Democrat Sheep Instructed You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’

Any self respecting Libertarian was not so stupid as to get the shot, and they would never support shot MANDATES for an untested experimental gene therapy sho….or else you be fired and get no medical care.

Also, Libertarians do not only bash Trump and his supporters. Those are what we call Extreme Biden Cult Fucks. You are not a Libertarian. You are a liar.
Very easily. You present the strongest argument you can, backed up by the strongest possible evidence. In the time of the internet, to view ANYTHING without suspicion is to be irredeemably naive.
There are levels, though, and some sources ARE better than others. To have a prestigious publication dismissed out of hand without evidence is not “doing research”.
Any self respecting Libertarian was not so stupid as to get the shot, and they would never support shot MANDATES for an untested experimental gene therapy sho….or else you be fired and get no medical care.

Also, Libertarians do not only bash Trump and his supporters. Those are what we call Extreme Biden Cult Fucks. You are not a Libertarian. You are a liar.
Libertarians could very well have taken the shot. Given the chances of a bad outcome vs the chances of death from disease, the decision would be obvious to most and have nothing at all to do with a mandate.

Go get your untested experimental gene therapy shot, you sheep. THE CDC COMMANDS YOU.

I posted a search engine for the nearest location.


Go get your untested experimental gene therapy shot, you sheep. THE CDC COMMANDS YOU.

I posted a search engine for the nearest location.

What about those who took the jab regardless of a mandate? I was retired. I could have not gotten it, but, IMO, that would have been stupid. How come we’re not all dead?
Go get your shots, EXTREME BIDEN CULT FUCKS.


Do not think. Just go do it. Get your 5th or 6th or 10th untested experimental gene therapy shot.
I love the PRO SHOT ”Libertarians” :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :hyper: :hyper: :clap: :clap:

You could not be a bigger liar if you claim to be Libertarian and are pro shot mandates.
My own research into covid was easy. I had a beer with a friend. This friend works for the CDC, is a medical doctor, and specializes in infectious diseases. He answered my questions and gave me a lot of good info.
Pretty much same here. Doctors that were not politically ginned up were truthful . After all the manipulation, hiding and lying, less than 50,000 people under 60 and not in bad health died from this. To hamper Trump , 300 million lives were wholly and needlessly disrupted and destroyed

You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’ When It Comes To Science​

“Research both sides and make up your own mind.” It’s simple, straightforward, common sense advice. And when it comes to issues like vaccinations, climate change, and the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, it can be dangerous, destructive, and even deadly. The techniques that most of us use to navigate most of our decisions in life — gathering information, evaluating it based on what we know, and choosing a course of action — can lead to spectacular failures when it comes to a scientific matter.

THURSDAY, Aug. 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- The idea of “doing your own research” didn’t begin with the pandemic, but new research suggests that those who follow that ideology have been more likely to believe COVID misinformation.
“We had heard the phrase a lot before,” prior to the pandemic, said researcher Sedona Chinn, a professor of life sciences communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
It was “coming from a lot of online, anti-vaccine rhetoric,” she added.
The researchers knew people who were willing to “occasionally do weird, unproven stuff, typically around health,” Chinn said. “It’s not like they reject doctors and medical expertise, but they think their opinion can be equally valid if they do their own research.”

Do demofk schools not teach this skill anymore and why the sheep are so sheep?

The data indicate that teachers in this study place tremendous value on research skills, with most reporting assigning a research paper to their students in the 2011-2012 academic year and spending class time teaching various research skills to their students. These lessons are aimed at addressing deficits they see in today’s students.

It is amazing to me that demofks really believe in the do not do your own research, to stop opposition of their narratives. This is indeed the demofk push nationally and globally. Folks, please post any articles that you can do research on that you can find.

What ya mean? A lot of people did their own research when we were up to our necks in the Covid pandemic.

The cemetaries are full of them.

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