Democrat Sheep Instructed You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’

Science says there's two genders. Science says flimsy blue surgical masks do not stop COVID transmission. Science shows temperature doesn't follow levels of co2. So which science is not being followed? The political science?

COVID research is live now, they're researching how the vaccine is working on the subjects because it never went through the lengthy laid down research procedure.
Science once advocated for lobotomies to be done to individuals troubled mentally, or at least seen that way

In fact, Joe Kennedy, the father of JKF, had his daughter have a lobotomy to help control her behavior.

Today, lobotomies are seen as barbaric, thankfully, but it just goes to show you how medicine changes its mind about science all the time.

Why do we then assume the newer the science the more right it must be?

It reminds me of Stalinist Russia.

Trofim Denisovich Lysenko's (1898-1976) was a scientist in Russia who was also a Marxist. He then came up with a brand new scientific theory about agriculture, as he labelled the old science of agriculture from the West as corrupted and wrong. However, his theory was wrong while the theories he was dissing were right, which led to crop failures and mass starvation. But it did not happen just once. It would be nice if everyone saw the science fail once, and then decided to do something else, however, Stalin loved the propaganda of the new theory that dissed the West, so he continued to implement the false theories of agriculture, knowing it would lead to more starvation.

At the end of the day, the science of Lysenko was implemented for decades and decades, leading to I think around 50 million people dying of starvation, and all to push the political narrative of the ruling elite.

This is what is terrifying to know about human behavior, and how they can use science to justify their genocide.

But even today, you see people walking around wearing masks now that the powers that be are not enforcing them anymore. Why is it safer now? Anyone? Makes no sense.
I do not understand why the COVID CULT stopped getting the experimental gene therapy shot.

The ads are all over television.

You have a rep from Pfizer LAUGHING at the notion they might wanted to conduct human trials prior to rollout.

The dumb fucking COVID CULT just went along like the sheep they are. The stupid fuckery is beyond reason.


You think people took the Covid vaccine because they hate Trump?? WTF? Even Trump took the vaccine. And we know he does NOT hate himself.

You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’ When It Comes To Science​

“Research both sides and make up your own mind.” It’s simple, straightforward, common sense advice. And when it comes to issues like vaccinations, climate change, and the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, it can be dangerous, destructive, and even deadly. The techniques that most of us use to navigate most of our decisions in life — gathering information, evaluating it based on what we know, and choosing a course of action — can lead to spectacular failures when it comes to a scientific matter.

THURSDAY, Aug. 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- The idea of “doing your own research” didn’t begin with the pandemic, but new research suggests that those who follow that ideology have been more likely to believe COVID misinformation.
“We had heard the phrase a lot before,” prior to the pandemic, said researcher Sedona Chinn, a professor of life sciences communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
It was “coming from a lot of online, anti-vaccine rhetoric,” she added.
The researchers knew people who were willing to “occasionally do weird, unproven stuff, typically around health,” Chinn said. “It’s not like they reject doctors and medical expertise, but they think their opinion can be equally valid if they do their own research.”

Do demofk schools not teach this skill anymore and why the sheep are so sheep?

The data indicate that teachers in this study place tremendous value on research skills, with most reporting assigning a research paper to their students in the 2011-2012 academic year and spending class time teaching various research skills to their students. These lessons are aimed at addressing deficits they see in today’s students.

It is amazing to me that demofks really believe in the do not do your own research, to stop opposition of their narratives. This is indeed the demofk push nationally and globally. Folks, please post any articles that you can do research on that you can find.

I wonder how many of the Tesla Drivers in Chicago did their own research??

When MAGA says “do your own research”, they don’t mean do real research. They mean study everything that attacks whatever MAGA hates and discount the people that have devoted their careers to the subject. I posted an article from Nature and was told it was part of the Deep State. So goes MAGA! How can you have a constructive debate with those who view everything with suspicion?
Leftards think Google and the MSM is research.

It ain't.

Most of it is bullshit propaganda.
When MAGA says “do your own research”, they don’t mean do real research. They mean study everything that attacks whatever MAGA hates and discount the people that have devoted their careers to the subject. I posted an article from Nature and was told it was part of the Deep State. So goes MAGA! How can you have a constructive debate with those who view everything with suspicion?
Very easily. You present the strongest argument you can, backed up by the strongest possible evidence. In the time of the internet, to view ANYTHING without suspicion is to be irredeemably naive.
My doctor said get the shot and I did. Unlike my FIL, I did not get Covid. I did not die from Covid.

Its weird to see these threads where they try to convince each other that not taking a vaccine is a good thing, when all they have to do is ask their doctor.
You said the key word

Doctor.. as in MD.

NOT the government.
Says the guy...pushing the alt-right narrative of believe the conspiracy theories...not the science. :)
Research for Trumpsters = Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, The Blaze, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit.

Why go through the hassle of comparative analysis when they'll just lay it out for you?
Very easily. You present the strongest argument you can, backed up by the strongest possible evidence. In the time of the internet, to view ANYTHING without suspicion is to be irredeemably naive.
Like believing the media all owned by the same people. Can’t make it up

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