Democrats about to chose a Muslim as chairman of their party

The DNC have found Cynthia McKinney floating in the Med. sea attempting to smuggle more weapons to Hamas!
The DNC has tapped Cynthia for Vice President of the DNC serving under Keith Ellison.
The DNC has nominated the next candidate for President: A transgender left handed one armed cross eyed midget with zero experience doing anything in life except jerk off in front of their Sarah Palin full size poster every day.
Because "it's 'it's' turn".
Yes, it matters that the Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama. That means we should look forward to more historic defeats at elections. Keep up the good work, Democraps!

Its rather "interesting:" that for morons, Muslim beliefs equal "radical leftist" ones......As if the idea of homophobia and misogyny belong to the "left".....and not really the precious right wing platform.....
.Again, "stupidity...thy name is right wing".....
Wait, are you trying to tell us that Ellision's Muslim faith and ties to radical Islamists do not command he obey Shariah law, which includes homophobia and misogyny? Didn't looney leftists and the crooked media learn from the last election that Americans see right through their hypocrisy and corruption? I guess not.

From reading the MSM still trying to spin the Trump election, they haven't the slightest clue about anything, so naturally their puppets are stuck with just babbling the same old echo chamber gibberish over and over and over again. They will still be repeating it decades from now, being poorly educated sociopaths with no options involving actual thought and objectivity.
Well, it looks like Ellison will have to sign up in the Muslim registry.

He certainly qualifies.
Well, it looks like Ellison will have to sign up in the Muslim registry.

He certainly qualifies.

Cute.........Rather than a yellow star on their chest, have you thought about what Muslims should wear to please your ilk??? Maybe Ivanka can get on board since she is fashion savvy.
Well, it looks like Ellison will have to sign up in the Muslim registry.

He certainly qualifies.
Ellison is a radical Islamofascist extremist.
The country has not yet seen what he will do.
I wouldn't invite him and his wife to your Christmas party.
Well, it looks like Ellison will have to sign up in the Muslim registry.

He certainly qualifies.

Cute.........Rather than a yellow star on their chest, have you thought about what Muslims should wear to please your ilk??? Maybe Ivanka can get on board since she is fashion savvy.
Aha, the bullshit Nazi comparison again. I don't recall Jews slaughtering and terrorizing non Jews and Germans in the name of their religion. Islam cannot coexist with Western values, human rights and freedom.
Well, it looks like Ellison will have to sign up in the Muslim registry.

He certainly qualifies.
Ellison is a radical Islamofascist extremist.
The country has not yet seen what he will do.
I wouldn't invite him and his wife to your Christmas party.
Ellison is on record having praised Muslim anti American racist antisemetic scum Farakhann. That tells you all you need to know about Ellison. Democraps must be out of their fucking minds even considering him.
Well, it looks like Ellison will have to sign up in the Muslim registry.

He certainly qualifies.
Ellison is a radical Islamofascist extremist.
The country has not yet seen what he will do.
I wouldn't invite him and his wife to your Christmas party.
Ellison is on record having praised Muslim anti American racist antisemetic scum Farakhann. That tells you all you need to know about Ellison. Democraps must be out of their fucking minds even considering him.
The DEMs are ahead of their skies by about a decade.
They've tossed the negro block voters out after the negroes sat on the fucking porch as I predicted they would.
The 'muslim block vote' for the DEMs is a very distant fantasy.
Working Hispanics HATE muslims! They are 99.99% Catholic.
Working Hispanics are the REP's biggest growing voter base.
All those "educated White women" who were supposed to be SO SMART and would vote for someone with the same shaped genitals showed they are actually intelligent enough not to be bullsitted by Hillary 'The Sexual Predator's Enabler".
Face it LIBs. You're losers!
Care to guess how many legislative seats the DEMs have lost since BONOBO was elected by the 'OJ jury'?
How does 900 hundred sound??????
And now you want to have a radical Islamofascist head the DNC?
Be my fucking guest!
Yes, it matters that the Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama. That means we should look forward to more historic defeats at elections. Keep up the good work, Democraps!

Its rather "interesting:" that for morons, Muslim beliefs equal "radical leftist" ones......As if the idea of homophobia and misogyny belong to the "left".....and not really the precious right wing platform.....
.Again, "stupidity...thy name is right wing".....
Wait, are you trying to tell us that Ellision's Muslim faith and ties to radical Islamists do not command he obey Shariah law, which includes homophobia and misogyny? Didn't looney leftists and the crooked media learn from the last election that Americans see right through their hypocrisy and corruption? I guess not.

