Democrat Sanctioned Racism

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Here's How it Works...

1) If an African American votes for a white candidate that's not Democrat, he's an uncle Tom.

2) If an African American votes for an African American that's a Democrat yet under-qualified in comparison to his white competitor...that's Black Pride.

3) If a white Republican voter votes for a qualified white candidate over an under-qualified African American, he's a racist.

4) If a white Democrat votes for an under-qualified African American over a well qualified white candidate he's a good Democrat.

Somebody sure has a need to rationalize his own shortcomings.

I agree that you do, but back to the OP, I believe that in general liberals feel the need to inject race into everything, whether it's Trayvon Martin or an election. Then when someone who disagrees with your point of views on race , you simply claim that person is a racist and claim moral superiority. Liberals have been doing this for a long time now and a lot of people are getting sick of it.

This will only change if and when black "leaders" clearly and consistently challenge their constituents to improve their own lives from within. This is a cultural issue. Black "leaders" and those who champion Identity Politics have allowed and facilitated the divisions between blacks and the rest of the country -- literal isolation -- and we're now seeing the predictable result.

But don't expect black "leaders" and those who champion Identity Politics to change their tactics. A healing of divisions and true assilimilation are not in their best personal interests.

Meanwhile, generations of black children are being brought up in a more and more isolated environment, a cultural vacuum. And that's the biggest tragedy. What a waste.

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This will only change if and when black "leaders" clearly and consistently challenge their constituents to improve their own lives from within. This is a cultural issue. Black "leaders" and those who champion Identity Politics have allowed and facilitated the divisions between blacks and the rest of the country -- literal isolation -- and we're now seeing the predictable result.

But don't expect black "leaders" and those who champion Identity Politics to change their tactics. A healing of divisions and true assilimilation are not in their best personal interests.

I agree. Poverty, crime, violence, unwanted pregnancies, child abandonment, lack of education, etc. are all symptomatic of a broken culture. That's the real problem, but if you say it you're a racist.

This will only change if and when black "leaders" clearly and consistently challenge their constituents to improve their own lives from within. This is a cultural issue. Black "leaders" and those who champion Identity Politics have allowed and facilitated the divisions between blacks and the rest of the country -- literal isolation -- and we're now seeing the predictable result.

But don't expect black "leaders" and those who champion Identity Politics to change their tactics. A healing of divisions and true assilimilation are not in their best personal interests.

Meanwhile, generations of black children are being brought up in a more and more isolated environment, a cultural vacuum. And that's the biggest tragedy. What a waste.


Ever met someone who is comfortable in their own misery?
The playing field is not even. The starting line is staggered. Until nutters accept that fact, you will always have this dopey feeling of confusion about reality.
Liberals love strife and divisiveness. Add in a little mob action including violent protests and've got yourself something else to blame on conservatives and a "reason" to create more legislation to protect society from itself.

Liberalism is a severe mental disorder.
The playing field is not even. The starting line is staggered. Until nutters accept that fact, you will always have this dopey feeling of confusion about reality.

You act like you're living in a fishbowl.

The focus of this is the fact that black leaders want us to live in a time period that began after the Civil War and ended in the 70s. Maybe some day you'll move on from your Jungle Fever phase and discover the truth about black people. Those of us who have lived with them and are related to them knows the truth. Blacks often times are just like those Red-necks you see in movies like "In The Heat Of The Night". They're angry souls who can't just let it go. Many of them are tired of it and just want to move on, but many love the misery they cause for themselves and for others they come in contact with.
The playing field is not even. The starting line is staggered. Until nutters accept that fact, you will always have this dopey feeling of confusion about reality.

Ummm being a minority in any society has it's disadvantages, but with a strong culture groups can overcome those negative aspects. Look at Asians, Jews, Indians. They're minorities in America, they don't seem to be having the same problems blacks are having.
The playing field is not even. The starting line is staggered. Until nutters accept that fact, you will always have this dopey feeling of confusion about reality.

Ummm being a minority in any society has it's disadvantages, but with a strong culture groups can overcome those negative aspects. Look at Asians, Jews, Indians. They're minorities in America, they don't seem to be having the same problems blacks are having.


Tight-knit familes. HIGH EXPECTATIONS. Excellent work ethic. But most importantly, no one telling them FROM BIRTH that life is hopeless, and that they need someone else to take care of them.

Blacks are indeed victims. Of the people who claim to be "helping" them.

The playing field is not even. The starting line is staggered. Until nutters accept that fact, you will always have this dopey feeling of confusion about reality.

Ummm being a minority in any society has it's disadvantages, but with a strong culture groups can overcome those negative aspects. Look at Asians, Jews, Indians. They're minorities in America, they don't seem to be having the same problems blacks are having.

OK genius. WHY IS THAT? Lay it out for me.
The playing field is not even. The starting line is staggered. Until nutters accept that fact, you will always have this dopey feeling of confusion about reality.

Ummm being a minority in any society has it's disadvantages, but with a strong culture groups can overcome those negative aspects. Look at Asians, Jews, Indians. They're minorities in America, they don't seem to be having the same problems blacks are having.


Tight-knit familes. HIGH EXPECTATIONS. Excellent work ethic. But most importantly, no one telling them FROM BIRTH that life is hopeless, and that they need someone else to take care of them.

Blacks are indeed victims. Of the people who claim to be "helping" them.


The playing field is not even. The starting line is staggered. Until nutters accept that fact, you will always have this dopey feeling of confusion about reality.

Ummm being a minority in any society has it's disadvantages, but with a strong culture groups can overcome those negative aspects. Look at Asians, Jews, Indians. They're minorities in America, they don't seem to be having the same problems blacks are having.

OK genius. WHY IS THAT? Lay it out for me.

I reffer you to post #13. Anything else?
Ummm being a minority in any society has it's disadvantages, but with a strong culture groups can overcome those negative aspects. Look at Asians, Jews, Indians. They're minorities in America, they don't seem to be having the same problems blacks are having.

OK genius. WHY IS THAT? Lay it out for me.

I reffer you to post #13. Anything else?

Are you saying that you cannot support your ridiculous claim with your own words?

Post # 13 is trite bullshit.

As Political Correctness and Identity Politics have tightened their grip on our culture, blacks have become more and more isolated from our society.

That's no coincidence, and anyone who says it is, is either in abject denial or lying.


More bullshit. Sing a new tune. least try to support this claim.

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