Democrats: America's Original Hate Group


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats: America's Original Hate Group
May 20, 2019 ~ By Rich Logis
The New York Times, a major DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex) colluder and conspirator, recently reported that California has more organized hate groups than any other state. The Gray Lady didn't realize her own irony: isn't it quite interesting that arguably the most Democrat state in the nation boasts the most hate groups and potential terrorists? When the Trump presidency concludes January 20, 2025, at noon EST, there will be many unintended benefits and victories that he himself likely hadn't ever thought of. One of those is that our win didn't create hate — it revealed the hate of American Democrats.
Not long ago, U.S. rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) celebrated the countdown until whites are a minority demographic in America. It's not just that Democrats hate America's freedoms and her Constitution — a document crafted to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Democrats want our nation to go extinct, the Hell with all those who have built our nation, those who have sacrificed and those who have died and lost limbs. Our Founders warned us of an epoch, when a rising domestic enemy threatened the existence of the greatest and most miraculous nation in world history. Many races, ethnicities, religions, and non-religions have made contributions; normal thinking people respect the humanity of good and decent people. Our nation is the most diverse in world history.

The democratic party is the party of slavery, lynching, segregation, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholic and what I call the "plantation mentality" party. Violence is innate to the left, regardless of nation, like salt is to sea water.
The DNC is pulling out all the stops and civil war is now more likely; not less. Fascist ideologies of the leftist bent do not accept defeat lightly or easily as we have seen from the last three years. It was one thing to berate Trump over their own crimes, and like the election, they did not learn the same lesson, they believed their own propaganda over Trump and Russia and Mueller's witch hunt.
So the die is cast and unless justice is swift, brutal and decisive with the DNC over their many crimes of the Obama regime and era, the courts are the only institution that can correct this disgrace and destruction to our system of laws and our peerless Constitution which the DNC and fascist left are trampling on in their quest for absolute power.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left hate the Constitution it is always in their way. That is the source of the anger in the PMS/DSA and it spills out into everything else. They cannot change the constitution in the proper way and they know it so they must have the courts. Trump took that away from them for the next number of years and IF Dear God he gets another term the PMS/DSA Dems will lose the courts for a generation or more..
The only hate I see is in the heart of the author. He falls into a logical fallacy by trying to prove that Dems are the party of hate because CA has the most hate groups. False cause fallacy: it hasn't been proven that the groups are in anyway associated with the Dems and it could easily be because there are more people, period. FYI, CA has more Republicans than most other states. Why isn't that a consideration for a group that calls itself the American "Thinker"?
Democrats: America's Original Hate Group
May 20, 2019 ~ By Rich Logis
The New York Times, a major DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex) colluder and conspirator, recently reported that California has more organized hate groups than any other state. The Gray Lady didn't realize her own irony: isn't it quite interesting that arguably the most Democrat state in the nation boasts the most hate groups and potential terrorists? When the Trump presidency concludes January 20, 2025, at noon EST, there will be many unintended benefits and victories that he himself likely hadn't ever thought of. One of those is that our win didn't create hate — it revealed the hate of American Democrats.
Not long ago, U.S. rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) celebrated the countdown until whites are a minority demographic in America. It's not just that Democrats hate America's freedoms and her Constitution — a document crafted to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Democrats want our nation to go extinct, the Hell with all those who have built our nation, those who have sacrificed and those who have died and lost limbs. Our Founders warned us of an epoch, when a rising domestic enemy threatened the existence of the greatest and most miraculous nation in world history. Many races, ethnicities, religions, and non-religions have made contributions; normal thinking people respect the humanity of good and decent people. Our nation is the most diverse in world history.