From reading the MSM still trying to spin the Trump election, they haven't the slightest clue about anything, so naturally their puppets are stuck with just babbling the same old echo chamber gibberish over and over and over again. They will still be repeating it decades from now, being poorly educated sociopaths with no options involving actual thought and objectivity.

Like this one, where the Echobabblers start demanding religious approval for people vying to run an organization they the Echobabblers aren't even a part of in the first place.

Guess you can't spell Echobabbler without 'fascist'.
Yes, it matters that the Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama. That means we should look forward to more historic defeats at elections. Keep up the good work, Democraps!

Its rather "interesting:" that for morons, Muslim beliefs equal "radical leftist" ones......As if the idea of homophobia and misogyny belong to the "left".....and not really the precious right wing platform.....
.Again, "stupidity...thy name is right wing".....
Wait, are you trying to tell us that Ellision's Muslim faith and ties to radical Islamists do not command he obey Shariah law, which includes homophobia and misogyny? Didn't looney leftists and the crooked media learn from the last election that Americans see right through their hypocrisy and corruption? I guess not.

From reading the MSM still trying to spin the Trump election, they haven't the slightest clue about anything, so naturally their puppets are stuck with just babbling the same old echo chamber gibberish over and over and over again. They will still be repeating it decades from now, being poorly educated sociopaths with no options involving actual thought and objectivity.

Like this one, where the Echobabblers start demanding religious approval for people vying to run an organization they the Echobabblers aren't even a part of in the first place.

Guess you can't spell Echobabbler without 'fascist'.

Ah another one of your silly pointless posts. You're always consistent, and of course just ignorant. It has nothing to do with 'religious approval', it has to do with a violent political cult based on a 'book' that is nothing but an ancient Mein Kampf made up of the rantings of a genocidal psychotic bandit chieftain. No doubt it looks like a 'religion' to sociopaths like yourself, and since it advocates mass murders of 'non-beleivers' such wonderful stuff as butt raping little boys has tons to recommend it in your mind, but in the real world sane people make a point of avoiding importing such alien vermin into their societies for very good reasons that are not at all obvious to you and other mental incompetents, but are very clear to sane people.
Yes, it matters that the Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama. That means we should look forward to more historic defeats at elections. Keep up the good work, Democraps!

Its rather "interesting:" that for morons, Muslim beliefs equal "radical leftist" ones......As if the idea of homophobia and misogyny belong to the "left".....and not really the precious right wing platform.....
.Again, "stupidity...thy name is right wing".....
Wait, are you trying to tell us that Ellision's Muslim faith and ties to radical Islamists do not command he obey Shariah law, which includes homophobia and misogyny? Didn't looney leftists and the crooked media learn from the last election that Americans see right through their hypocrisy and corruption? I guess not.

From reading the MSM still trying to spin the Trump election, they haven't the slightest clue about anything, so naturally their puppets are stuck with just babbling the same old echo chamber gibberish over and over and over again. They will still be repeating it decades from now, being poorly educated sociopaths with no options involving actual thought and objectivity.

Like this one, where the Echobabblers start demanding religious approval for people vying to run an organization they the Echobabblers aren't even a part of in the first place.

Guess you can't spell Echobabbler without 'fascist'.

Ah another one of your silly pointless posts. You're always consistent, and of course just ignorant. It has nothing to do with 'religious approval', it has to do with a violent political cult based on a 'book' that is nothing but an ancient Mein Kampf made up of the rantings of a genocidal psychotic bandit chieftain. No doubt it looks like a 'religion' to sociopaths like yourself, and since it advocates mass murders of 'non-beleivers' such wonderful stuff as butt raping little boys has tons to recommend it in your mind, but in the real world sane people make a point of avoiding importing such alien vermin into their societies for very good reasons that are not at all obvious to you and other mental incompetents, but are very clear to sane people.

I love love love the way this post goes all preachy with "it has nothing to do with religious approval" and then proceeds to rant on why it has to do with religious approval --- without even breaking into a new sentence. I'm always amazed that somebody can post without actually reading his own shit.

Babble babble, toying rabble.
Fire burn, delusional rabble
Parrot they the fake-news snake,
In the Babblesphere boil and bake.
Yes, it matters that the Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama. That means we should look forward to more historic defeats at elections. Keep up the good work, Democraps!

