Democrat Strategy.....Everything Is About Trump


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
It never fails. Every GD time Liz Warren announces a new program to take away our rights or to fight something terrible that's happening....she finds a way to insert Trump in it. Here's a couple of examples:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Wednesday released a plan to fight “digital disinformation,” promising to “push for new laws that impose tough civil and criminal penalties” for disseminating false information related to U.S. elections. Warren Vows to Push for Laws that Criminalize Spreading Election ‘Disinformation’

“Disinformation erodes our democracy, and Democrats must have a plan to address it,” she details in a Medium post, proclaiming President Trump “welcomed foreign interference in our elections, inviting interference from a host of countries that have an interest in the outcome, including Iran and China.”
She wants to make the federal government into the Word Police.....and stop the spread of lies on Facebook and Twitter......LOL......this plan from the woman that lied about her ethnicity to get a job at Harvard...and lied about why she didn't get a job, claiming it was because of sexism....when in fact she took a leave of absence to have a baby.

Then there's another insane program from the woman who has a program for everything. Earlier this week this pathetic nutcase said the best way to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus was through fighting climate change.

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has announced a plan to prevent, contain and treat infectious diseases as a new viral illness spreads in China.

The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday unveiled a plan that includes fully funding the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's pandemic prevention and response programs. The agency has faced stiff budget cuts under President Donald Trump, including to emergency funds and global health programs that were established following West Africa's Ebola epidemic in 2014. Warren Offers Infectious-Disease Plan Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Does anyone see a pattern here?
I thought everything went through Putin. Apparently everything is now because of Trump. Most of these Democrats have been in Washington for over 30 years and have screwed our government up royally, yet a guy that has only been there for 3 years is the cause of every friggen problem we face?????

But this is politics these days. And the more desperate the Democrats become....the more insane their proposals.....and they always try to insert Trump into the equation as if he caused the problem in the first place.

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Democrat candidate:

"We don't know have a clue what we're going to do if elected, but Trump is bad..."
I thought everything went through Putin. Apparently everything is now because of Trump. Most of these Democrats have been in Washington for over 30 years and have screwed our government up royally, yet a guy that has only been there for 3 years is the cause of every friggen problem we face?????

Everything DOES go through Putin. Trump is just the puppet at the end of the strings Putin is pulling, so it appears that Trump is in charge.
Next, looney Lie-a-watha and the Democrats will blame Pres.Trump's failure to address Global Warming is causing an increasing number of asteroid near misses with planet Earth. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
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Next, the Democrats will complain that Pres.Trump's failure to address Global Warming is causing more astroid near misses on planet Earth. ... :cuckoo:
Once the Space Command becomes more of a reality the Democrats will begin attacking them claiming they are causing more severe Climate Change or earthquakes from orbit.
It never fails. Every GD time Liz Warren announces a new program to take away our rights or to fight something terrible that's happening....she finds a way to insert Trump in it. Here's a couple of examples:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Wednesday released a plan to fight “digital disinformation,” promising to “push for new laws that impose tough civil and criminal penalties” for disseminating false information related to U.S. elections. Warren Vows to Push for Laws that Criminalize Spreading Election ‘Disinformation’

“Disinformation erodes our democracy, and Democrats must have a plan to address it,” she details in a Medium post, proclaiming President Trump “welcomed foreign interference in our elections, inviting interference from a host of countries that have an interest in the outcome, including Iran and China.”
She wants to make the federal government into the Word Police.....and stop the spread of lies on Facebook and Twitter......LOL......this plan from the woman that lied about her ethnicity to get a job at Harvard...and lied about why she didn't get a job, claiming it was because of sexism....when in fact she took a leave of absence to have a baby.

Then there's another insane program from the woman who has a program for everything. Earlier this week this pathetic nutcase said the best way to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus was through fighting climate change.

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has announced a plan to prevent, contain and treat infectious diseases as a new viral illness spreads in China.

The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday unveiled a plan that includes fully funding the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's pandemic prevention and response programs. The agency has faced stiff budget cuts under President Donald Trump, including to emergency funds and global health programs that were established following West Africa's Ebola epidemic in 2014. Warren Offers Infectious-Disease Plan Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Does anyone see a pattern here?
I thought everything went through Putin. Apparently everything is now because of Trump. Most of these Democrats have been in Washington for over 30 years and have screwed our government up royally, yet a guy that has only been there for 3 years is the cause of every friggen problem we face?????

But this is politics these days. And the more desperate the Democrats become....the more insane their proposals.....and they always try to insert Trump into the equation as if he caused the problem in the first place.

Stopping global warming would be easier than stopping “disinformation” (dumb word).
I thought everything went through Putin. Apparently everything is now because of Trump. Most of these Democrats have been in Washington for over 30 years and have screwed our government up royally, yet a guy that has only been there for 3 years is the cause of every friggen problem we face?????

Everything DOES go through Putin. Trump is just the puppet at the end of the strings Putin is pulling, so it appears that Trump is in charge.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

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