Democrats and Ghetto's, They own them

If you want to live in a country wit low taxes and low regulations and no social services go to Pakistan.

One thing all nations have in common is they all have poor people and rich people. When all the money is in 1%s hands, that's a problem.

No, that's not the problem. The problem is liberal thinking.

Liberals think we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much money. Therefore if one has too much money, that means others have less.

There is no truth to that flawed liberal logic. If that were the case, when I approach my employer for a wage increase, and he tells me he would love to give me a raise, but he can't because the rich have too much money, then it would be a different issue.

But that's never happened in this country. That's because money is endless for everybody willing to go out and get money. If you want to be poor, then don't work and have no money. If you want to be middle-class, get a good paying job, learn a trade or career, or otherwise open up your own business. If you want to be wealthy, get an advanced education, make a lot of sacrifices like cell phones, satellite television, video games and so on, and take huge investment risks. It's all up to you.

But no matter what you do, you can't blame it on who has more money than you. If we had two wealthy people in this country or 22 million, it doesn't change my life one bit and nobody else's either.
If you want to live in a country wit low taxes and low regulations and no social services go to Pakistan.

One thing all nations have in common is they all have poor people and rich people. When all the money is in 1%s hands, that's a problem.

No, that's not the problem. The problem is liberal thinking.

Liberals think we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much money. Therefore if one has too much money, that means others have less.

There is no truth to that flawed liberal logic. If that were the case, when I approach my employer for a wage increase, and he tells me he would love to give me a raise, but he can't because the rich have too much money, then it would be a different issue.

But that's never happened in this country. That's because money is endless for everybody willing to go out and get money. If you want to be poor, then don't work and have no money. If you want to be middle-class, get a good paying job, learn a trade or career, or otherwise open up your own business. If you want to be wealthy, get an advanced education, make a lot of sacrifices like cell phones, satellite television, video games and so on, and take huge investment risks. It's all up to you.

But no matter what you do, you can't blame it on who has more money than you. If we had two wealthy people in this country or 22 million, it doesn't change my life one bit and nobody else's either.
We have a wealth distribution problem. CEO making too much and employees not making enough. Rich getting richer on cheap housing and stock market, the masses making 1% on their savings. Corporations pay lower taxes, Republican gov Rick Snyder raises our taxes.

The GOP made things easier for the rich and harder for us. You clearly don't get that.
Healthcare costs go up, harder for middle class to retire. Raising retirement age or cuts to social security, all hurt the middle class. But Republicans either deny or say this is what is fair and right.

Our way worked, theirs does not. It works for them but what about the greater good?
Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor

Wait, I thought people were poor because they were good for nothings.

Now you're saying its "The Man"?
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

Thats not the reason ghettos were created. They were created to keep blacks in certain areas away from whites. Since those areas had few resources the ghettos were planned to fail which they did...All because whites didnt want blacks to have shit
Healthcare costs go up, harder for middle class to retire. Raising retirement age or cuts to social security, all hurt the middle class. But Republicans either deny or say this is what is fair and right.

Our way worked, theirs does not. It works for them but what about the greater good?

Your way worked and you live in Michigan? Lol

Does your mum ever let you go to Detroit or flint? Or is it barricaded off from you?
If you want to live in a country wit low taxes and low regulations and no social services go to Pakistan.

One thing all nations have in common is they all have poor people and rich people. When all the money is in 1%s hands, that's a problem.

No, that's not the problem. The problem is liberal thinking.

Liberals think we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much money. Therefore if one has too much money, that means others have less.

There is no truth to that flawed liberal logic. If that were the case, when I approach my employer for a wage increase, and he tells me he would love to give me a raise, but he can't because the rich have too much money, then it would be a different issue.

But that's never happened in this country. That's because money is endless for everybody willing to go out and get money. If you want to be poor, then don't work and have no money. If you want to be middle-class, get a good paying job, learn a trade or career, or otherwise open up your own business. If you want to be wealthy, get an advanced education, make a lot of sacrifices like cell phones, satellite television, video games and so on, and take huge investment risks. It's all up to you.

But no matter what you do, you can't blame it on who has more money than you. If we had two wealthy people in this country or 22 million, it doesn't change my life one bit and nobody else's either.
We have a wealth distribution problem. CEO making too much and employees not making enough. Rich getting richer on cheap housing and stock market, the masses making 1% on their savings. Corporations pay lower taxes, Republican gov Rick Snyder raises our taxes.

The GOP made things easier for the rich and harder for us. You clearly don't get that.

No, corporations are paying higher taxes. Don't you remember when DumBama threatened to shut down the government if Republicans didn't raise them? In fact, US corporations have the highest tax rate in the world.

And here you go with your commune theory again. What a CEO makes has nothing to do with what you make. If you want to make more money, how is some CEO stopping you? Explain that.

