Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk USA’

Keep up the insults, regressives. When the courts are stacked with right wing judges, the blame will fall on you.

Your behaviors, your faux elitism, and elections, all have consequences. Way to go.

Holier than thou is not a good look.
Holier than thou is not a good look.

Doesn't look good on anyone...

even those that use terms like 'flyover country'

lol, I just read the article. The guy who attacks this woman for saying Podunk uses the term 'flyover country' himself.

Didn't read the article.

but the term 'flyover country' has been on message boards since at least the Bush election
she should have called them what they are :flyover country rubes

lol, I think Al Bundy nailed it when used the phrase Land of the Inbred.

But don't forget that those of us that you like to refer to as “flyover country rubes” living in the “Land of the Inbred”—in other words, honest, decent, hard-working, law-abiding mainstream Americans—will always far outnumber the criminals, perverts, illegal aliens, violent Islamist savages, welfare parasites, drug abusers, and other subhuman filth with which your side has chosen to align. Pander to them all you want. Court their votes and their political support. It will never make up for the votes and support that you are losing by alienating the rest of us.

I live in the redneckiest part of NYS. I have license.
Yes. Coastal/Urban Progs are not having many (if any children), while Middle America conservatives and moderates are having children.

They're losing their grasp on how to produce offspring, of how the whole procreation thing works. They're losing their grasp of basic biology, hence their embrace of homosexuality, transgenderism, and other defective mutations of sexuality.
Yes. Coastal/Urban Progs are not having many (if any children), while Middle America conservatives and moderates are having children.

They're losing their grasp on how to produce offspring, of how the whole procreation thing works. They're losing their grasp of basic biology, hence their embrace of homosexuality, transgenderism, and other defective mutations of sexuality.

Indeed. When gender is just a social construct and not a biological fact, the basics of procreation are lost.
Yes. Coastal/Urban Progs are not having many (if any children), while Middle America conservatives and moderates are having children.

They're losing their grasp on how to produce offspring, of how the whole procreation thing works. They're losing their grasp of basic biology, hence their embrace of homosexuality, transgenderism, and other defective mutations of sexuality.

When they do manage to get it done many times they abort the poor thing
Yes. Coastal/Urban Progs are not having many (if any children), while Middle America conservatives and moderates are having children.

They're losing their grasp on how to produce offspring, of how the whole procreation thing works. They're losing their grasp of basic biology, hence their embrace of homosexuality, transgenderism, and other defective mutations of sexuality.

When they do manage to get it done many times they abort the poor thing
Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Yes. Coastal/Urban Progs are not having many (if any children), while Middle America conservatives and moderates are having children.

They're losing their grasp on how to produce offspring, of how the whole procreation thing works. They're losing their grasp of basic biology, hence their embrace of homosexuality, transgenderism, and other defective mutations of sexuality.

Indeed. When gender is just a social construct and not a biological fact, the basics of procreation are lost.

Put that together with their love of slaughtering their own unborn, and you've got a solid basis for natural selection to do its thing.
Yes. Coastal/Urban Progs are not having many (if any children), while Middle America conservatives and moderates are having children.

They're losing their grasp on how to produce offspring, of how the whole procreation thing works. They're losing their grasp of basic biology, hence their embrace of homosexuality, transgenderism, and other defective mutations of sexuality.

When they do manage to get it done many times they abort the poor thing
Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

There are few things more evil than abortion
Podunk USA ... the guy really knows the red states doesnt he.
The GOP is merciless fleecing the rubes, suckers, hicks, yokels, and losers fools who buy what they are selling
I hope Trump ends up making you work for your welfare.

What useful work do you imagine guano to be capable of doing?
Maybe move him to Mississippi, and make him wash all of those rednecks 4x4's after they go 4 wheeling. You know, so he could feel the love, or he could pick up trash. I hope he could handle that.
The south isn't even middle America , its even too ignorant and backward for that, it has nothing in common with the rest of the country however backward flyover country may be still a step up from the souf"
The area in question consumes large quantities of entertainment that portrays country people as simple and backward. If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music. The stereotype they package and sell to rural America is insulting, but the rednecks buy it and live it with pride.
ever heard of the demographic shift
you got a long way to go guano

Race and 2010, population Percent of population
White 196,817,552 63.7
Black or African American 37,685,848 12.2
Hispanic or Latino 50,477,594 16.3
The GOP is merciless fleecing the rubes, suckers, hicks, yokels, and losers fools who buy what they are selling
I hope Trump ends up making you work for your welfare.

What useful work do you imagine guano to be capable of doing?
Maybe move him to Mississippi, and make him wash all of those rednecks 4x4's after they go 4 wheeling. You know, so he could feel the love, or he could pick up trash. I hope he could handle that.
The south isn't even middle America , its even too ignorant and backward for that, it has nothing in common with the rest of the country however backward flyover country may be still a step up from the souf"
Right here in greenville we are doing just great. One of the best city's people want to move to. But keep your racist ass out of here. We don't need the likes of you here.
Democrats keep giving gifts like this. All REpublicans need to do is run ads like this in Iowa. Middle America Independent white voters finally realized that they are nothing more than votes to DEmocrats, not people.

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