Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

Trump said the rally was canceled because of concerns over attendees’ safety while also claiming that he did not mean to provoke violence at his events. But local police said in a statement on Friday night that they neither told him there was a safety issue inside the venue at the University of Illinois-Chicago nor that he should postpone the rally.

Rachel Maddow: It is ‘impossible’ to call clash at Trump’s Chicago rally an accident

She's right....those thousands of protestors from the hard left showed up on purpose, flipping off Trumpsters and ripping signs out of their hands knowing exactly what had gone down just days before when another protestor said "FUCK YOU" (an invitation to fight) by flipping off a Trumpster in the crowd and then got punched.

It was on purpose. And who would know that better than Rachael Maddow? Ohio will be better prepared for the next flame-fanned riot Rachael... When men walk up to men and say "fuck you" by flipping them off, fists will fly. The left is banking on it...
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Cruz is right. Violence at such a venue was wrong and the protesters were responsible for that. But Trump's campaign, which "affirmatively encourages violence," also incites violence from protesters as well as supporters.

How does Trump does incite violence from protesters, by stating his agenda?
For one, by telling them he wants to punch them in the face himself.

He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.
Wrong, moron. It informed his supporters how to deal with protesters.

This trump supporter clearly got the message...

That's your opinion, which is entirely unsupported by any facts or logic.
Sadly, you're still shooting blanks. It's not my opinion that Trump said he would like to punch protesters in the face. He actually said it. It's not my opinion Trump encourage his supporters to "knock the crap out" of protesters. He actually said it. It's not my opinion he offered to cover the legal costs involved for any of his supporters who do. He actually said it. It's not my opinion one of his supporters then punched a protester in the face. He actually did it.
How would you like it if I showed my "disrespect" for you by knocking your teeth in?
Are you threatening me with violence?

No. I'm saying you're calling threats of violence and actual violence "disrespect."

Trump's hate speech has encouraged violence toward others.

There has been plenty of misinformation and down right spins and lies about Trump to make it look like hate speech.
Misinformation? Seriously? We can read it and hear it for ourselves. We don't need to have it interpreted for us to know what it is. Is the only way you understand what people say when someone tells you what it means? How sad.

Are you are watching it live on C-Span then? I am.
If not, you are watching and reading on line, only parts of all of the speeches.
Look kid, you should do a little reading on Hitler. There is no "parallel" as you put it. Every politician appeals to some base at some level, whether it be Obama, Sanders or Trump. So, to single out Trump is more than little disingenuous and shows your partisan nature.

And BTW, I am not a Trump supporter, but I do like how he gets you liberals' panties all in a wad.

That alone is great theater.
I'm just going to re-quote what I wrote since you don't even seem to be addressing the issues I brought up:

"I mean, if you look at the basic tenants of how he runs his campaign, you can see that he does draw some easy similarities to Hitler:

- Impassioned speeches working up the emotions of his support base.

- Scape-goating minorities or foreigners as the primary source of national problems

- Coming to power in a faction with little to no support base in previous years (I realize Republicans have actually majority seats in Congress, but he seems to be representing more of an extreme offshoot of the party rather than the core establishment of the party)."

I could list some other parallels, but I believe that those are the most notable ones. The especially frightening ones are actually the first two parallels, where he uses primarily emotionally-charged speaking and scape-goating. Now, all politicians do aim to involve your emotions, the issue is that Trump's speech seem to aim at ONLY doing that. He rarely or never goes into specifics regarding what he wants to do. If asked some direct questions a common tactic of his is to hurl insults rather than address the issue. He feeds an "us vs. them" mentality.

The emotional-charging with little reason to back him, coupled with scape-goating foreigners are easy and clear parallels to draw between himself and Hitler. Now, if he were to provide some facts to back himself up, or elaborate more on why he feels a certain way or what he wants to do, then we could move from saying that he just emotionally-charges his audience to saying that he makes great points while inspiring emotion. It is literally the difference between being something like a religious cult sham and one of the greatest leaders of the world. One guy only engages your emotions, the other guy engages both your reason and your emotion.

