Democrats and Ghetto's, They own them

Bush had time to smoke in the Oval Office with Rush but never made the time to appear on ANY Conservative Media Outlets to protest the BIG BAD Democrats "forcing" Lenders to make "Bad Loans".
Obama ran for his 2nd term on eliminating Business Visas and Bad Trade Agreements and reneged on both.

I agree, and have stated repeatedly that yes, Bush was at fault too. But I won't lay all the blame on him the way liberals do with Bush.

It started here:

Bill Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far - BusinessWeek

Actually Bush tried to reign in Fannie and Freddy..

The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

However the Democrats/far left were the party of NO on this issue..

The George W. Bush administration was prevented from taking official action due to Senate Bill 190 of the 109 Congress never being allowed a full Senate vote, even though it was passed out of committee on a 13-9 vote along party lines (13 Republicans voted "Yes" and 9 Democrats voted "No"),[59] doing so would have prevented Congress' home ownership goals being realized.

Federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bush committed a Felony with Rush smoking cigars in the Oval Office.
Bush never used the Bully Pulpit to push the issue.
Rush was praising Bush to the heavens for not wasting Tax Payer dollars fighting against an "abuse" effecting only 3% of the economy.
Yep, yep, yep.

What? How did GW commit a felony?

The word 'affidavit' refers to a document that you sign under oath, verifying that the information provided is true. You then file it with the court. If you intentionally lie on an affidavit, the lie can be considered perjury, which is a serious crime.

Bush said he was never arrested when in fact, he was arrested and convicted. Later, he said it happened when he was a "kid", but he was 30 years old, hardly a "kid".

July 20, 1999: Bush named as defendant in case against funeral home operator SCI. After failing to appear for a deposition on July 1, Bush signs affidavit swearing he had no knowledge of a case involving SCI, which donated $45,000 to Bush, in order to avoid involvement in the case. He swore that he had had no conversations with its officials, but later (Aug. 99) admitted to a conversation with an SCI official, claiming that nothing substantive was discussed--a non-issue, as he did not swear to not having "substantive" conversations, but ANY conversations at all. Texas Funeral Service Commission chief testifies that he spoke with Bush on the matter, which Bush also swore in the affidavit that he did not do. Bush's chief of staff also testified that he spoke with Bush on the matter. Bush is shown to have lied under oath, a transgression that Republicans felt was worthy of impeachment.
Bush's Record

Democrats biggest political mistake in the last 20 years. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Silly far left drones still believes Bush is in office..

Mind you they will vote for Clinton no matter what..
Too bad you have no idea what you're talking about. From


When Democratic presidential candidates talk about tax breaks for corporations that ship our jobs overseas and tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies, what are they referring to and are they accurate?


It’s true that Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have associated the transfer of U.S. jobs overseas with tax breaks, or loopholes, for companies that practice off-shoring:

Both candidates are referring to a feature of the U.S. tax code that allows domestic companies to defer taxes on “unrepatriated income.” In other words, revenue that companies earn through their overseas subsidiaries goes untaxed by the IRS as long as it stays off the company’s U.S. books.

But economists, including left-leaning ones, do not agree that eliminating this provision will bring an end to off-shoring. And here’s why: In the U.S., companies are taxed 35 percent on earnings of $10 million to $15 million or on all earnings over $18.3 million. That’s one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, making an overseas move somewhat attractive to companies that wish to avoid the U.S. tax rate. But that’s not the leading reason companies send jobs overseas. According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks
That's one of the worst articles I've seen from "fact check". Let's go over some of the points. Starting with this one:

According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

A 2005 report???? You mean Republicans knew all the way back in 2005 foreign workers were getting more education than Americans? And what were they doing to correct that?

The GOP's Education Plan Gets an F

GOP cuts education nationwide - Google Search

And your stupid article goes on about a 35% tax when you know that's not the effective tax rate. You fuckers have been told that so many times, why the determined ignorance?

GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010, the Government Accountability Office said Monday.

The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions and offshore tax havens, the actual tax burden of American companies is much lower.

U.S. corporate tax collection totaled 2.6% of GDP in 2011, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That was the eleventh lowest in a ranking of 27 wealthy nations.

That Factcheck article wasn't serious journalism from 2008, it was a political hit piece. None of the links worked except this one:

So read it. There is no data in it. It's a report preparation for a debate defining terms. In fact, on page 56, it says:

Data are not available to directly provide information on workers dislocated due to offshoring.

Wouldn't you say that's awfully convenient for a report that's supposed to be about offshoring?