The democratic party is the party of slavery, lynching, segregation, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholic and what I call the "plantation mentality" party. Violence is innate to the left, regardless of nation, like salt is to sea water.
The DNC is pulling out all the stops and civil war is now more likely; not less. Fascist ideologies of the leftist bent do not accept defeat lightly or easily as we have seen from the last three years. It was one thing to berate Trump over their own crimes, and like the election, they did not learn the same lesson, they believed their own propaganda over Trump and Russia and Mueller's witch hunt.
So the die is cast and unless justice is swift, brutal and decisive with the DNC over their many crimes of the Obama regime and era, the courts are the only institution that can correct this disgrace and destruction to our system of laws and our peerless Constitution which the DNC and fascist left are trampling on in their quest for absolute power.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left hate the Constitution it is always in their way. That is the source of the anger in the PMS/DSA and it spills out into everything else. They cannot change the constitution in the proper way and they know it so they must have the courts. Trump took that away from them for the next number of years and IF Dear God he gets another term the PMS/DSA Dems will lose the courts for a generation or more..
Oh the irony of an article that spews hate and fuels division by trying to call out the Dems for Spewing hate and fueling division. Funny stuff
The only hate I see is in the heart of the author. He falls into a logical fallacy by trying to prove that Dems are the party of hate because CA has the most hate groups. False cause fallacy: it hasn't been proven that the groups are in anyway associated with the Dems and it could easily be because there are more people, period. FYI, CA has more Republicans than most other states. Why isn't that a consideration for a group that calls itself the American "Thinker"?

So you believe that my post is an illogical fallacy? Did you say the same when the SPLC made the claim about Republicans?

Southern Poverty Law Center: Republican Party Is Now A Hate Group
Southern Poverty Law Center: Republican Party Is Now A Hate Group
Southern Poverty Law Center: Republican Party Is Now A Hate Group. Prominent Republicans have thus come to advocate such ridiculous right-wing conspiracy theories as vaccines causing autism, global warming being a Chinese plot, Common Core being a plot of socialist indoctrination, the US Army planning to invade Texas,...

The Democratic Party Is a Hate Group |
The Democratic Party Is a Hate Group | RealClearPolitics
The Democratic Party Is a Hate Group. Rush Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh Show February 9, 2017. RUSH: The Democrat Party is a shrinking and dwindling hate group. That’s literally what they’ve become. You know, I remember the reason why I say that and why I think that this is an important point.
Democrats have become the party of haters - Chicago Tribune
Democrats have become the party of haters .Thousands protest the Trump administration's separation of migrating families at the southern border during a rally on June 30, 2018 . Is this what the Democratic Party has become? A party of haters? Do Democrats condone this behavior? Please tell me it isn’t so! Yet I see few Democrats calling to end the behavior that causes such strife and division.
Democrats: America's Original Hate Group
May 20, 2019 ~ By Rich Logis
The New York Times, a major DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex) colluder and conspirator, recently reported that California has more organized hate groups than any other state. The Gray Lady didn't realize her own irony: isn't it quite interesting that arguably the most Democrat state in the nation boasts the most hate groups and potential terrorists? When the Trump presidency concludes January 20, 2025, at noon EST, there will be many unintended benefits and victories that he himself likely hadn't ever thought of. One of those is that our win didn't create hate — it revealed the hate of American Democrats.
Not long ago, U.S. rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) celebrated the countdown until whites are a minority demographic in America. It's not just that Democrats hate America's freedoms and her Constitution — a document crafted to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Democrats want our nation to go extinct, the Hell with all those who have built our nation, those who have sacrificed and those who have died and lost limbs. Our Founders warned us of an epoch, when a rising domestic enemy threatened the existence of the greatest and most miraculous nation in world history. Many races, ethnicities, religions, and non-religions have made contributions; normal thinking people respect the humanity of good and decent people. Our nation is the most diverse in world history.

The democratic party is the party of slavery, lynching, segregation, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholic and what I call the "plantation mentality" party. Violence is innate to the left, regardless of nation, like salt is to sea water.
The DNC is pulling out all the stops and civil war is now more likely; not less. Fascist ideologies of the leftist bent do not accept defeat lightly or easily as we have seen from the last three years. It was one thing to berate Trump over their own crimes, and like the election, they did not learn the same lesson, they believed their own propaganda over Trump and Russia and Mueller's witch hunt.
So the die is cast and unless justice is swift, brutal and decisive with the DNC over their many crimes of the Obama regime and era, the courts are the only institution that can correct this disgrace and destruction to our system of laws and our peerless Constitution which the DNC and fascist left are trampling on in their quest for absolute power.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left hate the Constitution it is always in their way. That is the source of the anger in the PMS/DSA and it spills out into everything else. They cannot change the constitution in the proper way and they know it so they must have the courts. Trump took that away from them for the next number of years and IF Dear God he gets another term the PMS/DSA Dems will lose the courts for a generation or more..
Oh the irony of an article that spews hate and fuels division by trying to call out the Dems for Spewing hate and fueling division. Funny stuff

