Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

For one, by telling them he wants to punch them in the face himself.

He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.
Wrong, moron. It informed his supporters how to deal with protesters.

This trump supporter clearly got the message...

That's your opinion, which is entirely unsupported by any facts or logic.
Sadly, you're still shooting blanks. It's not my opinion that Trump said he would like to punch protesters in the face. He actually said it. It's not my opinion Trump encourage his supporters to "knock the crap out" of protesters. He actually said it. It's not my opinion he offered to cover the legal costs involved for any of his supporters who do. He actually said it. It's not my opinion one of his supporters then punched a protester in the face. He actually did it.

Your claims have already been refuted multiple times by others, so I won't waste my time piling on.
G'head and run away like you always do. It's expected from you.
He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.
Wrong, moron. It informed his supporters how to deal with protesters.

This trump supporter clearly got the message...

That's your opinion, which is entirely unsupported by any facts or logic.
Sadly, you're still shooting blanks. It's not my opinion that Trump said he would like to punch protesters in the face. He actually said it. It's not my opinion Trump encourage his supporters to "knock the crap out" of protesters. He actually said it. It's not my opinion he offered to cover the legal costs involved for any of his supporters who do. He actually said it. It's not my opinion one of his supporters then punched a protester in the face. He actually did it.

Everybody was getting sick and tired of the protestors that kept interrupting all of the speeches with the intent to shut down all of his rallies, like they did at Bernie Sanders rally with Black lives matters.
I don't give a flying fuck how frustrated they were getting -- it doesn't warrant violence. I was at a Hillary rally last year. There were protesters. They were peaceably escorted out and she continued her speech. That's how you deal with protesters. You don't beat them up. Even worse, you don't have candidates encouraging supporters to beat them up.

Many of the "protesters" initiated violence when they were asked to leave. I don't recall any of you leftwing hypocrite douche nozzles saying anything about that.
I don't give a flying fuck how frustrated they were getting -- it doesn't warrant violence. I was at a Hillary rally last year. There were protesters. They were peaceably escorted out and she continued her speech. That's how you deal with protesters. You don't beat them up. Even worse, you don't have candidates encouraging supporters to beat them up.

When a man walks up to another man in a tense situation and says "fuck you!", don't act surprised when fists fly. The flipping off of the crowd was the protestor's ...THE PROTESTOR'S invitation to violence. He wanted violence. He was inviting a fight.

Thousands more showing up days later flipping off Trump protestors (and ripping "Trump" signs from their hands) were wanting exactly the same thing...inviting exactly the same thing.. So you don't have the luxury of playing the sweet innocent little crybully.. And BTW when thousands show up to incite violence that's called "Inciting a riot" and it's illegal.
Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.

What do you imagine "due to security concerns" means?

Who do you think you're fooling?

It means that Trump has effectively orchestrated a scenario where he can pretend to have been victimized.

How did Trump "orchestrate" anything?
Trump claimed the police suggested they shut it down. The police deny any involvement. It was Trump's idea altogether.
You're a fucking liar.

It's in the WLS news link. Always was.

The poster may be fucking though. We can't see that much.
I don't give a flying fuck how frustrated they were getting -- it doesn't warrant violence. I was at a Hillary rally last year. There were protesters. They were peaceably escorted out and she continued her speech. That's how you deal with protesters. You don't beat them up. Even worse, you don't have candidates encouraging supporters to beat them up.

When a man walks up to another man in a tense situation and says "fuck you!", don't act surprised when fists fly. The flipping off of the crowd was the protestor's ...THE PROTESTOR'S invitation to violence. He wanted violence. He was inviting a fight.

Thousands more showing up days later flipping off Trump protestors were wanting exactly the same thing...inviting exactly the same thing.. So you don't have the luxury of playing the sweet innocent little crybully..

We're inventing a backstory now? What, "patriot" wasn't selling?

