Democratic Firm Announces Massive Election Year Digital Ad Spending


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
anyone think Dirty Harry Reid will be outraged?????? naaa, because they are two faced hypocrite liars who dupes their base all the time...
links in article at site


Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, May 22, 2014, 4:00 PM

ds political

Let’s hope the Republican Party is paying attention to this…

Democratic firm DSPolitical Partnership announced today it is preparing for massive election year digital ad spending.

DSPolitical reported:

Today, the nation’s leading voter targeted digital ad network for Democratic campaigns and progressive causes, DSPolitical, announced that expansion of its digital ad inventory has continued at a breakneck pace since the 2012 election and that it has renewed its unrivaled partnership with progressive voter data powerhouse Catalist, allowing it to serve digital/online/mobile ads to specific voters during the 2014 mid-term elections.

“Corporate America has already learned that they must invest additional resources online if they hope to reach their target customers. Candidates and political causes that hope to be successful in 2014 had better do the same,” said DSPolitical CEO Jim Walsh. He continued, “We’re always looking for additional ways to reach target audiences with the best voter data available be it through expansive ad networks, on mobile devices and tablets, or across social networks like Facebook. We have secured access to more digital advertising inventory than any player in the voter targeted advertising space creating a significant advantage for Democrats and progressives this November.”

DSPolitical is the only voter targeted digital advertising network matched with Catalist voter data that reaches more than 90% of available online advertising inventory in the United States. This inventory pulls from all major digital advertising networks like,, Admeld, ADMETA, AdMobius, AdScale, AOL, AppNexus, Brightroll, Cox Digital, Exchange, Facebook, Federated Media (Lijit), Improve Digital, Index by Casale Media, LiveRail, MARKETPLACE, Microsoft, MoPub, Nexage, OpenX, PubMatic, PulsePoint, Right Media, Rubicon Project, Smaato Solutions, SpotXchange, Videology, and YieldLab to name just a few. No other digital ad network has access to such inventory matched with Catalist’s battle tested and curated voter data.

ALL of it here
Democratic Firm Announces Massive Election Year Digital Ad Spending | The Gateway Pundit
well, lookie here

Press Release - April 24, 2014

NGPVAN and Catalist Partner on Innovative “Activist Continuum” Project for the National Education Association

Project Will Increase Activism Through Big Data Analytics

“Our new Activist Continuum project is designed to help us understand and better harness and support the incredible civic participation and activism of our members – through the most modern data and software tools,” said Karen White, NEA National Political Director.

“Catalist is providing new statistical algorithms and automated data processing to help the NEA better compile and categorize its members’ activity, and to synthesize and dynamically update that information as members take action. This provides the NEA with new business intelligence to better understand and support the local grassroots advocacy and activism priorities of their members and affiliates,” added Catalist CEO, Laura Quinn.

“Catalist’s synthesis of NEA data is surfaced in the NGP VAN ‘Continuum’ interface to give end-users dynamically updated information about member activities – and better tailor communication to match the topics and types of activities that members are most interested in,” said NGP VAN CEO, Stu Trevelyan.

Increasing Activism and Identifying Leaders

We also expect action takers to increase their involvement over time by giving our organizers the tools to identify those folks who are ripe for taking on additional responsibility and tasks. More and higher value actions will increase a person’s level and show the organizers who the most valuable and engaged action takers are. This can help in identifying leaders, potential candidate for union and public office as well as those members who can take a more active role in the organization in general. As our continuum grows, our members profiles grow and they move up the ladder.

About Catalist

About the NEA

National Education Association (NEA) is the nation’s largest professional employee organization, representing more than 3 million elementary and secondary teachers, higher education faculty, education support professionals, school administrators, retired educators and students preparing to become teachers.


NGP VAN is the leading provider of tools to the progressive community. Its web-based tools power the member engagement, union organizing, volunteer management, and voter contact of most of the progressive organizations, including the NEA, the SEIU, the AFL-CIO, and the America Votes and State Voices umbrella groups and their members.


