"Democratically" (dog whistle) controlled cities

No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are lay and corrupt.
No matter how badly republicans fuck up, they cannot take responsibility.. The nation almost went in depression in 2008 after 6 years of total republican rule, but it had nothing to to with republican policy. No, it was the democrats fault. Major urban centers have been fucked up by republican policy over the last 25-30 years, but it's not republican federal policy or state controlled by republicans trying to create 37state trickle down economic zones. No, It's the "liberal democratic urban mayors."


Gov. Hogan’s decisions cause rift with Baltimore leaders
By Josh Hicks

July 12, 2015

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s decisions to kill an expensive light-rail project in Baltimore and reduce funding for schools have stirred tension with the city’s political leaders, who are questioning his commitment to addressing the struggling residents’ needs.

Hogan, a white, Republican businessman and first-time officeholder, campaigned last year in Baltimore as a common-man candidate who could deliver economic growth and job opportunities better than his rival, then-lieutenant governor Anthony G. Brown (D), who is black.

He won about 22 percent of the vote in the predominantly African American, strongly Democratic city, compared with 16 percent captured by former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2010, when he ran against incumbent Martin O’Malley (D).

Hogan was a visible presence in Baltimore after riots erupted there in late April following the death of Freddie Gray, who was seriously injured while in police custody. The governor spent more than 15 hours a day in the city at times, meeting with residents and community leaders during a state of emergency, and even shooting hoops with locals.

But Hogan risks losing ground in Baltimore because of two actions that he says reflect his focus on fiscal restraint: his rejection last month of the Red Line light-rail project — even as he approved a similarly expensive project in the Washington suburbs — and his decision in May to withhold $68 million in aid for high-cost school districts, including $11 million for Baltimore.

“Although the governor has promised to support economic growth in Baltimore, he cancelled a project that would have expanded economic development, created thousands of jobs, increased access to thousands more, and offered residents better health care, child care, and educational opportunities,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said in a statement after the Red Line announcement.

Independent here-both parties are corrupt and lazy. Don't blame just Republicans-both Trump and Cummings can accept blame for these conditions on their watch.
So President Trump starts it by getting people to realize how fucked up Baltimore is, and Cummings who has been in Baltimore forever is just now waking up?
While you have been on the GOP propaganda machine, Democrats have been complaining forever about tax cuts on the rich to the point where we now have a flat tax system and the effect it has inequality and upward Mobility, now the worst in our history and in the modern world by far.
Hey, no excuses from either party. Neither got it done.
Mainly due to Republican reconciliation and filibuster rules. So they can pass tax cuts with 51 votes ditto Cuts in services for the rest. And Democrats need 60 for raising taxes on the bloated rich and reform.
Hey, a Democrat, Harry Reid changed the rules. Now Dems have to live with them. But still NEITHER PARTY got it done.
Neither party EVER wants to accept blame for failure.
What democratic failure was that? None that I know of. Republicans you name it. 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt economic meltdown under the George W bush, Ronald Reagan and his pal Saddam and the s&l Scandal bubble recession, all the while a giant giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Only the GOP propaganda machine and brainwashed dupes make this possible. Poor America.
I used to be poor then I got rich, all because I used my God given skills to excel, shame liberals are too stupid to learn what it takes to be rich...Yep, I used every liberal loophole the government afforded me..
Loopholes that don't exist anymore after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everyone else, super duper. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and in the modern world by far. People just got lazy right? You people are unbelievable
There was always a big income gap-we just have more rich people now.
Wrong. We have the greatest inequality and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. They pay the same as you do now that is a disgrace super dupe.
Wrong. More millionaires than ever super duper dupe.
I used to be poor then I got rich, all because I used my God given skills to excel, shame liberals are too stupid to learn what it takes to be rich...Yep, I used every liberal loophole the government afforded me..
Loopholes that don't exist anymore after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everyone else, super duper. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and in the modern world by far. People just got lazy right? You people are unbelievable
There was always a big income gap-we just have more rich people now.
Wrong. We have the greatest inequality and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. They pay the same as you do now that is a disgrace super dupe.
So what you are saying is Oprah is not getting her fair share?
I am saying she does not pay enough and she agrees. You are brainwashed by greedy idiots....
Wow. An unfounded charge made against another poster.
Loopholes that don't exist anymore after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everyone else, super duper. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and in the modern world by far. People just got lazy right? You people are unbelievable
There was always a big income gap-we just have more rich people now.
Wrong. We have the greatest inequality and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. They pay the same as you do now that is a disgrace super dupe.
How does making "rich" people pay more taxes improve pay for the "non-rich"?

Those two have no connection whatsoever, and could even have the opposite effect.