I won't pretend that I have no political affiliation, however, I believe myself to be pretty fairhanded and leaving most partisanship notions to the side when engaging in a reasoned discussion. With that said, it is most reasonable to draw a parallel between Trump and Hitler rather than any other candidate and Hitler...why? Well, Trump's campaign is unique, nobody can argue that. Nobody else is running a campaign like him. Unfortunately, in some ways, it also uniquely mirrors what we know of Hitler.
True, you can't make this stuff up. It takes a special kind of stupid to claim the actual law of the land is ludicrous.
Now you're making more shit up as I never said that. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that's exactly what you said. You implied that Trump haters have a right to protest at his events.
I neither said nor implied any such thing. As usual, you prove you're fucking deranged. Trump has the right to have protesters removed [peaceably]. Neither he nor his trumpeters have any right to beat up or assault protesters. That his supporters now whine like the hypocrite sissies they are because some of that violence is coming back at them falls upon deaf ears. Yes, the violence last night was wrong. But so was the violence against protesters at previous Trump rallies. You reap what you sow.
People who show up to disrupt Trump rallies are promoting violence. They know they aren't wanted there and they deliberately promote violence. When you extend your middle finger to a crowd of people who are hostile to you, you're asking to get an ass whooping. That's a far more egregious example of egging on violence than anything Trump has ever said.
All you have is bullshit. There are protesters at virtually every rally for virtually every candidate. In almost every case, the protesters are peaceably escorted out.

At Trump rallies, they're beaten up, assaulted, spit upon, called "******," etc... Violence begets violence. You reap what you sow.
You are having a useless discussion with a guy lecturing us about the disrespectful and aggressive behaviour of crude speech and hand jesters with a guy who uses the same hand jester in his avatar and has the distinction of being one of the crudest and foul name callers on this board.
How does Trump does incite violence from protesters, by stating his agenda?
For one, by telling them he wants to punch them in the face himself.

He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.
Wrong, moron. It informed his supporters how to deal with protesters.

This trump supporter clearly got the message...

That's your opinion, which is entirely unsupported by any facts or logic.
Sadly, you're still shooting blanks. It's not my opinion that Trump said he would like to punch protesters in the face. He actually said it. It's not my opinion Trump encourage his supporters to "knock the crap out" of protesters. He actually said it. It's not my opinion he offered to cover the legal costs involved for any of his supporters who do. He actually said it. It's not my opinion one of his supporters then punched a protester in the face. He actually did it.

Everybody was getting sick and tired of the protestors that kept interrupting all of the speeches with the intent to shut down all of his rallies, like they did at Bernie Sanders rally with Black lives matters.
I thought Trump followers liked all the tough talk and appeals to mob violence. I guess they were just too fucking stupid to figure out that others might respond in kind.

You condemn Trump for his violent rhetoric, but condone behavior like this. It shows how poorly you believe in free speech, when only one side can exercise it but not the other.
Feel free to point to part where I condoned violence. Why do you dummies have to lie about everything all the time?

But I most certainly don't see you condemning the violence instigated by the protesters either. Would you like to take that opportunity now? Or are some types of violence acceptable while others are not?

Trump instigated the violence.

Always Whitey fault.
hey, honkie see honkie do.
How does Trump does incite violence from protesters, by stating his agenda?
For one, by telling them he wants to punch them in the face himself.

He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.
Wrong, moron. It informed his supporters how to deal with protesters.

This trump supporter clearly got the message...

That's your opinion, which is entirely unsupported by any facts or logic.
Sadly, you're still shooting blanks. It's not my opinion that Trump said he would like to punch protesters in the face. He actually said it. It's not my opinion Trump encourage his supporters to "knock the crap out" of protesters. He actually said it. It's not my opinion he offered to cover the legal costs involved for any of his supporters who do. He actually said it. It's not my opinion one of his supporters then punched a protester in the face. He actually did it.