So what happened to all those black protests and riots we saw while Obama (a Democrat) was in office? I mean like the Henry Gates affair, the riots and protests after the Trayvon Martin shooting, the Kimani Gray riots, the Eric Garner riots, Michael Brown and the Ferguson riots, the riots over Freddie Gray in Baltimore, the riots over the police shooting of Philando Castile, the Milwaukee riots after the police shooting of Sylville Smith, and the deliberate targeting of police officers?

Is President Trump (a Republican) not stirring up enough "division" or something?

Democrats: America's Original Hate Group
May 20, 2019 ~ By Rich Logis
The New York Times, a major DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex) colluder and conspirator, recently reported that California has more organized hate groups than any other state. The Gray Lady didn't realize her own irony: isn't it quite interesting that arguably the most Democrat state in the nation boasts the most hate groups and potential terrorists? When the Trump presidency concludes January 20, 2025, at noon EST, there will be many unintended benefits and victories that he himself likely hadn't ever thought of. One of those is that our win didn't create hate — it revealed the hate of American Democrats.
Not long ago, U.S. rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) celebrated the countdown until whites are a minority demographic in America. It's not just that Democrats hate America's freedoms and her Constitution — a document crafted to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Democrats want our nation to go extinct, the Hell with all those who have built our nation, those who have sacrificed and those who have died and lost limbs. Our Founders warned us of an epoch, when a rising domestic enemy threatened the existence of the greatest and most miraculous nation in world history. Many races, ethnicities, religions, and non-religions have made contributions; normal thinking people respect the humanity of good and decent people. Our nation is the most diverse in world history.

The democratic party is the party of slavery, lynching, segregation, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholic and what I call the "plantation mentality" party. Violence is innate to the left, regardless of nation, like salt is to sea water.
The DNC is pulling out all the stops and civil war is now more likely; not less. Fascist ideologies of the leftist bent do not accept defeat lightly or easily as we have seen from the last three years. It was one thing to berate Trump over their own crimes, and like the election, they did not learn the same lesson, they believed their own propaganda over Trump and Russia and Mueller's witch hunt.
So the die is cast and unless justice is swift, brutal and decisive with the DNC over their many crimes of the Obama regime and era, the courts are the only institution that can correct this disgrace and destruction to our system of laws and our peerless Constitution which the DNC and fascist left are trampling on in their quest for absolute power.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left hate the Constitution it is always in their way. That is the source of the anger in the PMS/DSA and it spills out into everything else. They cannot change the constitution in the proper way and they know it so they must have the courts. Trump took that away from them for the next number of years and IF Dear God he gets another term the PMS/DSA Dems will lose the courts for a generation or more..
Oh the irony of an article that spews hate and fuels division by trying to call out the Dems for Spewing hate and fueling division. Funny stuff

So what happened to all those black protests and riots we saw while Obama (a Democrat) was in office? I mean like the Henry Gates affair, the riots and protests after the Trayvon Martin shooting, the Kimani Gray riots, the Eric Garner riots, Michael Brown and the Ferguson riots, the riots over Freddie Gray in Baltimore, the riots over the police shooting of Philando Castile, the Milwaukee riots after the police shooting of Sylville Smith, and the deliberate targeting of police officers?

Is President Trump (a Republican) not stirring up enough "division" or something?

Are you intentionally ignoring all the violent racial events that have happened under Trump?! Every president has had to deal with racial issues, it’s a force in our society which has been progressing throughout the decades.

Your argument is weak and wreaks of partisanship.
Democrats: America's Original Hate Group
May 20, 2019 ~ By Rich Logis
The New York Times, a major DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex) colluder and conspirator, recently reported that California has more organized hate groups than any other state. The Gray Lady didn't realize her own irony: isn't it quite interesting that arguably the most Democrat state in the nation boasts the most hate groups and potential terrorists? When the Trump presidency concludes January 20, 2025, at noon EST, there will be many unintended benefits and victories that he himself likely hadn't ever thought of. One of those is that our win didn't create hate — it revealed the hate of American Democrats.
Not long ago, U.S. rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) celebrated the countdown until whites are a minority demographic in America. It's not just that Democrats hate America's freedoms and her Constitution — a document crafted to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Democrats want our nation to go extinct, the Hell with all those who have built our nation, those who have sacrificed and those who have died and lost limbs. Our Founders warned us of an epoch, when a rising domestic enemy threatened the existence of the greatest and most miraculous nation in world history. Many races, ethnicities, religions, and non-religions have made contributions; normal thinking people respect the humanity of good and decent people. Our nation is the most diverse in world history.

