Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally


I suppose we could have had the police unblock the entrance by gunning down the people could get into the facility...........and just had blood on the streets..........

You are a real dumb ass.
Trump called for the violence, saying "punch them in the face", dumb ass.
Trump was making a joke, dumb ass
That's what the nazis said about Hitler....he was just joking about the Jews.

Comparing Trump to Hitler is proof that you're a douche bag.
Your support of Trump is proof that you are as stupid as the Germans that let Hitler in power.
You just doubled down on stupid.

^^^^Waiving his hate flag^^^^

You are confused.

I am not the one that was doing the hate of shutting down a peaceful political rally last night with violence and intimidation. The Libtards were.

I am not the one that ever looted a 7-11 store.
why do such dumb people with an IQ of 35 even go to these rallies? they have no Idea that its the people they support/and/or voted for that has caused every economic/social problems in our country. these dumbasses probably believe that Bush caused the Obama recession of 2009.
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?
I dunno, what happened to free speech...?

You're posting in the wrong thread, dumbass.

Ain't my fault you can't understand I answered your question.

Hmmmm no, that had nothing to do with shutting down free speech. There's no free speech for the audience in a private political rally.

Hisses the forum anarchist. :eusa_doh:

I'm tellin' ya folk, you can't make this shit up. :eusa_snooty:

True, you can't make this stuff up. It takes a special kind of stupid to claim the actual law of the land is ludicrous.


Cruz is right. Violence at such a venue was wrong and the protesters were responsible for that. But Trump's campaign, which "affirmatively encourages violence," also incites violence from protesters as well as supporters.
I dunno, what happened to free speech...?

You're posting in the wrong thread, dumbass.

Ain't my fault you can't understand I answered your question.

Hmmmm no, that had nothing to do with shutting down free speech. There's no free speech for the audience in a private political rally.

Hisses the forum anarchist. :eusa_doh:

I'm tellin' ya folk, you can't make this shit up. :eusa_snooty:

True, you can't make this stuff up. It takes a special kind of stupid to claim the actual law of the land is ludicrous.

Now you're making more shit up as I never said that. :cuckoo:
I mean, if you look at the basic tenants of how he runs his campaign, you can see that he does draw some easy similarities to Hitler:

- Impassioned speeches working up the emotions of his support base.

- Scape-goating minorities or foreigners as the primary source of national problems

- Coming to power in a faction with little to no support base in previous years (I realize Republicans have actually majority seats in Congress, but he seems to be representing more of an extreme offshoot of the party rather than the core establishment of the party).

In a lot of ways Hitler was actually a great leader...he led his country from being one of the most downtrodden, impoverished states following the Great War into being so powerful as to almost take over the world. The issue many liberals have with Trump isn't so much the fact that he may or may not be a good leader, but the fact that his other beliefs are totally contradictory to what we have worked for as a human civilization. He really speaks like those of eras past, the McCarthy-types, the Hitler-types, using base emotion, encouraging fear, scape-goating minorities...

If you are a human have good reason to be somewhat afraid of a man like Trump.

You realize you just described Obama?

Impassioned speeches working up the emotions of his support base CHECK
Scape-goating the one per-centers as the primary source of national problems CHECK
Coming to power in a faction with little to no support base in previous years CHECK

You watch too much Fox news buddy. Remember, just because the news source agrees with your opinions does not make them factual.

The only thing I've really heard Obama scape-goat on is gun owners. Remember if you supply verifiable reason then it isn't a scape-goat...its building an argument.

The Democrats were in power in Congress when Obama took office, if you were old enough to vote, it was almost a shoe-in that whomever the Democratic nominee would be would win the national election due to just how badly Bush botched up his presidency.

