Democrats and Ghetto's, They own them

Mao and Stalin couldn't be more irrelevant,.

dear stupid stupid liberal, then why did our liberals spy for Stalin and give him the bomb, why do they support Obama and Sanders (open communists) and why do they always want bigger gov't with no end no matter how big govt already is.

Norman Thomas quotes: ( socialist candidate for president)

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

Read "Useful Idiots" for full list of liberals who were really communists!!
Those were communists, and only got Stalin the bomb a little sooner. The Russians won WWII for us, btw. Socialism is only fair capitalism, and an intelligent health system FINALLY gives us that, but of course pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP keeps messing it up for regular people, dupe.
Quote by:
Norman Thomas
(1884-1968) six-time U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America
1948 - from an interview during the presidential campaign,
[Ed. note: Norman Thomas and Gus Hall, the U.S. Communist Party Candidate, both quit American politics, agreeing that the Republican and Democratic parties had adopted every plank on the Communist/Socialist and they no longer had an alternate party platform on which to run.]
Republican slums are much nicer than Democrat slums, but they are slums nonetheless.
Heroin/meth trailer parks in the south?

Long Island...most slums are 1 family houses, not apartment buildings.
When they say the middle class is being ruined by Reaganist tax rates and loopholes, they aren't wrong. O-Care helps, and will only get better.

Commie Care does help some people (non-productive), but at the expense of other people (productive). It's basically wealth transference through our medical care system.
You were ALREADY paying for indigent care, just in the dumbest way possible- no preventive care, no money from the ER patients, and forcing people onto WELFARE to get care. BRILLIANT. Now insurance is guaranteed- no longer 500k bankruptcies for people who THOUGHT they had insurance. Once again you prove yourself a perfect dupe of big money greedy a-holes. NO MORE FREELOADERS, people with pre-existing DYING, no oversight of cost, lack of transparency and competition, NO MORE SCAMS. Get your blinders off, dupe.

I think what you should do is look up Commie Care. Higher rates that people can't afford. Unbelievable out of pocket expenses. Most of the people that had to go on it did so because Commie Care was responsible for them losing their previous insurance.

Typical lib, celebrate that government took over 1/6 of our economy, and liberals created over 10 million more government dependents. And for your information, no, not all insurance companies have to provide insurance for preexisting conditions.
Heroin/meth trailer parks in the south?

Long Island...most slums are 1 family houses, not apartment buildings.
When they say the middle class is being ruined by Reaganist tax rates and loopholes, they aren't wrong. O-Care helps, and will only get better.

Commie Care does help some people (non-productive), but at the expense of other people (productive). It's basically wealth transference through our medical care system.
You were ALREADY paying for indigent care, just in the dumbest way possible- no preventive care, no money from the ER patients, and forcing people onto WELFARE to get care. BRILLIANT. Now insurance is guaranteed- no longer 500k bankruptcies for people who THOUGHT they had insurance. Once again you prove yourself a perfect dupe of big money greedy a-holes. NO MORE FREELOADERS, people with pre-existing DYING, no oversight of cost, lack of transparency and competition, NO MORE SCAMS. Get your blinders off, dupe.

I think what you should do is look up Commie Care. Higher rates that people can't afford. Unbelievable out of pocket expenses. Most of the people that had to go on it did so because Commie Care was responsible for them losing their previous insurance.

Typical lib, celebrate that government took over 1/6 of our economy, and liberals created over 10 million more government dependents. And for your information, no, not all insurance companies have to provide insurance for preexisting conditions.
Just the ones approved by O-Care. Pubs duped you again...

Those policies they lost were scams. Now there is an annual cap not much more than the deductibles. Many fewer bankruptcies, and prices will only go down. Most of the ones you quote are proposals by insurers that NO LONGER HAPPEN. Prices in red states are higher because customers are STILL PAYING FOR FREE ER CARE for the indigent and other PUBCRAPPE, dupe.. DUMB.
Long Island...most slums are 1 family houses, not apartment buildings.
When they say the middle class is being ruined by Reaganist tax rates and loopholes, they aren't wrong. O-Care helps, and will only get better.

Commie Care does help some people (non-productive), but at the expense of other people (productive). It's basically wealth transference through our medical care system.
You were ALREADY paying for indigent care, just in the dumbest way possible- no preventive care, no money from the ER patients, and forcing people onto WELFARE to get care. BRILLIANT. Now insurance is guaranteed- no longer 500k bankruptcies for people who THOUGHT they had insurance. Once again you prove yourself a perfect dupe of big money greedy a-holes. NO MORE FREELOADERS, people with pre-existing DYING, no oversight of cost, lack of transparency and competition, NO MORE SCAMS. Get your blinders off, dupe.

I think what you should do is look up Commie Care. Higher rates that people can't afford. Unbelievable out of pocket expenses. Most of the people that had to go on it did so because Commie Care was responsible for them losing their previous insurance.

