Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk USA’

I hope she keeps it up. This is why Trump is president and why democrats keep losing elections.
ever heard of the demographic shift
Democrats brought it on themselves. The kicked White people out of their party.
There is no place for white racists in the democratic party, you can have them, every last one.
So if your not a White Democrat...your a racist? That makes you...a racist.
You and the republicans can keep every last racist fuck that makes white people look bad. I'm white and I utterly despise all you rage filled assholes.
So how long have you hated being White?
I hope she keeps it up. This is why Trump is president and why democrats keep losing elections.
ever heard of the demographic shift
Democrats brought it on themselves. The kicked White people out of their party.
There is no place for white racists in the democratic party, you can have them, every last one.
So if your not a White Democrat...your a racist? That makes you...a racist.
You and the republicans can keep every last racist fuck that makes white people look bad. I'm white and I utterly despise all you rage filled assholes.
You make America look bad. Makes it seem like we do not take care of our mentally ill in society.
ever heard of the demographic shift
Democrats brought it on themselves. The kicked White people out of their party.
There is no place for white racists in the democratic party, you can have them, every last one.
So if your not a White Democrat...your a racist? That makes you...a racist.
You and the republicans can keep every last racist fuck that makes white people look bad. I'm white and I utterly despise all you rage filled assholes.
I feel much rage in your post.
Any rage I have comes from the heinous shit that gets done to people day after day. Your rage comes from the fact that it is getting harder for your tribe to do heinous shit to your designated scapegoats day after day.
Democrats brought it on themselves. The kicked White people out of their party.
There is no place for white racists in the democratic party, you can have them, every last one.
So if your not a White Democrat...your a racist? That makes you...a racist.
You and the republicans can keep every last racist fuck that makes white people look bad. I'm white and I utterly despise all you rage filled assholes.
I feel much rage in your post.
Any rage I have comes from the heinous shit that gets done to people day after day. Your rage comes from the fact that it is getting harder for your tribe to do heinous shit to your designated scapegoats day after day.
Shit that gets done to people day after day? What is this "heinous shit?"
Many in red states refer to Hollywood as 'the elites'. Isn't that the same as calling yourself a resident of 'Podunk'?

"Those damn elites in Hollywood keep looking down on us, as if they are better than we are". Try not referring to them as 'elites' then.
Democrats being frightened is not going to lead to invading countries who did nothing to us

"The Truman Doctrine was the official beginning of an aggressive ‘peacetime’ intervention during which America became the world’s policeman. ‘Friendly’ nations were often bought off by supporting cooperative but repressive leaders. Unfriendly ones often experienced economic sanctions and the arming of their domestic opponents."

How America Became the World’s Policeman | The Daily Bell

domestic spying networks

Who just used that domestic spying in an attempt to destroy a duly elected President/administration?

Obama Political Spying Scandal: Trump Associates Were Not the First Targets

drug wars

I'm sure you've seen the news about the opioid epidemic, and surely you are aware of the damage in America caused by illegal drugs (I'm not talking about pot, a relatively mild mood enhancer). I do disagree with the practice of jailing users unless they committed a crime in furtherance of their acquisition, and/or during use.

What's wrong with trying to defend against a threat that is impacting a large swath of Americas?

misguided attempts at national security

What's your definition of a "misguided attempt"? Are you implying that national security is overrated, or something? Are you minimizing the dangers of terrorism; cyber, economic, infrastructure war; or how about an all out armed conflict with China, Russia, etc?

Out of all your comments, this one needs a bit of explaining, if you would be so kind.
Many in red states refer to Hollywood as 'the elites'. Isn't that the same as calling yourself a resident of 'Podunk'?

"Those damn elites in Hollywood keep looking down on us, as if they are better than we are". Try not referring to them as 'elites' then.
The producers of entertaining content are the elite. The masses worship them and their media distractions and would not have it otherwise. Curious how they hang on every tweet by their favorite stars and only get mad at them when they get real.
Democrats being frightened is not going to lead to invading countries who did nothing to us

"The Truman Doctrine was the official beginning of an aggressive ‘peacetime’ intervention during which America became the world’s policeman. ‘Friendly’ nations were often bought off by supporting cooperative but repressive leaders. Unfriendly ones often experienced economic sanctions and the arming of their domestic opponents."

How America Became the World’s Policeman | The Daily Bell

domestic spying networks

Who just used that domestic spying in an attempt to destroy a duly elected President/administration?

Obama Political Spying Scandal: Trump Associates Were Not the First Targets

drug wars

I'm sure you've seen the news about the opioid epidemic, and surely you are aware of the damage in America caused by illegal drugs (I'm not talking about pot, a relatively mild mood enhancer). I do disagree with the practice of jailing users unless they committed a crime in furtherance of their acquisition, and/or during use.

