Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

That's dishonest. Which is par for the course with lefties. How many Trump supporters disrupted Bernie or Hillary. When you figure on it a while get back to us.

You could have just as well stated that disrupting a rally is EXACTLY the same as beating the crap out of people....After all, no one could ever "accuse" you of having a brain.
I don't give a flying fuck how frustrated they were getting -- it doesn't warrant violence. I was at a Hillary rally last year. There were protesters. They were peaceably escorted out and she continued her speech. That's how you deal with protesters. You don't beat them up. Even worse, you don't have candidates encouraging supporters to beat them up.

When a man walks up to another man in a tense situation and says "fuck you!", don't act surprised when fists fly. The flipping off of the crowd was the protestor's ...THE PROTESTOR'S invitation to violence. He wanted violence. He was inviting a fight.

Thousands more showing up days later flipping off Trump protestors (and ripping "Trump" signs from their hands) were wanting exactly the same thing...inviting exactly the same thing.. So you don't have the luxury of playing the sweet innocent little crybully.. And BTW when thousands show up to incite violence that's called "Inciting a riot" and it's illegal.

Many of the "protesters" initiated violence when they were asked to leave. I don't recall any of you leftwing hypocrite douche nozzles saying anything about that.
Prove it


(Protestors flipping off and blocking an ambulance last night)

Such a "peaceful protest"...even after it was called off...

He said protesters initiated violence when asked to leave a rally. How the fuck does last night's protest, which didn't even involve a rally since it was called off, prove his claim?

The sad thing about this forum is that we have morons like you to debate with. A chimpanzee would have more intelligent things to say than you.
That's dishonest. Which is par for the course with lefties. How many Trump supporters disrupted Bernie or Hillary. When you figure on it a while get back to us.

You could have just as well stated that disrupting a rally is EXACTLY the same as beating the crap out of people....After all, no one could ever "accuse" you of having a brain.
If they refuse to leave, then they deserve to get a beating.
I have not said anything at all one way or the other as to why Trump shut down his rally for security reasons. So I will do so now.
I was not the one who said that security said it, from what I understand, it was both talking together and Trump made the decision.
I think that was a good decision, because it could have escalated to a riot very easily and it seems security agreed.

Not only could it have, it was designed to by the actions of the protestors. They'd seen one of their own flipping off a Trumpster and inviting a fight, which he got, getting punched in the nose. So they decided "hey, let's a couple of thousand of us show up and start flipping off Trumpsters in a public venue and see what happens??" *nudge nudge, wink wink*.

They showed up and began doing things in anticipation of inviting violence. Their intent was to run it on prime time on ..well you know the far left media mouthpiece "red meat" for galvanizing Bernie Sanders votes. In fact the crowd, when they weren't flipping off Trumpsters and ripping signs out of their hands, were holding up their own "Bernie Sanders" signs and chanting "Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!"...

Trump has shown no respect for others, why should anyone show respect for him? He has gotten what he deserves.

How would you like it if I showed my "disrespect" for you by knocking your teeth in?
Are you threatening me with violence?

No. I'm saying you're calling threats of violence and actual violence "disrespect."

Trump's hate speech has encouraged violence toward others.

There has been plenty of misinformation and down right spins and lies about Trump to make it look like hate speech.

I cited only his incitement-to-violence speech just now. Didn't even go into "rapists", "pigs", "losers", "pussy" and of course the physical gyrations mocking a congenital disability.

This is what Rump does in his hopelessly fragile egocentric shell --- polarizes people. It's his infantile way of trying to feel superior. And it has consequences.
If they refuse to leave, then they deserve to get a beating.

.....and even if they choose to leave, its OK to sucker punch them on the way out....right, moron?
No, that was uncalled for. However, the guy did give the middle finger salute to the audience. If you claim that Trump is "inciting violence," then that's exactly what this guy did.
That's dishonest. Which is par for the course with lefties. How many Trump supporters disrupted Bernie or Hillary. When you figure on it a while get back to us.

