Democrat "Responsibility"


Liability Reincarnate!
Feb 18, 2013
undisclosed bunker
First downgrade of nation's bonds in history: Democrat run gubmint.

The Sequester: Democrat run gubmint.

Government (partial) shutdown: Democrat run gubmint.

Possibility of the first debt default in U.S. history, pending
: Democrat run gubmint.

Democrat "Responsibility" is a myth, except that they ARE responsible for the majority of our calamitous woes.
Yea man, makes total sense to parse things this way and it's not childish at all.

: /
The facts you report are the things that happened under Dem majorities.

The opinion you reported was whos fault it was.
First downgrade of nation's bonds in history: Caused by the teabaggers refusing to cut their insane spending

The Sequester: Caused by the teabaggers refusing to end the horrific Bush tax cuts to their cronies.

Government (partial) shutdown: Caused by the teabaggers throwing a temper tantrum holding the nation hostage over their butthurt with the ACA

Possibility of the first debt default in U.S. history, pending
: Caused by the teabaggers and Boner refusing to bring up a vote that would pass

GOP "Responsibility" is a myth, except that they ARE responsible for the majority of our calamitous woes.

They should be arrested for being a terror cell.
It's a shared responsibility, but a thread like this is a glaring example of how partisanship clouds judgment and logic.

'Cuz filibusters and obstructionism are mythological creatures.
The facts you report are the things that happened under Dem majorities.

I know. Those are the facts I reported.

The opinion you reported was whos[e] fault it was.

No. That's also a fact. It's just one you happen not to like.

The government "shutdown" for example is ENTIRELY and without any honest question the fault of the Democrats, including Reid and Obama.
First downgrade of nation's bonds in history: Caused by the teabaggers refusing to cut their insane spending

^ Dishonest. It was caused by insane liberal Democrap policies and spending.

The Sequester: Caused by the teabaggers refusing to end the horrific Bush tax cuts to their cronies.

^ Total horse shit. It is caused by the liberal Democrats and their insane insistence on spending that for which they have not budgeted.

Government (partial) shutdown: Caused by the teabaggers throwing a temper tantrum holding the nation hostage over their butthurt with the ACA

^ An outright intentional lie. In REALITY it is caused ENTIRELY by the unwillingness of the liberal Democrats in the Senate and the intransigence of the idiot incumbent in the Oval Orifice who REFUSED to accept a perfectly clean CR that refused to pay ONLY for Obamacrap/care.

Possibility of the first debt default in U.S. history, pending
: Caused by the teabaggers and Boner refusing to bring up a vote that would pass

^ Utter bullshit: If it happens it will be because the moron infesting the Oval Orifice is too fucking stupid to realize the gravity of the situation and too jackass shithead stubborn to even negotiate to avoid a calamity. If assholes like him could be impeached for criminal stupidity, he should have already been impeached and removed from Office.

Crack_Fable engaged in a mirror-structure post without realizing that everything in such an image is inverted, backwards and

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Intellectual dishonesty, and blatant opinion.

Boring thread, nothing to see here. *yawn*
It's a shared responsibility, but a thread like this is a glaring example of how partisanship clouds judgment and logic.

'Cuz filibusters and obstructionism are mythological creatures.

^ Nonsense.

There is, in fact, MUCH blame to share.

But when it comes to the present shutdown, the FULL, ENTIRE, COMPLETE, TOTAL and UTTER blame lies at the feet of the Democrats and the Democrats alone.

To deny that is just dishonesty.

Nothing more.
Intellectual dishonesty, and blatant opinion.

Boring thread, nothing to see here. *yawn*

Yes. Your intellectual spewings have been dishonest. And opinion is of course PART of the thread. It always is, genius.

For a boring thread, you seem compelled to contribute.

I guess boring seeks its own level.

In reality of course, what you are actually objecting to is the truth. And that's not the same thing, GT. So, to assuage your butthurt, here's some sound advice: get over it.
It's a shared responsibility, but a thread like this is a glaring example of how partisanship clouds judgment and logic.

'Cuz filibusters and obstructionism are mythological creatures.

^ Nonsense.

There is, in fact, MUCH blame to share.

But when it comes to the present shutdown, the FULL, ENTIRE, COMPLETE, TOTAL and UTTER blame lies at the feet of the Democrats and the Democrats alone.

To deny that is just dishonesty.

Nothing more.

No, to deny that the Law passed and the Republicans failed to repeal it 40 times is dishonesty.

To deny that they're taking said failure to the funding of the Government, now, and causing the current stale-mate, is also dishonesty.

And to deny that the Senate passed a clean CR with spending levels first proposed by Boehner himself, who will not even allow a vote b/c of their insistence to cut away at Obamacare (this way), versus the (right) way that they FAILED 40 times at, is DISHONESTY.
First downgrade of nation's bonds in history: Democrat run gubmint.

The Sequester: Democrat run gubmint.

Government (partial) shutdown: Democrat run gubmint.

Possibility of the first debt default in U.S. history, pending
: Democrat run gubmint.

Democrat "Responsibility" is a myth, except that they ARE responsible for the majority of our calamitous woes.

Boehner: I got ?98 percent? of what I wanted in debt deal - The Hill

Boehner: I got 98 percent of what I wanted - CBS News

Apparently, the 2% owned by Obama was the "downgrade".

So why would Obama "cave" to Republicans?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

Obama can't stand to see Americans suffering. Republicans clearly don't have that problem. Which is why it's hilarious when they suddenly claim they are for children with cancer, disabled vets and the elderly. Even Republicans chuckle at those ludicrous claims.
Do you think Pres. Obama and Democrats in Congress are doing too much, too little or about the right amount to compromise with Republicans in Congress on a budget plan to end the shutdown?
Too much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8%
About the right amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29%
Too little . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50%
Not sure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13%

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