Then we could afford cheaper college and training and a tax cut for the middle class and healthcare for everyone etc etc make life fair that would be a nice change.
That is a separate issue.

Spending is detached from taxation policy. Increasing taxes on the "rich" does not affect income disparity.

What you really want is for government to forcibly take money from some and give it to others.

When you try to frame it as something other than what it really is, many of us start to see it as deception.

Being honest about it opens the door for a real discussion.

The Dems just had both house and White House. What went wrong? Or are both parties crooked?
There was always a big income gap-we just have more rich people now.
Wrong. We have the greatest inequality and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. They pay the same as you do now that is a disgrace super dupe.
How does making "rich" people pay more taxes improve pay for the "non-rich"?

Those two have no connection whatsoever, and could even have the opposite effect.

Then we could afford cheaper college and training and a tax cut for the middle class and healthcare for everyone etc etc make life fair that would be a nice change.
That is a separate issue.

Spending is detached from taxation policy. Increasing taxes on the "rich" does not affect income disparity.

What you really want is for government to forcibly take money from some and give it to others.

When you try to frame it as something other than what it really is, many of us start to see it as deception.

Being honest about it opens the door for a real discussion.

No I want cheap college and training and health care for all like every other Rich modern country. Thanks scumbag GOP
So everything you don't like is the fault of the GOP? That seems unrealistic.
Wrong. We have the greatest inequality and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. They pay the same as you do now that is a disgrace super dupe.
How does making "rich" people pay more taxes improve pay for the "non-rich"?

Those two have no connection whatsoever, and could even have the opposite effect.

Then we could afford cheaper college and training and a tax cut for the middle class and healthcare for everyone etc etc make life fair that would be a nice change.
That is a separate issue.

Spending is detached from taxation policy. Increasing taxes on the "rich" does not affect income disparity.

What you really want is for government to forcibly take money from some and give it to others.

When you try to frame it as something other than what it really is, many of us start to see it as deception.

Being honest about it opens the door for a real discussion.

No I want cheap college and training and health care for all like every other Rich modern country. Thanks scumbag GOP
Yeah, the local drug dealer!
No I want cheap college and training and health care for all like every other Rich modern country. Thanks scumbag GOP
And, to get cheaper college and training and health care (like all the other rich modern nations not required to provide for their own defense, but relying [mooching] on the U.S.) in essence you must use government force to take money from one person and give it to another.

I can talk with you about it and honestly consider what you want to do, but you've got to be straight with me and yourself. It's government forcibly taking money, which would otherwise be theft.

I am not opposed to government partially funding college or health care or training, if the countries who rely on us for defense pay for that defense. I say partially funding because I believe a student should pay some to get better results (our money's worth). I have seen it personally, where students who paid for none of their own college fucked around and got nothing out of it, while those who worked their way through (myself included) understood the value and busted ass.

Also, only areas of need from college or training should be funded. There are lots of useless, bullshit degree paths out there. Those should be reserved for and solely funded by the trust-fund waistoids who don't plan on working a day of their useless lives.

Same for health care. Only emergency services and a limited amount of other care should be subsidized. And everybody pays something out of their own pocket so we all have skin in the game. Either way, government does NOT take over the industry. Only provides subsidies.

The money we spend on the defense of other nations should be reimbursed by those moochers to pay for health care subsidies. Otherwise, said nations can have fun with some dictator's dick up their collective ass.

We should also stop all these bullshit eternal wars that cost billions and get nowhere. No more world police.
Independent here-both parties are lay and corrupt.
Independent here-both parties are corrupt and lazy. Don't blame just Republicans-both Trump and Cummings can accept blame for these conditions on their watch.
So President Trump starts it by getting people to realize how fucked up Baltimore is, and Cummings who has been in Baltimore forever is just now waking up?
While you have been on the GOP propaganda machine, Democrats have been complaining forever about tax cuts on the rich to the point where we now have a flat tax system and the effect it has inequality and upward Mobility, now the worst in our history and in the modern world by far.
Hey, no excuses from either party. Neither got it done.
Mainly due to Republican reconciliation and filibuster rules. So they can pass tax cuts with 51 votes ditto Cuts in services for the rest. And Democrats need 60 for raising taxes on the bloated rich and reform.
Hey, a Democrat, Harry Reid changed the rules. Now Dems have to live with them. But still NEITHER PARTY got it done.
Reid only change the rules for judges I believe. I believe they have to go nuclear on everything and pass everything the Democrats want. And the Republicans can repeal great vacations Healthcare cheap college and training and higher taxes on the rich and see how that works for them. I believe the governor of Washington agreed with me last night....
Actually our allies pay as much as we have asked them to. And they have taken in 7 million refugees that we caused. By which I mean Republicans caused- and go on and on with this crap....
Wrong. We have the greatest inequality and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. They pay the same as you do now that is a disgrace super dupe.
How does making "rich" people pay more taxes improve pay for the "non-rich"?

