"Democratically" (dog whistle) controlled cities

No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are lay and corrupt.
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are corrupt and lazy. Don't blame just Republicans-both Trump and Cummings can accept blame for these conditions on their watch.

I'm blaming republicans for what they have done, just I as blamed O'Malley for the problems he created there. However, republicans here never want to accept their own failed policies.
Neither party EVER wants to accept blame for failure.
What democratic failure was that? None that I know of. Republicans you name it. 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt economic meltdown under the George W bush, Ronald Reagan and his pal Saddam and the s&l Scandal bubble recession, all the while a giant giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Only the GOP propaganda machine and brainwashed dupes make this possible. Poor America.
I used to be poor then I got rich, all because I used my God given skills to excel, shame liberals are too stupid to learn what it takes to be rich...Yep, I used every liberal loophole the government afforded me..
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Dog whistle?

What do you wackos consider NOT a racist insinuation?
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are lay and corrupt.
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are corrupt and lazy. Don't blame just Republicans-both Trump and Cummings can accept blame for these conditions on their watch.

I'm blaming republicans for what they have done, just I as blamed O'Malley for the problems he created there. However, republicans here never want to accept their own failed policies.
Neither party EVER wants to accept blame for failure.
What democratic failure was that? None that I know of. Republicans you name it. 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt economic meltdown under the George W bush, Ronald Reagan and his pal Saddam and the s&l Scandal bubble recession, all the while a giant giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Only the GOP propaganda machine and brainwashed dupes make this possible. Poor America.
I used to be poor then I got rich, all because I used my God given skills to excel, shame liberals are too stupid to learn what it takes to be rich...Yep, I used every liberal loophole the government afforded me..
Loopholes that don't exist anymore after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everyone else, super duper. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and in the modern world by far. People just got lazy right? You people are unbelievable
Democrats have been trying address tangential issues like Gay rights or giving illegal aliens sanctuary from valid federal immigration laws. And sadly, Baltimore hasn't been made any better like say E. Cummings fixating on Trump .I would call that a diversionary tactic. How about just worrying about the local constituents and making Baltimore a better place? Fixating on Trump or past crimes or racism won't do a dammed thing NOW to fix broken poor black cities. It isn't racism to notice black's failure to thrive, its the other "R" word they despise... Realism.
Last edited:
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.


Because a Republican shot down two transportation projects, the 50 year plight of Baltimore’s problems are because of Republicans? Dog whistles?

Do you even live in Maryland? For what it’s worth, I voted for Hogan but disagreed with him for shooting down these projects....., but I fail to see where dog whistles come into play.

From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation

The dog whistles come in the form of not saying anything about majority white cities run by white republican mayors and decrepit rural all white communities. That and entire states run by republicans like Kentucky for example .

Baltimore got slammed during the recession, which had nothing to do with black democratic government decisions. But a fact like this gets ignored by those like you. So while Trump is at it, why not ask Mitch McConnell about Louisville or in fact his entire state?

Louisville, Kentucky

•Percentage of incomes under $25,000: 29%
•Percentage of population with bachelor's degree: 26.9%
•Percentage of incomes over $150,000: 6.4% (#23, tied with Baltimore)
•Total population: 601,611

Poverty is a statewide issue in Kentucky, where close to one-fifth of residents, or about 800,000 people, are considered poor. Kentucky's largest city, Louisville, has been coping with decades of lost manufacturing jobs, deindustrialization and economic upheaval. Even before the Great Recession, the city's West Louisville community was considered one of the most economically depressed urban neighborhoods in the nation.

America's 11 poorest cities

McConnell represents this state, but we don't see anybody here looking to him.

My home state just got wrecked by 2 terms of republican governance. Christie Fucked up New Jersey. Scott Walker fucked up Wisconsin. The poorest states in the country are run by republicans, but republicans are pointing fingers a democratic urban mayors who are at the mercy of decisions made by state governments.

Ask Flint Michigan.

I point out and acknowledge any government failure. Further, I don’t desperate between white Democrat and black Democrats. They are all Democrats and Democrats have run Baltimore my entire life. As a Marylander, my tax dollars are going to the largest city in my State. I am more concerned about what goes on in Baltimore than I am in Louisville.
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."
To be fair, 2008 was not any party's fault. That was irresponsible lending practices by big banks, who then raided the treasury because they were "too big to fail" but they got to foreclose and keep most of the "toxic" assets ON TOP of the bailout money. Everyone should be pissed about that.

Otherwise, I am not sure what policies have been making urban areas "all fucked up." They probably just go with the territory. Urban areas will have really "rich" areas and really "shitty" areas. It usually doesn't matter who gets elected. The shitty areas get less attention.

