Democrat Tammy Duckworth slammed for getting tax break on her Illinois home

She and other similarly disabled veterans in Cook County who own homes get the tax break regardless of their income level, according to the newspaper.

Msall argues that personal income should be a factor in deciding who gets the exemptions and who doesn’t.

"We grant people relief regardless of their income situation, and the rest of the community has to pay more," Msall told the Sun-Times. "It’s unfair, it’s very hard to monitor and it’s hard to authenticate who’s getting the value. Is it the needy people, or is it a large giveaway?"

So Duckworth is getting a legitimate property tax deduction because she is a disabled Vet

As far as I am concerned, she has given enough for her country
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Msall argues that personal income should be a factor in deciding who gets the exemptions and who doesn’t.

"We grant people relief regardless of their income situation, and the rest of the community has to pay more," Msall told the Sun-Times. "It’s unfair, it’s very hard to monitor and it’s hard to authenticate who’s getting the value. Is it the needy people, or is it a large giveaway?"

So Duckworth is getting a legitimate property tax deduction because she is a disabled Vet

As far as I am concerned, she has given enough for her country
Was she good at it? I hope so.
resign or go to jail

... pays zero in property taxes because she has a disability rating of 70% or higher, as determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs...

I have zero problem with this law and hope other states have it as well.
Instead of attacking the person, I'd examine the laws in Illinois and Virginia to see if they make sense.

Duckworth and her husband have saved more than $42,000 through the senator’s disability exemption since 2015, according to the newspaper.

Upon reading the above I wondered whether she made use of the law by excluding her husband and registering the house in her name only? But then it didn't seem to matter after I later read:

The senator is eligible for the tax break in Illinois until she dies, and if her husband survives her, he will be eligible for the exemption unless he remarries, the Sun-Times reported.

While for the most part I feel taxes should treat people equally, I sure don't mind if our military veterans get a break, especially if their service was cause of a disability. Why her husband qualifies seems silly.

She did pay property tax in Virginia which has a similar exemption, but the exemption counts only towards a primary residence.
Compared to losing both legs and use of an arm, that is small compensation
Was she good at her job? Was she competent under stressful situations? Or was someone else passed over for diversity and quotas? There are men who are the same way. John McCain was one. Privilege has its advantages.
Was she good at her job? Was she competent under stressful situations? Or was someone else passed over for diversity and quotas? There are men who are the same way. John McCain was one. Privilege has its advantages.

Do you have even one iota of evidence someone else passed over for diversity and quotas in her case? Or do you just assume that since she is a woman and there is no way a woman could be good at her job?
Was she good at her job? Was she competent under stressful situations? Or was someone else passed over for diversity and quotas? There are men who are the same way. John McCain was one. Privilege has its advantages.
What an offensive thing to say
resign or go to jail

She's a veteran and they have a tax break for veterans. No story here. In fact it's vile to accuse her of wrongdoing
It doesn't matter what political party you're in if you can get a tax break by legitimate means I say go for it.

I take every single one I can. The universal truth is, no one wants to pay taxes.
resign or go to jail

I voted for the constitutional amendment that allowed this exemption to exist in Virginia. I see nothing wrong with her using her area's one either. She is not a nice person and I dislike her immensely, but she isn't the antichrist who can do no good. This is a swing and a miss attack.
resign or go to jail


She didn't break the law.

She is disabled. All she did was follow the law.

When a person follows the law they don't go to jail.

Nor should they be attacked for following the law.

If people don't like the law they should change it.

She gave her legs and an arm for our nation.

The least we can do is give her a tax break.

I mean it's not like she is filthy rich and not paying any taxes like so many filthy rich people.
It's a legitimate tax break, however as a Dimocrat you'd think she'd put her money where her big mouth is and not take advantage of the exemption.

Just your usual do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do ruling class liberal.
It doesn't matter what political party you're in if you can get a tax break by legitimate means I say go for it.

I take every single one I can. The universal truth is, no one wants to pay taxes.

Unless you're a Dimocrat where they want everyone else to pay as many and as much taxes as possible, except for themselves.
She and other similarly disabled veterans in Cook County who own homes get the tax break regardless of their income level, according to the newspaper.

Msall argues that personal income should be a factor in deciding who gets the exemptions and who doesn’t.

"We grant people relief regardless of their income situation, and the rest of the community has to pay more," Msall told the Sun-Times. "It’s unfair, it’s very hard to monitor and it’s hard to authenticate who’s getting the value. Is it the needy people, or is it a large giveaway?"

So Duckworth is getting a legitimate property tax deduction because she is a disabled Vet

As far as I am concerned, she has given enough for her country
I agree. She gets the deduction for services rendered and wounds sustained for OUR Country.
It's a legitimate tax break, however as a Dimocrat you'd think she'd put her money where her big mouth is and not take advantage of the exemption.

Just your usual do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do ruling class liberal.

She was severely injured in defense of her country
Should she refuse veterans health benefits also?
While out taking the dog for a walk it occurred to me that I would be against this property tax break in this form if it was proposed in here in Arizona (I'll assume there are no tax breaks for them now, but I'm probably wrong).

My reasoning:
  • Property taxes are collected by the county for the county, local municipalities and school districts and none of it goes to the state. The state should keep its nose out of property taxes
  • Disabled veterans who are renters do not benefit
Instead I would prefer these heroes receive a fixed tax credit amount through our state income tax. Disabled homeowners and renters would be treated equally. County, cities, schools would get their full tax due without having to be reimbursed by the state.
She and other similarly disabled veterans in Cook County who own homes get the tax break regardless of their income level, according to the newspaper.

Msall argues that personal income should be a factor in deciding who gets the exemptions and who doesn’t.

"We grant people relief regardless of their income situation, and the rest of the community has to pay more," Msall told the Sun-Times. "It’s unfair, it’s very hard to monitor and it’s hard to authenticate who’s getting the value. Is it the needy people, or is it a large giveaway?"

So Duckworth is getting a legitimate property tax deduction because she is a disabled Vet

As far as I am concerned, she has given enough for her country
She's a fucking hypocrite for taking it.

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