The democratic party is the party of slavery, lynching, segregation, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholic and what I call the "plantation mentality" party. Violence is innate to the left, regardless of nation, like salt is to sea water.
The DNC is pulling out all the stops and civil war is now more likely; not less. Fascist ideologies of the leftist bent do not accept defeat lightly or easily as we have seen from the last three years. It was one thing to berate Trump over their own crimes, and like the election, they did not learn the same lesson, they believed their own propaganda over Trump and Russia and Mueller's witch hunt.
So the die is cast and unless justice is swift, brutal and decisive with the DNC over their many crimes of the Obama regime and era, the courts are the only institution that can correct this disgrace and destruction to our system of laws and our peerless Constitution which the DNC and fascist left are trampling on in their quest for absolute power.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left hate the Constitution it is always in their way. That is the source of the anger in the PMS/DSA and it spills out into everything else. They cannot change the constitution in the proper way and they know it so they must have the courts. Trump took that away from them for the next number of years and IF Dear God he gets another term the PMS/DSA Dems will lose the courts for a generation or more..
Oh the irony of an article that spews hate and fuels division by trying to call out the Dems for Spewing hate and fueling division. Funny stuff

So what happened to all those black protests and riots we saw while Obama (a Democrat) was in office? I mean like the Henry Gates affair, the riots and protests after the Trayvon Martin shooting, the Kimani Gray riots, the Eric Garner riots, Michael Brown and the Ferguson riots, the riots over Freddie Gray in Baltimore, the riots over the police shooting of Philando Castile, the Milwaukee riots after the police shooting of Sylville Smith, and the deliberate targeting of police officers?

Is President Trump (a Republican) not stirring up enough "division" or something?

Are you intentionally ignoring all the violent racial events that have happened under Trump?! Every president has had to deal with racial issues, it’s a force in our society which has been progressing throughout the decades.

Your argument is weak and wreaks of partisanship.
Trumpism means holding your nose and ignoring the all the divisions and logical inconsistencies we've had to endure the last couple of years. #1 inconsistency, if a Dem had done and said the same things as Trump, the Republicans would be screaming bloody murder.
Democrats: America's Original Hate Group
May 20, 2019 ~ By Rich Logis
The New York Times, a major DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex) colluder and conspirator, recently reported that California has more organized hate groups than any other state. The Gray Lady didn't realize her own irony: isn't it quite interesting that arguably the most Democrat state in the nation boasts the most hate groups and potential terrorists? When the Trump presidency concludes January 20, 2025, at noon EST, there will be many unintended benefits and victories that he himself likely hadn't ever thought of. One of those is that our win didn't create hate — it revealed the hate of American Democrats.
Not long ago, U.S. rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) celebrated the countdown until whites are a minority demographic in America. It's not just that Democrats hate America's freedoms and her Constitution — a document crafted to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Democrats want our nation to go extinct, the Hell with all those who have built our nation, those who have sacrificed and those who have died and lost limbs. Our Founders warned us of an epoch, when a rising domestic enemy threatened the existence of the greatest and most miraculous nation in world history. Many races, ethnicities, religions, and non-religions have made contributions; normal thinking people respect the humanity of good and decent people. Our nation is the most diverse in world history.