Obama does occasionally use his speeches to work up his voter base. The issue is that he usually ties in reasons or verifiable plans of action into his speeches rather than just using empty language built to rouse emotions. I just watched a Trump rally a couple days ago...the guy literally spent the majority of the time talking about how bad the press is...he spent maybe 30 min talking about how many people support him...and he spent most of the remaining time either using his inflammatory speech (being shocked that somebody insulting him...then insulting them right back, as if it was normal or fine to insult) or pointing out protesters and building an us vs. them mentality.
You're posting in the wrong thread, dumbass.
Ain't my fault you can't understand I answered your question.
Hmmmm no, that had nothing to do with shutting down free speech. There's no free speech for the audience in a private political rally.
Hisses the forum anarchist. :eusa_doh:

I'm tellin' ya folk, you can't make this shit up. :eusa_snooty:

True, you can't make this stuff up. It takes a special kind of stupid to claim the actual law of the land is ludicrous.
Now you're making more shit up as I never said that. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that's exactly what you said. You implied that Trump haters have a right to protest at his events.
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

It's unbelievable !!!!!!!!!
The protesters are accusing Trump of being a Fascist, while they themselves are actually in the streets and stadiums, actually performing the very act of Fascism.
Shutting down the rally, is shutting down the freedom of speech.

Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.
Trump has shown no respect for others, why should anyone show respect for him? He has gotten what he deserves.
I mean, if you look at the basic tenants of how he runs his campaign, you can see that he does draw some easy similarities to Hitler:

- Impassioned speeches working up the emotions of his support base.

- Scape-goating minorities or foreigners as the primary source of national problems

- Coming to power in a faction with little to no support base in previous years (I realize Republicans have actually majority seats in Congress, but he seems to be representing more of an extreme offshoot of the party rather than the core establishment of the party).

In a lot of ways Hitler was actually a great leader...he led his country from being one of the most downtrodden, impoverished states following the Great War into being so powerful as to almost take over the world. The issue many liberals have with Trump isn't so much the fact that he may or may not be a good leader, but the fact that his other beliefs are totally contradictory to what we have worked for as a human civilization. He really speaks like those of eras past, the McCarthy-types, the Hitler-types, using base emotion, encouraging fear, scape-goating minorities...

If you are a human have good reason to be somewhat afraid of a man like Trump.

You realize you just described Obama?

Impassioned speeches working up the emotions of his support base CHECK
Scape-goating the one per-centers as the primary source of national problems CHECK
Coming to power in a faction with little to no support base in previous years CHECK

You watch too much Fox news buddy. Remember, just because the news source agrees with your opinions does not make them factual.

The only thing I've really heard Obama scape-goat on is gun owners. Remember if you supply verifiable reason then it isn't a scape-goat...its building an argument.

The Democrats were in power in Congress when Obama took office, if you were old enough to vote, it was almost a shoe-in that whomever the Democratic nominee would be would win the national election due to just how badly Bush botched up his presidency.

Obama does occasionally use his speeches to work up his voter base. The issue is that he usually ties in reasons or verifiable plans of action into his speeches rather than just using empty language built to rouse emotions. I just watched a Trump rally a couple days ago...the guy literally spent the majority of the time talking about how bad the press is...he spent maybe 30 min talking about how many people support him...and he spent most of the remaining time either using his inflammatory speech (being shocked that somebody insulting him...then insulting them right back, as if it was normal or fine to insult) or pointing out protesters and building an us vs. them mentality.

I've been voting for over 30 years kid. Obama is the ultimate Manchurian candidate.. "Yes We Can"? "Hope and Change"? All Obama has done is blame EVERYTHING on Bush and rich people. That's leadership?

Trump has shown no respect for others, why should anyone show respect for him? He has gotten what he deserves.
Perhaps because we live in 2016? What, do you come from the 1500's? Will you be asking for a duel next? Welcome to the modern era where most people strive to treat others respect since it is what we refer to as "basic decency".

^^^^Waiving his hate flag^^^^

You are confused.

I am not the one that was doing the hate of shutting down a peaceful political rally last night with violence and intimidation. The Libtards were.

I am not the one that ever looted a 7-11 store.
why do such dumb people with an IQ of 35 even go to these rallies? they have no Idea that its the people they support/and/or voted for that has caused every economic/social problems in our country. these dumbasses probably believe that Bush caused the Obama recession of 2009.

I agree with you. I have never been to a political rally in my life. Any candidate that you think will be good will disappoint you if they get into office. All politicians of all parties are scam artist. Some of them like Hillary Clinton are even world class scam artist.

However, having said that everybody should have a right to attend a political rally without the threat of violence and intimidation, which is what happen last night when the Left Wingers came out of their roach nest.
I've been voting for over 30 years kid. Obama is the ultimate Manchurian candidate.. "Yes We Can"? "Hope and Change"? All Obama has done is blame EVERYTHING on Bush and rich people. That's leadership?

