Democrats about to chose a Muslim as chairman of their party

Yes, it matters that the Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama. That means we should look forward to more historic defeats at elections. Keep up the good work, Democraps!

Its rather "interesting:" that for morons, Muslim beliefs equal "radical leftist" ones......As if the idea of homophobia and misogyny belong to the "left".....and not really the precious right wing platform.....
.Again, "stupidity...thy name is right wing".....
Homphobia is a left wing contrivance and contradiction, hypocrisy. Misogyny is an excuse lefties use to enhance another ostensible victim group.
Yes, it matters that the Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama. That means we should look forward to more historic defeats at elections. Keep up the good work, Democraps!

Its rather "interesting:" that for morons, Muslim beliefs equal "radical leftist" ones......As if the idea of homophobia and misogyny belong to the "left".....and not really the precious right wing platform.....
.Again, "stupidity...thy name is right wing".....
Wait, are you trying to tell us that Ellision's Muslim faith and ties to radical Islamists do not command he obey Shariah law, which includes homophobia and misogyny? Didn't looney leftists and the crooked media learn from the last election that Americans see right through their hypocrisy and corruption? I guess not.
No reason the two countries cant get along and work with each other while respecting the different governments that each country operates under.

Except for that little land grab by Russia of the Crimea, parts of Ukraine and Georgia.....otherwise,Putin is a real "sweetheart"......

Did you ever wonder why Putin wanted Trump in the WH and not Clinton?
and that land grab affects us how?

EXACTLY what Neville Chamberlain said when Hitler invaded Poland.....Very good. MDPoop.....
MDPoop? LOL, How cute.
But here's the thing. We are both riding the Trump train, the difference is I want to be on it, you dont. So, basically you will just go where we tell you and do what we tell you. We dont care if you complain or if your feelings get hurt, you are going.
Welcome to Trumpland loser.
Wait, are you trying to tell us that Ellision's Muslim faith and ties to radical Islamists do not command he obey Shariah law, which includes homophobia and misogyny? Didn't looney leftists and the crooked media learn from the last election that Americans see right through their hypocrisy and corruption? I guess not.

Hey, was YOU who stated that a Muslim like Ellison would drag democrats to the "left"
Here nitwit is what you stated:

Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama.

Gee, you idiots are too dumb and shouldn't be allowed to breed......
exactly. Lets call this revenge shall we?

Will I be put in some reeducation camp where that mean Obama has placed you and your ilk for the last 8 years??? Can I have your old bunk after its been fumigated???? LOL
no, we need you working so we can steal your paycheck and give the money to corporations so they dont have to work as hard to turn a profit.
not unlike obama stealing our money to give his ghetto rats free stuff like phones, healthcare, food housing, SUVs, Large screen plasma TVs. You know, the things needed just to live.
Yes, it matters that the Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama. That means we should look forward to more historic defeats at elections. Keep up the good work, Democraps!

Its rather "interesting:" that for morons, Muslim beliefs equal "radical leftist" ones......As if the idea of homophobia and misogyny belong to the "left".....and not really the precious right wing platform.....
.Again, "stupidity...thy name is right wing".....
Wait, are you trying to tell us that Ellision's Muslim faith and ties to radical Islamists do not command he obey Shariah law, which includes homophobia and misogyny? Didn't looney leftists and the crooked media learn from the last election that Americans see right through their hypocrisy and corruption? I guess not.

You don't seem to understand how representative gummint works.

See, here in our country what we call "representatives" (broadly, Congress and the Senate) are voted in to represent --- hence the term representative--- their constituents. What their own opinions are in a particular matter is irrelevant to that. They're just in that body because you can't cram umpteen thousand Minnesotans into a seat in Congress, particularly when other districts and states are doing the same thing.

Moreover, the religion of any of them is irrelevant. See, in our country we don't have theocracy. Maybe that's a different vibe on your planet but here the Liberalism that created this place ensured that we'd be free of First Estate entanglements. And they did that deliberately.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch ................................................... still no answer to the questions in (most recently) 136.

Still waiting. For a train that will never come.
Yes, it matters that the Democrats are now choosing a Muslim with pro Islamist ties, that will push a platform even more radical and to the left of Obama. That means we should look forward to more historic defeats at elections. Keep up the good work, Democraps!

