Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk USA’


She represents a district in Palo Alto, California and feels her district is far more important than those in Kansas, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Typical Leftist mentality that we must vote out of Congress.

Read more: Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk USA’

They've insulted us in America's heartland for decades. We used to just be 'flyover country.'

Look at the election map and it's not hard to see why the left hates us.
You people claim to hate political correctness, Revel in this new age where we can all call people bad names all we want, God bless America.
And look where it has gotten you: Donald Trump Is In The Perfect Position To Dramatically Remake The Courts | HuffPost
What does that have to do with your hypocrisy over political correctness?
Ah, the standard regressive deflect/pivot/attack strategy. Sure, I'll play along:
  1. Did I try to shut you down?
  2. Did I try to see that you are punished for your words?
  3. Did I try to intimidate you from posting in the future?
Nope. Sure didn't. That's for people like you.

Now that we took care of that tactic, here's a suggestion: Every time Trump fills a LIFETIME FEDERAL COURT seat, you be sure to pat yourself on the back and remind yourself how much SMARTER and BETTER you are than those stupid flyover rubes.

You've been had.
Their own emails exposed them as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...

They called successful Conservative Blacks 'mediocre negroes'...

Gruber exposed the fact that Democrats consider voters, primarily their own, to be 'stupid'...

Pelosi's comment that Americans did not have the right to read legislation before it was rammed into law exposed Democrat politician belief that Americans are subserviant to their RULE

...this latest insult further exposes Democratic Party belief that Americans are ignorant sheep to be ruled.

She represents a district in Palo Alto, California and feels her district is far more important than those in Kansas, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Typical Leftist mentality that we must vote out of Congress.

Read more: Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk USA’
This arrogance has cost them 2/3rds of state legislatures and governorships, the federal legislative branch, SCOUTS and POTUS.
The GOP is merciless fleecing the rubes, suckers, hicks, yokels, and losers fools who buy what they are selling
I hope Trump ends up making you work for your welfare.

What useful work do you imagine guano to be capable of doing?
Maybe move him to Mississippi, and make him wash all of those rednecks 4x4's after they go 4 wheeling. You know, so he could feel the love, or he could pick up trash. I hope he could handle that.
The south isn't even middle America , its even too ignorant and backward for that, it has nothing in common with the rest of the country however backward flyover country may be still a step up from the souf"
Thanks for displaying your ignorance
I hope she keeps it up. This is why Trump is president and why democrats keep losing elections.
ever heard of the demographic shift

The only demographic shift that matters is the one that shows that immature democrat punks eventually become thinking and sober Republicans.

And wetbacks eventually realize which side their toast is buttered and by who.

Blacks? Never mind, hopeless case. But only 12% so fuck them.
I hope she keeps it up. This is why Trump is president and why democrats keep losing elections.
ever heard of the demographic shift
Democrats brought it on themselves. The kicked White people out of their party.
There is no place for white racists in the democratic party, you can have them, every last one.
So if your not a White Democrat...your a racist? That makes you...a racist.
Maybe she's just trying to keep up with the RWnut insults thrown at California.

Besides, it's true.

Just it's true that when times are hard, RWs hold tight to their guns and their religion.

Thing is, times are always hard for RWs. Just read this board. They supposedly "won" the general but they're here, every day, whining about how Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims are beating them in everything.


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OK, now we hate each other, who profits from this? sure we have big problems, American's the luckiest people in the world. where is our gratitude.
I hope she keeps it up. This is why Trump is president and why democrats keep losing elections.
ever heard of the demographic shift
Democrats brought it on themselves. The kicked White people out of their party.
Again, democrats showing their hate at White america. Exposed as the nazis they really are. Come trash us some more. And if you wish a fight let's fking go punks
OK, now we hate each other, who profits from this? sure we have big problems, American's the luckiest people in the world. where is our gratitude.
Dems hate life, who promotes baby death? No reason for them to stop there. Again bring it fking on
I hope she keeps it up. This is why Trump is president and why democrats keep losing elections.
ever heard of the demographic shift
Democrats brought it on themselves. The kicked White people out of their party.
There is no place for white racists in the democratic party, you can have them, every last one.
So if your not a White Democrat...your a racist? That makes you...a racist.
You and the republicans can keep every last racist fuck that makes white people look bad. I'm white and I utterly despise all you rage filled assholes.
I hope she keeps it up. This is why Trump is president and why democrats keep losing elections.
ever heard of the demographic shift
Democrats brought it on themselves. The kicked White people out of their party.
There is no place for white racists in the democratic party, you can have them, every last one.
So if your not a White Democrat...your a racist? That makes you...a racist.
You and the republicans can keep every last racist fuck that makes white people look bad. I'm white and I utterly despise all you rage filled assholes.
I feel much rage in your post.

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