Why are people making 1% on their money? Why don't they do what rich people do and invest in the stock market themselves? OH! That's right, they don't want to take the risk. They want their money nice and secure in that 1% savings account, don't they?

Well my retirement is in the stock market, and thank God for all those rich people making my retirement something to look forward to.
Healthcare costs go up, harder for middle class to retire. Raising retirement age or cuts to social security, all hurt the middle class. But Republicans either deny or say this is what is fair and right.

Our way worked, theirs does not. It works for them but what about the greater good?

Our greater good is 19 trillion dollars in debt and growing. Republicans for decades told us all about how SS would meet it's demise, and now that it's right around the corner, it's the Republicans fault.
Healthcare costs go up, harder for middle class to retire. Raising retirement age or cuts to social security, all hurt the middle class. But Republicans either deny or say this is what is fair and right.

Our way worked, theirs does not. It works for them but what about the greater good?

Your way worked and you live in Michigan? Lol

Does your mum ever let you go to Detroit or flint? Or is it barricaded off from you?
What shining successful ghattos do you live near?

So why is GOP gov Rick Snyder talking about how Michigan is back and leading the recovery?

Republicans want it both ways.
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

Thats not the reason ghettos were created. They were created to keep blacks in certain areas away from whites. Since those areas had few resources the ghettos were planned to fail which they did...All because whites didnt want blacks to have shit

That's not how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I live in a very diverse community, and in fact, a minority where I live.

It was a great suburb at one time. Stores were thriving, housing was strong and secure, the city had plenty of money for the needs of the community, and then blacks moved in.

We didn't change for the blacks, blacks changed our city. Stores began to close down because of robberies or fear thereof, other stores began to close early for the same reason. Our police department and emergency services were overwhelmed and we had to add more officers and build another fire station.

Our lawns and streets became littered with garbage. In fact before I mow, I have to clean all the trash off of my tree lawn. Noise became nearly impossible to deal with. Blacks stay up all night long even during the work week and it makes it harder for working people to sleep at night. When they aren't making noise, their guns are.

The schools became zoos. Teachers were being assaulted every other week. Good taxpaying people moved out in fear for their children. Non-working lowlifes that paid no taxes moved in. We went from one murder every ten years or so to three a year or more.

Property values plummeted, the city found themselves broke and even in debt. People no longer took summer walks and armed their homes with alarm systems and security lights. They even had to get rid of 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights or riots.

That's how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I've lived it and so have our surrounding suburbs.
If you want to live in a country wit low taxes and low regulations and no social services go to Pakistan.

One thing all nations have in common is they all have poor people and rich people. When all the money is in 1%s hands, that's a problem.

If all the money is truly in the hands of the 1%, why do I see all these new brick homes being sold, all these new cars, trucks, and boats being sold, and all these citizens running around with high-priced cell phones. What you are claiming just doesn't make much sense.
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

Thats not the reason ghettos were created. They were created to keep blacks in certain areas away from whites. Since those areas had few resources the ghettos were planned to fail which they did...All because whites didnt want blacks to have shit

That's not how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I live in a very diverse community, and in fact, a minority where I live.

Thats how ghettos were formed unless you think Redlining is fiction.

It was a great suburb at one time. Stores were thriving, housing was strong and secure, the city had plenty of money for the needs of the community, and then blacks moved in.

We didn't change for the blacks, blacks changed our city. Stores began to close down because of robberies or fear thereof, other stores began to close early for the same reason. Our police department and emergency services were overwhelmed and we had to add more officers and build another fire station.

Our lawns and streets became littered with garbage. In fact before I mow, I have to clean all the trash off of my tree lawn. Noise became nearly impossible to deal with. Blacks stay up all night long even during the work week and it makes it harder for working people to sleep at night. When they aren't making noise, their guns are.

The schools became zoos. Teachers were being assaulted every other week. Good taxpaying people moved out in fear for their children. Non-working lowlifes that paid no taxes moved in. We went from one murder every ten years or so to three a year or more.

So people who had no money moved in without money. Now why were those people attracted to that particular area? Coincidence?

Since redlining is an actual thing that can be proven shouldnt we at least acknowledge its effects? Or should we continue to act confused by how all the poor people ended up in one area?

Property values plummeted, the city found themselves broke and even in debt. People no longer took summer walks and armed their homes with alarm systems and security lights. They even had to get rid of 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights or riots.

Ok, now you're just bullshitting. I'm black and have been around groups of blacks and not one time did a gang fight break out or a riot.

That's how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I've lived it and so have our surrounding suburbs.

I trust thats how you feel but when you say blacks cant gather without a gang fight you become see through
Perhaps this is part of the problem?

If you want to live in a country wit low taxes and low regulations and no social services go to Pakistan.

One thing all nations have in common is they all have poor people and rich people. When all the money is in 1%s hands, that's a problem.