Its rather "interesting:" that for morons, Muslim beliefs equal "radical leftist" ones......As if the idea of homophobia and misogyny belong to the "left".....and not really the precious right wing platform.....
.Again, "stupidity...thy name is right wing".....
Wait, are you trying to tell us that Ellision's Muslim faith and ties to radical Islamists do not command he obey Shariah law, which includes homophobia and misogyny? Didn't looney leftists and the crooked media learn from the last election that Americans see right through their hypocrisy and corruption? I guess not.

From reading the MSM still trying to spin the Trump election, they haven't the slightest clue about anything, so naturally their puppets are stuck with just babbling the same old echo chamber gibberish over and over and over again. They will still be repeating it decades from now, being poorly educated sociopaths with no options involving actual thought and objectivity.

Like this one, where the Echobabblers start demanding religious approval for people vying to run an organization they the Echobabblers aren't even a part of in the first place.

Guess you can't spell Echobabbler without 'fascist'.
Hey, if you guys think your road back from the wilderness after being cast away and so badly rebuked on November 8, is to elect a radical Muslim with ties to nation of Islam and other Islamofacist, racist, anti American groups, be my guest. Actually I pray that Democraps do that. It will guarantee an even bigger defeat and humiliation in the next cycle. :clap2:
Hey, if you guys think your road back from the wilderness after being cast away and so badly rebuked on November 8, is to elect a radical Muslim with ties to nation of Islam and other Islamofacist, racist, anti American groups, be my guest. Actually I pray that Democraps do that. It will guarantee an even bigger defeat and humiliation in the next cycl

White supremacy shall rise again????? What a bunch of fucked up right wingers you and your ilk must be...........

You have just a few more years of old, uneducated white racists to be in power....minorities will soon kick your asses.
Yes, it matters that the Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama. That means we should look forward to more historic defeats at elections. Keep up the good work, Democraps!

Its rather "interesting:" that for morons, Muslim beliefs equal "radical leftist" ones......As if the idea of homophobia and misogyny belong to the "left".....and not really the precious right wing platform.....
.Again, "stupidity...thy name is right wing".....
Wait, are you trying to tell us that Ellision's Muslim faith and ties to radical Islamists do not command he obey Shariah law, which includes homophobia and misogyny? Didn't looney leftists and the crooked media learn from the last election that Americans see right through their hypocrisy and corruption? I guess not.

From reading the MSM still trying to spin the Trump election, they haven't the slightest clue about anything, so naturally their puppets are stuck with just babbling the same old echo chamber gibberish over and over and over again. They will still be repeating it decades from now, being poorly educated sociopaths with no options involving actual thought and objectivity.

Like this one, where the Echobabblers start demanding religious approval for people vying to run an organization they the Echobabblers aren't even a part of in the first place.

Guess you can't spell Echobabbler without 'fascist'.
Hey, if you guys think your road back from the wilderness after being cast away and so badly rebuked on November 8, is to elect a radical Muslim with ties to nation of Islam and other Islamofacist, racist, anti American groups, be my guest. Actually I pray that Democraps do that. It will guarantee an even bigger defeat and humiliation in the next cycle. :clap2:

uhhhmmmm.... "you guys"?

I'm in the US -- what country are you in? Is it even real?

So --- exactly what the fuck business is it of yours what the religion of a job seeker inside a political party you're not even part of, in a country you're not even part of, on a planet you're apparently not a part of either?

Want to know his shoe size too? What color car he drives? Astrological sign? Numerology?
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Hey, if you guys think your road back from the wilderness after being cast away and so badly rebuked on November 8, is to elect a radical Muslim with ties to nation of Islam and other Islamofacist, racist, anti American groups, be my guest. Actually I pray that Democraps do that. It will guarantee an even bigger defeat and humiliation in the next cycl

White supremacy shall rise again????? What a bunch of fucked up right wingers you and your ilk must be...........

You have just a few more years of old, uneducated white racists to be in power....minorities will soon kick your asses.

Americans don't want this country to turn into another Eurabia, where people have to always worry about the next bombing or terror attack. France is still currently under a state of emergency until they can figure it out.

And I am not even white.
Its rather "interesting:" that for morons, Muslim beliefs equal "radical leftist" ones......As if the idea of homophobia and misogyny belong to the "left".....and not really the precious right wing platform.....
.Again, "stupidity...thy name is right wing".....
Wait, are you trying to tell us that Ellision's Muslim faith and ties to radical Islamists do not command he obey Shariah law, which includes homophobia and misogyny? Didn't looney leftists and the crooked media learn from the last election that Americans see right through their hypocrisy and corruption? I guess not.