You could have just as well stated that disrupting a rally is EXACTLY the same as beating the crap out of people....After all, no one could ever "accuse" you of having a brain.
If they refuse to leave, then they deserve to get a beating.
Your approval of violence is noted...
No, that was uncalled for. However, the guy did give the middle finger salute to the audience. If you claim that Trump is "inciting violence," then that's exactly what this guy did.

Did that dumb old fart get beat up? NO
Who promised to pay for this old fart's "legal defense"?

Answer those question and even a moron like you should be able to figure out who is inciting violence.
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

It's unbelievable !!!!!!!!!
The protesters are accusing Trump of being a Fascist, while they themselves are actually in the streets and stadiums, actually performing the very act of Fascism.
Shutting down the rally, is shutting down the freedom of speech.

Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.

Protesting with the soul intent to shut down one of the opposing members of any Presidential running party is not democracy.
Trump would not have had to do so if the protestors inside and out whom many claimed to be from move said that was the purpose of the protest, to shut down the rally, then when the people left in their cars the protestors yelled we won, we won. because they were successful in shutting down the rally.

And other people claim Reagan took down the Soviet Union. And other people claim it rained because they did a rain dance. Hell, I can watch a tree fall down and then claim "I did that with telekinesis" --- doesn't mean I did.

The fact remains it was Rump's decision alone to cancel. Security didn't tell him to do that. Check the wording of the speaker above --- "Mr Rump.... has determined that...". Doesn't say "the police advised that... ". Weasel words.

Well I agree with what you said.
I have not said anything at all one way or the other as to why Trump shut down his rally for security reasons. So I will do so now.
I was not the one who said that security said it, from what I understand, it was both talking together and Trump made the decision.
I think that was a good decision, because it could have escalated to a riot very easily and it seems security agreed.

But it wasn't. The police knew nothing about any concerns until they got the word it was cancelled. They didn't even discuss it with Rump. He's leading you on.

Doesn't it make you stop and wonder why?
I cited only his incitement-to-violence speech just now. Didn't even go into "rapists", "pigs", "losers", "pussy" and of course the physical gyrations mocking a congenital disability.

This is what Rump does in his hopelessly fragile egocentric shell --- polarizes people. It's his infantile way of trying to feel superior. And it has consequences.

And part of those consequences might be trying to drive more Rubio, Cruz and Kasich supporters over to Trump's camp in a "vote protest" against the mob...So that initiates another theory of what was behind the behind the scenes strategy of this planned near-riot from the left.. Ironically, they could've been trying to be as left as they could to invite more righties into Trump's pocket on the eve of the pivotal Ohio and Florida primaries where the vote to overtake Trump is razor thin.
No, that was uncalled for. However, the guy did give the middle finger salute to the audience. If you claim that Trump is "inciting violence," then that's exactly what this guy did.

Did that dumb old fart get beat up? NO
Who promised to pay for this old fart's "legal defense"?

Answer those question and even a moron like you should be able to figure out who is inciting violence.

Trump didn't promise to pay that guys legal defense.
Gee, just because Trump is a pathological lying guy who tolerates racist and white supremacist supporters along with followers with a warped and insulting sense of the definition of what a "true American" is, coupled with inflammatory rhetoric and hate speech shouldn't motivate those who he and they insult and demean them give his and their targets an excuse to protest. Why can't they just shrink away and take it with no response?
It's unbelievable !!!!!!!!!
The protesters are accusing Trump of being a Fascist, while they themselves are actually in the streets and stadiums, actually performing the very act of Fascism.
Shutting down the rally, is shutting down the freedom of speech.

Rump is the guy who shut it down.

Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said.​

Protesting isn't "fascism" -- it's got another word..... what was that.... oh yeah democracy.

Protesting with the soul intent to shut down one of the opposing members of any Presidential running party is not democracy.
Trump would not have had to do so if the protestors inside and out whom many claimed to be from move said that was the purpose of the protest, to shut down the rally, then when the people left in their cars the protestors yelled we won, we won. because they were successful in shutting down the rally.

And other people claim Reagan took down the Soviet Union. And other people claim it rained because they did a rain dance. Hell, I can watch a tree fall down and then claim "I did that with telekinesis" --- doesn't mean I did.