But if you really are interested, read this report on Bush's record on shipping jobs overseas.

Instead of creating new jobs and championing the interests of America’s workers, the Bush administration has chosen to actively support policies that worsen our massive trade deficit, subject workers to unfair trade practices and reward companies for moving jobs overseas. President Bush stood by as countries violated our rights under international trade rules; he refused to enforce our domestic trade laws; he negotiated new trade deals that threaten to weaken our trade laws and fail to protect workers’ rights; he subsidized job destruction with taxpayer dollars; and he shortchanged displaced workers and workers’ rights overseas. President Bush refuses to reform our trade, tax and investment policies to create good jobs, and he refuses to enforce the trade rules already in place to protect those jobs still at home. The result of these misguided—and fundamentally wrong—policy choices has been the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. Every time President Bush has decided to help companies ship jobs overseas, America’s workers and their families have paid the price.


Once a factory, like the over 40,000 that went "away" under Bush, is gone, it's gone. Those jobs don't just start up again. The very factories where those jobs happened are gone. Why don't Republicans understand that? The country didn't just lose jobs under Bush, it also lost the factories.

Oh please, you're challenging FactCheck with something you found on the internet from some University?

Let me explain what average means: If I am paying 10% of my gross in federal taxes, and you are paying 30%, that means the average is 20%. Now if you're a company that is paying that 30% WTF difference does it make what the average is? You're still paying that 30% and furthermore, the average also includes those companies that pay no taxes because of losses and write-offs. So yes, if you are paying 39% in corporate taxes, your corporation is better off getting out of this country.

And as FactCheck clearly points out, tax rates ARE JUST ONE of the many reasons companies go overseas. Education? What have the Republicans been fighting about with these worthless teachers unions? Who has been promoting School Vouchers and home schooling? Better question: WTF have Democrats done in regards to education besides asking for more money which never has done any good in the past?

Bush didn't do anything to move jobs overseas. Presidents don't move jobs--private industry moves jobs.
Some University?????

Cornell is ranked as one of the top universities in the country. That makes it one of the top universities in the world.

You can't even think for yourself. Just because it calls itself Factcheck doesn't mean it God's word.
And you think home schooling is good????

homeschooling leaves children unprepared - Google Search
Why on earth would you think that homeschooling is good? Republicans home school their children to make them slaves.
GOP in Texas wants to ban teaching of critical thinking skills - Google Search
Republicans have convinced themselves that American schools are awful when the rest of the world calls them the best in the world. There are countries that even send there kids here to high school and not just college.
And I don't get the voucher thing. It's just a way to partition schools. Why would you even think your kids would get into a good voucher school? Are they so smart? What if you needed government funding, or as your kind call it, a "freebie"?
When Charters Go Union
Yes, it's happening.

And your math is very strange. Average means the result obtained by adding the numbers or quantities in a set and dividing the total by the number of members in the set: the average of 3, 4, and 8 is 5.

There are all kinds of ways you could reach 12.6%. For one, everyone pays 12.6% and that would be the average. Half could pay 12.4% and the other half pays 12.8% and the average would be 12.6%.

Since the literal tax rate is 30 to 35%, can you imagine a big corporation with such inept lawyers that some would pay the entire rate? Or 25%? Or 20%? More likely, everyone except a few out-liars pay close to 12.6%. It's not like massive numbers of companies are going out of business and not paying anything at all. Did you really think that through? Perhaps now that I've thrown in a little reason, you might reconsider.

Bush may not have moved jobs, but what did he do to try to prevent it? In fact, did he help companies that wanted to move overseas. Let's see how your, ahem, "research" answers those questions. Unless you don't bother to go look because facts will, quite possibly, shatter your little bubble.

What you are confusing are the effective tax rates with the statutory tax rates.

Some companies do pay 39%. Other companies may pay 5% or less. The effective tax rate is meaningless to those that are paying 30% or above.

Every corporation is not the same. Some make huge profits, others make mediocre profits and some make no profits after tax write-offs. The effective tax rate is not what everybody pays, it's what the average of all corporations pay collectively.

Here is just an industry average of what some sectors do pay:

View attachment 57960

Now how many of those do you see that are paying 12.6% or less?
The smaller the business, the more they pay. Brilliant. 12.6% is the figure everyone goes by.

Ok far left drone prove your comments with a link..
Too bad you have no idea what you're talking about. From


When Democratic presidential candidates talk about tax breaks for corporations that ship our jobs overseas and tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies, what are they referring to and are they accurate?