I live in Pensacola, Florida. We have no state income tax nor do we impose a sales tax on food. Florida is the third in the nation this year in population increase. It is a fantastic place to live if one is into outdoor sports.
If you want to live in a country wit low taxes and low regulations and no social services go to Pakistan.

One thing all nations have in common is they all have poor people and rich people. When all the money is in 1%s hands, that's a problem.

No, that's not the problem. The problem is liberal thinking.

Liberals think we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much money. Therefore if one has too much money, that means others have less.

There is no truth to that flawed liberal logic. If that were the case, when I approach my employer for a wage increase, and he tells me he would love to give me a raise, but he can't because the rich have too much money, then it would be a different issue.

But that's never happened in this country. That's because money is endless for everybody willing to go out and get money. If you want to be poor, then don't work and have no money. If you want to be middle-class, get a good paying job, learn a trade or career, or otherwise open up your own business. If you want to be wealthy, get an advanced education, make a lot of sacrifices like cell phones, satellite television, video games and so on, and take huge investment risks. It's all up to you.

But no matter what you do, you can't blame it on who has more money than you. If we had two wealthy people in this country or 22 million, it doesn't change my life one bit and nobody else's either.
We have a wealth distribution problem. CEO making too much and employees not making enough. Rich getting richer on cheap housing and stock market, the masses making 1% on their savings. Corporations pay lower taxes, Republican gov Rick Snyder raises our taxes.

The GOP made things easier for the rich and harder for us. You clearly don't get that.

What we have is a lack of ambition problem. Most of us who own our own businesses and are successful had our roots in poverty or below poverty. We simply were not satisfied with our lot in life and worked hard to change it ourselves instead of sitting on our butts lusting after someone else's money or waiting on the government to assist us.
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

Thats not the reason ghettos were created. They were created to keep blacks in certain areas away from whites. Since those areas had few resources the ghettos were planned to fail which they did...All because whites didnt want blacks to have shit

That's not how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I live in a very diverse community, and in fact, a minority where I live.

Thats how ghettos were formed unless you think Redlining is fiction.

It was a great suburb at one time. Stores were thriving, housing was strong and secure, the city had plenty of money for the needs of the community, and then blacks moved in.

We didn't change for the blacks, blacks changed our city. Stores began to close down because of robberies or fear thereof, other stores began to close early for the same reason. Our police department and emergency services were overwhelmed and we had to add more officers and build another fire station.

Our lawns and streets became littered with garbage. In fact before I mow, I have to clean all the trash off of my tree lawn. Noise became nearly impossible to deal with. Blacks stay up all night long even during the work week and it makes it harder for working people to sleep at night. When they aren't making noise, their guns are.

The schools became zoos. Teachers were being assaulted every other week. Good taxpaying people moved out in fear for their children. Non-working lowlifes that paid no taxes moved in. We went from one murder every ten years or so to three a year or more.

So people who had no money moved in without money. Now why were those people attracted to that particular area? Coincidence?

Since redlining is an actual thing that can be proven shouldnt we at least acknowledge its effects? Or should we continue to act confused by how all the poor people ended up in one area?

Property values plummeted, the city found themselves broke and even in debt. People no longer took summer walks and armed their homes with alarm systems and security lights. They even had to get rid of 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights or riots.

Ok, now you're just bullshitting. I'm black and have been around groups of blacks and not one time did a gang fight break out or a riot.

That's how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I've lived it and so have our surrounding suburbs.

I trust thats how you feel but when you say blacks cant gather without a gang fight you become see through

July 4 Fireworks Canceled in Bedford

Communities throughout Northeast Ohio have cut fireworks out of their July 4 celebration budgets.

At last year's fireworks show, 10 people were arrested for various offenses and 8 of them were not Bedford residents.

"Our concern, like any other city, would be the safety of our residents, safety of our employees, the police force. So, we made the decision. Council voted and we agreed for this year only, we would not have the fireworks," said City Manager Hank Angelo.

July 4 Fireworks Canceled in Bedford

Bad behavior nixes Shaker Heights fireworks show
Posted: Jul 03, 2013 10:22 PM EDT


There won't be any fireworks on July 4th here in Shaker Heights Thursday. Some bad behavior last year forced officials to call them off this year.

The 2012 fireworks show in Shaker Heights ended with fights, arrests and unruly teenagers running through residential neighborhoods.

"It's reached a point where some of the residents in the surrounding area came to us after the last fireworks and asked us please not to do it again," said Mayor Earl Leiken.

Bad behavior nixes Shaker Heights fireworks show

Unruly crowd pepper sprayed at fireworks
Posted: Jun 30, 2012 10:08 PM EDTUpdated: Jun 30, 2012 10:11 PM EDT


Maple Heights Police unleashed their pepper spray during Saturday night's Independence Day fireworks display.