Unbelievable, these Denialists....
I don't give a flying fuck how frustrated they were getting -- it doesn't warrant violence. I was at a Hillary rally last year. There were protesters. They were peaceably escorted out and she continued her speech. That's how you deal with protesters. You don't beat them up. Even worse, you don't have candidates encouraging supporters to beat them up.

When a man walks up to another man in a tense situation and says "fuck you!", don't act surprised when fists fly. The flipping off of the crowd was the protestor's ...THE PROTESTOR'S invitation to violence. He wanted violence. He was inviting a fight.

Thousands more showing up days later flipping off Trump protestors were wanting exactly the same thing...inviting exactly the same thing.. So you don't have the luxury of playing the sweet innocent little crybully.. And BTW when thousands show up to incite violence that's called "Inciting a riot" and it's illegal.

The funny thing is, they are not paid that well for the performance.
Wrong, moron. It informed his supporters how to deal with protesters.

This trump supporter clearly got the message...

That's your opinion, which is entirely unsupported by any facts or logic.
Sadly, you're still shooting blanks. It's not my opinion that Trump said he would like to punch protesters in the face. He actually said it. It's not my opinion Trump encourage his supporters to "knock the crap out" of protesters. He actually said it. It's not my opinion he offered to cover the legal costs involved for any of his supporters who do. He actually said it. It's not my opinion one of his supporters then punched a protester in the face. He actually did it.

Everybody was getting sick and tired of the protestors that kept interrupting all of the speeches with the intent to shut down all of his rallies, like they did at Bernie Sanders rally with Black lives matters.
I don't give a flying fuck how frustrated they were getting -- it doesn't warrant violence. I was at a Hillary rally last year. There were protesters. They were peaceably escorted out and she continued her speech. That's how you deal with protesters. You don't beat them up. Even worse, you don't have candidates encouraging supporters to beat them up.

Many of the "protesters" initiated violence when they were asked to leave. I don't recall any of you leftwing hypocrite douche nozzles saying anything about that.
Prove it
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

It's unbelievable !!!!!!!!!
The protesters are accusing Trump of being a Fascist, while they themselves are actually in the streets and stadiums, actually performing the very act of Fascism.
Shutting down the rally, is shutting down the freedom of speech.

Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.

Protesting with the soul intent to shut down one of the opposing members of any Presidential running party is not democracy.
Trump would not have had to do so if the protestors inside and out whom many claimed to be from move said that was the purpose of the protest, to shut down the rally, then when the people left in their cars the protestors yelled we won, we won. because they were successful in shutting down the rally.

And other people claim Reagan took down the Soviet Union. And other people claim it rained because they did a rain dance. Hell, I can watch a tree fall down and then claim "I did that with telekinesis" --- doesn't mean I did.

The fact remains it was Rump's decision alone to cancel. Security didn't tell him to do that. Check the wording of the speaker above --- "Mr Rump.... has determined that...". Doesn't say "the police advised that... ". Weasel words.
I don't give a flying fuck how frustrated they were getting -- it doesn't warrant violence. I was at a Hillary rally last year. There were protesters. They were peaceably escorted out and she continued her speech. That's how you deal with protesters. You don't beat them up. Even worse, you don't have candidates encouraging supporters to beat them up.

When a man walks up to another man in a tense situation and says "fuck you!", don't act surprised when fists fly. The flipping off of the crowd was the protestor's ...THE PROTESTOR'S invitation to violence. He wanted violence. He was inviting a fight.

Thousands more showing up days later flipping off Trump protestors (and ripping "Trump" signs from their hands) were wanting exactly the same thing...inviting exactly the same thing.. So you don't have the luxury of playing the sweet innocent little crybully.. And BTW when thousands show up to incite violence that's called "Inciting a riot" and it's illegal.

Many of the "protesters" initiated violence when they were asked to leave. I don't recall any of you leftwing hypocrite douche nozzles saying anything about that.
Prove it


(Protestors flipping off and blocking an ambulance last night)

Such a "peaceful protest"...even after it was called off...