Your claims have already been refuted multiple times by others, so I won't waste my time piling on.
It's very clear the Democrats are instigating and inciting violence at Trump events. They want bloodshed. They want it so they can blame Trump for it. What they're doing is truly shameful. It's also criminal.
Trump said the rally was canceled because of concerns over attendees’ safety while also claiming that he did not mean to provoke violence at his events. But local police said in a statement on Friday night that they neither told him there was a safety issue inside the venue at the University of Illinois-Chicago nor that he should postpone the rally.

Rachel Maddow: It is ‘impossible’ to call clash at Trump’s Chicago rally an accident

She's right....those thousands of protestors from the hard left showed up on purpose, flipping off Trumpsters and ripping signs out of their hands knowing exactly what had gone down just days before when another protestor said "FUCK YOU" (an invitation to fight) by flipping off a Trumpster in the crowd and then got punched.

It was on purpose. And who would know that better than Rachael Maddow? Ohio will be better prepared for the next flame-fanned riot Rachael... When men walk up to men and say "fuck you" by flipping them off, fists will fly. The left is banking on it...
If he represents me, then why is he constantly fucking me up the ass?

Got ourselves a flame war and a diversion looks like... Try staying on topic.
What a "uniter" that Trump turns out to be, don't you think?

Who wants to "unite" with a bunch of ticks on the ass of society?
POTUS represents everyone even the bedbugs and cockroaches like you.

If he represents me, then why is he constantly fucking me up the ass?
I'm not saying that I am homosexual in nature.

What I am saying is that I might would pay to see that.
Look kid, you should do a little reading on Hitler. There is no "parallel" as you put it. Every politician appeals to some base at some level, whether it be Obama, Sanders or Trump. So, to single out Trump is more than little disingenuous and shows your partisan nature.

And BTW, I am not a Trump supporter, but I do like how he gets you liberals' panties all in a wad.

That alone is great theater.
I'm just going to re-quote what I wrote since you don't even seem to be addressing the issues I brought up:

"I mean, if you look at the basic tenants of how he runs his campaign, you can see that he does draw some easy similarities to Hitler:

- Impassioned speeches working up the emotions of his support base.

- Scape-goating minorities or foreigners as the primary source of national problems

- Coming to power in a faction with little to no support base in previous years (I realize Republicans have actually majority seats in Congress, but he seems to be representing more of an extreme offshoot of the party rather than the core establishment of the party)."

I could list some other parallels, but I believe that those are the most notable ones. The especially frightening ones are actually the first two parallels, where he uses primarily emotionally-charged speaking and scape-goating. Now, all politicians do aim to involve your emotions, the issue is that Trump's speech seem to aim at ONLY doing that. He rarely or never goes into specifics regarding what he wants to do. If asked some direct questions a common tactic of his is to hurl insults rather than address the issue. He feeds an "us vs. them" mentality.

The emotional-charging with little reason to back him, coupled with scape-goating foreigners are easy and clear parallels to draw between himself and Hitler. Now, if he were to provide some facts to back himself up, or elaborate more on why he feels a certain way or what he wants to do, then we could move from saying that he just emotionally-charges his audience to saying that he makes great points while inspiring emotion. It is literally the difference between being something like a religious cult sham and one of the greatest leaders of the world. One guy only engages your emotions, the other guy engages both your reason and your emotion.

I won't pretend that I have no political affiliation, however, I believe myself to be pretty fairhanded and leaving most partisanship notions to the side when engaging in a reasoned discussion. With that said, it is most reasonable to draw a parallel between Trump and Hitler rather than any other candidate and Hitler...why? Well, Trump's campaign is unique, nobody can argue that. Nobody else is running a campaign like him.
Unfortunately, in some ways, it also uniquely mirrors what we know of Hitler.

