Democrats Already Cheating in Nevada??? Sure looks like it.

I'm surprised they weren't also met with a couple jack booted, black panthers with billy clubs.
How do you fix an election before election day? Fiddle with the absentee ballots?
Oh yeah, Joyce Ferrara, the woman who was beaten up and had a backwards 'R' carved into her face.
I'm surprised they weren't also met with a couple jack booted, black panthers with billy clubs.

Is carrying billy clubs illegal? Or wearing Jackboots?

In front of a voting station, yes, it's supposed to be. It's called "voter intimidation" dumb ass. But if you're black, you get a pass. Our racist attorney general has seen to that.
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I'm surprised they weren't also met with a couple jack booted, black panthers with billy clubs.

Is carrying billy clubs illegal? Or wearing Jackboots?

In front of a voting station, yes, it's supposed to be. It's called "voter intimidation dumb ass. But if you're black, you get a pass. Our racist attorney general has seen to that.


But is it okay at political rallies or marching in the street?

Or in bars?
Is carrying billy clubs illegal? Or wearing Jackboots?

In front of a voting station, yes, it's supposed to be. It's called "voter intimidation dumb ass. But if you're black, you get a pass. Our racist attorney general has seen to that.


But is it okay at political rallies or marching in the street?

Or in bars?

Sure is, just like homos marching with their asses hanging out grinding on each other.
I'm surprised they weren't also met with a couple jack booted, black panthers with billy clubs.

Nicely ironic post there, on the day when the media is running video of a woman getting beaten up by Rand Paul brownshirts.
"Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid's name was already checked."

Voters Suspicious Of Fraud At Ballot Box - Las Vegas News Story - KVVU Las Vegas

How do you know this is Democrats cheating and not a far more likely explanation of a system glitch?

This is precisely why we shouldn't have been forced to move to these electronic machines. Nothing was wrong with the old paper ballots and lever machines. Just because people in Florida were too stupid to understand how to read their ballot we now have to put up with all of this shit.

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