The democratic party is the party of slavery, lynching, segregation, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholic and what I call the "plantation mentality" party. Violence is innate to the left, regardless of nation, like salt is to sea water.
The DNC is pulling out all the stops and civil war is now more likely; not less. Fascist ideologies of the leftist bent do not accept defeat lightly or easily as we have seen from the last three years. It was one thing to berate Trump over their own crimes, and like the election, they did not learn the same lesson, they believed their own propaganda over Trump and Russia and Mueller's witch hunt.
So the die is cast and unless justice is swift, brutal and decisive with the DNC over their many crimes of the Obama regime and era, the courts are the only institution that can correct this disgrace and destruction to our system of laws and our peerless Constitution which the DNC and fascist left are trampling on in their quest for absolute power.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left hate the Constitution it is always in their way. That is the source of the anger in the PMS/DSA and it spills out into everything else. They cannot change the constitution in the proper way and they know it so they must have the courts. Trump took that away from them for the next number of years and IF Dear God he gets another term the PMS/DSA Dems will lose the courts for a generation or more..
Oh the irony of an article that spews hate and fuels division by trying to call out the Dems for Spewing hate and fueling division. Funny stuff

So what happened to all those black protests and riots we saw while Obama (a Democrat) was in office? I mean like the Henry Gates affair, the riots and protests after the Trayvon Martin shooting, the Kimani Gray riots, the Eric Garner riots, Michael Brown and the Ferguson riots, the riots over Freddie Gray in Baltimore, the riots over the police shooting of Philando Castile, the Milwaukee riots after the police shooting of Sylville Smith, and the deliberate targeting of police officers?

Is President Trump (a Republican) not stirring up enough "division" or something?

Are you intentionally ignoring all the violent racial events that have happened under Trump?! Every president has had to deal with racial issues, it’s a force in our society which has been progressing throughout the decades.

Your argument is weak and wreaks of partisanship.

Kind of hard to ignore the violence perpetrated by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left.

Democratic strategist Robert Creamer steps down from post ...
Democratic strategist Robert Creamer steps down from post after video surfaced | Daily Mail Online
Oct 19, 2016 · Senior Democratic strategist resigns after video surfaces showing his staff planning to incite violence at Trump rallies and discussing paying mentally-ill people to disrupt GOP events
90% of BLM & ANTIFA Rioters are Paid by Crowds on Demand ...
Aug 23, 2017 · Adam Swart, founder and CEO of COD is literally responsible for most of the organization of individuals gathered for each BLM and ANTIFA riot in the US since his firm does most of the advertising for recruiting rioters and is the company who pays most of them anywhere from $15.00 to $75.00 per hour to take part in nationwide protests.

Democrats: America's Original Hate Group
May 20, 2019 ~ By Rich Logis
The New York Times, a major DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex) colluder and conspirator, recently reported that California has more organized hate groups than any other state. The Gray Lady didn't realize her own irony: isn't it quite interesting that arguably the most Democrat state in the nation boasts the most hate groups and potential terrorists? When the Trump presidency concludes January 20, 2025, at noon EST, there will be many unintended benefits and victories that he himself likely hadn't ever thought of. One of those is that our win didn't create hate — it revealed the hate of American Democrats.
Not long ago, U.S. rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) celebrated the countdown until whites are a minority demographic in America. It's not just that Democrats hate America's freedoms and her Constitution — a document crafted to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Democrats want our nation to go extinct, the Hell with all those who have built our nation, those who have sacrificed and those who have died and lost limbs. Our Founders warned us of an epoch, when a rising domestic enemy threatened the existence of the greatest and most miraculous nation in world history. Many races, ethnicities, religions, and non-religions have made contributions; normal thinking people respect the humanity of good and decent people. Our nation is the most diverse in world history.

The democratic party is the party of slavery, lynching, segregation, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholic and what I call the "plantation mentality" party. Violence is innate to the left, regardless of nation, like salt is to sea water.
The DNC is pulling out all the stops and civil war is now more likely; not less. Fascist ideologies of the leftist bent do not accept defeat lightly or easily as we have seen from the last three years. It was one thing to berate Trump over their own crimes, and like the election, they did not learn the same lesson, they believed their own propaganda over Trump and Russia and Mueller's witch hunt.
So the die is cast and unless justice is swift, brutal and decisive with the DNC over their many crimes of the Obama regime and era, the courts are the only institution that can correct this disgrace and destruction to our system of laws and our peerless Constitution which the DNC and fascist left are trampling on in their quest for absolute power.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left hate the Constitution it is always in their way. That is the source of the anger in the PMS/DSA and it spills out into everything else. They cannot change the constitution in the proper way and they know it so they must have the courts. Trump took that away from them for the next number of years and IF Dear God he gets another term the PMS/DSA Dems will lose the courts for a generation or more..
Oh the irony of an article that spews hate and fuels division by trying to call out the Dems for Spewing hate and fueling division. Funny stuff

