Democratic Death Blow

Two words: Bernie Sanders

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Bet the Libs didn't see this one coming! Just when they thought they were done with the old fool, he resurfaces to show them he will take the best part of their party away and leave the democrats just the dried up, stinky, old prunes!

Hillary: Beaten by an orange clown with zero experience!

DNC: Beaten by a tired, washed up, no-name socialist!

Liberals: Lost everything just when they thought they were closing in for the kill!
Bernie was 100% accurate.

The Democrat Party is a Failure, with Failed Leadership, and Failed Ideologies.
Their Jihad to continue to promote scam after scam, and lie after lie, and attempts to disrupt democracy, and interupt the peaceful transfer of power is turning even their own members off.

When you start pissing off people like Diane Feinstein and Bernie Sanders, you have JUMPED THE SHARK and THE END IS NEAR.

The Dem party deserves the slow and painful self inflicted death they are engaged in night after night.
Senator Sanders represents the future, even at his age. The policies he advocated will all come to be in the next 15 years.

Socialism will never work with a country full of Lazy spoiled workers.Take that away and what do you have? No incentive(s). Nobody want's to work anymore. Why? So you can pay 90% of your "effort" to those who don't work? Humans are lazy. They only work to get rich to be able to stop working. some succeed, some retire old.

GOVT theft is already over 50% for many (ALL taxes).
i wasn't a fan of his politics, but i do believe him to be an honest man.

Not sure about that. He lied to his "donors" and supporters. He went along with the Beast long enough to get a Lake house and siphon off his donations. He did not even put up a fight. Now he thinks he can do it again? He cheated his supporters. He might as well worked FOR the Beast Campaign. FRAUD.
Listen to the wealthy socialist...those yearning for a third party to bring 'economic and social justice' via government decree, time to rise up and put your principles where your mouth is.
we put him into office of the presidency.
We? You and a mouse in yer pocket?
'we' of 63 million. and kicked your mthr fing ass.
We didn't kick any ass..
how you figure? there is all kinds of butts sore in here. I call it like I see it. and the butt hurt has been off the wall. Good old fashion ass whoopen.
i wasn't a fan of his politics, but i do believe him to be an honest man.

Not sure about that. He lied to his "donors" and supporters. He went along with the Beast long enough to get a Lake house and siphon off his donations. He did not even put up a fight. Now he thinks he can do it again? He cheated his supporters. He might as well worked FOR the Beast Campaign. FRAUD.
You forget, his supporters actually believe that "free" stuff has no cost to it. They will believe ANYTHING
Listen to the wealthy socialist...those yearning for a third party to bring 'economic and social justice' via government decree, time to rise up and put your principles where your mouth is.
we put him into office of the presidency.

Hey Popeye, Trump is an unrepentant CAPITALIST. Slight difference with a socialist.

A capitalist creates his own wealth. A socialists takes wealth from the producers and redistributes it to people who don't produce until they have as much as the producer. That works until they run out of other people's money or the producers realize there is no point in producing if others get the same thing with no effort for free.

You really have to stop forgetting to take your medication.
me, I was yearning for a third party, I got him. thanks
i wasn't a fan of his politics, but i do believe him to be an honest man.

Not sure about that. He lied to his "donors" and supporters. He went along with the Beast long enough to get a Lake house and siphon off his donations. He did not even put up a fight. Now he thinks he can do it again? He cheated his supporters. He might as well worked FOR the Beast Campaign. FRAUD.
Why can't he?
Senator Sanders represents the future, even at his age. The policies he advocated will all come to be in the next 15 years.

Just like in Venezuela, right?
It will be better this time.

The other times they were doing it wrong.

The Venezuelans were flawed -- and greedy. The USA made sure it failed because we can't allow a successful Socialist experiment, not once. The wonder is that Chavez or Maduro didn't round up and kill their own people
Where Sanders will succeed is where the Democrats have failed! Had they not rigged the election so that he couldn't possibly win, I think he would have taken the nomination over Hillary! Crazy as he is, he has /conviction,/ and honest conviction of belief will trump (sorry) faked emotion and rehearsed and group-tested outrage, which is all the Democrats have. Hillary's downfall like the rest of the party is that whatever their message is, if you can find it, they don't even believe it themselves, and only their rabid base of hardcore loyalists cannot see that.
i wasn't a fan of his politics, but i do believe him to be an honest man.

See I don't. How can you advocate the government stealing from people to give to yourself and others and be honest?
i didn't say i believed it, but i do believe HE does. i don't think he's trying to sell me something and do something else. as far as $$$ and his wealth - a bit high, sure. but he's not rolling in it like the clintons who left office broke and would up with multi-millions.
Where Sanders will succeed is where the Democrats have failed! Had they not rigged the election so that he couldn't possibly win, I think he would have taken the nomination over Hillary! Crazy as he is, he has /conviction,/ and honest conviction of belief will trump (sorry) faked emotion and rehearsed and group-tested outrage, which is all the Democrats have. Hillary's downfall like the rest of the party is that whatever their message is, if you can find it, they don't even believe it themselves, and only their rabid base of hardcore loyalists cannot see that.
i wasn't a fan of his politics, but i do believe him to be an honest man.

Bernout is lying to himself about what he represents. That is the greatest dishonesty of them all.
it would be fucking incredible if people could disagree without having to insult each other.
Where Sanders will succeed is where the Democrats have failed! Had they not rigged the election so that he couldn't possibly win, I think he would have taken the nomination over Hillary! Crazy as he is, he has /conviction,/ and honest conviction of belief will trump (sorry) faked emotion and rehearsed and group-tested outrage, which is all the Democrats have. Hillary's downfall like the rest of the party is that whatever their message is, if you can find it, they don't even believe it themselves, and only their rabid base of hardcore loyalists cannot see that.
i wasn't a fan of his politics, but i do believe him to be an honest man.

See I don't. How can you advocate the government stealing from people to give to yourself and others and be honest?
i didn't say i believed it, but i do believe HE does. i don't think he's trying to sell me something and do something else. as far as $$$ and his wealth - a bit high, sure. but he's not rolling in it like the clintons who left office broke and would up with multi-millions.

If he believed it would he have sold out the way he did?

And the Clintons were never broke. They had a multi million dollar book deal before they left.
Senator Sanders represents the future, even at his age. The policies he advocated will all come to be in the next 15 years.

Just like in Venezuela, right?
It will be better this time.

The other times they were doing it wrong.

The Venezuelans were flawed -- and greedy. The USA made sure it failed because we can't allow a successful Socialist experiment, not once. The wonder is that Chavez or Maduro didn't round up and kill their own people

I would rather not say how but I work closely with Venezuelans. The regime is brutal. Nobody caused it to fail except their own embrace of socialism. They could screw up an anvil with a toothpick. Their every decision is ideological and wrong.
And like most socialists they treat working people like slaves. Ive both worked with them, which is nauseating, and sat across from them in courts which feels nice to win in a moral sense but never works out financially. They have squandered everything the people of Venezuela ever worked for. There is nothing left to take.
And no, emphatically, the US did not cause them to fail.
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