Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk USA’

Sic Semper Trump Rubes

This was sold to the Rubes

Trump touts Carrier jobs deal in fiery victory rally
December 2, 2016, 10:43 AM| President-elect Donald Trump celebrated the deal to keep jobs at a U.S. Carrier factory during a rally Wednesday night in Cincinnati. At the rally, Trump also announced his choice of retired General James Mattis for defense secretary. CBS News' Major Garrett explains why both moves are drawing some criticism.

This is what they got...any questions ??

INDIANAPOLIS -- A promise made before Christmas is fizzling before the Fourth of July.
In December, then-President-elect Trump told hundreds of workers at the Carrier manufacturing plant that he had worked out a deal to save their jobs.
But it's not working out that way. A steady downpour today did little to wash away the fact that the jobs of 600 union employees are going south.
Sic Semper Trump Rubes

This was sold to the Rubes
Trump touts Carrier jobs deal in fiery victory rally
December 2, 2016, 10:43 AM| President-elect Donald Trump celebrated the deal to keep jobs at a U.S. Carrier factory during a rally Wednesday night in Cincinnati. At the rally, Trump also announced his choice of retired General James Mattis for defense secretary. CBS News' Major Garrett explains why both moves are drawing some criticism.

This is what they got...any questions ??
INDIANAPOLIS -- A promise made before Christmas is fizzling before the Fourth of July.
In December, then-President-elect Trump told hundreds of workers at the Carrier manufacturing plant that he had worked out a deal to save their jobs.
But it's not working out that way. A steady downpour today did little to wash away the fact that the jobs of 600 union employees are going south.

There were a couple of thousand jobs in-play at that time, as I recall.

Were these the 600-or-so jobs that were NOT saved as part of that exchange; publicly known to be lost, even last December?



Important "Fashion Tip"...

Calling rural or Midwestern folk "rubes" is not your path to a return to political power...

Those same "rubes" kicked you-and-yours out of power, at both the State and Federal levels...

Continuing to call them "Deplorables" and "Rubes" is not brightest-crayon-in-the-box thinking, under the circumstances...

Your problem is, somebody has to explain that to you... it does not come naturally...

That doesn't bode well, for your political prospects, in the next few years...
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The Podunk Rubes were told that Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security would not be touched ...LOL the Rubes are going to find out what Trump is all about the same way that the Trump Rube University fools found out the pain they will experience at the hands of an Orange Thief...
You found a caution about calling Midwesterners "rubes" and "deplorables" to be "funny", and then you double-down on that foolishness?

And Dems just can't understand why they lost 1000+ State-level elected offices, and the United States Senate, and the House, and the White House, and the Supreme Court...

"Your Honor, the Prosecution rests".
"Your Honor, the Prosecution rests".
The Podunk are going to find out what happens when you trust Trump and the GOP ...............

This is the kind of myopic and denigrating rhetoric that you need to keep out of your policy and platform-plank meetings..

Apparently, Republicans are not the ONLY ones capable of doubling-down on "stupid", in the face of Inconvenient Truths...

Ya'll need to stop emoting, and wake-the-phukk up, and cultivate some pragmatism, and fix what's wrong with your platform and party...

You can start by purging yourself of the large number of fools who continue to insult and demean those that you'll need in order to regain power anytime soon.
Sic Semper Trump Rubes
Trump likely to break many of his health-care promises — no matter what happens
Donald Trump set himself apart from other Republican presidential candidates when it came to health care. Before taking office, he vowed “insurance for everybody” that would be “much less expensive and much better” and explicitly promised not to touch Medicaid, which millions of his working-class supporters rely upon to cover doctor’s visits and medication.

The Regressives keep telling us how much smarter they are than everyone else, yet somehow they're not smart enough to see how their own behaviors have put them in this position.

Amazing to watch.

Again, works on the assumption the podunks can be reasoned with.

