Democrat philosophy explained


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Have you heard the saying "Truth is stranger than fiction"?
Well it is.

We're told that conservatives are all Nazis, and Nazis were the worst government is history.
The truth is stranger than fiction, ...the fact is, here in America where liberty is supposed to be first, we have politicians who openly follow the teachings of Karl Marx. The Socialist / Communist governments killed far more people than the Nazis (also Socialist) did.
At least the Nazi's had a pre-stated plan.
The Nazis listed who they thought their "enemies" were.
Leaders who fought for Socialist government, were executed by it. This is the greatest definition of political stupidity.
The government killed and enslaved people AT RANDOM. Local landlords were required to turn in certain numbers of "enemies of the state".

First Amendment: Religion (The most important issue)
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; "
If Christ wasn't real, they wouldn't be so determined to try to eradicate Christianity.
The Democrats can't stand the idea that people would be loyal to something other than their government.
The Democrats can't stand the idea that people would determine what morals are, except for what Democrat law dictates.
The Democrats completely disregard the statement, "prohibiting the free exercise thereof; " and twist "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"
into false definitions.
The Democrats actions against Christianity don't come from the First Amendment , but from Communist policy,
"Thus the USSR became the first state to have, as an ideological objective, the elimination of religion[2] and its replacement with universal atheism."
First Amendment: Free Speech.
The Democrats claim to be proponents of free speech.
What is free speech today?
People can walk around preaching what ever they want, if you don't hear political policy from an established news media, then that person is a nut.
The Democrats control the major news sources and determine what important issues will be, also, determine what the common reaction will be.
Is FOX news really a radical organization?
it just differs slightly from the Democrat agenda, that's why they despise the business.
The Democrats even tried to pass legislation that could have taken talk show hosts off the radio, that's their vision of free speech.
Most cities issue permits for rights to assemble.

The Second Amendment:
The only time the Socialists support gun ownership is when they are preparing to take over a country.
Once they are in control of a nation, the public has no right to gun ownership or self protection.
The Socialist Democrats believe all disputes have to go their legal system, which will ultimately favor the government first, the rich second, and the public last.
In America, the Democrats have lawyers that twist the simple words of the Second Amendment any way they can.

The Fourth Amendment: Unreasonable searches and seizures.
The Democrats pretend support this rule as long as their judges are in charge of issuing the warrants.
The Democrats break this constitutional rule every day by having the police set up check points and search drivers at random, especially on the 4th of July.
Their view is, 'if you don't have anything to hide you won't worry about being searched', which is anti-American, totalitarian philosophy.

The Fifth Amendment: Double Jeopardy.
Democrats practice double jeopardy through the manipulation of the court system and exploiting state and federal levels.
The Fifth Amendment: Eminent domain.
The original intent of the founders was to give owners fair compensation in rare cases when the government needed land.
The last unconstitutional ruling by the Supreme Court allows the government to take land from private individuals and give it to other individuals, a corruption of the law.
The Democrats don't believe in private land, they follow the communist philosophy of "Abolition of property in land"
The Fifth Amendment: "nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;"
The Democrats support abortion for their belief in population control.
Abortion is unconstitutional. The government can not execute people without a trial or authorize a business or organization to do so.
How do the Democrats cover this action? by re-packaging the argument as "women's rights".

Six Amendment:
The Democrats disregard the Six Amendment by handing out tickets (convictions without a trial)
The legal system has been changed so your legal representation is not working for your best interest.

Eight Amendment: Cruel and unusual punishment.
At first it appears the Democrats are proponents of the amendment, but let's take a closer look.
The Democrats are against capital punishment which appears to be an act of mercy, but the fact is, they want prisoners to suffer in the prison system.
Killing a prisoner is an easy way out.
Cruel and unusual punishment IS life in the prison system.
Once again the Democrats are following Communist policy, the teachings of Mao

1st: If one was executed, the more would have to be executed for the same crime later on for equality, and it would difficult to spare the lives of future prisoners who committed the same crime, because justice system would be criticized as unequal, giving preferential treatments
2nd: Wrong people and even innocent people might be executed by mistakes
3rd: Executing prisoners could mean the vanishing of evidence
4th: When prisoners were executed, it could not increase production output, could not improve scientific research, could not strengthen national defense, and could not liberate Taiwan
5th: You (the Communist regime) would be accused of excessive killings

Ninth amendment: Tenth Amendment:
The Democrats ignore these amendments by assuming power that is not stated in the Constitution.


* The Democrats claim the Republicans work for the rich, as the Democrats claim to represent the poor.
This comes from the basic Marxist teachings, Bourgeois and Proletarians.
Any political group that is not with them, works for the rich, in their mind.
They don't believe in private property or accumulated wealth.