Those two have no connection whatsoever, and could even have the opposite effect.

Then we could afford cheaper college and training and a tax cut for the middle class and healthcare for everyone etc etc make life fair that would be a nice change.
That is a separate issue.

Spending is detached from taxation policy. Increasing taxes on the "rich" does not affect income disparity.

What you really want is for government to forcibly take money from some and give it to others.

When you try to frame it as something other than what it really is, many of us start to see it as deception.

Being honest about it opens the door for a real discussion.

No I want cheap college and training and health care for all like every other Rich modern country. Thanks scumbag GOP
So everything you don't like is the fault of the GOP? That seems unrealistic.
Also a fact. Cutting taxes on the rich and profitable giant corporations is all they care about.... No sacrifice is too great for everyone else to do that....
Actually our allies pay as much as we have asked them to. And they have taken in 7 million refugees that we caused. By which I mean Republicans caused- and go on and on with this crap....
Did Obama and Hillary become Republicans when they Bombed Libya, and started the ISIS crusade? You know that Jr Varsity team that Obama talked about?
How does making "rich" people pay more taxes improve pay for the "non-rich"?

Those two have no connection whatsoever, and could even have the opposite effect.

Then we could afford cheaper college and training and a tax cut for the middle class and healthcare for everyone etc etc make life fair that would be a nice change.
That is a separate issue.

Spending is detached from taxation policy. Increasing taxes on the "rich" does not affect income disparity.

What you really want is for government to forcibly take money from some and give it to others.

When you try to frame it as something other than what it really is, many of us start to see it as deception.

Being honest about it opens the door for a real discussion.

No I want cheap college and training and health care for all like every other Rich modern country. Thanks scumbag GOP
So everything you don't like is the fault of the GOP? That seems unrealistic.
Also a fact. Cutting taxes on the rich and profitable giant corporations is all they care about.... No sacrifice is too great for everyone else to do that....
If they could cut taxes on the poor, they would, but since welfare queens and queers pay no income tax, you cant get a break. I sense much wealth envy in this one.
Then we could afford cheaper college and training and a tax cut for the middle class and healthcare for everyone etc etc make life fair that would be a nice change.
That is a separate issue.

Spending is detached from taxation policy. Increasing taxes on the "rich" does not affect income disparity.

What you really want is for government to forcibly take money from some and give it to others.

When you try to frame it as something other than what it really is, many of us start to see it as deception.

Being honest about it opens the door for a real discussion.

No I want cheap college and training and health care for all like every other Rich modern country. Thanks scumbag GOP
So everything you don't like is the fault of the GOP? That seems unrealistic.
Also a fact. Cutting taxes on the rich and profitable giant corporations is all they care about.... No sacrifice is too great for everyone else to do that....
If they could cut taxes on the poor, they would, but since welfare queens and queers pay no income tax, you cant get a break. I sense much wealth envy in this one.
Google the only tax graph you need to know how to read it, brainwashed functional moron. If you count all taxes and fees,everyone who makes any money pays about the same percentage in all taxes, and even the poorest pay about the same. Quite the GOP scam....
Actually our allies pay as much as we have asked them to. And they have taken in 7 million refugees that we caused. By which I mean Republicans caused- and go on and on with this crap....
Did Obama and Hillary become Republicans when they Bombed Libya, and started the ISIS crusade? You know that Jr Varsity team that Obama talked about?
Another GOP conspiracy garbage propaganda talking point.... Ronald Reagan's Pal Saddam and the whole Iraq war -destruction of the Middle East was GOP idiocy.... Including allowing 911 through sheer incompetence....
So President Trump starts it by getting people to realize how fucked up Baltimore is, and Cummings who has been in Baltimore forever is just now waking up?
While you have been on the GOP propaganda machine, Democrats have been complaining forever about tax cuts on the rich to the point where we now have a flat tax system and the effect it has inequality and upward Mobility, now the worst in our history and in the modern world by far.
Hey, no excuses from either party. Neither got it done.
Mainly due to Republican reconciliation and filibuster rules. So they can pass tax cuts with 51 votes ditto Cuts in services for the rest. And Democrats need 60 for raising taxes on the bloated rich and reform.
Hey, a Democrat, Harry Reid changed the rules. Now Dems have to live with them. But still NEITHER PARTY got it done.
Reid only change the rules for judges I believe. I believe they have to go nuclear on everything and pass everything the Democrats want. And the Republicans can repeal great vacations Healthcare cheap college and training and higher taxes on the rich and see how that works for them. I believe the governor of Washington agreed with me last night....

