Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk USA’

At least the regressives here aren't denying that's what they think of other Americans.

This is who these people are. They think they're better than you, and they're desperate for you to know that.

Tells you something about them, doesn't it?

Meanwhile, the fate of the Supreme Court (not to mention others) hangs in the balance because of them.
The area in question consumes large quantities of entertainment that portrays country people as simple and backward. If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music. The stereotype they package and sell to rural America is insulting, but the rednecks buy it and live it with pride.
If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music.

and what does Rap music tell us about big cities?

Killing cops is good?

It's ok to use the N-word?

Women are sluts?
The area in question consumes large quantities of entertainment that portrays country people as simple and backward. If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music. The stereotype they package and sell to rural America is insulting, but the rednecks buy it and live it with pride.
If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music.

and what does Rap music tell us about big cities?

Killing cops is good?

It's ok to use the N-word?

Women are sluts?
Don't forget the also think women as their bitches.
The area in question consumes large quantities of entertainment that portrays country people as simple and backward. If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music. The stereotype they package and sell to rural America is insulting, but the rednecks buy it and live it with pride.
If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music.

and what does Rap music tell us about big cities?

Killing cops is good?

It's ok to use the N-word?

Women are sluts?

You would certainly criticize an urban youth for living the stereotype presented in popular urban music. I find the stereotypical redneck lifestyle just as stupid, I blame Jeff Foxworthy, seriously.
The area in question consumes large quantities of entertainment that portrays country people as simple and backward. If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music. The stereotype they package and sell to rural America is insulting, but the rednecks buy it and live it with pride.
If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music.

and what does Rap music tell us about big cities?

Killing cops is good?

It's ok to use the N-word?

Women are sluts?

You would certainly criticize an urban youth for living the stereotype presented in popular urban music. I find the stereotypical redneck lifestyle just as stupid, I blame Jeff Foxworthy, seriously.

Driving a pickup, having a dog, loving family?

Yup, Democrats hate that stuff.

Must be the twangy voices you hate.
The area in question consumes large quantities of entertainment that portrays country people as simple and backward. If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music. The stereotype they package and sell to rural America is insulting, but the rednecks buy it and live it with pride.
If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music.

and what does Rap music tell us about big cities?

Killing cops is good?

It's ok to use the N-word?

Women are sluts?

You would certainly criticize an urban youth for living the stereotype presented in popular urban music. I find the stereotypical redneck lifestyle just as stupid, I blame Jeff Foxworthy, seriously.

Driving a pickup, having a dog, loving family?

Yup, Democrats hate that stuff.

Must be the twangy voices you hate.
I love real country music, made by actual country people. Those people out there in LA have a formula they use to get you to buy their shit. Their country music is a manufactured product in the same way as hip-hop, and made by the same people.
White Southerners should be referred to as




White Trash
Trailer Trash


One picture describes liberals perfectly.
Even in the age of information the democrat party still doesn't understand that a farmer in Nebraska with a laptop can access the same information as some metrosexual in NYC. Hillary didn't even bother to campaign in the mid-west and democrats assumed Florida was a shoe in because there were so many Hispanics but the Hispanics voted for Trump. Democrats always underestimate the intelligence and ability of mainstream Americans. That's why they lost almost every important election in the last eight years and the democrat party has become incoherent, hate filled and leaderless.
The area in question consumes large quantities of entertainment that portrays country people as simple and backward. If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music. The stereotype they package and sell to rural America is insulting, but the rednecks buy it and live it with pride.

This is elitism and bigotry at its finest.

You live in your little ivory tower cocoon and have no clue as to how life is for middle America. Country music reflects what that is. Name me one song that portrays country people as simple and backwards. I assume when you say simple you mean dumb, ignorant, mentally deficient. Generally speaking, nothing could be further from the truth. By "simple", we try to live uncomplicated lives. We try not to play "games". We want to know our neighbor, and be part of the community. We know where milk comes from, unlike many inner city dwellers. Overall, we are were we want to be, living the life we want to live.

Country folk have TV's, computers, go to Ivy League Colleges, etc. We are not retarded or backwards, and your implication we are shows nothing but your ignorance and bigotry. You buy into the fiction of Hollywood about us. You don't lie country music because you can't, and don't understand it. You have never had any of the life experiences that it portrays, just as I don't like Rap because I can't relate to it.

For the "most tolerant" people you claim to be, your are provably highly intolerant.
The area in question consumes large quantities of entertainment that portrays country people as simple and backward. If the rednecks did not like people in the big city thinking they are stupid then explain the LA produced crap they call country music. The stereotype they package and sell to rural America is insulting, but the rednecks buy it and live it with pride.

This is elitism and bigotry at its finest.

You live in your little ivory tower cocoon and have no clue as to how life is for middle America. Country music reflects what that is. Name me one song that portrays country people as simple and backwards. I assume when you say simple you mean dumb, ignorant, mentally deficient. Generally speaking, nothing could be further from the truth. By "simple", we try to live uncomplicated lives. We try not to play "games". We want to know our neighbor, and be part of the community. We know where milk comes from, unlike many inner city dwellers. Overall, we are were we want to be, living the life we want to live.

Country folk have TV's, computers, go to Ivy League Colleges, etc. We are not retarded or backwards, and your implication we are shows nothing but your ignorance and bigotry. You buy into the fiction of Hollywood about us. You don't lie country music because you can't, and don't understand it. You have never had any of the life experiences that it portrays, just as I don't like Rap because I can't relate to it.

For the "most tolerant" people you claim to be, your are provably highly intolerant.
Nice try, I have lived in the rural south all my life, the only difference between me and the people I live among is education and the fact I got out for a while and experienced a wider world. These people are my friends and family and I love them all, I just wish they would not be so narrow minded and easily frightened,

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