The Marxists are the party of the rich. Most communist leaders come from wealthy families.
They believe everything a citizen has, should be dictated by the government.

* Why the Democrats always push for taxes, inheritance tax, and capital gains taxes.
The Communist Manifesto says there should "always be a Progressive income tax" and "Abolition of all right of inheritance."
FDR raised taxes to over 100%, the reality was the rich never paid more than 35%
You always hear the democrats say all our problems will be solved once taxes are raised.

* The Democrats never cared about the blacks.
The blacks were used as an excuse to disrupt the legal system.
the lack of education and the poverty in black communities, almost exclusively run by the Democrats, is unacceptable.

* Gay Marriage:
Many Democrat leaders don't condone marriage at all.
Why would they fight for gay marriage?
Homosexuals already have the freedom in America to do what ever they want.
The goal of gay marriage is to have America, as a whole, reject Christianity and officially accept an anti-religious practice.

* The Democrats efforts to ignore, disrupt American law.
Groups of lawyers like the ACLU.
They claim they represent "civil liberties" and the Bill of Rights, yet they will not support the Second Amendment.
If their civil liberties aren't from the Bill of Rights, where does it come from?
The fact is, their history has roots in Communism. (look it up)

* The Communist manifesto says "Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels."
The democrats have been implementing this policy by going crazy with background checking.
NCIC database.
In America, once you're arrested you are increasingly punished as a "rebel" by being banned from working.

* The Socialists support the monopoly of the central bank.
"Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly." - Communist Manifesto
Hence, passage of the Federal Reserve act of 1913.

* The Democrats support reckless immigration. Ted Kennedys naturalization Act.
The communist manifesto says, "abolition of the distinction between town and country"
...and state ...and hemisphere.
Any kind of nationalism is an interference with socialist rule.

The Democrats feel that if you're stupid enough to spend your money on drugs, they'll sell them to you.
The democrats believe addiction is a great source of tax revenue.
This also applies to pharmaceuticals sold by "legitimate" doctors.
They have no problem selling things they convince people they need.

* The Democrats have turned America's tradition of wide spread education into joke, teaching the peasants only enough to get by.
Eventually, if needed, education would only be available to the descendants of the faction leaders.
(and see next)

* Union , bureaucratic jobs.
Why go into private business?
The Democrats believe competition is hard.
The government should dictate what products or services you're required to buy.(Fascism /Socialism) or
what services you receive from tax payer money. (Communism)
Their jobs are paid by tax payer money, no matter how much they fail at their jobs.
The communist class order goes, peasants > merchants > government employees > ruling party.
When the American Democrats talk about the "middle class" they're referring to union workers and small business owners.
Union jobs were created and destroyed by the Democrats. Mandatory wage increases from the unions until manufacturing was sent to Communist nations.

The Democrats, The Party of Peace:
How can the Democrats, who have roots in socialism(the most murderous form of government in world history) be the party of peace?
They're not.
American Democrats did not oppose attacking Germany and FDR ordered all official war protest to stop.
Union workers were organized to stop production if the Democrats didn't agree with a war.
After WW2 the American government started trying to stop the spread of Communism.
Socialists responded with organized anti-war protests.
The Democrats in America were not trying to stop war, but were trying to stop the fall of communist nations by American hands.
It continued with the controversy in South America.

The reason why the Democrats call Republicans war mongers is because of this,
Russia is Socialist, China is Communist, so in their mind, the best way for America to stay in peace is to renounce liberty and join the Socialist program.
Anyone who contradicts the Communist governments ,is provoking war.


The Democrats have been telling us they are anti-fascist.
Obamacare is probably the largest fascist act in American history.
Being defined as, a faction being in control of a business, mandated on the public by the government.
Obamacare is going to take money from the public, take money from the doctors, and leave the insurance companies holding all the profit, which the government can receive unlimited tax money from.
What ever the bill is, the public is forced to pay it.


One way the Democrats disrupt the legal system.
The Democrats will tally up the way they think judges will vote.(count the number of judges loyal to their cause)
Once they feel they have enough votes they have a "rights" group bring up the legal issue.
They repackage their unconstitutional issue in a legal excuse, for example, abortion sold as "women's rights".
Then the issue is rules on by the courts.
In most instances the case was decided on before it ever when to court.

