Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

It's unbelievable !!!!!!!!!
The protesters are accusing Trump of being a Fascist, while they themselves are actually in the streets and stadiums, actually performing the very act of Fascism.
Shutting down the rally, is shutting down the freedom of speech.

Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.
Trump has shown no respect for others, why should anyone show respect for him? He has gotten what he deserves.

How would you like it if I showed my "disrespect" for you by knocking your teeth in?
Are you threatening me with violence?

No. I'm saying you're calling threats of violence and actual violence "disrespect."

Trump's hate speech has encouraged violence toward others.
He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.

Inciting unrest or violence in a crowded hall has plenty to do with everything when it came to the reason to evict them...

Showing up in the thousands to "peacefully' protest a Trump rally, by flipping off Trump supporters and ripping signs from their hands just days after you saw on TV a protestor flipping off a Trump supporter and riling a man in the crowd to the point of punching the "fuck you" bird-flipper, means that the thousands who showed up intended to incite more of that, not less of it.

The veil is off, the left zombie punk crowd was waving Bernie Sanders signs and chanting "Bernie Bernie Bernie" at one point too. We know who came to incite violence. It wasn't Trump supporters or Trump. And I'd love to blame Trump because I can't stand the guy.
Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.
Trump has shown no respect for others, why should anyone show respect for him? He has gotten what he deserves.

How would you like it if I showed my "disrespect" for you by knocking your teeth in?
Are you threatening me with violence?

No. I'm saying you're calling threats of violence and actual violence "disrespect."

Trump's hate speech has encouraged violence toward others.

Only among those prone to violence in the first place... you know, the typical leftwing low-information types. See OWS kids, etc.
Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.
Trump has shown no respect for others, why should anyone show respect for him? He has gotten what he deserves.

How would you like it if I showed my "disrespect" for you by knocking your teeth in?
Are you threatening me with violence?

No. I'm saying you're calling threats of violence and actual violence "disrespect."

Trump's hate speech has encouraged violence toward others.

Oh, and examples of his "hate speech"?


Cruz is right. Violence at such a venue was wrong and the protesters were responsible for that. But Trump's campaign, which "affirmatively encourages violence," also incites violence from protesters as well as supporters.

How does Trump does incite violence from protesters, by stating his agenda?

For one, by telling them he wants to punch them in the face himself.

He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.

Wrong, moron. It informed his supporters how to deal with protesters.

This trump supporter clearly got the message...

I don't feel honored at all. Lol. A guy like Trump doesn't do things for other people unless he is going to get something in return.

He does not need anything? Already has it all. I know, there are no guarantees but what motive would he have? Power hungry? Make America Great again? Why do any of them do it?

Many enter into congress not millionaires. Soon they are 100's of millions. The insider trading ahead of the health care law is enough to make me hurl. "they" want the party to go on and on.
Hmmmm no, that had nothing to do with shutting down free speech. There's no free speech for the audience in a private political rally.
Hisses the forum anarchist. :eusa_doh:

I'm tellin' ya folk, you can't make this shit up. :eusa_snooty:

True, you can't make this stuff up. It takes a special kind of stupid to claim the actual law of the land is ludicrous.
Now you're making more shit up as I never said that. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that's exactly what you said. You implied that Trump haters have a right to protest at his events.
I neither said nor implied any such thing. As usual, you prove you're fucking deranged. Trump has the right to have protesters removed [peaceably]. Neither he nor his trumpeters have any right to beat up or assault protesters. That his supporters now whine like the hypocrite sissies they are because some of that violence is coming back at them falls upon deaf ears. Yes, the violence last night was wrong. But so was the violence against protesters at previous Trump rallies. You reap what you sow.
People who show up to disrupt Trump rallies are promoting violence. They know they aren't wanted there and they deliberately promote violence. When you extend your middle finger to a crowd of people who are hostile to you, you're asking to get an ass whooping. That's a far more egregious example of egging on violence than anything Trump has ever said.
I've been voting for over 30 years kid. Obama is the ultimate Manchurian candidate.. "Yes We Can"? "Hope and Change"? All Obama has done is blame EVERYTHING on Bush and rich people. That's leadership?

Actually that is a verifiably false statement. You cannot have been voting earlier than the 2012 election cycle since you cannot even remember the political climate going into the 2008 election cycle.