The fireworks were shot off at dusk at Stafford Park located at 5398 Mayville Avenue in Maple Heights, Ohio.

According to Maple Heights Police, there were several fights breaking out in the large crowd and the pepper spray broke them all up.

Unruly crowd pepper sprayed at fireworks
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

Thats not the reason ghettos were created. They were created to keep blacks in certain areas away from whites. Since those areas had few resources the ghettos were planned to fail which they did...All because whites didnt want blacks to have shit

That's not how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I live in a very diverse community, and in fact, a minority where I live.

Thats how ghettos were formed unless you think Redlining is fiction.

It was a great suburb at one time. Stores were thriving, housing was strong and secure, the city had plenty of money for the needs of the community, and then blacks moved in.

We didn't change for the blacks, blacks changed our city. Stores began to close down because of robberies or fear thereof, other stores began to close early for the same reason. Our police department and emergency services were overwhelmed and we had to add more officers and build another fire station.

Our lawns and streets became littered with garbage. In fact before I mow, I have to clean all the trash off of my tree lawn. Noise became nearly impossible to deal with. Blacks stay up all night long even during the work week and it makes it harder for working people to sleep at night. When they aren't making noise, their guns are.

The schools became zoos. Teachers were being assaulted every other week. Good taxpaying people moved out in fear for their children. Non-working lowlifes that paid no taxes moved in. We went from one murder every ten years or so to three a year or more.

So people who had no money moved in without money. Now why were those people attracted to that particular area? Coincidence?

Since redlining is an actual thing that can be proven shouldnt we at least acknowledge its effects? Or should we continue to act confused by how all the poor people ended up in one area?

Property values plummeted, the city found themselves broke and even in debt. People no longer took summer walks and armed their homes with alarm systems and security lights. They even had to get rid of 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights or riots.

Ok, now you're just bullshitting. I'm black and have been around groups of blacks and not one time did a gang fight break out or a riot.

That's how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I've lived it and so have our surrounding suburbs.

I trust thats how you feel but when you say blacks cant gather without a gang fight you become see through

Redlining has been illegal for years, so quit making excuses:

In the United States, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 was passed to fight the practice. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development "The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful to discriminate in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale of a dwelling because of race or national origin. The Act also makes it unlawful for any person or other entity whose business includes residential real estate-related transactions to discriminate against any person in making available such a transaction, or in the terms or conditions of such a transaction, because of race or national origin."[19] The Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity was tasked with administering and enforcing this law. Anyone who suspects that their neighborhood has been redlined is able to file a housing discrimination complaint. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 further required banks to apply the same lending criteria in all communities.[20]

Redlining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
In many if not most cases, your "victims" are responsible for their plight. If you have bad work conditions, you should find a job with better conditions. You can't? Why not? because your sorry ass got pregnant or you were arrested for drugs or theft before you got an education.
College costs? Yes they have gotten out of control. Ask yourself why.
Upward social mobility???? You dropped out of high school for Christ's sake! How friggin "upward" do you expect to get.
You're poor. I get it. You had to buy your flat screen from a looter or else you wouldn't have one at all. (but you have 6 gold teeth)
Homeless? Why? because either you prefer to be homeless or you're fucked up on booze or drugs. Damned few people are homeless due to the actions of others.
In prison? Oh My GOD man! people go to prison because they violate the law. The GOP doesn't make you break the law. That is YOUR choice.
You are a brainless idiot with no clue at all about real life.
Oh, people just became lazy and stupid- has nothing to do with gov't policy the last 35 byears? BRILLIANT.
People became lazy and stupid because government will see to it that they are relatively comfortable if they are irresponsible and continue to vote for Democrats.

If being poor were painful, there would be far fewer poor people.
It is painful, dupe. No one wants to be on welfare, dupe. Thanks for the corrupt world depression and the pander to the greedy rich GOP ruin of the nonrich. Great job!
I know why college loans and public colleges got more expensive...the GOP DUH.

It was predicted quite some time ago:

Student Loan Debt Exploding After More Government Involvement
by TONY LEE29 Nov 2012

During the 2012 campaign, President Barack Obama’s Education Secretary Arne Duncan said the administration’s goal was to make “student loans available to as many people as possible” regardless of credit score, something Obama called an “economic imperative in the 21st century.”

But according to a new Federal Reserve report, “U.S. student-loan debt rose by $42 billion, or 4.6%, to $956 billion in the third quarter,” and federal programs that made it easy for people to borrow loans are pushing more people into debt to the point where some analysts believe bailout funds may next to go writing off defaulted student loans.

According to the Wall Street Journal:

Student Loan Debt Exploding After More Government Involvement - Breitbart
Breitbart LOL.

...and mainly Pub mindless obstruction of reform duh...

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