The fact remains it was Rump's decision alone to cancel. Security didn't tell him to do that. Check the wording of the speaker above --- "Mr Rump.... has determined that...". Doesn't say "the police advised that... ". Weasel words.

Well I agree with what you said.
I have not said anything at all one way or the other as to why Trump shut down his rally for security reasons. So I will do so now.
I was not the one who said that security said it, from what I understand, it was both talking together and Trump made the decision.
I think that was a good decision, because it could have escalated to a riot very easily and it seems security agreed.

But it wasn't. The police knew nothing about any concerns until they got the word it was cancelled. They didn't even discuss it with Rump. He's leading you on.

Doesn't it make you stop and wonder why?

I guess it boils down to what it is that security of each side is talking about.
There was the Security there for that college campus rally (which is who Trump is referring to) and then then there is the City Police which Trump did not consult with.

P.S. I have not said that I am voting for Trump.
I've been voting for over 30 years kid. Obama is the ultimate Manchurian candidate.. "Yes We Can"? "Hope and Change"? All Obama has done is blame EVERYTHING on Bush and rich people. That's leadership?

Actually that is a verifiably false statement. You cannot have been voting earlier than the 2012 election cycle since you cannot even remember the political climate going into the 2008 election cycle.

Let me educate you since you must have been too young, Bush was widely viewed as a huge failure as a president and maybe the worst in the modern era. At the end of his term, especially considering the economic downturn, Bush was such a negative figure that one of the most moderate, most anti-Bush Republicans earned the win for their candidate. Bush was so bad that, in the first time in party history, the standing president did not attend, in-person, when McCain accepted the Republican nomination. During the 2008 election cycle, both candidates, and both parties, pointed towards the Bush years and blamed them for pretty much everything. Years later somethings have held up, everybody knows that the downturn in American global influence was due to Bush. On the other hand, other things, like the economic downturn, were perhaps only minorly influence by Bush.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and say that Obama's years have been all sunshine and roses...they haven't. Fortunately, that has ZERO to do when discussing Trump...unless, for some odd reason, you think that Trump is Obama. So, can we please get back onto topic, which was originally how one can easily draw a parallel from Trump to Hitler...I'm sure you lack the intellect to have done this intentionally, but you literally just used a Trump tactic, an argumentative fallacy, in order to not address actual issues that were brought up in the original discussion.
Wow. Bush was widely viewed as a failure? We don't all live in your little hate bubble universe. Those are the ones that blamed everything on him and many still do. They will never admit to the lack of success of their agenda. Bush was demonized by the filthy leftists, like with Reagan, like Palin, on and on. It's what they do.

You don't think Trump's success is due to obama's failures? That's beyond credibility.
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?

Yo, you and your elk on this Politic Board! Just using FREE SPEECH! Let the rest of the FREE SPEECH people here know what will happen if you FREE SPEECH here? Ready? Counting to 10?

View attachment 66880
There is an elk on this Politic Board? that explains a lot.
Clearly most on the USMB right have become completely unhinged with their ridiculous lies about protests at Trump events.

Conservatives' first lie is that the protesters are 'violating' free speech. Not only is this a lie but it's factually wrong as well.

The second lie is that the protests are 'instigated' by 'the left,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth – the protesters are acting alone, they are alone responsible for their actions, representing no one but themselves.

And the third lie is that Trump supporters are 'victims' of the protesters when there is clear evidence that in many cases the violence was initiated by Trump supporters.

It should come as no surprise, of course, that most USMB rightists would contrive and attempt to propagate such inane lies.
The news is reporting that Trump cancelled a rally in Chicago because a hoard of Democrat thugs showed up to threaten him and his fans.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Who are the brownshirts here?
There are no "Democrat thugs." People too stupid to use the adjectival form don't deserve to be taken seriously.

Donnie J. Chickenshit shut down the rally.

Or are you all so simple you believe he could let the police talk him into it if he really wanted to go out there?

Chickenshit. Accustomed to having his own way all his life. Not used to be contradicted.


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