Democratic Party Impeachment and the Biden Paradox


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Democrats have a real challenge in this impeachment effort they are making vrs Trump.

They are claiming that it is a violation of our Constitution for American officials to 'dig up dirt' on their political opponents, even if it is actually enforcing actual law and that official is a law enforcement officer. 'Digging up dirt' would presumably cover things like the research done with the Steel Dossier that Clinton and the DNC paid for, and that would also therefore be a violation of the Constitution too, but they don't want that investigated.

So I guess they think it is unconstitutional only if a Democrat is targeted for said investigation no matter how many billions and billions of US dollars the politician running for office gets paid. No matter what the details, if a Democrat is running for office it is unconstitutional for them to be investigated by anyone.

But here is the Biden Paradox.
1) It was Hunter Biden that was actually given all these billions, not Joe Biden himself, who claims that he was 100% insulated from this money and he never discussed any foreign matters with his son who also traveled with him on the VP Air Force planes.
2) But at the same time, to target Hunter Biden, according to Democrats, is the same thing for political purposes as targeting Joe Biden himself. It is Joe running for the Presidency, not Hunter, but apparently they are one and the same for the purposes of impeaching Trump for election interference.

So is Hunter so tied at the hip of his father Joe that he cannot be investigated without it also influencing his fathers election, or are they separate enough that billions of dollars given to Hunter has absolutely ZERO IMPACT on his father Joe?

Which is it?

As long as this 8,000 pound Gigantic Gorilla sits dead square in the middle of the room, the Democrats are not going to get anywhere except to continue burning to the ground their own most winnable nominee - Joe Biden.
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This is simply mind boggling.

Immediately after being found to have obstructed an investigation into whether he colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent, Dipshit Dumbfuck Donald picks up the phone and solicits another foreign power to collude with him to defeat a political opponent.

The man should be impeached just for being a retard.
This is simply mind boggling.

Immediately after being found to have obstructed an investigation into whether he colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent, Dipshit Dumbfuck Donald picks up the phone and solicits another foreign power to collude with him to defeat a political opponent.

The man should be impeached just for being a retard.
So, if a prior official possibly committed a crime, it should not be investigated, if they then become a candidate?
You and I both know your statement is based on nothing but biased sentiment.
So, if a prior official possibly committed a crime, it should not be investigated, if they then become a candidate?
You and I both know your statement is based on nothing but biased sentiment.
This is the Rule of Democrat Exceptionalism; No one is above the law, except Democrats.
Who are the Californians that vote this guy into Congress ?
Is it Silicon Valley ?
So is Hunter so tied at the hip of his father Joe that he cannot be investigated without it also influencing his fathers election, or are they separate enough that billions of dollars given to Hunter has absolutely ZERO IMPACT on his father Joe?

You are being absolutely hysterical.

Of course they are going after Hunter to smear Joe. Guilt-by-association is a thing, even if construing it takes a major effort at mendacity.

Of course there weren't "billions of dollars given to Hunter". That's patently ludicrous.

Of course, Hillary didn't call up Putin, dangling help before his snout while in return demanding a favor, namely fabricating dirt on her political opponent.

This is the brain-dead zombie version of political events as put out for monetary and political gains by the likes of Breitbart and Gateway Pundit, and without thought or scrutiny rebleated by useful idiots bereft of integrity or sound judgment. Not to mention, freed from the capacity for shame.
Here is another Paradox; The Democrats want to impeach a sitting president running for re-election, using the proceedings itself as a way of influencing the election, which is the same thing they are trying to impeach the President for doing.

Here is another Paradox; The Democrats want to impeach a sitting president running for re-election, using the proceedings itself as a way of influencing the election, which is the same thing they are trying to impeach the President for doing.


Because following a Constitutionally mandated procedure in the face of executive criminality is the same as requiring foreign election interference in return for Congressionally appropriated military aid.

Yeah, that kind of "Paradox". Breitbart has microwaved your brain, and reduced it to a walnut.
And here is the inevitable blow back while Trump is in the clear in reasonable minds.

Gosar Calls on Congress, DOJ to Investigate Biden for 'Corrupt Practices'

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) on Wednesday called for the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Congress to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s potentially “corrupt practices.”
Congressman Gosar called for an investigation into Biden’s potentially corrupt practices after reading the transcript of a phone conversation between President Donald Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky that happened in July 2019.

The transcript reportedly establishes that the Ukrainian government fired a prosecutor that was investigating Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and his allegedly corrupt business deals. Biden reportedly threated the Ukrainian government, saying that if the government would not accede to his demands, he would withhold foreign aid to Ukraine.​

Personally, I am more interested in what the Chicoms got for the $1,500 MILLION they gave Hunter.
And here is the inevitable blow back while Trump is in the clear in reasonable minds.

Gosar Calls on Congress, DOJ to Investigate Biden for 'Corrupt Practices'

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) on Wednesday called for the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Congress to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s potentially “corrupt practices.”
Congressman Gosar called for an investigation into Biden’s potentially corrupt practices after reading the transcript of a phone conversation between President Donald Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky that happened in July 2019.

The transcript reportedly establishes that the Ukrainian government fired a prosecutor that was investigating Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and his allegedly corrupt business deals. Biden reportedly threated the Ukrainian government, saying that if the government would not accede to his demands, he would withhold foreign aid to Ukraine.​

Personally, I am more interested in what the Chicoms got for the $1,500 MILLION they gave Hunter.
Rush believes the Democrat Party hopes to take Biden out of this race in th he process of TRYING to destroy Trump.
Rush believes the Democrat Party hopes to take Biden out of this race in th he process of TRYING to destroy Trump.
Rush is a sharp guy, so there is likely something to that, but we have to specify which Democrats we are talking about, and I think he refers to the Marxist wing of the Democratic PArty or the Centrists in the party who have given up on Biden. But if it is the latter, who are they going to replace Biden with? I hope Gabbard, but the Democrat Center is virtually the same as Republican Neocon , so I doubt they want Gabbard. Who?
Rush believes the Democrat Party hopes to take Biden out of this race in th he process of TRYING to destroy Trump.
Rush is a sharp guy, so there is likely something to that, but we have to specify which Democrats we are talking about, and I think he refers to the Marxist wing of the Democratic PArty or the Centrists in the party who have given up on Biden. But if it is the latter, who are they going to replace Biden with? I hope Gabbard, but the Democrat Center is virtually the same as Republican Neocon , so I doubt they want Gabbard. Who?
I think the Democrats in charge see all the problems with Biden up against Trump. They need someone younger, sharper and less real baggage th he n Biden. I think the Swamp Democrats want Warren
This is simply mind boggling.

Immediately after being found to have obstructed an investigation into whether he colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent, Dipshit Dumbfuck Donald picks up the phone and solicits another foreign power to collude with him to defeat a political opponent.

The man should be impeached just for being a retard.
You are and always have been a pathetic lair. Asking a foreign leader to help you with a crime is not against any law. The filth you protecting are the ones in trouble. His name starts with a B.
I think the Democrats in charge see all the problems with Biden up against Trump. They need someone younger, sharper and less real baggage th he n Biden. I think the Swamp Democrats want Warren
You may be right, but Warren is an easier win for Trump than Biden is.

This would demonstrate how completely out of touch the DC Establishment truly is.

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