So what happened to all those black protests and riots we saw while Obama (a Democrat) was in office? I mean like the Henry Gates affair, the riots and protests after the Trayvon Martin shooting, the Kimani Gray riots, the Eric Garner riots, Michael Brown and the Ferguson riots, the riots over Freddie Gray in Baltimore, the riots over the police shooting of Philando Castile, the Milwaukee riots after the police shooting of Sylville Smith, and the deliberate targeting of police officers?

Is President Trump (a Republican) not stirring up enough "division" or something?

Are you intentionally ignoring all the violent racial events that have happened under Trump?! Every president has had to deal with racial issues, it’s a force in our society which has been progressing throughout the decades.

Your argument is weak and wreaks of partisanship.

Kind of hard to ignore the violence perpetrated by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left.

Democratic strategist Robert Creamer steps down from post ...
Democratic strategist Robert Creamer steps down from post after video surfaced | Daily Mail Online
Oct 19, 2016 · Senior Democratic strategist resigns after video surfaces showing his staff planning to incite violence at Trump rallies and discussing paying mentally-ill people to disrupt GOP events
90% of BLM & ANTIFA Rioters are Paid by Crowds on Demand ...
Aug 23, 2017 · Adam Swart, founder and CEO of COD is literally responsible for most of the organization of individuals gathered for each BLM and ANTIFA riot in the US since his firm does most of the advertising for recruiting rioters and is the company who pays most of them anywhere from $15.00 to $75.00 per hour to take part in nationwide protests.
I agree, it shouldn’t be ignored. Doesn’t change the point I was making
Democrats: America's Original Hate Group
May 20, 2019 ~ By Rich Logis
The New York Times, a major DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex) colluder and conspirator, recently reported that California has more organized hate groups than any other state. The Gray Lady didn't realize her own irony: isn't it quite interesting that arguably the most Democrat state in the nation boasts the most hate groups and potential terrorists? When the Trump presidency concludes January 20, 2025, at noon EST, there will be many unintended benefits and victories that he himself likely hadn't ever thought of. One of those is that our win didn't create hate — it revealed the hate of American Democrats.
Not long ago, U.S. rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) celebrated the countdown until whites are a minority demographic in America. It's not just that Democrats hate America's freedoms and her Constitution — a document crafted to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Democrats want our nation to go extinct, the Hell with all those who have built our nation, those who have sacrificed and those who have died and lost limbs. Our Founders warned us of an epoch, when a rising domestic enemy threatened the existence of the greatest and most miraculous nation in world history. Many races, ethnicities, religions, and non-religions have made contributions; normal thinking people respect the humanity of good and decent people. Our nation is the most diverse in world history.

The democratic party is the party of slavery, lynching, segregation, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholic and what I call the "plantation mentality" party. Violence is innate to the left, regardless of nation, like salt is to sea water.
The DNC is pulling out all the stops and civil war is now more likely; not less. Fascist ideologies of the leftist bent do not accept defeat lightly or easily as we have seen from the last three years. It was one thing to berate Trump over their own crimes, and like the election, they did not learn the same lesson, they believed their own propaganda over Trump and Russia and Mueller's witch hunt.
So the die is cast and unless justice is swift, brutal and decisive with the DNC over their many crimes of the Obama regime and era, the courts are the only institution that can correct this disgrace and destruction to our system of laws and our peerless Constitution which the DNC and fascist left are trampling on in their quest for absolute power.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left hate the Constitution it is always in their way. That is the source of the anger in the PMS/DSA and it spills out into everything else. They cannot change the constitution in the proper way and they know it so they must have the courts. Trump took that away from them for the next number of years and IF Dear God he gets another term the PMS/DSA Dems will lose the courts for a generation or more..
Oh the irony of an article that spews hate and fuels division by trying to call out the Dems for Spewing hate and fueling division. Funny stuff

So what happened to all those black protests and riots we saw while Obama (a Democrat) was in office? I mean like the Henry Gates affair, the riots and protests after the Trayvon Martin shooting, the Kimani Gray riots, the Eric Garner riots, Michael Brown and the Ferguson riots, the riots over Freddie Gray in Baltimore, the riots over the police shooting of Philando Castile, the Milwaukee riots after the police shooting of Sylville Smith, and the deliberate targeting of police officers?

