Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

Trump himself calls them "my fans." Not "supporters," not "voters." Fans. Chickenshit thinks he's producing another "reality" show. Problem is, there are people outside his little bubble who aren't following his script.
Cough cough ...... obama, remember him? He had people passing out from his glorous presence. School teachers having children sing praises. Obamagirls making music vids, etc. When Trump does that get back to us.

Deflection. Bored with Trump already? If I asked you to link to any of that, would you do your usual "You're not worth responding to"?

Oh, and:

If you're planning to vote for Donnie J. Chickenshit, you need to pay more attention.
You need to pop your head out of your ass. I answered your comments and you couldn't answer my challenge so the deflection was all yours. You need to pay more attention, not everyone is as dense as you.
Then what was all of this on twitter about shutting down Trumps event in Chicago all about?
Proof Move on and Left Responsible For Tonight Protesters at Trump Rally in Chicago | Opinion - Conservative

Did you even bother to see that YOUR own link end with the phrase. OPINION-CONSERVATIVE?

Yes I saw that.
A Conservative does not have the right to an opinion?

It's at odds with the first word of its headline: "proof".

"Proof" means facts. Facts and opinions are two different things.

Is the email and twitter quotes real or made up?

^^^^Waiving his hate flag^^^^

You are confused.

I am not the one that was doing the hate of shutting down a peaceful political rally last night with violence and intimidation. The Libtards were.

I am not the one that ever looted a 7-11 store.
why do such dumb people with an IQ of 35 even go to these rallies? they have no Idea that its the people they support/and/or voted for that has caused every economic/social problems in our country. these dumbasses probably believe that Bush caused the Obama recession of 2009.

I agree with you. I have never been to a political rally in my life. Any candidate that you think will be good will disappoint you if they get into office. All politicians of all parties are scam artist. Some of them like Hillary Clinton are even world class scam artist.

However, having said that everybody should have a right to attend a political rally without the threat of violence and intimidation, which is what happen last night when the Left Wingers came out of their roach nest.

A "threat" that apparently existed only in Donald Rump's manipulative imagination.

You are confused.

He was not the only one that thought it was a threat because he was advised by the police and the Secret Service to cancel the event.

You Moon Bats would be screaming your head off if you had to put up with that level of violence and intimidation at a Bernie Commie or The Bitch rally so don't give me that crap about it was nothing significant.
Trump himself calls them "my fans." Not "supporters," not "voters." Fans. Chickenshit thinks he's producing another "reality" show. Problem is, there are people outside his little bubble who aren't following his script.
Cough cough ...... obama, remember him? He had people passing out from his glorous presence. School teachers having children sing praises. Obamagirls making music vids, etc. When Trump does that get back to us.

Deflection. Bored with Trump already? If I asked you to link to any of that, would you do your usual "You're not worth responding to"?

Oh, and:

If you're planning to vote for Donnie J. Chickenshit, you need to pay more attention.

A woman fainted --- what an opportunity! Punch her in the face! It's what "patriots" do.
Great quote from Rubio:

"No matter how offensive you may find Donald Trump, you do not have a right to disrupt his events and prevent him from speaking."
That, and this:

“If he’s [Trump] our nominee, this [violence] is what the Republican party’s going to be defined by. This is what it’s going to mean to be a conservative,” Rubio cautioned.
Rubio: If Trump's our nominee, GOP will be 'defined by' violence

Rubio is of no consequence to me...and most others also
Hmm, odd that you quoted him then...

I agreed with what he said, just as I agree with what some other people say I don't support. Unlike you I don't feel the need to walk lockstep and toe the party line...that's pretty much what makes you a nonsensical jackass and a joke
Then what was all of this on twitter about shutting down Trumps event in Chicago all about?
Proof Move on and Left Responsible For Tonight Protesters at Trump Rally in Chicago | Opinion - Conservative

Did you even bother to see that YOUR own link end with the phrase. OPINION-CONSERVATIVE?

Yes I saw that.
A Conservative does not have the right to an opinion?

It's at odds with the first word of its headline: "proof".

"Proof" means facts. Facts and opinions are two different things.

Is the email and twitter quotes real or made up?

On my screen it says, "Proof Move on and Left Responsible"

--- that means they're asserting cause-and-effect. Not to mention, also making a blanket generalization.

That's not proof. It's opinion. The American Taliban.

Out of curiosity, is it who is against gays, legal abortions and dissent.....or is it your ilk???

Just out of curiosity was it hundreds of Conservatives last night intimidating free speech and beating up police or was it the filthy Libtards?

"Beating up police"?

SMH -- when they got nothing they just pull it outta their ass...
Great quote from Rubio:

"No matter how offensive you may find Donald Trump, you do not have a right to disrupt his events and prevent him from speaking."