Will only make us more determined to support trump. the elites of both parties hate him so i know he is the right choice.

Obviously with Trump's with 61% disapproval rating, more than just the party elites dislike the guy.
Trump has brought this on to himself with his inflammatory statements which appeal to his supporters but not most regular folks.

You're just another fucking Nazi Democrat. You guys don't even bother to hide it any longer.

I have stated repeatedly, I support Kasich. He's not crazy, he doesn't try to impress the weak-minded with his tough talk, who has substance and knowledge of the issues.
I have also, bashed Clinton. I like Sander's honesty, but he's just too damn liberal.
I'll leave Trump to you. Never, ever try to call yourself a conservative, you are just an easily manipulated drone.
It means that Trump has effectively orchestrated a scenario where he can pretend to have been victimized.

How did Trump "orchestrate" anything?
Trump claimed the police suggested they shut it down. The police deny any involvement. It was Trump's idea altogether.
You're a fucking liar.

Trump was quoted saying that. The police were quoting denying it.
Bullshit. You are fucking lying again.

Why do you keep lying?

SMH .... Denialists.... declaring what's sitting right in front of their nose is "not there".... they must be fucking stupid.

Posted several times already:

>> A spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department tells ABC7 Eyewitness News the Chicago Police Department did not talk to the Trump campaign or tell them to cancel the event, and that the first police heard was at 6:30 p.m. when they were notified by UIC and Secret Service that the event was canceled.

In a statement from UIC Police Chief Kevin Booker, he said: "The University of Illinois at Chicago worked with all appropriate agencies to address the security concerns associated with an event of this nature including the Secret Service, Chicago Police Department and Illinois State Police as well as campaign and protest organizers. The vast majority of attendees at today's events exercised their Constitutional rights of free speech and free assembly peacefully. The abrupt announcement of the cancellation of the event created challenges in managing an orderly exit from the Pavilion, which nonetheless, was accomplished with no injuries or arrests." <<​
I don't give a flying fuck how frustrated they were getting -- it doesn't warrant violence. I was at a Hillary rally last year. There were protesters. They were peaceably escorted out and she continued her speech. That's how you deal with protesters. You don't beat them up. Even worse, you don't have candidates encouraging supporters to beat them up.

When a man walks up to another man in a tense situation and says "fuck you!", don't act surprised when fists fly. The flipping off of the crowd was the protestor's ...THE PROTESTOR'S invitation to violence. He wanted violence. He was inviting a fight.

Thousands more showing up days later flipping off Trump protestors (and ripping "Trump" signs from their hands) were wanting exactly the same thing...inviting exactly the same thing.. So you don't have the luxury of playing the sweet innocent little crybully.. And BTW when thousands show up to incite violence that's called "Inciting a riot" and it's illegal.
Sorry, but the law does not justify violence as an appropriate reply to such jestures. Even Trump knows that which is why he offered to pay the legal fees for any supporters who "knock the crap out" of protesters.
It's an awful setup folks. The Democrats are setting it up for a fatal incident. They will then blame Trump for it. It's pure evil.

^^^^Waiving his hate flag^^^^

You are confused.

I am not the one that was doing the hate of shutting down a peaceful political rally last night with violence and intimidation. The Libtards were.

I am not the one that ever looted a 7-11 store.
why do such dumb people with an IQ of 35 even go to these rallies? they have no Idea that its the people they support/and/or voted for that has caused every economic/social problems in our country. these dumbasses probably believe that Bush caused the Obama recession of 2009.

I agree with you. I have never been to a political rally in my life. Any candidate that you think will be good will disappoint you if they get into office. All politicians of all parties are scam artist. Some of them like Hillary Clinton are even world class scam artist.

However, having said that everybody should have a right to attend a political rally without the threat of violence and intimidation, which is what happen last night when the Left Wingers came out of their roach nest.