That happened because of Gramm-Leech-Blilley.
The only thing that did was repeal the Glass–Steagall that protected bank deposits from investment practices. Gramm-Leech-Blilley allowed banks to act in multiple rolls as investment banks and deposit banks. They were not allowed to close shop and not give back deposits, which is what Glass–Steagall was enacted to protect. Nothing about Gramm-Leech-Blilley created conditions that caused the sub-prime crisis. Even without Gramm-Leech-Blilley, investment banks would have improperly taken on the sub-prime risk (and many investment banks that did not merge with depository banks did that very thing, and were also "too big to fail"). That was a political football to assign blame, but the reality is that all banks (investment or merged) improperly took on sub-prime risk.

So, in answer to the question of what caused the sub-prime crisis? Investment or merged banks willing to screw over their borrowers with "temporary adjustable rate mortgages" for ridiculous interest fees caused the crisis. Then, they foreclosed on those borrowers when the rates got beyond anything reasonably affordable (which allowed them to foreclose). Then, those banks with all those foreclosed properties that they created, went begging to FedGov for a bailout, AND THEY GOT TO KEEP THE "toxic assets" AND SELL THEM WHEN THE MARKET REBOUNDED---AFTER TAKING THE BAILOUT MONEY!!!!

It was all a big fucking scam and raid of our treasury. The biggest in U.S. history. They all got sued for it too. I know the lawyers who did the class-action.


No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are lay and corrupt.
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are corrupt and lazy. Don't blame just Republicans-both Trump and Cummings can accept blame for these conditions on their watch.

I'm blaming republicans for what they have done, just I as blamed O'Malley for the problems he created there. However, republicans here never want to accept their own failed policies.
Neither party EVER wants to accept blame for failure.
What democratic failure was that? None that I know of. Republicans you name it. 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt economic meltdown under the George W bush, Ronald Reagan and his pal Saddam and the s&l Scandal bubble recession, all the while a giant giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Only the GOP propaganda machine and brainwashed dupes make this possible. Poor America.
Ever hear of VietNam? I'll stop with just that.
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."
To be fair, 2008 was not any party's fault. That was irresponsible lending practices by big banks, who then raided the treasury because they were "too big to fail" but they got to foreclose and keep most of the "toxic" assets ON TOP of the bailout money. Everyone should be pissed about that.

Otherwise, I am not sure what policies have been making urban areas "all fucked up." They probably just go with the territory. Urban areas will have really "rich" areas and really "shitty" areas. It usually doesn't matter who gets elected. The shitty areas get less attention.

That happened because of Gramm-Leech-Blilley.
Every time the Republicans get in for 8 years they have a corrupt economic meltdown based on deregulation and crony oversight. When will people figure this out for crying out loud? 1929 1989 2008 and if Trump gets 8 years it'll happen again.....
Reagan in 1980-1988?
S&l scandal, he and his pal Saddam, cutting taxes on the rich and screwing everyone else that we're still doing...
Lots of everyday workers made good money then-including me-and I did not like Reagan. Clinton gave us NAFTA, and I got laid off-and I liked Clinton. You do the math
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are lay and corrupt.
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are corrupt and lazy. Don't blame just Republicans-both Trump and Cummings can accept blame for these conditions on their watch.
So President Trump starts it by getting people to realize how fucked up Baltimore is, and Cummings who has been in Baltimore forever is just now waking up?
While you have been on the GOP propaganda machine, Democrats have been complaining forever about tax cuts on the rich to the point where we now have a flat tax system and the effect it has inequality and upward Mobility, now the worst in our history and in the modern world by far.
Hey, no excuses from either party. Neither got it done.
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are lay and corrupt.
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are corrupt and lazy. Don't blame just Republicans-both Trump and Cummings can accept blame for these conditions on their watch.

I'm blaming republicans for what they have done, just I as blamed O'Malley for the problems he created there. However, republicans here never want to accept their own failed policies.
Neither party EVER wants to accept blame for failure.
What democratic failure was that? None that I know of. Republicans you name it. 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt economic meltdown under the George W bush, Ronald Reagan and his pal Saddam and the s&l Scandal bubble recession, all the while a giant giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Only the GOP propaganda machine and brainwashed dupes make this possible. Poor America.
I used to be poor then I got rich, all because I used my God given skills to excel, shame liberals are too stupid to learn what it takes to be rich...Yep, I used every liberal loophole the government afforded me..
Glad to hear a feel good post.
Independent here-both parties are lay and corrupt.
Independent here-both parties are corrupt and lazy. Don't blame just Republicans-both Trump and Cummings can accept blame for these conditions on their watch.

I'm blaming republicans for what they have done, just I as blamed O'Malley for the problems he created there. However, republicans here never want to accept their own failed policies.
Neither party EVER wants to accept blame for failure.
What democratic failure was that? None that I know of. Republicans you name it. 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt economic meltdown under the George W bush, Ronald Reagan and his pal Saddam and the s&l Scandal bubble recession, all the while a giant giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Only the GOP propaganda machine and brainwashed dupes make this possible. Poor America.
I used to be poor then I got rich, all because I used my God given skills to excel, shame liberals are too stupid to learn what it takes to be rich...Yep, I used every liberal loophole the government afforded me..
Loopholes that don't exist anymore after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everyone else, super duper. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and in the modern world by far. People just got lazy right? You people are unbelievable
There was always a big income gap-we just have more rich people now.
Urban areas are fucked up because they keep electing typical slimy 2-faced black politicians who line their pockets and run the city into the ground.
The South may have surrendered at Appommatox but they won in the end - the Great Migration destroyed Northern Cities.