It’s true that Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have associated the transfer of U.S. jobs overseas with tax breaks, or loopholes, for companies that practice off-shoring:

Both candidates are referring to a feature of the U.S. tax code that allows domestic companies to defer taxes on “unrepatriated income.” In other words, revenue that companies earn through their overseas subsidiaries goes untaxed by the IRS as long as it stays off the company’s U.S. books.

But economists, including left-leaning ones, do not agree that eliminating this provision will bring an end to off-shoring. And here’s why: In the U.S., companies are taxed 35 percent on earnings of $10 million to $15 million or on all earnings over $18.3 million. That’s one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, making an overseas move somewhat attractive to companies that wish to avoid the U.S. tax rate. But that’s not the leading reason companies send jobs overseas. According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks
That's one of the worst articles I've seen from "fact check". Let's go over some of the points. Starting with this one:

According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

A 2005 report???? You mean Republicans knew all the way back in 2005 foreign workers were getting more education than Americans? And what were they doing to correct that?

The GOP's Education Plan Gets an F

GOP cuts education nationwide - Google Search

And your stupid article goes on about a 35% tax when you know that's not the effective tax rate. You fuckers have been told that so many times, why the determined ignorance?

GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010, the Government Accountability Office said Monday.

The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions and offshore tax havens, the actual tax burden of American companies is much lower.

U.S. corporate tax collection totaled 2.6% of GDP in 2011, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That was the eleventh lowest in a ranking of 27 wealthy nations.

That Factcheck article wasn't serious journalism from 2008, it was a political hit piece. None of the links worked except this one:

So read it. There is no data in it. It's a report preparation for a debate defining terms. In fact, on page 56, it says:

Data are not available to directly provide information on workers dislocated due to offshoring.

Wouldn't you say that's awfully convenient for a report that's supposed to be about offshoring?

But if you really are interested, read this report on Bush's record on shipping jobs overseas.

Instead of creating new jobs and championing the interests of America’s workers, the Bush administration has chosen to actively support policies that worsen our massive trade deficit, subject workers to unfair trade practices and reward companies for moving jobs overseas. President Bush stood by as countries violated our rights under international trade rules; he refused to enforce our domestic trade laws; he negotiated new trade deals that threaten to weaken our trade laws and fail to protect workers’ rights; he subsidized job destruction with taxpayer dollars; and he shortchanged displaced workers and workers’ rights overseas. President Bush refuses to reform our trade, tax and investment policies to create good jobs, and he refuses to enforce the trade rules already in place to protect those jobs still at home. The result of these misguided—and fundamentally wrong—policy choices has been the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. Every time President Bush has decided to help companies ship jobs overseas, America’s workers and their families have paid the price.


Once a factory, like the over 40,000 that went "away" under Bush, is gone, it's gone. Those jobs don't just start up again. The very factories where those jobs happened are gone. Why don't Republicans understand that? The country didn't just lose jobs under Bush, it also lost the factories.

Oh please, you're challenging FactCheck with something you found on the internet from some University?

Let me explain what average means: If I am paying 10% of my gross in federal taxes, and you are paying 30%, that means the average is 20%. Now if you're a company that is paying that 30% WTF difference does it make what the average is? You're still paying that 30% and furthermore, the average also includes those companies that pay no taxes because of losses and write-offs. So yes, if you are paying 39% in corporate taxes, your corporation is better off getting out of this country.

And as FactCheck clearly points out, tax rates ARE JUST ONE of the many reasons companies go overseas. Education? What have the Republicans been fighting about with these worthless teachers unions? Who has been promoting School Vouchers and home schooling? Better question: WTF have Democrats done in regards to education besides asking for more money which never has done any good in the past?

Bush didn't do anything to move jobs overseas. Presidents don't move jobs--private industry moves jobs.
Some University?????

Cornell is ranked as one of the top universities in the country. That makes it one of the top universities in the world.

You can't even think for yourself. Just because it calls itself Factcheck doesn't mean it God's word.
And you think home schooling is good????

homeschooling leaves children unprepared - Google Search
Why on earth would you think that homeschooling is good? Republicans home school their children to make them slaves.
GOP in Texas wants to ban teaching of critical thinking skills - Google Search
Republicans have convinced themselves that American schools are awful when the rest of the world calls them the best in the world. There are countries that even send there kids here to high school and not just college.
And I don't get the voucher thing. It's just a way to partition schools. Why would you even think your kids would get into a good voucher school? Are they so smart? What if you needed government funding, or as your kind call it, a "freebie"?
When Charters Go Union
Yes, it's happening.