What's wrong with trying to defend against a threat that is impacting a large swath of Americas?

misguided attempts at national security

What's your definition of a "misguided attempt"? Are you implying that national security is overrated, or something? Are you minimizing the dangers of terrorism; cyber, economic, infrastructure war; or how about an all out armed conflict with China, Russia, etc?

Out of all your comments, this one needs a bit of explaining, if you would be so kind.
My definition of a misguided attempt at national security includes every war we have been in since WWII, our entire capacity to spy on our citizens and at least half the defense spending for the last fifty years. All of it done to defend against what might happen rather than the current state of hostility against our nation. Add to that the distaste security hawks have for diplomacy and you have the US as a leading source of strife rather than security.
I hope she keeps it up. This is why Trump is president and why democrats keep losing elections.
ever heard of the demographic shift
Democrats brought it on themselves. The kicked White people out of their party.
There is no place for white racists in the democratic party, you can have them, every last one.
So if your not a White Democrat...your a racist? That makes you...a racist.
You and the republicans can keep every last racist fuck that makes white people look bad. I'm white and I utterly despise all you rage filled assholes.
Of all the people in this thread, you are the one who is raging. Just read your own posts and compare them to the others. Anger and denial is a bad state of being.
ever heard of the demographic shift
Democrats brought it on themselves. The kicked White people out of their party.
There is no place for white racists in the democratic party, you can have them, every last one.
So if your not a White Democrat...your a racist? That makes you...a racist.
You and the republicans can keep every last racist fuck that makes white people look bad. I'm white and I utterly despise all you rage filled assholes.
Of all the people in this thread, you are the one who is raging. Just read your own posts and compare them to the others. Anger and denial is a bad state of being.
Senseless rage does not advance a political agenda.
Democrats being frightened is not going to lead to invading countries who did nothing to us

"The Truman Doctrine was the official beginning of an aggressive ‘peacetime’ intervention during which America became the world’s policeman. ‘Friendly’ nations were often bought off by supporting cooperative but repressive leaders. Unfriendly ones often experienced economic sanctions and the arming of their domestic opponents."

How America Became the World’s Policeman | The Daily Bell

domestic spying networks

Who just used that domestic spying in an attempt to destroy a duly elected President/administration?

Obama Political Spying Scandal: Trump Associates Were Not the First Targets

drug wars

I'm sure you've seen the news about the opioid epidemic, and surely you are aware of the damage in America caused by illegal drugs (I'm not talking about pot, a relatively mild mood enhancer). I do disagree with the practice of jailing users unless they committed a crime in furtherance of their acquisition, and/or during use.

What's wrong with trying to defend against a threat that is impacting a large swath of Americas?

misguided attempts at national security

What's your definition of a "misguided attempt"? Are you implying that national security is overrated, or something? Are you minimizing the dangers of terrorism; cyber, economic, infrastructure war; or how about an all out armed conflict with China, Russia, etc?

Out of all your comments, this one needs a bit of explaining, if you would be so kind.
My definition of a misguided attempt at national security includes every war we have been in since WWII, our entire capacity to spy on our citizens and at least half the defense spending for the last fifty years. All of it done to defend against what might happen rather than the current state of hostility against our nation. Add to that the distaste security hawks have for diplomacy and you have the US as a leading source of strife rather than security.

What would you recommend we do? Be proactive or reactive? As for me, I would rather "battle" them on their turf than ours.

Remember, "War is diplomacy by other means". You just can't talk to some people. All the diplomacy in the world isn't going to change ISIS' ways, not when they want our complete and total destruction by any means possible.

I think you're a bit naive and not as well traveled as you think you are.

I have been to war, and it's brutal and nasty, but sometimes it's a necessity.
Democrats brought it on themselves. The kicked White people out of their party.
There is no place for white racists in the democratic party, you can have them, every last one.
So if your not a White Democrat...your a racist? That makes you...a racist.
You and the republicans can keep every last racist fuck that makes white people look bad. I'm white and I utterly despise all you rage filled assholes.
I feel much rage in your post.
Any rage I have comes from the heinous shit that gets done to people day after day. Your rage comes from the fact that it is getting harder for your tribe to do heinous shit to your designated scapegoats day after day.
Occupied must have supported Howard Dean in 2004.

She represents a district in Palo Alto, California and feels her district is far more important than those in Kansas, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Typical Leftist mentality that we must vote out of Congress.

Read more: Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk USA’

All I see her doing is her job...

She wished out loud that Pai would stop talking about “Podunk, USA” and instead be more concerned about the venture capitalists on Sand Hill Road in her district near Palo Alto, according to the sources.

Calling middle America Podunk is just another way of saying "we hate you and want you all dead."

Middle America understands this. It's why democrats can't win elections. It's why they are crashing and burning. Aside from the message of "we hate Podunk " democrats have nothing to say. Their rage of lies against Trump is running out of gas. There is nothing left of Democrats now but a few bitter ashes.

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