Actually that is a verifiably false statement. You cannot have been voting earlier than the 2012 election cycle since you cannot even remember the political climate going into the 2008 election cycle.

Let me educate you since you must have been too young, Bush was widely viewed as a huge failure as a president and maybe the worst in the modern era. At the end of his term, especially considering the economic downturn, Bush was such a negative figure that one of the most moderate, most anti-Bush Republicans earned the win for their candidate. Bush was so bad that, in the first time in party history, the standing president did not attend, in-person, when McCain accepted the Republican nomination. During the 2008 election cycle, both candidates, and both parties, pointed towards the Bush years and blamed them for pretty much everything. Years later somethings have held up, everybody knows that the downturn in American global influence was due to Bush. On the other hand, other things, like the economic downturn, were perhaps only minorly influence by Bush.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and say that Obama's years have been all sunshine and roses...they haven't. Fortunately, that has ZERO to do when discussing Trump...unless, for some odd reason, you think that Trump is Obama. So, can we please get back onto topic, which was originally how one can easily draw a parallel from Trump to Hitler...I'm sure you lack the intellect to have done this intentionally, but you literally just used a Trump tactic, an argumentative fallacy, in order to not address actual issues that were brought up in the original discussion.


Cruz is right. Violence at such a venue was wrong and the protesters were responsible for that. But Trump's campaign, which "affirmatively encourages violence," also incites violence from protesters as well as supporters.

How does Trump does incite violence from protesters, by stating his agenda?

For one, by telling them he wants to punch them in the face himself.

He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.
Trump offered to pay the legal bills for anyone who'd punch a protester.

Maybe he did, maybe I heard that, maybe it was joke, maybe not. Maybe it was mistake? When you on TV for 1/2 hour every day for 8 months and don't say something stupid, let me know.
Ain't my fault you can't understand I answered your question.
Hmmmm no, that had nothing to do with shutting down free speech. There's no free speech for the audience in a private political rally.
Hisses the forum anarchist. :eusa_doh:

I'm tellin' ya folk, you can't make this shit up. :eusa_snooty:

True, you can't make this stuff up. It takes a special kind of stupid to claim the actual law of the land is ludicrous.
Now you're making more shit up as I never said that. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that's exactly what you said. You implied that Trump haters have a right to protest at his events.
I neither said nor implied any such thing. As usual, you prove you're fucking deranged. Trump has the right to have protesters removed [peaceably]. Neither he nor his trumpeters have any right to beat up or assault protesters. That his supporters now whine like the hypocrite sissies they are because some of that violence is coming back at them falls upon deaf ears. Yes, the violence last night was wrong. But so was the violence against protesters at previous Trump rallies. You reap what you sow.
I've been voting for over 30 years kid. Obama is the ultimate Manchurian candidate.. "Yes We Can"? "Hope and Change"? All Obama has done is blame EVERYTHING on Bush and rich people. That's leadership?

Actually that is a verifiably false statement. You cannot have been voting earlier than the 2012 election cycle since you cannot even remember the political climate going into the 2008 election cycle.

Let me educate you since you must have been too young, Bush was widely viewed as a huge failure as a president and maybe the worst in the modern era. At the end of his term, especially considering the economic downturn, Bush was such a negative figure that one of the most moderate, most anti-Bush Republicans earned the win for their candidate. Bush was so bad that, in the first time in party history, the standing president did not attend, in-person, when McCain accepted the Republican nomination. During the 2008 election cycle, both candidates, and both parties, pointed towards the Bush years and blamed them for pretty much everything. Years later somethings have held up, everybody knows that the downturn in American global influence was due to Bush. On the other hand, other things, like the economic downturn, were perhaps only minorly influence by Bush.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and say that Obama's years have been all sunshine and roses...they haven't. Fortunately, that has ZERO to do when discussing Trump...unless, for some odd reason, you think that Trump is Obama. So, can we please get back onto topic, which was originally how one can easily draw a parallel from Trump to Hitler...I'm sure you lack the intellect to have done this intentionally, but you literally just used a Trump tactic, an argumentative fallacy, in order to not address actual issues that were brought up in the original discussion.

You're nutz. There is no correlation between Trump and Hitler except in your twisted, leftwing pea-sized brain.

I have been eligible to vote since July 1978 kid.

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