And your math is very strange. Average means the result obtained by adding the numbers or quantities in a set and dividing the total by the number of members in the set: the average of 3, 4, and 8 is 5.

There are all kinds of ways you could reach 12.6%. For one, everyone pays 12.6% and that would be the average. Half could pay 12.4% and the other half pays 12.8% and the average would be 12.6%.

Since the literal tax rate is 30 to 35%, can you imagine a big corporation with such inept lawyers that some would pay the entire rate? Or 25%? Or 20%? More likely, everyone except a few out-liars pay close to 12.6%. It's not like massive numbers of companies are going out of business and not paying anything at all. Did you really think that through? Perhaps now that I've thrown in a little reason, you might reconsider.

Bush may not have moved jobs, but what did he do to try to prevent it? In fact, did he help companies that wanted to move overseas. Let's see how your, ahem, "research" answers those questions. Unless you don't bother to go look because facts will, quite possibly, shatter your little bubble.

What you are confusing are the effective tax rates with the statutory tax rates.

Some companies do pay 39%. Other companies may pay 5% or less. The effective tax rate is meaningless to those that are paying 30% or above.

Every corporation is not the same. Some make huge profits, others make mediocre profits and some make no profits after tax write-offs. The effective tax rate is not what everybody pays, it's what the average of all corporations pay collectively.

Here is just an industry average of what some sectors do pay:

View attachment 57960

Now how many of those do you see that are paying 12.6% or less?
The smaller the business, the more they pay. Brilliant. 12.6% is the figure everyone goes by.

No, 12.6% is the figure the ignorant go by.
Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor

I thought conservative slum lords owned the ghettos.

Nope, they are mostly rich white liberals.
Just stating fact. When Democrats take over a community, the misery begins. Their track record proves it. If you see your community changing and beginning to lean Democrat, i would advise planning your exit. Things will be going to shite pretty quickly.

I think we need a thread of safe places to live. Are there any left in USA?

There's some left. Just make sure wherever you're thinking of relocating to, isn't run by Communist Democrats. Check everything out first. High Crime, High Taxes, Dirty Streets, usually indicates Democrat-control. Just do your homework.
If you see Democrats invading your community, i advise getting out quickly. It is gonna get very ugly. It's their track record. They've destroyed so many once great Cities and States in this country. They create misery everywhere they take over. Just givin you a little friendly advice. You see em coming, you better plan your escape.
Dems being code for blacks, and you have white flight and job's called discrimination against blacks...

No one has to discriminate against Blacks. Blacks are like the ACA. Both are on self-destruct mode.
But they do, and they're mainly GOP.

Oh, so blacks are different, you think? Racist dupe.

Actually it appears that it is you who appears to be the racist one. It seems to occupy your every thought. Get a life. This is 2015.
And the nonrich and the country continue to GTH under Pub tax rates and policies, defended to the death by bought off Pubs and silly dupes like you. You're voting for the greedy idiot Pub global elitists who're killing us...Discrimination and racism are alive and well in your party, as well as raping the chumps.

Seriously, you sound like a typical cranky bitter old Democrat. Times have changed. It isn't the 50's/60's anymore. There is racism, but certainly not on the scale you angry old Communists imagine. Time to get over it. You really should take the other poster's advice... Get a life.
That's one of the worst articles I've seen from "fact check". Let's go over some of the points. Starting with this one:

According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

A 2005 report???? You mean Republicans knew all the way back in 2005 foreign workers were getting more education than Americans? And what were they doing to correct that?

The GOP's Education Plan Gets an F

GOP cuts education nationwide - Google Search

And your stupid article goes on about a 35% tax when you know that's not the effective tax rate. You fuckers have been told that so many times, why the determined ignorance?

GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010, the Government Accountability Office said Monday.

The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions and offshore tax havens, the actual tax burden of American companies is much lower.

U.S. corporate tax collection totaled 2.6% of GDP in 2011, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That was the eleventh lowest in a ranking of 27 wealthy nations.

That Factcheck article wasn't serious journalism from 2008, it was a political hit piece. None of the links worked except this one:

So read it. There is no data in it. It's a report preparation for a debate defining terms. In fact, on page 56, it says:

Data are not available to directly provide information on workers dislocated due to offshoring.

Wouldn't you say that's awfully convenient for a report that's supposed to be about offshoring?

But if you really are interested, read this report on Bush's record on shipping jobs overseas.