Is President Trump (a Republican) not stirring up enough "division" or something?

Are you intentionally ignoring all the violent racial events that have happened under Trump?! Every president has had to deal with racial issues, it’s a force in our society which has been progressing throughout the decades.

Your argument is weak and wreaks of partisanship.

Kind of hard to ignore the violence perpetrated by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left.

Democratic strategist Robert Creamer steps down from post ...
Democratic strategist Robert Creamer steps down from post after video surfaced | Daily Mail Online
Oct 19, 2016 · Senior Democratic strategist resigns after video surfaces showing his staff planning to incite violence at Trump rallies and discussing paying mentally-ill people to disrupt GOP events
90% of BLM & ANTIFA Rioters are Paid by Crowds on Demand ...
Aug 23, 2017 · Adam Swart, founder and CEO of COD is literally responsible for most of the organization of individuals gathered for each BLM and ANTIFA riot in the US since his firm does most of the advertising for recruiting rioters and is the company who pays most of them anywhere from $15.00 to $75.00 per hour to take part in nationwide protests.

1. Violence is the discourse, the language of the Left.

2. Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

a. John Wilkes Booth was opposed to President Lincoln’s Republican war policies. His letter to is family explained he was furious with Lincoln for having brought war to the South! THE MURDERER OF MR. LINCOLN.; Extraordinary Letter of John Wilkes Booth Proof that He Meditated His Crime Months Ago His Excuses for the Contemplated Act His Participation in the Execution of John Brown. Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction. Fires. The Seventh Ward Fire Note from Chief Engineer Decker.

Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, “…an angry Copperhead, a.k.a., ‘peace democrat,’ (when that meant pro-slavery, of course.) John Wilkes Booth - Liberapedia

John Wilkes Booth

"In the 1860s, the Copperheads comprised a vocal faction of Democrats in the Northern United States of the Union who opposed the American Civil War, wanting an immediate peace settlement with the Confederates. Republicans started calling anti-war Democrats "Copperheads", likening them to the venomous snake."

Copperhead (politics) - Wikipedia

b. Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced. Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

c. Leon Czolgosz, who killed President McKinley, was a socialist and anarchist, whose act was instigated by a speech he heard by socialist Emma Goldman.

d. John Schrank, who shot and wounded Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, seemed to have no affiliation other than opposition to a third term.

e. Giuseppe Zangara, who came close to killing President Roosevelt in 1933, (he killed Mayor Cermak) hated the rich and sought to “make even with the capitalists.” Outside of shooting elected officials, he would have made an ideal pick for Obama’ws cabinet.

f. Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot JFK, had been a communist ever since he read a communist pamphlet about the Rosenbergs. As soon as he was arrested, he called John Abt, lawyer for the American Communist Party.
"CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows"
CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows
Hate is the opposite of seeking equality, which is why the Democrat Party has NEVER been for equality. Their "hate group" is always after someone, and hates anyone suggesting EQUALITY....

Affirmative Action

To be a Democrat is to be 100% against equality in each and every time period.
Still it is funny that a right wing source is used the New York Time as their source

Still it is a state with the largest population

According to Trump there are fine people on both sides, so if the " American Idol In his own mind" says so, then his supporter should believe so
Still it is funny that a right wing source is used the New York Time as their source

Still it is a state with the largest population

According to Trump there are fine people on both sides, so if the " American Idol In his own mind" says so, then his supporter should believe so

Please provide any such Trump quote.

Or, admit you are a lying low-life.
Still it is funny that a right wing source is used the New York Time as their source

Still it is a state with the largest population

According to Trump there are fine people on both sides, so if the " American Idol In his own mind" says so, then his supporter should believe so

Please provide any such Trump quote.

Or, admit you are a lying low-life.

were you asleep at the wheel when Trump said that there are fine people on both sides and now you can't remember him saying that

wake up
Still it is funny that a right wing source is used the New York Time as their source

Still it is a state with the largest population

According to Trump there are fine people on both sides, so if the " American Idol In his own mind" says so, then his supporter should believe so

Please provide any such Trump quote.