Let me educate you since you must have been too young, Bush was widely viewed as a huge failure as a president and maybe the worst in the modern era. At the end of his term, especially considering the economic downturn, Bush was such a negative figure that one of the most moderate, most anti-Bush Republicans earned the win for their candidate. Bush was so bad that, in the first time in party history, the standing president did not attend, in-person, when McCain accepted the Republican nomination. During the 2008 election cycle, both candidates, and both parties, pointed towards the Bush years and blamed them for pretty much everything. Years later somethings have held up, everybody knows that the downturn in American global influence was due to Bush. On the other hand, other things, like the economic downturn, were perhaps only minorly influence by Bush.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and say that Obama's years have been all sunshine and roses...they haven't. Fortunately, that has ZERO to do when discussing Trump...unless, for some odd reason, you think that Trump is Obama. So, can we please get back onto topic, which was originally how one can easily draw a parallel from Trump to Hitler...I'm sure you lack the intellect to have done this intentionally, but you literally just used a Trump tactic, an argumentative fallacy, in order to not address actual issues that were brought up in the original discussion.

You're nutz. There is no correlation between Trump and Hitler except in your twisted, leftwing pea-sized brain.

I have been eligible to vote since July 1978 kid.
I literally listed the correlations earlier. Just because you say "no" and stomp your feet, calling me names doesn't necessarily make it so. Most adults provide fact based reasoning to support their arguments.

I'm glad you listed when your father was eligible to vote. Your general language and basic argument structures make it clear that you are of a youthful age. It's fine, you shouldn't be ashamed. I, myself, wish that I was a teenager or 20-something. At least I wouldn't have these damn lower back issues.


Cruz is right. Violence at such a venue was wrong and the protesters were responsible for that. But Trump's campaign, which "affirmatively encourages violence," also incites violence from protesters as well as supporters.

How does Trump does incite violence from protesters, by stating his agenda?

For one, by telling them he wants to punch them in the face himself.

He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.

Wrong, moron. It informed his supporters how to deal with protesters.

This trump supporter clearly got the message...

That's your opinion, which is entirely unsupported by any facts or logic.
Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.
Trump has shown no respect for others, why should anyone show respect for him? He has gotten what he deserves.

How would you like it if I showed my "disrespect" for you by knocking your teeth in?
Are you threatening me with violence?

No. I'm saying you're calling threats of violence and actual violence "disrespect."

Trump's hate speech has encouraged violence toward others.

There has been plenty of misinformation and down right spins and lies about Trump to make it look like hate speech.
He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.

Inciting unrest or violence in a crowded hall has plenty to do with everything when it came to the reason to evict them...

Showing up in the thousands to "peacefully' protest a Trump rally, by flipping off Trump supporters and ripping signs from their hands just days after you saw on TV a protestor flipping off a Trump supporter and riling a man in the crowd to the point of punching the "fuck you" bird-flipper, means that the thousands who showed up intended to incite more of that, not less of it.

The veil is off, the left zombie punk crowd was waving Bernie Sanders signs and chanting "Bernie Bernie Bernie" at one point too. We know who came to incite violence. It wasn't Trump supporters or Trump. And I'd love to blame Trump because I can't stand the guy.

if it had been Harry Reid who got the punch, Trump would of put the hero on his future white house cabinet, and Reid would of lost his glasses

That would be a one on one scuffle. "Free speech" laws change when thousands show up to actively and purposefully incite violence they have reason to believe beforehand will erupt as a direct result of very specific acts the crowd was performing against the Trumpsters..
Trump events have already had plenty of violence--not caused by democrats. His rhetoric instigates violence.

"There is a growing catalogue of violence at Trump events. In the past week alone an attack on a non-violent protester led to criminal charges against a Trump supporter, and Michelle Fields, a reporter for conservative website Breitbart, was allegedly assaulted by Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s campaign manager."

Donald Trump Chicago rally called off amid protests and violence
I've been voting for over 30 years kid. Obama is the ultimate Manchurian candidate.. "Yes We Can"? "Hope and Change"? All Obama has done is blame EVERYTHING on Bush and rich people. That's leadership?

Actually that is a verifiably false statement. You cannot have been voting earlier than the 2012 election cycle since you cannot even remember the political climate going into the 2008 election cycle.

Let me educate you since you must have been too young, Bush was widely viewed as a huge failure as a president and maybe the worst in the modern era. At the end of his term, especially considering the economic downturn, Bush was such a negative figure that one of the most moderate, most anti-Bush Republicans earned the win for their candidate. Bush was so bad that, in the first time in party history, the standing president did not attend, in-person, when McCain accepted the Republican nomination. During the 2008 election cycle, both candidates, and both parties, pointed towards the Bush years and blamed them for pretty much everything. Years later somethings have held up, everybody knows that the downturn in American global influence was due to Bush. On the other hand, other things, like the economic downturn, were perhaps only minorly influence by Bush.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and say that Obama's years have been all sunshine and roses...they haven't. Fortunately, that has ZERO to do when discussing Trump...unless, for some odd reason, you think that Trump is Obama. So, can we please get back onto topic, which was originally how one can easily draw a parallel from Trump to Hitler...I'm sure you lack the intellect to have done this intentionally, but you literally just used a Trump tactic, an argumentative fallacy, in order to not address actual issues that were brought up in the original discussion.