NO ONE but Trump himself prevented the Trumpeter from speaking...Trump could have gotten on his podium and repeat the trite phrases as to why he is the greatest in everything (except, of course, in making sense.)
You're a fucking liar.

Trump was quoted saying that. The police were quoting denying it.
Bullshit. You are fucking lying again.

Why do you keep lying?

SMH .... Denialists.... declaring what's sitting right in front of their nose is "not there".... they must be fucking stupid.

Posted several times already:

>> A spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department tells ABC7 Eyewitness News the Chicago Police Department did not talk to the Trump campaign or tell them to cancel the event, and that the first police heard was at 6:30 p.m. when they were notified by UIC and Secret Service that the event was canceled.

In a statement from UIC Police Chief Kevin Booker, he said: "The University of Illinois at Chicago worked with all appropriate agencies to address the security concerns associated with an event of this nature including the Secret Service, Chicago Police Department and Illinois State Police as well as campaign and protest organizers. The vast majority of attendees at today's events exercised their Constitutional rights of free speech and free assembly peacefully. The abrupt announcement of the cancellation of the event created challenges in managing an orderly exit from the Pavilion, which nonetheless, was accomplished with no injuries or arrests." <<​
People who are not dumb fucks know that is irrelevant because Trump never claimed that the Chicago police told him to cancel in the first place.

Damn you people are fucking dense. Get off the dope.


It very much IS relevant, since the same article says at the top ---- notice the weasel-worded script:

>> Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said. <<
Not only is that a lie according to police, who specifically said there was no such meeting, it's deliberately worded to imply that police advised calling it off. Not only didn't they advise any such thing ---- not only were they not even consulted about it ----- but upon the release of eleven thousand hyped-up Rumpbots into the streets all at once, which is a major crowd control situation --- they handled it without incident.

It's weasel worded to make that impression, while still having technical deniability. Go read the first thousand posts of this thread --- lots of people believed it. That's why this passage had to be posted over and over and over and over and over. They're being played by a hustler and they needed it pointed out. And even now some still don't get it.

You're the dumbass.

1) The Chicago police are not the only police department in the country. Protectees routinely meet with the oldest federal police department in the country before events like this.

2) Trump never said that the police told him to postpone the event. He said it was his decision.

3) You have horrible reading comprehension skills.
Great quote from Rubio:

"No matter how offensive you may find Donald Trump, you do not have a right to disrupt his events and prevent him from speaking."

NO ONE but Trump himself prevented the Trumpeter from speaking...Trump could have gotten on his podium and repeat the trite phrases as to why he is the greatest in everything (except, of course, in making sense.)

Go away, you've done and went full blown retard
Clearly most on the USMB right have become completely unhinged with their ridiculous lies about protests at Trump events.

Conservatives' first lie is that the protesters are 'violating' free speech. Not only is this a lie but it's factually wrong as well.

The second lie is that the protests are 'instigated' by 'the left,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth – the protesters are acting alone, they are alone responsible for their actions, representing no one but themselves.

And the third lie is that Trump supporters are 'victims' of the protesters when there is clear evidence that in many cases the violence was initiated by Trump supporters.

It should come as no surprise, of course, that most USMB rightists would contrive and attempt to propagate such inane lies.

There weren't any lies about what happen last night.

Hundreds of shithead Libtards from intimidated innocent people going to a free speech event. They used violence and police were hurt and they pretty much acted like Nazis or the Taliban, take your pick.

It is comical to see you Moon Bats try to justify it. Of course that is just the kind of assholes you are.

You would scream bloody murder if a right leaning organization did that to Bernie Commie or The Bitch of Benghazhi so you can off your fucking lies about Trump somehow being responsible.
You would scream bloody murder if a right leaning organization did that to Bernie Commie or The Bitch of Benghazhi so you can off your fucking lies about Trump somehow being responsible.

Rebel without a clue is becoming UNhinged.........LOL The American Taliban.

Out of curiosity, is it who is against gays, legal abortions and dissent.....or is it your ilk???

Just out of curiosity was it hundreds of Conservatives last night intimidating free speech and beating up police or was it the filthy Libtards?

"Beating up police"?

SMH -- when they got nothing they just pull it outta their ass...

You Libtards are always low information. That is why you always get it wrong and are confused about everything.

Trump calls off rally due to security concerns - The Boston Globe

Five people were arrested Friday night, Escalante said. He also said two Chicago police officers were injured with non-life-threatening wounds. One of them was hit in the head with a bottle and will need stitches.
Trump was quoted saying that. The police were quoting denying it.
Bullshit. You are fucking lying again.

Why do you keep lying?

SMH .... Denialists.... declaring what's sitting right in front of their nose is "not there".... they must be fucking stupid.

Posted several times already:

>> A spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department tells ABC7 Eyewitness News the Chicago Police Department did not talk to the Trump campaign or tell them to cancel the event, and that the first police heard was at 6:30 p.m. when they were notified by UIC and Secret Service that the event was canceled.