Typical lib, celebrate that government took over 1/6 of our economy, and liberals created over 10 million more government dependents. And for your information, no, not all insurance companies have to provide insurance for preexisting conditions.
Just the ones approved by O-Care. Pubs duped you again...

Those policies they lost were scams. Now there is an annual cap not much more than the deductibles. Many fewer bankruptcies, and prices will only go down. Most of the ones you quote are proposals by insurers that NO LONGER HAPPEN. Prices in red states are higher because customers are STILL PAYING FOR FREE ER CARE for the indigent and other PUBCRAPPE, dupe.. DUMB.

Look again Socialist. Commie Care plans are taking huge increases; at least to those who are productive in our society.

Bankruptcies? Most of those people had other outstanding bills they had to pay on top of their medical care. Medical payments were only part of the reason they filed for bankruptcy.
When they say the middle class is being ruined by Reaganist tax rates and loopholes, they aren't wrong. O-Care helps, and will only get better.

Commie Care does help some people (non-productive), but at the expense of other people (productive). It's basically wealth transference through our medical care system.
You were ALREADY paying for indigent care, just in the dumbest way possible- no preventive care, no money from the ER patients, and forcing people onto WELFARE to get care. BRILLIANT. Now insurance is guaranteed- no longer 500k bankruptcies for people who THOUGHT they had insurance. Once again you prove yourself a perfect dupe of big money greedy a-holes. NO MORE FREELOADERS, people with pre-existing DYING, no oversight of cost, lack of transparency and competition, NO MORE SCAMS. Get your blinders off, dupe.

I think what you should do is look up Commie Care. Higher rates that people can't afford. Unbelievable out of pocket expenses. Most of the people that had to go on it did so because Commie Care was responsible for them losing their previous insurance.

Typical lib, celebrate that government took over 1/6 of our economy, and liberals created over 10 million more government dependents. And for your information, no, not all insurance companies have to provide insurance for preexisting conditions.
Just the ones approved by O-Care. Pubs duped you again...

Those policies they lost were scams. Now there is an annual cap not much more than the deductibles. Many fewer bankruptcies, and prices will only go down. Most of the ones you quote are proposals by insurers that NO LONGER HAPPEN. Prices in red states are higher because customers are STILL PAYING FOR FREE ER CARE for the indigent and other PUBCRAPPE, dupe.. DUMB.

Look again Socialist. Commie Care plans are taking huge increases; at least to those who are productive in our society.

Bankruptcies? Most of those people had other outstanding bills they had to pay on top of their medical care. Medical payments were only part of the reason they filed for bankruptcy.
Give us ANOTHER link to bs propaganda about huge increases that never happen...
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

Thats not the reason ghettos were created. They were created to keep blacks in certain areas away from whites. Since those areas had few resources the ghettos were planned to fail which they did...All because whites didnt want blacks to have shit

That's not how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I live in a very diverse community, and in fact, a minority where I live.

Thats how ghettos were formed unless you think Redlining is fiction.

It was a great suburb at one time. Stores were thriving, housing was strong and secure, the city had plenty of money for the needs of the community, and then blacks moved in.

We didn't change for the blacks, blacks changed our city. Stores began to close down because of robberies or fear thereof, other stores began to close early for the same reason. Our police department and emergency services were overwhelmed and we had to add more officers and build another fire station.

Our lawns and streets became littered with garbage. In fact before I mow, I have to clean all the trash off of my tree lawn. Noise became nearly impossible to deal with. Blacks stay up all night long even during the work week and it makes it harder for working people to sleep at night. When they aren't making noise, their guns are.

The schools became zoos. Teachers were being assaulted every other week. Good taxpaying people moved out in fear for their children. Non-working lowlifes that paid no taxes moved in. We went from one murder every ten years or so to three a year or more.

So people who had no money moved in without money. Now why were those people attracted to that particular area? Coincidence?

Since redlining is an actual thing that can be proven shouldnt we at least acknowledge its effects? Or should we continue to act confused by how all the poor people ended up in one area?

Property values plummeted, the city found themselves broke and even in debt. People no longer took summer walks and armed their homes with alarm systems and security lights. They even had to get rid of 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights or riots.

Ok, now you're just bullshitting. I'm black and have been around groups of blacks and not one time did a gang fight break out or a riot.

That's how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I've lived it and so have our surrounding suburbs.

I trust thats how you feel but when you say blacks cant gather without a gang fight you become see through

Redlining has been illegal for years, so quit making excuses:

In the United States, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 was passed to fight the practice. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development "The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful to discriminate in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale of a dwelling because of race or national origin. The Act also makes it unlawful for any person or other entity whose business includes residential real estate-related transactions to discriminate against any person in making available such a transaction, or in the terms or conditions of such a transaction, because of race or national origin."[19] The Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity was tasked with administering and enforcing this law. Anyone who suspects that their neighborhood has been redlined is able to file a housing discrimination complaint. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 further required banks to apply the same lending criteria in all communities.[20]

Redlining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And we all know that when things are illegal they cease to Cocaine and DUI's
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

Thats not the reason ghettos were created. They were created to keep blacks in certain areas away from whites. Since those areas had few resources the ghettos were planned to fail which they did...All because whites didnt want blacks to have shit

That's not how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I live in a very diverse community, and in fact, a minority where I live.

