Democrats: America's Original Hate Group

The only hate I see is in the heart of the author. He falls into a logical fallacy by trying to prove that Dems are the party of hate because CA has the most hate groups. False cause fallacy: it hasn't been proven that the groups are in anyway associated with the Dems and it could easily be because there are more people, period. FYI, CA has more Republicans than most other states. Why isn't that a consideration for a group that calls itself the American "Thinker"?
90% of daily violent crimes are happening in towns run by democrats, isn’t that hate??
Untrue since the world is bigger than the USA..
The only hate I see is in the heart of the author. He falls into a logical fallacy by trying to prove that Dems are the party of hate because CA has the most hate groups. False cause fallacy: it hasn't been proven that the groups are in anyway associated with the Dems and it could easily be because there are more people, period. FYI, CA has more Republicans than most other states. Why isn't that a consideration for a group that calls itself the American "Thinker"?
90% of daily violent crimes are happening in towns run by democrats, isn’t that hate??
Untrue since the world is bigger than the USA..
They we expand our language to the workers party l, socialist.. lol got cha haha
The only hate I see is in the heart of the author. He falls into a logical fallacy by trying to prove that Dems are the party of hate because CA has the most hate groups. False cause fallacy: it hasn't been proven that the groups are in anyway associated with the Dems and it could easily be because there are more people, period. FYI, CA has more Republicans than most other states. Why isn't that a consideration for a group that calls itself the American "Thinker"?
90% of daily violent crimes are happening in towns run by democrats, isn’t that hate??
Untrue since the world is bigger than the USA..
They we expand our language to the workers party l, socialist.. lol got cha haha
English much?
The only hate I see is in the heart of the author. He falls into a logical fallacy by trying to prove that Dems are the party of hate because CA has the most hate groups. False cause fallacy: it hasn't been proven that the groups are in anyway associated with the Dems and it could easily be because there are more people, period. FYI, CA has more Republicans than most other states. Why isn't that a consideration for a group that calls itself the American "Thinker"?
90% of daily violent crimes are happening in towns run by democrats, isn’t that hate??
Untrue since the world is bigger than the USA..
They we expand our language to the workers party l, socialist.. lol got cha haha
English much?
Confused again?
Prove it
Still it is funny that a right wing source is used the New York Time as their source

Still it is a state with the largest population

According to Trump there are fine people on both sides, so if the " American Idol In his own mind" says so, then his supporter should believe so

Please provide any such Trump quote.

Or, admit you are a lying low-life.

were you asleep at the wheel when Trump said that there are fine people on both sides and now you can't remember him saying that

wake up

So you can't produce any such quote?

When will you be changing your avi to "LyingLowLife"????

BTW....I can disprove your lie......challenge me.

disprove it and try not to make it political

Disprove what,'ve admitted that there is no such quote.
The challenge
Trump said that there are fine people on both sides and now you can't remember him saying that

you said
"BTW....I can disprove your lie......challenge me"

Now today is May 22 and please take your medicine as it may help but it may not
Prove it
Please provide any such Trump quote.

Or, admit you are a lying low-life.

were you asleep at the wheel when Trump said that there are fine people on both sides and now you can't remember him saying that

wake up

So you can't produce any such quote?

When will you be changing your avi to "LyingLowLife"????

BTW....I can disprove your lie......challenge me.

disprove it and try not to make it political

Disprove what,'ve admitted that there is no such quote.
The challenge
Trump said that there are fine people on both sides and now you can't remember him saying that

you said
"BTW....I can disprove your lie......challenge me"

Now today is May 22 and please take your medicine as it may help but it may not

Why did you leave this part out...

Please provide any such Trump quote.

Or, admit you are a lying low-life.

You made the claim, and, clearly, there isn't a pejorative quote that you can find: it doesn't exist.

Now's a third opportunity: flesh out what you are claiming....what are the 'two sides.'

Give it a shot.....and I'll shoot it down.
Democrats: America's Original Hate Group
May 20, 2019 ~ By Rich Logis
The New York Times, a major DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex) colluder and conspirator, recently reported that California has more organized hate groups than any other state. The Gray Lady didn't realize her own irony: isn't it quite interesting that arguably the most Democrat state in the nation boasts the most hate groups and potential terrorists? When the Trump presidency concludes January 20, 2025, at noon EST, there will be many unintended benefits and victories that he himself likely hadn't ever thought of. One of those is that our win didn't create hate — it revealed the hate of American Democrats.
Not long ago, U.S. rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) celebrated the countdown until whites are a minority demographic in America. It's not just that Democrats hate America's freedoms and her Constitution — a document crafted to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Democrats want our nation to go extinct, the Hell with all those who have built our nation, those who have sacrificed and those who have died and lost limbs. Our Founders warned us of an epoch, when a rising domestic enemy threatened the existence of the greatest and most miraculous nation in world history. Many races, ethnicities, religions, and non-religions have made contributions; normal thinking people respect the humanity of good and decent people. Our nation is the most diverse in world history.

The democratic party is the party of slavery, lynching, segregation, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholic and what I call the "plantation mentality" party. Violence is innate to the left, regardless of nation, like salt is to sea water.
The DNC is pulling out all the stops and civil war is now more likely; not less. Fascist ideologies of the leftist bent do not accept defeat lightly or easily as we have seen from the last three years. It was one thing to berate Trump over their own crimes, and like the election, they did not learn the same lesson, they believed their own propaganda over Trump and Russia and Mueller's witch hunt.
So the die is cast and unless justice is swift, brutal and decisive with the DNC over their many crimes of the Obama regime and era, the courts are the only institution that can correct this disgrace and destruction to our system of laws and our peerless Constitution which the DNC and fascist left are trampling on in their quest for absolute power.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left hate the Constitution it is always in their way. That is the source of the anger in the PMS/DSA and it spills out into everything else. They cannot change the constitution in the proper way and they know it so they must have the courts. Trump took that away from them for the next number of years and IF Dear God he gets another term the PMS/DSA Dems will lose the courts for a generation or more..

You have to love them. They scream and rail at Trump and conservatives saying they are Nazis, they get on media and simulate decapitating Trump, threaten to blow up the White House, and create false stories about minorities being targeted like Jussie Smollett, all the rile people up for violence, etc. Then they have the utter nerve to say that Trump has destroyed political discourse in the country.

The only thing keeping the whole thing afloat is indoctrination by the media and education. Look into their eyes and you can see that they are drunk on the cool aid. They really think that the only source of evil in the universe is Trump.
In my 46 years I have NEVER seen any political entity in America consumed with so much violent, dehumanizing hatred against America white males. Being a fair guy, I want liberals annihilated as much as they want me annihilated.
In my 46 years I have NEVER seen any political entity in America consumed with so much violent, dehumanizing hatred against America white males. Being a fair guy, I want liberals annihilated as much as they want me annihilated.
From another white guy, get some help for your raging paranoia. Also, don't listen to any Trump speeches. He's a carrier.

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