Here's the real problem... given a chance to vote between their own economic interests and their racism/misogyny/homophobia, the podunks will vote for the latter, every time.

I know a guy who is a city garbageman in Chicago. He make good money because he belongs to a union and has good union benefits. Yet he voted for Rauner who wants to take his pension and union rights. He voted for Trump.

Now, honestly, I've tried reasoning with this guy. It just doesn't work. I point out to him that I already live in a place where REpublicans have "won", and his job is done by a non-union private contractor making $18.00 an hour with no overtime.

Like I said, I don't blame the podunks. The Podunks voted against their own economic interests in 2012 and 2008, too.

I blame the people who knew Trump was a disaster and threw away their votes on Stein, Johnson and McCollough because the Media told them Hillary was just as bad because Emails and she had it in the bag, anyway...

Trump got less votes than Romney did as a percentage. He even got a lower percentage of the White vote.
Keep up the insults, regressives. When the courts are stacked with right wing judges, the blame will fall on you.

Your behaviors, your faux elitism, and elections, all have consequences. Way to go.

Uh, no, guy. Here's how this is going to play out.

By 2018, we will have another recession, and when the midterms roll around, even the Podunks will realize how badly they fucked up electing Trump.

You see, the sad thing is, Democrats only win after republicans get their way and fuck up the economy and let the one percent screw the rest of us.
Maybe she's just trying to keep up with the RWnut insults thrown at California.

I'm in Cali, it deserves every diss it gets.

What a bummer. California was an awesome place. Where I was, it was one of the best places to be a kid. Calinis lost man. Come to Rexas with all the other normal folks. No mountains really, but it's a bit more sane. Long as you don't go to Austin.
Another asinine pronouncement from another idiot political hack from the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia... the Land of Fruits and Nuts.

Contempt for White Straight Christian Middle-America.

This is EXACTLY why these a$$holes lost 1000+ State-level elected offices in recent years and EXACTLY (in part) why they lost the Big One on November 8, 2016.

Buddy, the fact is, those lower level offices are always lost during midterms. In 2006 and 2008, Republicans lost those seats, and took them back. IN 2018 and 2012, they'll lose them again. It's ebb and flow.

Long term, demographics aren't your friend. White Straight CHristian America is dying off and frankly, good riddance.
Sic Semper Trump Rubes
Medicaid, targeted for deep cuts by the Republican health care bill, currently pays for most of the 1.4 million people in nursing homes

Medicaid Cuts May Force Retirees Out of Nursing Homes -
...Long term, demographics aren't your friend. White Straight CHristian America is dying off and frankly, good riddance.
"Your Honor... the Prosecution rests."


This is why you lost on November 8, 2016.

This is why you are going to lose in 2018.

This is why you are probably going to lose in 2020 ( the only chance you have there is if Drumpf screws the pooch sssooo. badly...)...

This is why you lost the US Senate and the House and the White House and the Supreme Court (that last, for a generation or more).

This is why you are not going to return to power anytime soon.

Honest-to-God, you retards just don't get it... you can't insult the vast, dominating Majority, and win and hold onto political power...

The only reason why Minorities EVER win is because the Majority splits its vote.

If White America ever began voting as a monolith, you would never, ever attain another political office outside your own areas of concentrated population, ever again...

If White America ever began voting as a monolith, the way Black America does, but differently... you would $hit your pants with fear and rage and impotency...

Of course, ya'll would whine and yammer and howl at the moon about how racist it is when White Folk do it, but how it's NOT racist when Black Folk do it.

Guess what... that's slowly but surely beginning to unfold... more's the pity, considering how neither party has all the answers.

But... you retards have been pushing White Folk in that direction for quite some time now, and, now, it looks like you're beginning to get what you've been pushing on.

BTW... given that you chose to fire a shot across the bow... looks like urban Black America is doing a great job of killing itself off.


Great fun, that...

Now, are we done hurling thinly-disguised racial epithets around yet?
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