A "threat" that apparently existed only in Donald Rump's manipulative imagination.
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

It's unbelievable !!!!!!!!!
The protesters are accusing Trump of being a Fascist, while they themselves are actually in the streets and stadiums, actually performing the very act of Fascism.
Shutting down the rally, is shutting down the freedom of speech.

Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.

Protesting with the soul intent to shut down one of the opposing members of any Presidential running party is not democracy.
Trump would not have had to do so if the protestors inside and out whom many claimed to be from move said that was the purpose of the protest, to shut down the rally, then when the people left in their cars the protestors yelled we won, we won. because they were successful in shutting down the rally.

And other people claim Reagan took down the Soviet Union. And other people claim it rained because they did a rain dance. Hell, I can watch a tree fall down and then claim "I did that with telekinesis" --- doesn't mean I did.

The fact remains it was Rump's decision alone to cancel. Security didn't tell him to do that. Check the wording of the speaker above --- "Mr Rump.... has determined that...". Doesn't say "the police advised that... ". Weasel words.

Well I agree with what you said.
I have not said anything at all one way or the other as to why Trump shut down his rally for security reasons. So I will do so now.
I was not the one who said that security said it, from what I understand, it was both talking together and Trump made the decision.
I think that was a good decision, because it could have escalated to a riot very easily and it seems security agreed.
I don't give a flying fuck how frustrated they were getting -- it doesn't warrant violence. I was at a Hillary rally last year. There were protesters. They were peaceably escorted out and she continued her speech. That's how you deal with protesters. You don't beat them up. Even worse, you don't have candidates encouraging supporters to beat them up.

When a man walks up to another man in a tense situation and says "fuck you!", don't act surprised when fists fly. The flipping off of the crowd was the protestor's ...THE PROTESTOR'S invitation to violence. He wanted violence. He was inviting a fight.

Thousands more showing up days later flipping off Trump protestors (and ripping "Trump" signs from their hands) were wanting exactly the same thing...inviting exactly the same thing.. So you don't have the luxury of playing the sweet innocent little crybully.. And BTW when thousands show up to incite violence that's called "Inciting a riot" and it's illegal.

Many of the "protesters" initiated violence when they were asked to leave. I don't recall any of you leftwing hypocrite douche nozzles saying anything about that.
Prove it


(Protestors flipping off and blocking an ambulance last night)

Such a "peaceful protest"...even after it was called off...

He said protesters initiated violence when asked to leave a rally. How the fuck does last night's protest, which didn't even involve a rally since it was called off, prove his claim?
Trump has shown no respect for others, why should anyone show respect for him? He has gotten what he deserves.

How would you like it if I showed my "disrespect" for you by knocking your teeth in?
Are you threatening me with violence?

No. I'm saying you're calling threats of violence and actual violence "disrespect."

Trump's hate speech has encouraged violence toward others.

Oh, and examples of his "hate speech"?

AGAIN? Really? What were you doing the last 57 times this was posted?

SPOILER ALERT: Time to assume the position, here it comes :lalala:

>> Trump himself has failed to condemn his more violent supporters. Instead, he’s invited them on stage to be publicly honored for beating up a high schooler, argued a Black Lives Matter protester deserved to be roughed up, and told a crowd that he wished he could punch a protester at a Nevada rally in the face.

“You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher,” he said at the time. << (here)
As somebody else pointed out, the more Rump fails to address this dynamic (like for instance trying to play Victim and running to hide bawling about "security concerns" that Security itself doesn't know about), the more responsibility he bears for it.

Actually I strongly suspect what he had in mind in pulling the plug on ten thousand people was to start a riot when those thousands, some of whom came a long way, were sent home en masse -- which he could then point to, being the dishonest hack he is, as yet another of his "enemies" list, in a further attempt to polarize. If that was the plan ---- it farted in the wind like an Atlantic City casino.

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