Any passed policy they have that would be struck down, simply isn't sent back to the courts

Welfare, unemployment , and Social Security are temporary Socialist programs.
When the country progresses into Communism, history shows, work for the "lower classes" will be mandatory, and food government "benefits" will be minimal.
I love it when people use the blunt instrument of conservatism to dissect liberalism. You will never understand because your tribal mentality cannot conceive how people can care about other people they do not know and are not exactly like them.
I love it when people use the blunt instrument of conservatism to dissect liberalism. You will never understand because your tribal mentality cannot conceive how people can care about other people they do not know and are not exactly like them.
It is liberals who hate people who are not like them. Look at the venom spewed on fundamentalist Christians, black Republicans, and conservative women by libs.
We're told that conservatives are all Nazis, and Nazis were the worst government is history.

dear, how could we be told that when Nazis were for radical big liberal govt and conservatives are for tiny tiny government, in fact for freedom from govt.

Do you understand?
I love it when people use the blunt instrument of conservatism to dissect liberalism. You will never understand because your tribal mentality cannot conceive how people can care about other people they do not know and are not exactly like them.

I love it when "liberals" use the blunt instrument of character assassination to attack those with whom they disagree. They will never understand how conservatives can consider people as individuals instead of members of some voting block.
I love it when people use the blunt instrument of conservatism to dissect liberalism. You will never understand because your tribal mentality cannot conceive how people can care about other people they do not know and are not exactly like them.
It is liberals who hate people who are not like them. Look at the venom spewed on fundamentalist Christians, black Republicans, and conservative women by libs.
Liberals do not like irrational haters who treat them like the Enemies of The People for their own narrow political purposes. It sounds too much like the scapegoating all fascists must rely on to gain political power.
I love it when people use the blunt instrument of conservatism to dissect liberalism. You will never understand because your tribal mentality cannot conceive how people can care about other people they do not know and are not exactly like them.

I love it when "liberals" use the blunt instrument of character assassination to attack those with whom they disagree. They will never understand how conservatives can consider people as individuals instead of members of some voting block.
Having a tribal mentality is not necessarily a character flaw but it is a terrible political ideology when applied to a large diverse country such as ours.
I love it when people use the blunt instrument of conservatism to dissect liberalism. You will never understand because your tribal mentality cannot conceive how people can care about other people they do not know and are not exactly like them.
It is liberals who hate people who are not like them. Look at the venom spewed on fundamentalist Christians, black Republicans, and conservative women by libs.
Liberals do not like irrational haters who treat them like the Enemies of The People for their own narrow political purposes. It sounds too much like the scapegoating all fascists must rely on to gain political power.

You mean like depicting someone throwing granny off a cliff or saying republicans want people to die quickly? That kind of scapegoating for political power?
I love it when people use the blunt instrument of conservatism to dissect liberalism. You will never understand because your tribal mentality cannot conceive how people can care about other people they do not know and are not exactly like them.
It is liberals who hate people who are not like them. Look at the venom spewed on fundamentalist Christians, black Republicans, and conservative women by libs.
Liberals do not like irrational haters who treat them like the Enemies of The People for their own narrow political purposes. It sounds too much like the scapegoating all fascists must rely on to gain political power.

You mean like depicting someone throwing granny off a cliff or saying republicans want people to die quickly? That kind of scapegoating for political power?
It's not scapegoating if it is demonstrably true. It is quite clear by now that republicans rarely even consider the harm that they do when they attack the social safety net. They may not consciously want people to suffer but somehow it's worse that they ignore suffering.
I love it when people use the blunt instrument of conservatism to dissect liberalism. You will never understand because your tribal mentality cannot conceive how people can care about other people they do not know and are not exactly like them.
It is liberals who hate people who are not like them. Look at the venom spewed on fundamentalist Christians, black Republicans, and conservative women by libs.
Liberals do not like irrational haters who treat them like the Enemies of The People for their own narrow political purposes. It sounds too much like the scapegoating all fascists must rely on to gain political power.

You mean like depicting someone throwing granny off a cliff or saying republicans want people to die quickly? That kind of scapegoating for political power?
It's not scapegoating if it is demonstrably true. It is quite clear by now that republicans rarely even consider the harm that they do when they attack the social safety net. They may not consciously want people to suffer but somehow it's worse that they ignore suffering.

Great opinion, not really fact, but carry on.
We're told that conservatives are all Nazis, and Nazis were the worst government is history.

dear, how could we be told that when Nazis were for radical big liberal govt and conservatives are for tiny tiny government, in fact for freedom from govt.

Do you understand?
You think David Duke is for big liberal government? He's an admitted Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, and republican.
We're told that conservatives are all Nazis, and Nazis were the worst government is history.

dear, how could we be told that when Nazis were for radical big liberal govt and conservatives are for tiny tiny government, in fact for freedom from govt.

