Democrats about to chose a Muslim as chairman of their party

No reason the two countries cant get along and work with each other while respecting the different governments that each country operates under.

Except for that little land grab by Russia of the Crimea, parts of Ukraine and Georgia.....otherwise,Putin is a real "sweetheart"......

Did you ever wonder why Putin wanted Trump in the WH and not Clinton?
and that land grab affects us how?
Keith Ellison.

Apparently they didn't get the message this Nov. 8 that this country does not belong to the radicals, antisemites, socialists, communists, anarchists, and assorted anti American assholes.

I look forward to even more painful Democrat losses in that case.

A Muslim is someone who practices Islam. That's it, that's all it means.
actually, he isn't really even half black, there are a few other things thrown in there too. But again, its not the black part that people (most people) dislike about him. Its his ignorance and his hate for this country. Its the same qualities I see in Hillary as I do in obama that causes me to hate her equally.
At least Bill Clinton appeared to have real concern for the country, and Im going to keep believing that because as far as he is concerned, I see no reason to question it. (even though I did not really like him.)

Just because you disagree with partisan ideology doesn't mean he hates his country.
I actually disagree with aiding our enemies while trying to tear this country apart. mean like pandering to Putin?
Not sure how you mean pandering but, Im not sure if you are aware of this or not, Russia is not actually an active enemy to the United States, and common sense does dictate that since Russia is going after ISIS, and the U.S wants to see ISIS put out of existence, I sorta does make sense to work with Russia toward this goal.
No reason the two countries cant get along and work with each other while respecting the different governments that each country operates under.

Russia has shown no indication that it's intersted in eliminating ISIS. It's choice of targeting provides ample evidence of that - mostly rebel held areas and, of course a multitude of hospitals and schools.

Iran isn't our active enemy either but that doesn't mean I want to be buddy buddy with them or trust them.
By all means lets keep the unfounded hate moving forward.
I guess Hillary was right when she said in the second debate that she would fight Russia if they didn't do as she said.
That was very helpful.
And I thought the Democrats were the ones that were so against war.
Just because you disagree with partisan ideology doesn't mean he hates his country.
I actually disagree with aiding our enemies while trying to tear this country apart. mean like pandering to Putin?
Not sure how you mean pandering but, Im not sure if you are aware of this or not, Russia is not actually an active enemy to the United States, and common sense does dictate that since Russia is going after ISIS, and the U.S wants to see ISIS put out of existence, I sorta does make sense to work with Russia toward this goal.
No reason the two countries cant get along and work with each other while respecting the different governments that each country operates under.

Russia has shown no indication that it's intersted in eliminating ISIS. It's choice of targeting provides ample evidence of that - mostly rebel held areas and, of course a multitude of hospitals and schools.

Iran isn't our active enemy either but that doesn't mean I want to be buddy buddy with them or trust them.
By all means lets keep the unfounded hate moving forward.
I guess Hillary was right when she said in the second debate that she would fight Russia if they didn't do as she said.
That was very helpful.
And I thought the Democrats were the ones that were so against war.

Nice sentiments to express NOW but you guys had no issue with it before or...currently, for example with Iran.

Putin must be the right brand of authoritarian dictator.
I'm guessing that the rightwingers are pro-authoritarian dictator and to hell with the peversions and human rights violations they inflict on their people.

The irony is many of them are still whining about normalizing relationships with Cuba.

Cognitive dissonence perhaps?
Keith Ellison is not only a muslim but a radical racist as well.

The Democrats have decided that the way to deal with their loss is to go further left and further into anti white, anti Christian racism.

Yeah, he's a radical.

He 's pro-choice for abortion, he criticized the Chinese govt for their human rights abuses in Tibet, he supports the rights of gay people.

Yep, that's an Islamic radical.....
I actually disagree with aiding our enemies while trying to tear this country apart. mean like pandering to Putin?
Not sure how you mean pandering but, Im not sure if you are aware of this or not, Russia is not actually an active enemy to the United States, and common sense does dictate that since Russia is going after ISIS, and the U.S wants to see ISIS put out of existence, I sorta does make sense to work with Russia toward this goal.
No reason the two countries cant get along and work with each other while respecting the different governments that each country operates under.