Agreed, well said. Rump's rhetoric is virtually entirely comprised of what I call blusterfluff --- emotional candy designed to whip people into a sportslike frenzy, with virtually no specifics at all behind it. The fact that he has minions faithfully following despite his past opinions very much in opposition to those minions belies the strictly emotional basis of the whole thing.

Anyone who can't see the glaring differences between the rhetoric of Rump and say Kasich is just deliberately wearing blinders. Kasich is selling policy and Rump is selling emotions. In other words he's taking the same approach that TV networks do broadcasting naked people wandering an island, paternity tests and fake wrestling. Rump is betting that the public isn't bright enough to see through the whole charade, and he's largely winning that bet.
For one, by telling them he wants to punch them in the face himself.

He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.
Wrong, moron. It informed his supporters how to deal with protesters.

This trump supporter clearly got the message...

That's your opinion, which is entirely unsupported by any facts or logic.
Sadly, you're still shooting blanks. It's not my opinion that Trump said he would like to punch protesters in the face. He actually said it. It's not my opinion Trump encourage his supporters to "knock the crap out" of protesters. He actually said it. It's not my opinion he offered to cover the legal costs involved for any of his supporters who do. He actually said it. It's not my opinion one of his supporters then punched a protester in the face. He actually did it.

Everybody was getting sick and tired of the protestors that kept interrupting all of the speeches with the intent to shut down all of his rallies, like they did at Bernie Sanders rally with Black lives matters.
I don't give a flying fuck how frustrated they were getting -- it doesn't warrant violence. I was at a Hillary rally last year. There were protesters. They were peaceably escorted out and she continued her speech. That's how you deal with protesters. You don't beat them up. Even worse, you don't have candidates encouraging supporters to beat them up.
He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.
Wrong, moron. It informed his supporters how to deal with protesters.

This trump supporter clearly got the message...

That's your opinion, which is entirely unsupported by any facts or logic.
Sadly, you're still shooting blanks. It's not my opinion that Trump said he would like to punch protesters in the face. He actually said it. It's not my opinion Trump encourage his supporters to "knock the crap out" of protesters. He actually said it. It's not my opinion he offered to cover the legal costs involved for any of his supporters who do. He actually said it. It's not my opinion one of his supporters then punched a protester in the face. He actually did it.

Everybody was getting sick and tired of the protestors that kept interrupting all of the speeches with the intent to shut down all of his rallies, like they did at Bernie Sanders rally with Black lives matters.
I don't give a flying fuck how frustrated they were getting -- it doesn't warrant violence. I was at a Hillary rally last year. There were protesters. They were peaceably escorted out and she continued her speech. That's how you deal with protesters. You don't beat them up. Even worse, you don't have candidates encouraging supporters to beat them up.

Which is what the left protestors do all the time.
Koch brothers will hire someone to put a bean in Donald's bonnet. They are going to be smart about it though. There will be ramped up violence and just like we saw a little while ago, people rushing the stage until the one with the gun gets him.

That is the only way the GOP will get rid of Donald Trump
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?
I heard they were protestors. Does not sound so good that way, does it?

"Protester" is a liberal euphemism for "thug."
For one, by telling them he wants to punch them in the face himself.

He said that after the protesters were thrown out because they refused to leave, so it had nothing to do with anything.
Wrong, moron. It informed his supporters how to deal with protesters.

This trump supporter clearly got the message...

That's your opinion, which is entirely unsupported by any facts or logic.
Sadly, you're still shooting blanks. It's not my opinion that Trump said he would like to punch protesters in the face. He actually said it. It's not my opinion Trump encourage his supporters to "knock the crap out" of protesters. He actually said it. It's not my opinion he offered to cover the legal costs involved for any of his supporters who do. He actually said it. It's not my opinion one of his supporters then punched a protester in the face. He actually did it.

Your claims have already been refuted multiple times by others, so I won't waste my time piling on.

Actually they're documented, and they've been posted multiple times, and you know that so you're running away. Loudly.

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