Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk USA’

flyover country rubes

This is a prime example of Left Wing Loony Toon elitism. Denigrating middle America where the heart, soul, and strength of our country lives.

It is the modern equivalent to racism and the attitudes, beliefs, and mentality that brought us slavery. "They are less than I am therefore they must be controlled and led."

Rabid Leftists are nearly as bad as Islamist's in that they believe that they know the truth and way to true happiness, salvation, and freedom, and are willing to kill you to prove it.

They can't literally kills us, but in their belief that they are superior, and faux righteousness, they are ignorantly killing the country.


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Democrats hate:

  1. the middle class
  2. taxpayer
  3. rural America, and
  4. white people.
5. Christians
6. Anyone with any basic standards of decency and morality
7. Those who succeed through honest work
8. Marriage
9. Family

Their base is:

  1. Illegals and
  2. the "non-living" who do not surrender their right to vote just because they're dead
3. Criminals
4. Perverts
5. Parasites
6. Terrorists

She represents a district in Palo Alto, California and feels her district is far more important than those in Kansas, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Typical Leftist mentality that we must vote out of Congress.

Read more: Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk USA’
she should have called them what they are :flyover country rubes

lol, I think Al Bundy nailed it when used the phrase Land of the Inbred.

btw, can RW'ers get any more thinskinned without having their guts fall out? lol
It is much easier to keep reminding Americans of how much democrats hate them when Democrats expose themselves like this. These kinds of statements are necessary when voting time comes. Podunk, Flyover country rubes, Americans need to have their noses rubbed in democrat shit until they vomit them out all over the voting booth floor.
The GOP is merciless fleecing the rubes, suckers, hicks, yokels, and losers fools who buy what they are selling
I hope Trump ends up making you work for your welfare.

What useful work do you imagine guano to be capable of doing?
Maybe move him to Mississippi, and make him wash all of those rednecks 4x4's after they go 4 wheeling. You know, so he could feel the love, or he could pick up trash. I hope he could handle that.
The GOP is merciless fleecing the rubes, suckers, hicks, yokels, and losers fools who buy what they are selling
I hope Trump ends up making you work for your welfare.

What useful work do you imagine guano to be capable of doing?
Maybe move him to Mississippi, and make him wash all of those rednecks 4x4's after they go 4 wheeling. You know, so he could feel the love, or he could pick up trash. I hope he could handle that.

Just have him pick up the white trash, that would be a Herculean task.
Keep up the insults, regressives. When the courts are stacked with right wing judges, the blame will fall on you. Your behaviors, your faux elitism, and elections, all have consequences. Way to go.
Holier than thou is not a good look.
Precisely. Why can't you folks see what you're doing, what you've done?

You're really not "better" than those who live in "Podunk". You really aren't.

She represents a district in Palo Alto, California and feels her district is far more important than those in Kansas, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Typical Leftist mentality that we must vote out of Congress.

Read more: Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk USA’
Another asinine pronouncement from another idiot political hack from the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia... the Land of Fruits and Nuts.

Contempt for White Straight Christian Middle-America.

This is EXACTLY why these a$$holes lost 1000+ State-level elected offices in recent years and EXACTLY (in part) why they lost the Big One on November 8, 2016.

The tragic thing is, these idiots are so far gone down the path to Cultural Suicide and hyper-partisanship and Leftist ideology, that they are now grotesquely delusional.

They cannot admit to themselves, that their hyper-Leftist, hyper-Progressive, intolerant, derisive, divisive agenda, and their arrogance and elitism, caused their humiliation.

Their myopia and tunnel-vision continue to impede their chances for a return to political power, anytime soon.

Damned shame, too... America needs an attractive, pragmatic, effective mainstream-centric Opposition Party today, like never before.

These idiots are not that entity.
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I hope she keeps it up. This is why Trump is president and why democrats keep losing elections.
ever heard of the demographic shift

Yes, you brought it up several times last year when you said repeatedly there was no way a Republican could ever win the presidency again..... Oops.........
It's no secret that Democrats despise normal, hard working Americans. They've become the party of elitists, the noveau riche and mentally ill social justice warriors.
Keep up the insults, regressives. When the courts are stacked with right wing judges, the blame will fall on you.

Your behaviors, your faux elitism, and elections, all have consequences. Way to go.

Holier than thou is not a good look.
Holier than thou is not a good look.

Doesn't look good on anyone...

even those that use terms like 'flyover country'

lol, I just read the article. The guy who attacks this woman for saying Podunk uses the term 'flyover country' himself.
she should have called them what they are :flyover country rubes

lol, I think Al Bundy nailed it when used the phrase Land of the Inbred.

But don't forget that those of us that you like to refer to as “flyover country rubes” living in the “Land of the Inbred”—in other words, honest, decent, hard-working, law-abiding mainstream Americans—will always far outnumber the criminals, perverts, illegal aliens, violent Islamist savages, welfare parasites, drug abusers, and other subhuman filth with which your side has chosen to align. Pander to them all you want. Court their votes and their political support. It will never make up for the votes and support that you are losing by alienating the rest of us.
The GOP is merciless fleecing the rubes, suckers, hicks, yokels, and losers fools who buy what they are selling
I hope Trump ends up making you work for your welfare.

What useful work do you imagine guano to be capable of doing?
Maybe move him to Mississippi, and make him wash all of those rednecks 4x4's after they go 4 wheeling. You know, so he could feel the love, or he could pick up trash. I hope he could handle that.

Just have him pick up the white trash, that would be a Herculean task.
Easier than picking up the slums in Chicago, safer also. You know that liberal shit hole.

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