Democratic Socialism on the rise?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
It's interesting that Jeremy Corbyn has been elected leader of the UK Labour Party at the same time as Bernie Sanders is surging in the Democratic nomination race.

The problem, as I see it, is that far left candidates open the door to far right nationalist/populist types (care to name one in this election cycle?) who are a helluva lot scarier.

Lefties probably would not do too much harm and might actually do some good; but one can't say the same for the right wing extremists who always seem to result to wars whenever their "legitimacy" is challenged (Netanyahu?) .
It's interesting that Jeremy Corbyn has been elected leader of the UK Labour Party at the same time as Bernie Sanders is surging in the Democratic nomination race.

The problem, as I see it, is that far left candidates open the door to far right nationalist/populist types (care to name one in this election cycle?) who are a helluva lot scarier.

Lefties probably would not do too much harm and might actually do some good; but one can't say the same for the right wing extremists who always seem to result to wars whenever their "legitimacy" is challenged (Netanyahu?) .

As far-right nationalist parties have been "on the rise" for years, one could argue that they have emboldened he loony left to come out of the closet. What I see is more vocal - thanks in part to new "social media" - political extremists. The nationalists, for the most part, continue to be marginalized but retrograde leftists have and continue to do damage wherever they squat (see: Greece).
but retrograde leftists have and continue to do damage wherever they squat (see: Greece).

Did you forget to also mention Sweden, Norway and Canada in that cute comparison?





Yeah! The left is so peace loving when they have their Nobel Prizes.







Yeah! The left is so peace loving when they have their Nobel Prizes.



Interesting about your "new-found-love" for innocent civilians' lives......There may be hope.

No, he's pointing out your hypocrisy on the fact that your "concern for innocent civilian's lives" led to Obama droning and bombing the shit out of them. Don't claim any compassion, you have none.
but retrograde leftists have and continue to do damage wherever they squat (see: Greece).

Did you forget to also mention Sweden, Norway and Canada in that cute comparison?

Ahh the holy trinity. Move there, tell us how great it is... Careful, if you don't work in oil in Norway you might find yourself on the lower end of the income scale.





Yeah! The left is so peace loving when they have their Nobel Prizes.



Interesting about your "new-found-love" for innocent civilians' lives......There may be hope.

Interesting how Dems used to be all up in Bush's chit about war and killing, debt and deficits but now an entire party is like "fuck it, drone strike children as long as they are brown and not in my town."

BTW, thanks to all those that elected that mother fucking war hungry fuck Obama. Sadly even Bush ending the Iraq war couldn't keep Liberals from re-invading.





Yeah! The left is so peace loving when they have their Nobel Prizes.



Interesting about your "new-found-love" for innocent civilians' lives......There may be hope.


How many countries did your blood soaked Nobel Champion Of Peace have Congress declare we are at war with before or even after his campaigns?

Oh!!!!! That would be NONE.

How many hundreds of thousands have died with his unsanctioned wars?

Well over 25,000 died in his Libya campaign alone.

Can you say WAR CRIMINAL?


Should we hang another Nobel Prize on his chest for his outstanding efforts of bridging the gap between the White House and the Middle East with the mutilated bodies of his endeavors?


It's interesting that Jeremy Corbyn has been elected leader of the UK Labour Party at the same time as Bernie Sanders is surging in the Democratic nomination race.

The problem, as I see it, is that far left candidates open the door to far right nationalist/populist types (care to name one in this election cycle?) who are a helluva lot scarier.

Lefties probably would not do too much harm and might actually do some good; but one can't say the same for the right wing extremists who always seem to result to wars whenever their "legitimacy" is challenged (Netanyahu?) .
Yeah, I think it's pretty clear that democratic socialism is on the rise, and definitely here. The term "socialism" was toxic for a LONG time here in America, but clearly liberals have become more comfortable with it, the obvious example being Bernie Sanders. I'd see it here and there, liberals defending it more and more while at the same time denying their intent (not very honest there, frankly). Now it's far more out in the open.

Here's my take on how it happened: The floodgates really opened with the arrival and amazing influence of the Tea Party within the GOP, pushing the party further and further to the right with its purity tests and "pledges". Their antics ("Keep Government Out Of My Medicare", good gawd) allowed the social democrats room to maneuver and state their case in contrast.

In my mind, there is actually a specific turning point here: The reaction to Obama's "you didn't build that" comments. While I personally didn't like what he said, it was the defense of them that was so fascinating and telling: The "roads & bridges" stuff and all that followed. Workers vs. owners.

Interesting piece here, by the way, by a Republican who's obviously horrified by all this: How the Tea Party Got Hijacked by Trump’s Troll Party

Sorry for droning there, but I do think we've turned the corner.
No, he's pointing out your hypocrisy on the fact that your "concern for innocent civilian's lives" led to Obama droning and bombing the shit out of them. Don't claim any compassion, you have none.

Sooooo, Obama's "droning" is the equivalent of Bush's "shock-n-awe"????? Got it....LOL
How many hundreds of thousands have died with his unsanctioned wars?

Oh, I think you should say MILLIONS of civilians have died under Obama.....After all, if you're going to bullshit, let it all out.......

Now, compare the US body bags count under Obama.....and, of course, baby-Bush.....
No, he's pointing out your hypocrisy on the fact that your "concern for innocent civilian's lives" led to Obama droning and bombing the shit out of them. Don't claim any compassion, you have none.

Sooooo, Obama's "droning" is the equivalent of Bush's "shock-n-awe"????? Got it....LOL

Only you would make a mockery of the loss of human life. How dare you. You sick pathetic human being. You don't seem to care if Obama is the one behind the trigger.
It's interesting that Jeremy Corbyn has been elected leader of the UK Labour Party at the same time as Bernie Sanders is surging in the Democratic nomination race.

The problem, as I see it, is that far left candidates open the door to far right nationalist/populist types (care to name one in this election cycle?) who are a helluva lot scarier.

Lefties probably would not do too much harm and might actually do some good; but one can't say the same for the right wing extremists who always seem to result to wars whenever their "legitimacy" is challenged (Netanyahu?) .
The only problem I see is your blindness to the fact far left policies actually create all of the problems you worry about. Leftists only do harm. That's their specialty. They lie and steal and force people into situations they can only resist by fighting. Nothing the left promotes is voluntary. Give up your country, morals, money and dignity are the demands of the left.
Bernie Sanders is NOT a democrat socialist. He is a socialist. He wants the government to spend 18 trillion dollars on his personal wet dream. THAT is how dictators are born, not by self reliant freedom loving Americans. Bernie's purpose is to make Hillary look more palatable, and it ain't easy.
It's interesting that Jeremy Corbyn has been elected leader of the UK Labour Party at the same time as Bernie Sanders is surging in the Democratic nomination race.

The problem, as I see it, is that far left candidates open the door to far right nationalist/populist types (care to name one in this election cycle?) who are a helluva lot scarier.

Lefties probably would not do too much harm and might actually do some good; but one can't say the same for the right wing extremists who always seem to result to wars whenever their "legitimacy" is challenged (Netanyahu?) .

Bernie Sanders is NOT a democrat socialist. He is a socialist. He wants the government to spend 18 trillion dollars on his personal wet dream. THAT is how dictators are born, not by self reliant freedom loving Americans. Bernie's purpose is to make Hillary look more palatable, and it ain't easy.

How does Bernie differ from Obama again? Or Hillary? I mean with actual positions

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