Press Release - December 13, 2013

Catalist and Action Network to Partner

(Washington, D.C.) Catalist and The Action Network today announce that they are teaming up to help enhance online organizing options for the progressive movement. This natural strategic partnership will help integrate essential voter data from Catalist inside the online communication tools provided by The Action Network to progressive organizations. Both organizations are committed to expanding grassroots organizing capacity all across the progressive landscape.

Catalist provides progressive organizations with the data and services needed to better identify, understand, and communicate with the people its clients need to persuade and mobilize. Corporate Action Network uses a networked model of organizing that facilitates working with other groups, sharing lists and the fruits of organizing efforts, and taking campaigns to scale together. By combining the power of these two powerful firms, progressive organizations and campaigns will be able to take strategic campaigns to greater heights than previously imagined.

"We are very impressed by the polish and potential of The Action Network tools – they are intuitive, user friendly, low cost, and incredibly flexible. These tools can be easily and quickly embedded in existing communication platforms. The power integration of Catalist inside the Action Network software tools adds even more power and precision to their communication capacities," said Gayatri Bhalla, COO of Catalist.

"We couldn't be happier about this partnership," said Action Network President Brian Young. "Catalist is the progressive leader in the world of database services and solutions, and we've modeled our innovative, mission-driven structure on Catalist's trail-blazing approach. The fit is perfect with our organizer-focused toolset, and we can't wait to start bringing Catalist's rich database to Corporate Action Network users."


Press Release - November 14, 2013

Soros to Lead New Investment in Progressive Data Company Catalist

Catalist today announced the start of a second major fundraising round with a lead investment commitment of $2.25 million by one of its original investors, George Soros. “Progressives need to invest aggressively to stay ahead in data and analytics,” said Catalist President Harold Ickes. “We’re very grateful for Mr. Soros’s continued leadership.

Catalist (Catalist | Home) maintains and constantly updates a complete national (50 States, plus the District of Columbia) database of over 280 million voting age persons (more than 185 million registered voters and 95 million unregistered adults). Serving the progressive community, Catalist brings powerful web based analytics tools and a high quality voter database of all voting-age individuals in the United States to progressive organizations and campaigns.

“Catalist is a vital part of the progressive infrastructure, helping hundreds of organizations better reach, educate, and persuade people,” said Michael Vachon, spokesperson for Mr. Soros. “George Soros and the Democracy Alliance were initial investors in Catalist in 2006, and he’s eager to support the next round of progressive data progress through this matching investment. He’s reinvesting, and reinvesting more than he did originally.”

“We’re a public utility for progressive organizations and campaigns, and these investments will help us invest in data, advance our analytics capacity, and better support more clients and applications every year,” said Laura Quinn, CEO of Catalist. Catalist is owned by a not for profit trust, and any profits will be reinvested in improving services and cutting costs for progressive organizations.

ALL of it
Catalist | In the News
they (democrat cult members her on the board) can't comment on this unless they hear from Dirty Harry first

notice they stay away from any thread on Democrats unless it's to put down the person who started the thread..

go look at Temps thread on all the scandals of the Obama'll see what I mean
Dems relying on their FatCat Owners to buy elections

And the GOP, with their car washes and bake sales. It's so unfair...

Especially with bake sales being outlawed along with lemonade stands because people don't spend thousands on licenses and fees.

It's hypocritical of Reid to go on a continuous rant about the Koch brothers when Dems do the same thing.

Personally, I wish people were smart enough to make choices without relying on ads from either side. For those paying attention, there is no way a pricey ad will change their minds.

Let them spend. I hope some people keep their jobs as a result of all the spending.
Dems relying on their FatCat Owners to buy elections

And the GOP, with their car washes and bake sales. It's so unfair...

Especially with bake sales being outlawed along with lemonade stands because people don't spend thousands on licenses and fees.

It's hypocritical of Reid to go on a continuous rant about the Koch brothers when Dems do the same thing.

Personally, I wish people were smart enough to make choices without relying on ads from either side. For those paying attention, there is no way a pricey ad will change their minds.

Let them spend. I hope some people keep their jobs as a result of all the spending.

Government schools aren't about getting young minds to think critically...or basic morals...but rather what the State Demands and will give them in return.

BEHOLD Modern American Government approved education...
Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions.

All the Democrats voted against it.

Now you are bitching about it?

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