Democrat Tactic Could Be Used By Republicans Too

It's not an infrastructure bill. It is a Democrat wish list, with some infrastructure thrown in, to give it an infrastructure name. Where are the $$ for the terrifying Wolf Creek Dam, that could kill thousands of people in southern Kentucky and Tennessee, cause billions$$ in damage, and put the Tennessee capitol (Nashville) under 20 feet of water ?

Where is any money for the California delta levees that threaten to close the forebay resevoir supplying half the state with fresh water, and cause the evacuation of half the state ?
This is not a serious attempt at solving America's most important infrastructure problems, it's a Green New Deal thing, with infrastucture as window dressing.
It is ALL Infrastructure

It takes the original $3 trillion infrastructure bill and strips it down to pure infrastructure that Republicans would support.

If you have more projects to add….call your congressman
you mean you havent read the bill? What to lazy and want us to do your work for yu?
I don’t have to
My elected representative and his staff will

I see NOTHING in the bill that I or any other American would object to
Democrats in Congress used a very clever tactic to get 19 Republican senators to vote for their $1.2 Trillion Democrat wish list bill, masquerading as an infrastructure bill. They included a number of pork projects that would benefit voters in their states.

This would put these 19 Republicans (if they voted against the bill), in a tough position for re-election, with their Democrat opponents thereby able to use this as a weapon against them. In each state, the Democrat senatorial opponent would spout loud & clear, how their Republican opponent voted against the project liked and needed by the folks of that state.

Democrats should take note that Republicans can use this same dirty tactic against them, and Republicans should not hestitate to do so. In fact, Republicans could start work right now at identifying what things would be critical for Democrats in particular states, and what they could not vote against.

Two can play this game.

The problem is democrats did take notice that you did nothing when there.
Sat there like stonenmonuments and worshipped trump while time burned around you.
Now you are envious uncle Joe outsmarted you all. He s not as dumb as you think and that proves it.
Democrats tried a very clever tactic

Bipartisan agreement

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