Communists/Democrats. Time to boot the Democrats from Nashville once and for all.

Apparently an assessment the people of Nashville do not share. If they did, they wouldn’t have elected a Democratic mayor time and time again.
Man, what happened to Nashville? How did a corrupt Communist/Democrat become Mayor? So bizarre.
Dude, Marion Berry did crack / was busted doing crack and became mayor.....

Hillary Clinton committed Espionage, Criminal Negligence, 15,000 Felony counts of FOIA and Federal Records Act violations, Illegally mis-handled classified, illegally stored classified, illegally shared TS classified with persons who had no clearance, illegally destroyed classified, lied to the FBI / Congress, refused to comply with a federal subpoena, destroyed evidence / Obstructed Justice, endangered our National Security ... she was still allowed to stay in the race, and millions of idiots still voted for her.

There are a lot of criminal politicians / Democrats out there, and there are a lot of stupid people / liberals....
On the bright side, she's now a convicted Felon. She can't run for public office. Well, maybe in California or New York she still can. But she's done as far as real America is concerned. Bye bye.

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