Higher taxes for the rich? What do you define as “the rich”? Is that anyone who makes more money than you? Has a bigger house and car vs. you? You liberals always tout higher taxes for the rich yet it always pinches the middle class the most. Your liberal elitist Pelosi, Kennedy’s, Kerry’s, Warrens, Sanders...... they go unscathed with higher taxes yet I get pinched.

Go after your rich but be definitive and leave the Middle Class and Small Businesses alone.
That is a separate issue.

Spending is detached from taxation policy. Increasing taxes on the "rich" does not affect income disparity.

What you really want is for government to forcibly take money from some and give it to others.

When you try to frame it as something other than what it really is, many of us start to see it as deception.

Being honest about it opens the door for a real discussion.

No I want cheap college and training and health care for all like every other Rich modern country. Thanks scumbag GOP
So everything you don't like is the fault of the GOP? That seems unrealistic.
Also a fact. Cutting taxes on the rich and profitable giant corporations is all they care about.... No sacrifice is too great for everyone else to do that....
If they could cut taxes on the poor, they would, but since welfare queens and queers pay no income tax, you cant get a break. I sense much wealth envy in this one.
Google the only tax graph you need to know how to read it, brainwashed functional moron. If you count all taxes and fees,everyone who makes any money pays about the same percentage in all taxes, and even the poorest pay about the same. Quite the GOP scam....
Do the poorest pay with our money from taxes GIVEN to them?
While you have been on the GOP propaganda machine, Democrats have been complaining forever about tax cuts on the rich to the point where we now have a flat tax system and the effect it has inequality and upward Mobility, now the worst in our history and in the modern world by far.
Hey, no excuses from either party. Neither got it done.
Mainly due to Republican reconciliation and filibuster rules. So they can pass tax cuts with 51 votes ditto Cuts in services for the rest. And Democrats need 60 for raising taxes on the bloated rich and reform.
Hey, a Democrat, Harry Reid changed the rules. Now Dems have to live with them. But still NEITHER PARTY got it done.
Reid only change the rules for judges I believe. I believe they have to go nuclear on everything and pass everything the Democrats want. And the Republicans can repeal great vacations Healthcare cheap college and training and higher taxes on the rich and see how that works for them. I believe the governor of Washington agreed with me last night....

Higher taxes for the rich? What do you define as “the rich”? Is that anyone who makes more money than you? Has a bigger house and car vs. you? You liberals always tout higher taxes for the rich yet it always pinches the middle class the most. Your liberal elitist Pelosi, Kennedy’s, Kerry’s, Warrens, Sanders...... they go unscathed with higher taxes yet I get pinched.

Go after your rich but be definitive and leave the Middle Class and Small Businesses alone.
I define it like everyone else who knows what they are talking about, over $250,000 a year, dumbass dupe. But especially those making over $1000000 etc etc. All paying less than they should.Google the only tax graph you need to know and stop being an incredible idiot dupe of the greedy idiot Rich.
Rep Cummings should take his House Oversight Committee and do some oversight on baltimore...he'll find out some real disturbing corruption!
While you have been on the GOP propaganda machine, Democrats have been complaining forever about tax cuts on the rich to the point where we now have a flat tax system and the effect it has inequality and upward Mobility, now the worst in our history and in the modern world by far.
Hey, no excuses from either party. Neither got it done.
Mainly due to Republican reconciliation and filibuster rules. So they can pass tax cuts with 51 votes ditto Cuts in services for the rest. And Democrats need 60 for raising taxes on the bloated rich and reform.
Hey, a Democrat, Harry Reid changed the rules. Now Dems have to live with them. But still NEITHER PARTY got it done.
Reid only change the rules for judges I believe. I believe they have to go nuclear on everything and pass everything the Democrats want. And the Republicans can repeal great vacations Healthcare cheap college and training and higher taxes on the rich and see how that works for them. I believe the governor of Washington agreed with me last night....

Higher taxes for the rich? What do you define as “the rich”? Is that anyone who makes more money than you? Has a bigger house and car vs. you? You liberals always tout higher taxes for the rich yet it always pinches the middle class the most. Your liberal elitist Pelosi, Kennedy’s, Kerry’s, Warrens, Sanders...... they go unscathed with higher taxes yet I get pinched.

Go after your rich but be definitive and leave the Middle Class and Small Businesses alone.
exactly what Democrats are saying, of course you never hear that. Try changing the channel and try reality.....

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