Democratic Desperation on Kavanaugh Is Showing

I don't think Kavanaugh will make it through the Senate. He smells like swamp muck to me. Rand Paul doesn't like him.
The liberal hive will be in a crazed suicidal frenzy of grief when Trump replaces the commie crone Ruth Ginsberg with a stanch conservative. ... :thup:
The crazy talk is ramping up.

It’s just a dress rehearsal for Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s eventual replacement.

Democratic Desperation over Kavanaugh Nomination Showing | National Review

I recommend Peter H. Capstick's treatise on cornered big game animals: Last Horizons. The Right needs to develop a wildcat political cartridge to fill that seat and tighten up their headspace and timing until it's dummy proof. If we think the after dark freaks are coming out in droves now, just wait until nearer sunrise in November. The key to draining the swamp is to avoid wading into the muck in pursuit of your prey.
While democrats may be concerned, the only people hurt by another scotus corporate stooge is the working class and that has always been the case. Nothing new here, turn the page.

Read it and learn: 'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

'Let’s start telling the truth about what the Supreme Court does'

Opinion | Let’s start telling the truth about what the Supreme Court does

'The answer is simple and has to do with the fact that law is not anything like science — and that what the Supreme Court does has little to do with the dispassionate application of clear laws to clear facts.

The Conservative Pipeline to the Supreme Court
While democrats may be concerned, the only people hurt by another scotus corporate stooge is the working class and that has always been the case. Nothing new here, turn the page.

Read it and learn: 'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser

'Let’s start telling the truth about what the Supreme Court does'

Opinion | Let’s start telling the truth about what the Supreme Court does

'The answer is simple and has to do with the fact that law is not anything like science — and that what the Supreme Court does has little to do with the dispassionate application of clear laws to clear facts.

The Conservative Pipeline to the Supreme Court

Will there be a revision to those publications to include Ginsburg's early 2015 press interview saying how she would cast on Obergefell (still not to be heard for weeks that year)?

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