Or, admit you are a lying low-life.

were you asleep at the wheel when Trump said that there are fine people on both sides and now you can't remember him saying that

wake up

So you can't produce any such quote?

When will you be changing your avi to "LyingLowLife"????

BTW....I can disprove your lie......challenge me.
Prove it
Still it is funny that a right wing source is used the New York Time as their source

Still it is a state with the largest population

According to Trump there are fine people on both sides, so if the " American Idol In his own mind" says so, then his supporter should believe so

Please provide any such Trump quote.

Or, admit you are a lying low-life.

were you asleep at the wheel when Trump said that there are fine people on both sides and now you can't remember him saying that

wake up

So you can't produce any such quote?

When will you be changing your avi to "LyingLowLife"????

BTW....I can disprove your lie......challenge me.

disprove it and try not to make it political
Prove it
Still it is funny that a right wing source is used the New York Time as their source

Still it is a state with the largest population

According to Trump there are fine people on both sides, so if the " American Idol In his own mind" says so, then his supporter should believe so

Please provide any such Trump quote.

Or, admit you are a lying low-life.

were you asleep at the wheel when Trump said that there are fine people on both sides and now you can't remember him saying that

wake up

So you can't produce any such quote?

When will you be changing your avi to "LyingLowLife"????

BTW....I can disprove your lie......challenge me.

disprove it and try not to make it political

Disprove what,'ve admitted that there is no such quote.
The only hate I see is in the heart of the author. He falls into a logical fallacy by trying to prove that Dems are the party of hate because CA has the most hate groups. False cause fallacy: it hasn't been proven that the groups are in anyway associated with the Dems and it could easily be because there are more people, period. FYI, CA has more Republicans than most other states. Why isn't that a consideration for a group that calls itself the American "Thinker"?
90% of daily violent crimes are happening in towns run by democrats, isn’t that hate??
Democrats: America's Original Hate Group
May 20, 2019 ~ By Rich Logis
The New York Times, a major DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex) colluder and conspirator, recently reported that California has more organized hate groups than any other state. The Gray Lady didn't realize her own irony: isn't it quite interesting that arguably the most Democrat state in the nation boasts the most hate groups and potential terrorists? When the Trump presidency concludes January 20, 2025, at noon EST, there will be many unintended benefits and victories that he himself likely hadn't ever thought of. One of those is that our win didn't create hate — it revealed the hate of American Democrats.
Not long ago, U.S. rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) celebrated the countdown until whites are a minority demographic in America. It's not just that Democrats hate America's freedoms and her Constitution — a document crafted to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Democrats want our nation to go extinct, the Hell with all those who have built our nation, those who have sacrificed and those who have died and lost limbs. Our Founders warned us of an epoch, when a rising domestic enemy threatened the existence of the greatest and most miraculous nation in world history. Many races, ethnicities, religions, and non-religions have made contributions; normal thinking people respect the humanity of good and decent people. Our nation is the most diverse in world history.

The democratic party is the party of slavery, lynching, segregation, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholic and what I call the "plantation mentality" party. Violence is innate to the left, regardless of nation, like salt is to sea water.
The DNC is pulling out all the stops and civil war is now more likely; not less. Fascist ideologies of the leftist bent do not accept defeat lightly or easily as we have seen from the last three years. It was one thing to berate Trump over their own crimes, and like the election, they did not learn the same lesson, they believed their own propaganda over Trump and Russia and Mueller's witch hunt.
So the die is cast and unless justice is swift, brutal and decisive with the DNC over their many crimes of the Obama regime and era, the courts are the only institution that can correct this disgrace and destruction to our system of laws and our peerless Constitution which the DNC and fascist left are trampling on in their quest for absolute power.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left hate the Constitution it is always in their way. That is the source of the anger in the PMS/DSA and it spills out into everything else. They cannot change the constitution in the proper way and they know it so they must have the courts. Trump took that away from them for the next number of years and IF Dear God he gets another term the PMS/DSA Dems will lose the courts for a generation or more..
Oh the irony of an article that spews hate and fuels division by trying to call out the Dems for Spewing hate and fueling division. Funny stuff
Why did it leave out the other side, are they all angels with wings?

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