Thats how ghettos were formed unless you think Redlining is fiction.

It was a great suburb at one time. Stores were thriving, housing was strong and secure, the city had plenty of money for the needs of the community, and then blacks moved in.

We didn't change for the blacks, blacks changed our city. Stores began to close down because of robberies or fear thereof, other stores began to close early for the same reason. Our police department and emergency services were overwhelmed and we had to add more officers and build another fire station.

Our lawns and streets became littered with garbage. In fact before I mow, I have to clean all the trash off of my tree lawn. Noise became nearly impossible to deal with. Blacks stay up all night long even during the work week and it makes it harder for working people to sleep at night. When they aren't making noise, their guns are.

The schools became zoos. Teachers were being assaulted every other week. Good taxpaying people moved out in fear for their children. Non-working lowlifes that paid no taxes moved in. We went from one murder every ten years or so to three a year or more.

So people who had no money moved in without money. Now why were those people attracted to that particular area? Coincidence?

Since redlining is an actual thing that can be proven shouldnt we at least acknowledge its effects? Or should we continue to act confused by how all the poor people ended up in one area?

Property values plummeted, the city found themselves broke and even in debt. People no longer took summer walks and armed their homes with alarm systems and security lights. They even had to get rid of 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights or riots.

Ok, now you're just bullshitting. I'm black and have been around groups of blacks and not one time did a gang fight break out or a riot.

That's how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I've lived it and so have our surrounding suburbs.

I trust thats how you feel but when you say blacks cant gather without a gang fight you become see through

Redlining has been illegal for years, so quit making excuses:

In the United States, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 was passed to fight the practice. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development "The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful to discriminate in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale of a dwelling because of race or national origin. The Act also makes it unlawful for any person or other entity whose business includes residential real estate-related transactions to discriminate against any person in making available such a transaction, or in the terms or conditions of such a transaction, because of race or national origin."[19] The Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity was tasked with administering and enforcing this law. Anyone who suspects that their neighborhood has been redlined is able to file a housing discrimination complaint. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 further required banks to apply the same lending criteria in all communities.[20]

Redlining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And we all know that when things are illegal they cease to Cocaine and DUI's

Drug use and drunk drivers do not have a paper trail listing their infractions. Banks and lending institutions do.
Thats not the reason ghettos were created. They were created to keep blacks in certain areas away from whites. Since those areas had few resources the ghettos were planned to fail which they did...All because whites didnt want blacks to have shit

That's not how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I live in a very diverse community, and in fact, a minority where I live.

Thats how ghettos were formed unless you think Redlining is fiction.

It was a great suburb at one time. Stores were thriving, housing was strong and secure, the city had plenty of money for the needs of the community, and then blacks moved in.

We didn't change for the blacks, blacks changed our city. Stores began to close down because of robberies or fear thereof, other stores began to close early for the same reason. Our police department and emergency services were overwhelmed and we had to add more officers and build another fire station.

Our lawns and streets became littered with garbage. In fact before I mow, I have to clean all the trash off of my tree lawn. Noise became nearly impossible to deal with. Blacks stay up all night long even during the work week and it makes it harder for working people to sleep at night. When they aren't making noise, their guns are.

The schools became zoos. Teachers were being assaulted every other week. Good taxpaying people moved out in fear for their children. Non-working lowlifes that paid no taxes moved in. We went from one murder every ten years or so to three a year or more.

So people who had no money moved in without money. Now why were those people attracted to that particular area? Coincidence?

Since redlining is an actual thing that can be proven shouldnt we at least acknowledge its effects? Or should we continue to act confused by how all the poor people ended up in one area?

Property values plummeted, the city found themselves broke and even in debt. People no longer took summer walks and armed their homes with alarm systems and security lights. They even had to get rid of 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights or riots.

Ok, now you're just bullshitting. I'm black and have been around groups of blacks and not one time did a gang fight break out or a riot.

That's how ghettos are formed. Trust me, I've lived it and so have our surrounding suburbs.

I trust thats how you feel but when you say blacks cant gather without a gang fight you become see through

Redlining has been illegal for years, so quit making excuses:

In the United States, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 was passed to fight the practice. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development "The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful to discriminate in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale of a dwelling because of race or national origin. The Act also makes it unlawful for any person or other entity whose business includes residential real estate-related transactions to discriminate against any person in making available such a transaction, or in the terms or conditions of such a transaction, because of race or national origin."[19] The Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity was tasked with administering and enforcing this law. Anyone who suspects that their neighborhood has been redlined is able to file a housing discrimination complaint. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 further required banks to apply the same lending criteria in all communities.[20]

Redlining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And we all know that when things are illegal they cease to Cocaine and DUI's

Drug use and drunk drivers do not have a paper trail listing their infractions. Banks and lending institutions do.

And that has nothing to do with what I said .


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