Russia has shown no indication that it's intersted in eliminating ISIS. It's choice of targeting provides ample evidence of that - mostly rebel held areas and, of course a multitude of hospitals and schools.

Iran isn't our active enemy either but that doesn't mean I want to be buddy buddy with them or trust them.
By all means lets keep the unfounded hate moving forward.
I guess Hillary was right when she said in the second debate that she would fight Russia if they didn't do as she said.
That was very helpful.
And I thought the Democrats were the ones that were so against war.

Nice sentiments to express NOW but you guys had no issue with it before or...currently, for example with Iran.

Putin must be the right brand of authoritarian dictator.
actually I cant speak for the rest of the republican party but I personally am against going to war with any country unless they try to bring it to our shore.
If Russia is trying to reclaim land that was once theirs, or trying to take over some small insignificant country, big deal, not worth us going to war with the next two superpowers in the world ( china is going to be connected to Russia like a Siamese twin should a war break out).
Now if Russia tries to move into Europe and take France or Germany? Then I guess we would have to be looking at WW3. That becomes a completely different issue that would create a major security problem for us.
He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
I suppose you'd have no issue if it was a Klansman.

Last time I chrcked, Ellison wasn't hanging anyone or say he's superior to anyone.

He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
Well Nia88 (a Muslim), our distaste for Muslims isn't so much bigotry, but rather knowing about Islam's founder, its teachings, practices, and global goal of world domination by any and every means possible. It's a barbaric primitive belief of 7th century thinking and practices. It subjugates women into second-class citizens, who are only considered worthwhile for birthing. Anyone who considers himself to be a true Muslim, believes that Muhammad's earlier teachings are superseded by his latter teachings of hatred and violence. It's not just religious, but also political and is not tolerant of non-believers and those who leave the faith. So, it's not so much bigotry, but that we understand how bigoted Islam is against the non-Muslim population of the world.
Osama bin Laden may have been a monster to the west, but I respected that at least he didn't use "taqqiya" to deceive, but rather spoke the truth as to what is in the Quran and its goals.

The Bible has pretty much the same stuff as the Quran. The Bible says don't fornicate but most Christians don't follow it. Most christians don't follow the literal word. Most muslims are the same. If muslims followed the literal word there wouldn't be any muslims living in the west or any non Muslim countries for that matter. They wouldn't do a whole bunch of things.

He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
Islam is incompatible with freedom, democracy, women's rights, gays, and Western values.

So is Christianity. If you follow any religion literally it will be incompatible with western values. But the key is you should never bring any faith into politics. I personally don't believe in drinking alcohol but I would never want that as the law as not everyone believes in what I believe in.

Unfortunately many conservative leaders do like bringing faith into politics. Gay marriage didn't get legalized until last year because of religious right wing in this country. Abortion is still a struggle for many women in red states because pro lifers think it's against God.

We have some school districts that still refuse to teach evolution. Schools still teaching abstinence. Who do you think is behind that?

NO religion should be involved in politics or government.
Ellison hasn't been charged with a crime.
Does the "religion" encourage the rape of children or does it not?

I'll help you out.

Islam allows it.

Those practicing and promoting Sharia in the USA are aiding a "religion" that promotes pedophilia.

You attacked another poster calling him a "bigot" because he seemed to disapprove of a religion that advocates islam and the practice of that vile "religion."
He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
I suppose you'd have no issue if it was a Klansman.

Last time I chrcked, Ellison wasn't hanging anyone or say he's superior to anyone.
It's about intolerance. Muslims, and especially radical Muslims like Ellison, are intolerant of non-muslims just as klansmen are intolerant of non-whites.
No reason the two countries cant get along and work with each other while respecting the different governments that each country operates under.

Except for that little land grab by Russia of the Crimea, parts of Ukraine and Georgia.....otherwise,Putin is a real "sweetheart"......

Did you ever wonder why Putin wanted Trump in the WH and not Clinton?

The destructive foreign polices of the fake 'Peace Left' lead directly to such imperialist expansions by dictators, just as it led to the rise of ISIS vermin and increased Red Chinese intimidation and aggression toward its neighbors. Just go off and die somewhere, as you HillaryCrat zombies have less than zero claim to any narrative based on your policy 'results' internationally; you're deadly vermin with no concern whatsoever outside of indulging your own mindless idiocy and hatred for the West.
No reason the two countries cant get along and work with each other while respecting the different governments that each country operates under.