The Democrats managed to turn them all into Urban Plantations and Concentration Zones, keepin' Black Folk easily controllable.

And boy-oh-boy are doze Fiel' Hans' controlled ! Dey votes zackly likes dere Democratic massas tellz 'em to... dontcha know.
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No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are lay and corrupt.
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are corrupt and lazy. Don't blame just Republicans-both Trump and Cummings can accept blame for these conditions on their watch.
So President Trump starts it by getting people to realize how fucked up Baltimore is, and Cummings who has been in Baltimore forever is just now waking up?
While you have been on the GOP propaganda machine, Democrats have been complaining forever about tax cuts on the rich to the point where we now have a flat tax system and the effect it has inequality and upward Mobility, now the worst in our history and in the modern world by far.
Hey, no excuses from either party. Neither got it done.
Mainly due to Republican reconciliation and filibuster rules. So they can pass tax cuts with 51 votes ditto Cuts in services for the rest. And Democrats need 60 for raising taxes on the bloated rich and reform.
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The South may have surrendered at Appommatox but they won in the end - the Great Migration destroyed Northern Cities.

The Democrats managed to turn them all into Urban Plantations and Concentration Zones, keepin' Black Folk easily controllable.

And boy-oh-boy are doze Fiel' Hans' controlled ! Dey votes zackly likes dere Democratic massas tellz 'em to... dontcha know.
They know where the racists like you are obviously. The South won that's ridiculous. The racists won and the suburbanites won. And the blacks lost as usual...
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No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Your post immediately lost any credibility by attributing the 2008 financial crisis to "6 years of Republican Rule". You are either deliberately ignoring the 30 years of policy fuck ups that caused the collapse, or you don't know the facts.
Sure. Repug deregulation, tax cuts, unfunded Medicare benefit, Bush's "ownership society", bankster bailout, two wars off the books, etc, didn't have anything to do with it at all.
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No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule,
You do know that you just lied?
Pelosi elected House speaker for the second time

It is funny that as soon as she took over Congress and had the purse strings of the USA, the economy tanked...

And once again my point has been proven.
That you lied? Yes your point is proven you are a pathological liar.

No, that wingers refuse to hold their parties accountable for anything. There you went, like a moth to a flame, succinctly proving the point of the OP. Great work, nitwit.
Fannie Mae collapsed shortly after democrats took control of congress during Bush's 2nd term. Barney Frank became chairperson of the banking committee with responsibility for Fannie and he told America that Fannie was fine and solvent. Fannie collapsed under Frank's leadership or lack of it and nobody in the mainstream media ever asked him what the hell he was doing. Today democrats are back in the majority in congress and instead of doing their jobs regarding the budget and the border they sit back and try to undermine the administration. They would have gotten away with it under a weak president like Bush but Trump is a strong willed president and they hate him for it.
I'm blaming republicans for what they have done, just I as blamed O'Malley for the problems he created there. However, republicans here never want to accept their own failed policies.
Neither party EVER wants to accept blame for failure.
What democratic failure was that? None that I know of. Republicans you name it. 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt economic meltdown under the George W bush, Ronald Reagan and his pal Saddam and the s&l Scandal bubble recession, all the while a giant giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Only the GOP propaganda machine and brainwashed dupes make this possible. Poor America.
I used to be poor then I got rich, all because I used my God given skills to excel, shame liberals are too stupid to learn what it takes to be rich...Yep, I used every liberal loophole the government afforded me..
Loopholes that don't exist anymore after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everyone else, super duper. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and in the modern world by far. People just got lazy right? You people are unbelievable
There was always a big income gap-we just have more rich people now.
Wrong. We have the greatest inequality and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. They pay the same as you do now that is a disgrace super dupe.
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Fannie Mae collapsed shortly after democrats took control of congress during Bush's 2nd term. Barney Frank became chairperson of the banking committee with responsibility for Fannie and he told America that Fannie was fine and solvent. Fannie collapsed under Frank's leadership or lack of it and nobody in the mainstream media ever asked him what the hell he was doing. Today democrats are back in the majority in congress and instead of doing their jobs regarding the budget and the border they sit back and try to undermine the administration. They would have gotten away with it under a weak president like Bush but Trump is a strong willed president and they hate him for it.
Fannie and Freddie got in late to the subprime thing. The Republicans deregulated and let private financial institutions like countrywide run wild and insurance companies like AIG too. and it led to a huge corrupt bubble and bust. It cost about 8 trillion dollars to avert a full-blown Great Depression here and other parts of the world didn't have the money. Fannie and Freddie went from 70 to 25% of the market in 2003. It was a party for the GOP and their cronies. The GOP is the swamp super duper.
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