From reading the MSM still trying to spin the Trump election, they haven't the slightest clue about anything, so naturally their puppets are stuck with just babbling the same old echo chamber gibberish over and over and over again. They will still be repeating it decades from now, being poorly educated sociopaths with no options involving actual thought and objectivity.

Like this one, where the Echobabblers start demanding religious approval for people vying to run an organization they the Echobabblers aren't even a part of in the first place.

Guess you can't spell Echobabbler without 'fascist'.
Hey, if you guys think your road back from the wilderness after being cast away and so badly rebuked on November 8, is to elect a radical Muslim with ties to nation of Islam and other Islamofacist, racist, anti American groups, be my guest. Actually I pray that Democraps do that. It will guarantee an even bigger defeat and humiliation in the next cycle. :clap2:

uhhhmmmm.... "you guys"?

I'm in the US -- what country are you in? Is it even real?

So --- exactly what the fuck business is it of yours what the religion of a job seeker inside a political party you're not even part of, in a country you're not even part of, on a planet you're apparently not a part of either?

Want to know his shoe size too? What color car he drives? Astrological sign? Numerology?
Wow, that made sense. You must be yet another anti Trump moron walking around like a chicken with its head cut off wondering what happened on Nov. 8. Ha ha ha.
Wait, are you trying to tell us that Ellision's Muslim faith and ties to radical Islamists do not command he obey Shariah law, which includes homophobia and misogyny? Didn't looney leftists and the crooked media learn from the last election that Americans see right through their hypocrisy and corruption? I guess not.

From reading the MSM still trying to spin the Trump election, they haven't the slightest clue about anything, so naturally their puppets are stuck with just babbling the same old echo chamber gibberish over and over and over again. They will still be repeating it decades from now, being poorly educated sociopaths with no options involving actual thought and objectivity.

Like this one, where the Echobabblers start demanding religious approval for people vying to run an organization they the Echobabblers aren't even a part of in the first place.

Guess you can't spell Echobabbler without 'fascist'.
Hey, if you guys think your road back from the wilderness after being cast away and so badly rebuked on November 8, is to elect a radical Muslim with ties to nation of Islam and other Islamofacist, racist, anti American groups, be my guest. Actually I pray that Democraps do that. It will guarantee an even bigger defeat and humiliation in the next cycle. :clap2:

uhhhmmmm.... "you guys"?

I'm in the US -- what country are you in? Is it even real?

So --- exactly what the fuck business is it of yours what the religion of a job seeker inside a political party you're not even part of, in a country you're not even part of, on a planet you're apparently not a part of either?

Want to know his shoe size too? What color car he drives? Astrological sign? Numerology?
Wow, that made sense. You must be yet another anti Trump moron walking around like a chicken with its head cut off wondering what happened on Nov. 8. Ha ha ha.

Seems to me you're the asshat who wants to dig into people's private lives eh? Dafuck dood. Do you see me combing through Reince Plebius' garbage to find out what brand of cheese he's using? Fuggin' fascist.
From reading the MSM still trying to spin the Trump election, they haven't the slightest clue about anything, so naturally their puppets are stuck with just babbling the same old echo chamber gibberish over and over and over again. They will still be repeating it decades from now, being poorly educated sociopaths with no options involving actual thought and objectivity.

Like this one, where the Echobabblers start demanding religious approval for people vying to run an organization they the Echobabblers aren't even a part of in the first place.

Guess you can't spell Echobabbler without 'fascist'.
Hey, if you guys think your road back from the wilderness after being cast away and so badly rebuked on November 8, is to elect a radical Muslim with ties to nation of Islam and other Islamofacist, racist, anti American groups, be my guest. Actually I pray that Democraps do that. It will guarantee an even bigger defeat and humiliation in the next cycle. :clap2:

uhhhmmmm.... "you guys"?

I'm in the US -- what country are you in? Is it even real?

So --- exactly what the fuck business is it of yours what the religion of a job seeker inside a political party you're not even part of, in a country you're not even part of, on a planet you're apparently not a part of either?

Want to know his shoe size too? What color car he drives? Astrological sign? Numerology?
Wow, that made sense. You must be yet another anti Trump moron walking around like a chicken with its head cut off wondering what happened on Nov. 8. Ha ha ha.

Seems to me you're the asshat who wants to dig into people's private lives eh? Dafuck dood. Do you see me combing through Reince Plebius' garbage to find out what brand of cheese he's using? Fuggin' fascist.
Calm down and go take an antidepressant, it seems you're too distraught over the results of the election.
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