Do you understand?
You think David Duke is for big liberal government? He's an admitted Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, and republican.
I keep telling them to go over on Stormfront and start calling the Nazis there Liberals, no one has done it and come back to tell the tale yet.
I love it when people use the blunt instrument of conservatism to dissect liberalism. You will never understand because your tribal mentality cannot conceive how people can care about other people they do not know and are not exactly like them.
It is liberals who hate people who are not like them. Look at the venom spewed on fundamentalist Christians, black Republicans, and conservative women by libs.

Hmmmmmmm. Could this "venom" be directed at their dopey conservatism? Why yes. Yes it could.
We're told that conservatives are all Nazis, and Nazis were the worst government is history.

dear, how could we be told that when Nazis were for radical big liberal govt and conservatives are for tiny tiny government, in fact for freedom from govt.

Do you understand?
You think David Duke is for big liberal government? He's an admitted Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, and republican.
I keep telling them to go over on Stormfront and start calling the Nazis there Liberals, no one has done it and come back to tell the tale yet.
Some of them stop to post over there on Stormfront, no doubt.
I love it when people use the blunt instrument of conservatism to dissect liberalism. You will never understand because your tribal mentality cannot conceive how people can care about other people they do not know and are not exactly like them.
It is liberals who hate people who are not like them. Look at the venom spewed on fundamentalist Christians, black Republicans, and conservative women by libs.
Liberals do not like irrational haters who treat them like the Enemies of The People for their own narrow political purposes. It sounds too much like the scapegoating all fascists must rely on to gain political power.
Black Republicans and conservative women and Christians are irrational haters? Seriously?
I love it when people use the blunt instrument of conservatism to dissect liberalism. You will never understand because your tribal mentality cannot conceive how people can care about other people they do not know and are not exactly like them.
It is liberals who hate people who are not like them. Look at the venom spewed on fundamentalist Christians, black Republicans, and conservative women by libs.
Liberals do not like irrational haters who treat them like the Enemies of The People for their own narrow political purposes. It sounds too much like the scapegoating all fascists must rely on to gain political power.

You mean like depicting someone throwing granny off a cliff or saying republicans want people to die quickly? That kind of scapegoating for political power?
It's not scapegoating if it is demonstrably true. It is quite clear by now that republicans rarely even consider the harm that they do when they attack the social safety net. They may not consciously want people to suffer but somehow it's worse that they ignore suffering.
Its demonstrably true that Republicans want to throw granny off a cliff or want people to die? Then please demonstrate it. We'll wait.
We're told that conservatives are all Nazis, and Nazis were the worst government is history.

dear, how could we be told that when Nazis were for radical big liberal govt and conservatives are for tiny tiny government, in fact for freedom from govt.

Do you understand?
You think David Duke is for big liberal government? He's an admitted Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, and republican.
I keep telling them to go over on Stormfront and start calling the Nazis there Liberals, no one has done it and come back to tell the tale yet.
Some of them stop to post over there on Stormfront, no doubt.
Liberals are the only fascists in America.
I love it when people use the blunt instrument of conservatism to dissect liberalism. You will never understand because your tribal mentality cannot conceive how people can care about other people they do not know and are not exactly like them.
It is liberals who hate people who are not like them. Look at the venom spewed on fundamentalist Christians, black Republicans, and conservative women by libs.
Liberals do not like irrational haters who treat them like the Enemies of The People for their own narrow political purposes. It sounds too much like the scapegoating all fascists must rely on to gain political power.

You mean like depicting someone throwing granny off a cliff or saying republicans want people to die quickly? That kind of scapegoating for political power?
It's not scapegoating if it is demonstrably true. It is quite clear by now that republicans rarely even consider the harm that they do when they attack the social safety net. They may not consciously want people to suffer but somehow it's worse that they ignore suffering.

Ya gotta love this. We may not consciously want to hurt people but only people,like,occupied can recognize the hate. No figures on how the suffering has increased because there aren't any, short of Obama reducing incomes of the middle class. You can't have a debate when people like occupied and Clayton carpet bomb all threads with partisan platitudes that have no more tread on them. Most of us here are not here to travel an intellectual desert where there are no fresh ideas, new subjects, or even new ways of looking at problems. Please if you can't stand alone without your soapbox start your own thread for your acolytes and let the rest of us misguided and clueless hash out the real problems of the world.
We're told that conservatives are all Nazis, and Nazis were the worst government is history.

dear, how could we be told that when Nazis were for radical big liberal govt and conservatives are for tiny tiny government, in fact for freedom from govt.

Do you understand?
You think David Duke is for big liberal government? He's an admitted Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, and republican.

perhaps Mr Duke is not smart enough to know that Nazis support a perfectly concentrated central govt while Republicans sign the pledge to always shrink govt. Isn't thinking fun?

Do you understand??

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