Democrats All Vote To Gut 1st Amendment...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes, the democrats voted for a bill that would allow the greedy, corrupt politcians to decide who you can give money to and how much you can give before an election...nice of them...

The Democrats Escalate Their War On Free Speech Power Line

On Thursday, Harry Reid brought SJ Res 19, to repeal the heart of the First Amendment, to the Senate floor for a vote. The result must be considered stunning by all Americans who value their freedoms. Every Senate Democrat–every one, a 54-vote majority–voted for First Amendment repeal. Here is the roll call of infamy; click to enlarge:

Why have the Democrats pushed the Udall amendment, knowing that it can’t possibly pass? They are playing a long game, I think. Historically, the idea of repealing the First Amendment would have been unthinkable. The purpose of the Udall amendment, I believe, is to mainstream what has always, until now, been inconceivable. The public is being accustomed to the idea that the First Amendment might be repealed–not flag burning and nude dancing, but the innermost core of the amendment, supporting and opposing candidates in elections–and if the Democrats ever have the votes, it will be.

No one is gutting the first amendment.... if YOU were actually concerned with the first amendment and the right of people's voices to be heard, then you would not want to hide behind your words and never let anyone know it is YOU saying it.....

what the Republicans want is for UNKNOWN PEOPLE, even foreigners, to be able to donate to PACS and 501c4's without having to disclose who they are.... donating the money....

so you believe in giving a GHOST the right to free speech that we can not even believe in a ghost's right to manipulate we the people, or shout louder than we the people, you believe in a ghost's right to elect our presidents and representatives..... SHAME ON YOU!

SHOW US WHO IS BEHIND THE CURTAIN, supporting these political action groups with their money, and you can talk all you want....and express your free speech all you want.
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It's time for reform and it will hurt, but not our free speech, unless you believe that money = free speech...

No one is gutting the first amendment.... if YOU were actually concerned with the first amendment and the right of people's voices to be heard, then you would not want to hide behind your words and never let anyone know it is YOU saying it.....

what the Republicans want is for UNKNOWN PEOPLE, even foreigners, to be able to donate to PACS and 501c4's without having to disclose who they are.... donating the money....

so you believe in giving a GHOST the right to free speech that we can not even believe in a ghost's right to free speech, you believe in a ghost's right to elect our presidents and representatives..... SHAME ON YOU!

SHOW US WHO IS BEHIND THE CURTAIN, supporting these political action groups with their money, and you can talk all you want....and express your free speech all you want.
nown donors and foreigners donated to obamashitforbrains, so who is on Americas side? Surely not the idiot in office now.

No one is gutting the first amendment.... if YOU were actually concerned with the first amendment and the right of people's voices to be heard, then you would not want to hide behind your words and never let anyone know it is YOU saying it.....

what the Republicans want is for UNKNOWN PEOPLE, even foreigners, to be able to donate to PACS and 501c4's without having to disclose who they are.... donating the money....

so you believe in giving a GHOST the right to free speech that we can not even believe in a ghost's right to free speech, you believe in a ghost's right to elect our presidents and representatives..... SHAME ON YOU!

SHOW US WHO IS BEHIND THE CURTAIN, supporting these political action groups with their money, and you can talk all you want....and express your free speech all you want.

Agree completely.

I hope people are smart enough to actually read the link.
In addition, money spent for political reasons SHOULD NOT AND SHOULD NEVER BE a giving to charity, tax deduction for these huge GHOST not only are they hidden, but the gosh darn ghosts can take a tax deduction for their donation.

HOGWASH.... you are being fooled.
Publicly fund national elections

So, you want to use tax money to help these greedy, corrupt people hold their office while they steal your money...yeah...good idea....we pay to keep them in office...

Next idea...
money = free speech..

yes, it can be locked in a jail cell and make as much free speech as you want...if you aren't allowed to get your message out then how free is it...

Do you really think these clowns want you to be able to vote them out of office?
Publicly fund national elections

So, you want to use tax money to help these greedy, corrupt people hold their office while they steal your money...yeah...good idea....we pay to keep them in office...

Next idea...
It's the ONLY smart idea. Be kinda hard to be greedy or corrupt when your outa office after 1 term
Publicly fund national elections & institute term limits. Problem solved

Term limits were imposed several years ago and on the state level some were kept, but at the federal level they were not. It was claimed that it was unconstitutional..just like drug testing for elected members.. Remember the people in govt. have those rights denied to the common citizen.

Why do you WANT these donations that support our politicians to be given in secret? How is that free speech of an individual citizen if the citizen that wants to give their free speech in the form of millions or hundreds of thousands of dollars be HIDDEN.


is our best friend.


you should change your opinion on this, because you are simply wrong....honestly, you should.
money = free speech..

yes, it can be locked in a jail cell and make as much free speech as you want...if you aren't allowed to get your message out then how free is it...

Do you really think these clowns want you to be able to vote them out of office?
It's not about voting a CLOWN out of office, it is about voting their own CLOWN in to office, so that the Ghost's own CLOWN can give them what they want...

Let the Sun Shine
Let the Sun Shine in
money = free speech..

yes, it can be locked in a jail cell and make as much free speech as you want...if you aren't allowed to get your message out then how free is it...

Do you really think these clowns want you to be able to vote them out of office?

They give you pencils and paper while incarcerated, use that to get out the message....Mostly all you hear from prisoners is, let me out...
money = free speech..

yes, it can be locked in a jail cell and make as much free speech as you want...if you aren't allowed to get your message out then how free is it...

Do you really think these clowns want you to be able to vote them out of office?
It's not about voting a CLOWN out of office, it is about voting their own CLOWN in to office, so that the Ghost's own CLOWN can give them what they want...

Let the Sun Shine
Let the Sun Shine in
The amendment's wording allows the federal Government to decide who, what and how much can be donated by EVERYONE. It is not specific to pacs or 501's, read the damn thing. It would allow what ever party has the current power in Congress to prevent challengers to incumbents to collect money to mount an effective campaign. Learn to comprehend the written word, as written the AMENDMENT WOULD MOST ASSUREDLY undermine and destroy the 1st Amendment. In a campaign for office money IS speech. Denying your opponents the ability to collect and use money IS a direct violation of the 1sdt Amendment's right to protection of speech.
One less mudslinging ad will really hurt the political process...
Denying the challenger the right to directly attack the incumbent or other parties from doing so helps ONLY the Incumbent and is a direct violation of the 1st Amendment.

No one is gutting the first amendment.... if YOU were actually concerned with the first amendment and the right of people's voices to be heard, then you would not want to hide behind your words and never let anyone know it is YOU saying it.....

what the Republicans want is for UNKNOWN PEOPLE, even foreigners, to be able to donate to PACS and 501c4's without having to disclose who they are.... donating the money....

so you believe in giving a GHOST the right to free speech that we can not even believe in a ghost's right to free speech, you believe in a ghost's right to elect our presidents and representatives..... SHAME ON YOU!

SHOW US WHO IS BEHIND THE CURTAIN, supporting these political action groups with their money, and you can talk all you want....and express your free speech all you want.
nown donors and foreigners donated to obamashitforbrains, so who is on Americas side? Surely not the idiot in office now.
And if they did, you think THAT is ok? You not only think it is okay, but you think we should double down and increase this? or triple down and give these donors the ability to write these donations for political purposes as donations for charitable purposes and actually get to write it off their taxes as if it is a charity that they are donating to?

MAN OH MAN, is that wrong.

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