You're nutz. There is no correlation between Trump and Hitler except in your twisted, leftwing pea-sized brain.

I have been eligible to vote since July 1978 kid.
I literally listed the correlations earlier. Just because you say "no" and stomp your feet, calling me names doesn't necessarily make it so. Most adults provide fact based reasoning to support their arguments.

I'm glad you listed when your father was eligible to vote. Your general language and basic argument structures make it clear that you are of a youthful age. It's fine, you shouldn't be ashamed. I, myself, wish that I was a teenager or 20-something. At least I wouldn't have these damn lower back issues.

Look kid, you should do a little reading on Hitler. There is no "parallel" as you put it. Every politician appeals to some base at some level, whether it be Obama, Sanders or Trump. So, to single out Trump is more than little disingenuous and shows your partisan nature.

And BTW, I am not a Trump supporter, but I do like how he gets you liberals' panties all in a wad.

That alone is great theater.
Hisses the forum anarchist. :eusa_doh:

I'm tellin' ya folk, you can't make this shit up. :eusa_snooty:

True, you can't make this stuff up. It takes a special kind of stupid to claim the actual law of the land is ludicrous.
Now you're making more shit up as I never said that. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that's exactly what you said. You implied that Trump haters have a right to protest at his events.
I neither said nor implied any such thing. As usual, you prove you're fucking deranged. Trump has the right to have protesters removed [peaceably]. Neither he nor his trumpeters have any right to beat up or assault protesters. That his supporters now whine like the hypocrite sissies they are because some of that violence is coming back at them falls upon deaf ears. Yes, the violence last night was wrong. But so was the violence against protesters at previous Trump rallies. You reap what you sow.
People who show up to disrupt Trump rallies are promoting violence. They know they aren't wanted there and they deliberately promote violence. When you extend your middle finger to a crowd of people who are hostile to you, you're asking to get an ass whooping. That's a far more egregious example of egging on violence than anything Trump has ever said.
All you have is bullshit. There are protesters at virtually every rally for virtually every candidate. In almost every case, the protesters are peaceably escorted out.

At Trump rallies, they're beaten up, assaulted, spit upon, called "nigger," etc... Violence begets violence. You reap what you sow.
^^ Marco Rubio was interviewed last night and he said that none of the other candidates experience anything near the aggressive acts performed at Trump events...not by the Trumpsters, but by the leftists doing those acts.

Trump events have already had plenty of violence--not caused by democrats. His rhetoric instigates violence.

Yeah by carefully-placed and dressed "Trump supporters" ... Why would an actual Trump supporter who agrees with Trump and the rest of the crowd show up to instigate violence by disagreeing with the crowd and Trump? You put an aggressive protestor in that crow flipping off (saying "FUCK YOU") to the Trumpsters and guess what happens between men in that situation? Fists fly. That is foreknowledge everyone has.

So the leftie zombie punks need to stop being crybullies. If you're a dude and you flip off another grown man in a crowd and you get punched, don't go whining to police about it....or to anyone else. You reap what you sew..
I don't feel honored at all. Lol. A guy like Trump doesn't do things for other people unless he is going to get something in return.

He does not need anything? Already has it all. I know, there are no guarantees but what motive would he have? Power hungry? Make America Great again? Why do any of them do it?

Many enter into congress not millionaires. Soon they are 100's of millions. The insider trading ahead of the health care law is enough to make me hurl. "they" want the party to go on and on.

So, you actually believe that Donald Trump is what is good for America huh? :eusa_doh:
Trump has shown no respect for others, why should anyone show respect for him? He has gotten what he deserves.

How would you like it if I showed my "disrespect" for you by knocking your teeth in?
Are you threatening me with violence?

No. I'm saying you're calling threats of violence and actual violence "disrespect."

Trump's hate speech has encouraged violence toward others.

There has been plenty of misinformation and down right spins and lies about Trump to make it look like hate speech.
Misinformation? Seriously? We can read it and hear it for ourselves. We don't need to have it interpreted for us to know what it is. Is the only way you understand what people say when someone tells you what it means? How sad.

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