Except for that little land grab by Russia of the Crimea, parts of Ukraine and Georgia.....otherwise,Putin is a real "sweetheart"......

Did you ever wonder why Putin wanted Trump in the WH and not Clinton?
and that land grab affects us how?

EXACTLY what Neville Chamberlain said when Hitler invaded Poland.....Very good. MDPoop.....
He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
I suppose you'd have no issue if it was a Klansman.

Last time I chrcked, Ellison wasn't hanging anyone or say he's superior to anyone.
It's about intolerance. Muslims, and especially radical Muslims like Ellison, are intolerant of non-muslims just as klansmen are intolerant of non-whites.


Nah, guess not.
He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
I suppose you'd have no issue if it was a Klansman.

Last time I chrcked, Ellison wasn't hanging anyone or say he's superior to anyone.

He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
Well Nia88 (a Muslim), our distaste for Muslims isn't so much bigotry, but rather knowing about Islam's founder, its teachings, practices, and global goal of world domination by any and every means possible. It's a barbaric primitive belief of 7th century thinking and practices. It subjugates women into second-class citizens, who are only considered worthwhile for birthing. Anyone who considers himself to be a true Muslim, believes that Muhammad's earlier teachings are superseded by his latter teachings of hatred and violence. It's not just religious, but also political and is not tolerant of non-believers and those who leave the faith. So, it's not so much bigotry, but that we understand how bigoted Islam is against the non-Muslim population of the world.
Osama bin Laden may have been a monster to the west, but I respected that at least he didn't use "taqqiya" to deceive, but rather spoke the truth as to what is in the Quran and its goals.

The Bible has pretty much the same stuff as the Quran. The Bible says don't fornicate but most Christians don't follow it. Most christians don't follow the literal word. Most muslims are the same. If muslims followed the literal word there wouldn't be any muslims living in the west or any non Muslim countries for that matter. They wouldn't do a whole bunch of things.

Hell, the bible has Lot boinking both his daughters (who he also offered up to be gang raped), dashing babies' heads against the rocks, stoning people to death and human trafficking of both slaves and women.

As always for the binary-bots, it's only an issue when it's in "their" book. Having it both ways: Priceless.

He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
Islam is incompatible with freedom, democracy, women's rights, gays, and Western values.

So is Christianity. If you follow any religion literally it will be incompatible with western values. But the key is you should never bring any faith into politics. I personally don't believe in drinking alcohol but I would never want that as the law as not everyone believes in what I believe in.

Unfortunately many conservative leaders do like bringing faith into politics. Gay marriage didn't get legalized until last year because of religious right wing in this country. Abortion is still a struggle for many women in red states because pro lifers think it's against God.

We have some school districts that still refuse to teach evolution. Schools still teaching abstinence. Who do you think is behind that?

NO religion should be involved in politics or government.


Hear hear. Game, set, match.
I still have yet to hear the reason Wikipedia lists the religion of politicians when it doesn't also list their shoe size.

OP still hiding from her own thread.
So to conclude, Democraps believe that the road to recovery from the historic bitch-slapping they received on Nov. 8, is to chose a Muslim with Islamist ties as chairman of their party. Way to go Democraps. :clap2:
So to conclude, Democraps believe that the road to recovery from the historic bitch-slapping they received on Nov. 8, is to chose a Muslim with Islamist ties as chairman of their party. Way to go Democraps. :clap2:

Who brought up Ellison's religion?

Oh wait I remember -- the OP. The one who ran away when challenged to justify it.

Need an exit door?


Wait, hold up, before you go ------ this was never answered either. Opportunity knocks!

---- Three people have been quoted as being interested in the job (none of whom is Keith Ellison); any word yet on what Howard Dean's religious beliefs are? Or Ray Buckley's? Martin O'Malley's? I hear it's like a thing now.