Its rather "interesting:" that for morons, Muslim beliefs equal "radical leftist" ones......As if the idea of homophobia and misogyny belong to the "left".....and not really the precious right wing platform.....
.Again, "stupidity...thy name is right wing".....
Wait, are you trying to tell us that Ellision's Muslim faith and ties to radical Islamists do not command he obey Shariah law, which includes homophobia and misogyny? Didn't looney leftists and the crooked media learn from the last election that Americans see right through their hypocrisy and corruption? I guess not.

You don't seem to understand how representative gummint works.

See, here in our country what we call "representatives" (broadly, Congress and the Senate) are voted in to represent --- hence the term representative--- their constituents. What their own opinions are in a particular matter is irrelevant to that. They're just in that body because you can't cram umpteen thousand Minnesotans into a seat in Congress, particularly when other districts and states are doing the same thing.

Moreover, the religion of any of them is irrelevant. See, in our country we don't have theocracy. Maybe that's a different vibe on your planet but here the Liberalism that created this place ensured that we'd be free of First Estate entanglements. And they did that deliberately.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch ................................................... still no answer to the questions in (most recently) 136.

Still waiting. For a train that will never come.
Ellison is only one Muslim and as such, he has minimal influence in the broader scale of U.S. politics. Nothing he would introduce could violate the Constitution. As many thousands of Muslims were brought in under Obama's watch and as the average Muslim family is 7% versus 2% of your westerners, their number will increase rapidly. The Minneapolis Star Tribune did an article a few years ago, addressing the issue of Somalis secretly having multiple wives, despite the law against such. Multiple wives and large numbers of kids per wife do add up over time. Anyway, with the increase in the number of Muslims means an eventual increase in the number of Muslim politicians. This doesn't happen overnight and we won't see it in our lifetime, but at some point, with enough Muslim politicians in some future generation, you get obvious significant political change. That political change would be marginalizing and oppressing non-Muslims. The U.S. Constitution of freedom and equality would be tossed in favor of Sharia Law and the Hadith. Look across the Muslim nations throughout the world and with the exception of Tunisia, point to any Muslim nation that treats non-Muslims as equals by its government and its peoples. And, no, Indonesia doesn't treat non-Muslims as equals. It claims "freedom of religion" but in practice, non-Muslims are oppressed.
I don't want any of my great-great grandchildren or great-great-great grandchildren looking back at this era and asking why we couldn't see what would happen if large numbers of Muslims were let in and allowed to just continue to grow in numbers. So, Ellison is just one Muslim, but that number could change, over time.
But homosexuals and other Pedo-Friendlies aren't normal people, they are mentally ill sociopaths; they are actually turned on by torture and rape; they are very much into sado-masochism and other sick shit. Pics like the one your post only make them want to turn the U.S. into a Islamo-vermin cesspool all the more. They are insane suicidal freaks, and aren't capable of normal human experiences.

If there are any doubts about this all one needs to look at is how rapidly and extensively AIDS ran through their 'community' and still does, along with every other venereal disease and diseases like antibiotic resistant staph and others, despite massive amounts of money coverage spent on information programs for decades now; they simply could care less about others, even themselves, and in fact revel in it.

Fuck off.
But homosexuals and other Pedo-Friendlies aren't normal people, they are mentally ill sociopaths; they are actually turned on by torture and rape; they are very much into sado-masochism and other sick shit. Pics like the one your post only make them want to turn the U.S. into a Islamo-vermin cesspool all the more. They are insane suicidal freaks, and aren't capable of normal human experiences.

If there are any doubts about this all one needs to look at is how rapidly and extensively AIDS ran through their 'community' and still does, along with every other venereal disease and diseases like antibiotic resistant staph and others, despite massive amounts of money coverage spent on information programs for decades now; they simply could care less about others, even themselves, and in fact revel in it.

Fuck off.

Right back at you. You want to promote sicko fetishes, but too bad there are many people who don't and don't want their children subjected to being indoctrinated by the vermin who do.
Hopefully Trump and Congress follow through on finally declaring CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood what they are, terrorist cells, and deports them. Now that the Democratic Party is openly financing and offering political protection to other domestic terrorist groups, like BLM, we can put them all on the same planes out of here, along with every scumbag who took their money and shilled for them.

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