Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

Someone has to help you broaden the scope of your thinking.

Please, develop more tolerance for those who disagree with you before lecturing me about broadening my thinking.
No need to thank me, enlightening the ignorant is simply a public service. Just one of the many philanthropic endeavours I'm involved with.

Yes, resorting to petty, childish insults shows just how truly intelligent and philanthropic you are.
Someone has to help you broaden the scope of your thinking.

Please, develop more tolerance for those who disagree with you before lecturing me about broadening my thinking.
No need to thank me, enlightening the ignorant is simply a public service. Just one of the many philanthropic endeavours I'm involved with.

Yes, resorting to petty, childish insults shows just how truly intelligent and philanthropic you are.
You're just upset because I do it better than you do.
I don't know why I'm still here, or in this thread. I've probably made myself look like a jerk on more than one occasion here, so I'll be going now.

I have yet to meet an intelligent Trump follower.

My, my, what a narrow (and not broad) way of thinking!

I agree, but you must know that Trump is just saying what you want to hear! Just like every other politician. I have yet to hear any kind of valid plans to carry out any of the things he is claiming he will do. You know that they will say anything to get elected.
Trump has no balls because I would have answered their questions instead of running away like a coward. I have been in the trenches and Trump has been hand fed with a silver spoon. Shocking to say in the least.
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I guess they were just too fucking stupid to figure out that others might respond in kind.

Did they have to? You know, this is like lecturing someone about their manners at the dinner table while talking with your mouth full. You are full bulls---er double standards, my friend.
I think the Trumpian fascist pigs should expect counter rallies and protests at every Trump event from now on.

Oh Goody! Do you promise?
Apparently, at Trump rallies, only liberal protesters are needed for a fight

Because they seem to think they (the liberal protesters) are the only ones allowed to start them!

Come off it! You guys are the same, except on opposite sides. You whine when your "guys are picked on" just as much! There is no difference. Both of the parties are full of a bunch of dummies.

Bullshit. Leftwingers are professional whiners and victims. They're also always the first one to take a swing. Just consider BLM, the Baltimore riots, the knockout game, Ferguson, ad nauseum.
We will NEVER get anything accomplished. Things are too far gone. We are too divided. We are all fucked unless we get rid of the two main parties.
Let us know when you get that done.
Come off it! You guys are the same, except on opposite sides.

Don't get me wrong, milady, I agree with you. But these kinds of protesters are a special breed, apart from your run of the mill type. They use their speech to take away the speech of others.

I read the news and surf the internet far more than I care to, but I have not seen many (but there are a few) examples of Trump supporters or conservatives in general engaging in this kind of behavior.

Trump isn't helping, nor were those snot nosed college brats in Chicago tonight.

What? Using speech to take speech, huh? Everyone in this country has a right to protest and speak their mind on the issues and candidates. Both sides whine constantly. It's tiresome. I'm just hopeful that this forum is not an accurate representation of most of America.

They don't have a right to protest in a private campaign event. That is what started this whole process. The left started it. They did it deliberately.

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