Still waiting.
So to conclude, Democraps believe that the road to recovery from the historic bitch-slapping they received on Nov. 8, is to chose a Muslim with Islamist ties as chairman of their party. Way to go Democraps. :clap2:

Indeed. They've thoroughly outed themselves as to what they really are in this election; no need to for any pretense of decency with these vermin as if they have discussion worthy 'points' any more. They need to be deported, and we can get the country back to its Jeffersonian roots, as can a reformed Democratic or other Party. The Deplorables won, the Deportables won't leave, so we need to send these diseased and violent fifth columnist traitors and psychos out of here to save it.

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.
Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816
So to conclude, Democraps believe that the road to recovery from the historic bitch-slapping they received on Nov. 8, is to chose a Muslim with Islamist ties as chairman of their party. Way to go Democraps. :clap2:

Who brought up Ellison's religion?

Oh wait I remember -- the OP. The one who ran away when challenged to justify it.

Need an exit door?


Wait, hold up, before you go ------ this was never answered either. Opportunity knocks!

---- Three people have been quoted as being interested in the job (none of whom is Keith Ellison); any word yet on what Howard Dean's religious beliefs are? Or Ray Buckley's? Martin O'Malley's? I hear it's like a thing now.

Still waiting.
Ellison is leading the list. He has the full support of the Sander's coalition, which is now a powerful voice in the party, post election.

Yes, it matters that the Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama. That means we should look forward to more historic defeats at elections. Keep up the good work, Democraps!
He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
I suppose you'd have no issue if it was a Klansman.

Last time I chrcked, Ellison wasn't hanging anyone or say he's superior to anyone.

He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
Well Nia88 (a Muslim), our distaste for Muslims isn't so much bigotry, but rather knowing about Islam's founder, its teachings, practices, and global goal of world domination by any and every means possible. It's a barbaric primitive belief of 7th century thinking and practices. It subjugates women into second-class citizens, who are only considered worthwhile for birthing. Anyone who considers himself to be a true Muslim, believes that Muhammad's earlier teachings are superseded by his latter teachings of hatred and violence. It's not just religious, but also political and is not tolerant of non-believers and those who leave the faith. So, it's not so much bigotry, but that we understand how bigoted Islam is against the non-Muslim population of the world.
Osama bin Laden may have been a monster to the west, but I respected that at least he didn't use "taqqiya" to deceive, but rather spoke the truth as to what is in the Quran and its goals.

The Bible has pretty much the same stuff as the Quran. The Bible says don't fornicate but most Christians don't follow it. Most christians don't follow the literal word. Most muslims are the same. If muslims followed the literal word there wouldn't be any muslims living in the west or any non Muslim countries for that matter. They wouldn't do a whole bunch of things.

Hell, the bible has Lot boinking both his daughters (who he also offered up to be gang raped), dashing babies' heads against the rocks, stoning people to death and human trafficking of both slaves and women.

As always for the binary-bots, it's only an issue when it's in "their" book. Having it both ways: Priceless.

He's a Muslim and so? And then you conservatives are baffled at why people think you're bigots and why minorities generally vote democrat.
Islam is incompatible with freedom, democracy, women's rights, gays, and Western values.

So is Christianity. If you follow any religion literally it will be incompatible with western values. But the key is you should never bring any faith into politics. I personally don't believe in drinking alcohol but I would never want that as the law as not everyone believes in what I believe in.

Unfortunately many conservative leaders do like bringing faith into politics. Gay marriage didn't get legalized until last year because of religious right wing in this country. Abortion is still a struggle for many women in red states because pro lifers think it's against God.

We have some school districts that still refuse to teach evolution. Schools still teaching abstinence. Who do you think is behind that?

NO religion should be involved in politics or government.


Hear hear. Game, set, match.
I still have yet to hear the reason Wikipedia lists the religion of politicians when it doesn't also list their shoe size.

OP still hiding from her own thread.

As always for the binary-bots, it's only an issue when it's in "their" book.

You have any examples, just say since September 11, 2001, where people used our book to justify slaughtering thousands of "them" and to take over huge territories to set up religious enclaves and purify the non-believers?

Or is that just "their" book being used for that?
Yes, it matters that the Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama. That means we should look forward to more historic defeats at elections. Keep up the good work, Democraps!

Its rather "interesting:" that for morons, Muslim beliefs equal "radical leftist" ones......As if the idea of homophobia and misogyny belong to the "left".....and not really the precious right wing platform.....
.Again, "stupidity...thy name is right wing".....

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