In a statement from UIC Police Chief Kevin Booker, he said: "The University of Illinois at Chicago worked with all appropriate agencies to address the security concerns associated with an event of this nature including the Secret Service, Chicago Police Department and Illinois State Police as well as campaign and protest organizers. The vast majority of attendees at today's events exercised their Constitutional rights of free speech and free assembly peacefully. The abrupt announcement of the cancellation of the event created challenges in managing an orderly exit from the Pavilion, which nonetheless, was accomplished with no injuries or arrests." <<​
People who are not dumb fucks know that is irrelevant because Trump never claimed that the Chicago police told him to cancel in the first place.

Damn you people are fucking dense. Get off the dope.


It very much IS relevant, since the same article says at the top ---- notice the weasel-worded script:

>> Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said. <<
Not only is that a lie according to police, who specifically said there was no such meeting, it's deliberately worded to imply that police advised calling it off. Not only didn't they advise any such thing ---- not only were they not even consulted about it ----- but upon the release of eleven thousand hyped-up Rumpbots into the streets all at once, which is a major crowd control situation --- they handled it without incident.

It's weasel worded to make that impression, while still having technical deniability. Go read the first thousand posts of this thread --- lots of people believed it. That's why this passage had to be posted over and over and over and over and over. They're being played by a hustler and they needed it pointed out. And even now some still don't get it.

You're the dumbass.

1) The Chicago police are not the only police department in the country. Protectees routinely meet with the oldest federal police department in the country before events like this.

2) Trump never said that the police told him to postpone the event. He said it was his decision.

3) You have horrible reading comprehension skills.

So "horrible" that I'm actually the one who pointed this out last night to quell the myth I just outlined.

Look that one up, Dumbass.
Bullshit. You are fucking lying again.

Why do you keep lying?

SMH .... Denialists.... declaring what's sitting right in front of their nose is "not there".... they must be fucking stupid.

Posted several times already:

>> A spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department tells ABC7 Eyewitness News the Chicago Police Department did not talk to the Trump campaign or tell them to cancel the event, and that the first police heard was at 6:30 p.m. when they were notified by UIC and Secret Service that the event was canceled.

In a statement from UIC Police Chief Kevin Booker, he said: "The University of Illinois at Chicago worked with all appropriate agencies to address the security concerns associated with an event of this nature including the Secret Service, Chicago Police Department and Illinois State Police as well as campaign and protest organizers. The vast majority of attendees at today's events exercised their Constitutional rights of free speech and free assembly peacefully. The abrupt announcement of the cancellation of the event created challenges in managing an orderly exit from the Pavilion, which nonetheless, was accomplished with no injuries or arrests." <<​
People who are not dumb fucks know that is irrelevant because Trump never claimed that the Chicago police told him to cancel in the first place.

Damn you people are fucking dense. Get off the dope.


It very much IS relevant, since the same article says at the top ---- notice the weasel-worded script:

>> Donald Trump has canceled his rally at the UIC Pavilion due to safety concerns.

A speaker came out to the podium and made an announcement.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed until another date. Thank you very much for you attendance and please go in peace," he said. <<
Not only is that a lie according to police, who specifically said there was no such meeting, it's deliberately worded to imply that police advised calling it off. Not only didn't they advise any such thing ---- not only were they not even consulted about it ----- but upon the release of eleven thousand hyped-up Rumpbots into the streets all at once, which is a major crowd control situation --- they handled it without incident.

It's weasel worded to make that impression, while still having technical deniability. Go read the first thousand posts of this thread --- lots of people believed it. That's why this passage had to be posted over and over and over and over and over. They're being played by a hustler and they needed it pointed out. And even now some still don't get it.

You're the dumbass.

1) The Chicago police are not the only police department in the country. Protectees routinely meet with the oldest federal police department in the country before events like this.

2) Trump never said that the police told him to postpone the event. He said it was his decision.

3) You have horrible reading comprehension skills.

So "horrible" that I'm actually the one who pointed this out last night to quell the myth I just outlined.

Look that one up, Dumbass.
You said that Trump implied that the police told him to cancel the rally.

That shows that your reading comprehension skills are deficient.

The Trump organization never said that nor implied that in any way shape or form. They made it perfectly clear that it was Trump's decision.

In other words you LWNJs are full of shit as usual.
No, that was uncalled for. However, the guy did give the middle finger salute to the audience. If you claim that Trump is "inciting violence," then that's exactly what this guy did.

Did that dumb old fart get beat up? NO
Who promised to pay for this old fart's "legal defense"?

Answer those question and even a moron like you should be able to figure out who is inciting violence.
Trump did not make the remark about paying for anyone's legal defense at that rally. You're trying to make it appear that the two events were concomitant.

Just more left wing douche bag dishonestly

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