Instead of creating new jobs and championing the interests of America’s workers, the Bush administration has chosen to actively support policies that worsen our massive trade deficit, subject workers to unfair trade practices and reward companies for moving jobs overseas. President Bush stood by as countries violated our rights under international trade rules; he refused to enforce our domestic trade laws; he negotiated new trade deals that threaten to weaken our trade laws and fail to protect workers’ rights; he subsidized job destruction with taxpayer dollars; and he shortchanged displaced workers and workers’ rights overseas. President Bush refuses to reform our trade, tax and investment policies to create good jobs, and he refuses to enforce the trade rules already in place to protect those jobs still at home. The result of these misguided—and fundamentally wrong—policy choices has been the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. Every time President Bush has decided to help companies ship jobs overseas, America’s workers and their families have paid the price.


Once a factory, like the over 40,000 that went "away" under Bush, is gone, it's gone. Those jobs don't just start up again. The very factories where those jobs happened are gone. Why don't Republicans understand that? The country didn't just lose jobs under Bush, it also lost the factories.

Oh please, you're challenging FactCheck with something you found on the internet from some University?

Let me explain what average means: If I am paying 10% of my gross in federal taxes, and you are paying 30%, that means the average is 20%. Now if you're a company that is paying that 30% WTF difference does it make what the average is? You're still paying that 30% and furthermore, the average also includes those companies that pay no taxes because of losses and write-offs. So yes, if you are paying 39% in corporate taxes, your corporation is better off getting out of this country.

And as FactCheck clearly points out, tax rates ARE JUST ONE of the many reasons companies go overseas. Education? What have the Republicans been fighting about with these worthless teachers unions? Who has been promoting School Vouchers and home schooling? Better question: WTF have Democrats done in regards to education besides asking for more money which never has done any good in the past?

Bush didn't do anything to move jobs overseas. Presidents don't move jobs--private industry moves jobs.
Some University?????

Cornell is ranked as one of the top universities in the country. That makes it one of the top universities in the world.

You can't even think for yourself. Just because it calls itself Factcheck doesn't mean it God's word.
And you think home schooling is good????

homeschooling leaves children unprepared - Google Search
Why on earth would you think that homeschooling is good? Republicans home school their children to make them slaves.
GOP in Texas wants to ban teaching of critical thinking skills - Google Search
Republicans have convinced themselves that American schools are awful when the rest of the world calls them the best in the world. There are countries that even send there kids here to high school and not just college.
And I don't get the voucher thing. It's just a way to partition schools. Why would you even think your kids would get into a good voucher school? Are they so smart? What if you needed government funding, or as your kind call it, a "freebie"?
When Charters Go Union
Yes, it's happening.

And your math is very strange. Average means the result obtained by adding the numbers or quantities in a set and dividing the total by the number of members in the set: the average of 3, 4, and 8 is 5.

There are all kinds of ways you could reach 12.6%. For one, everyone pays 12.6% and that would be the average. Half could pay 12.4% and the other half pays 12.8% and the average would be 12.6%.

Since the literal tax rate is 30 to 35%, can you imagine a big corporation with such inept lawyers that some would pay the entire rate? Or 25%? Or 20%? More likely, everyone except a few out-liars pay close to 12.6%. It's not like massive numbers of companies are going out of business and not paying anything at all. Did you really think that through? Perhaps now that I've thrown in a little reason, you might reconsider.

Bush may not have moved jobs, but what did he do to try to prevent it? In fact, did he help companies that wanted to move overseas. Let's see how your, ahem, "research" answers those questions. Unless you don't bother to go look because facts will, quite possibly, shatter your little bubble.

What you are confusing are the effective tax rates with the statutory tax rates.

Some companies do pay 39%. Other companies may pay 5% or less. The effective tax rate is meaningless to those that are paying 30% or above.

Every corporation is not the same. Some make huge profits, others make mediocre profits and some make no profits after tax write-offs. The effective tax rate is not what everybody pays, it's what the average of all corporations pay collectively.

Here is just an industry average of what some sectors do pay:

View attachment 57960

Now how many of those do you see that are paying 12.6% or less?
The smaller the business, the more they pay. Brilliant. 12.6% is the figure everyone goes by.

No, 12.6% is the figure the ignorant go by.
etc etc etc
GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
When they say the middle class is being ruined by Reaganist tax rates and loopholes, they aren't wrong.

Franco is always proud to be stupid and liberal:
1) Reagan was 35 years ago so 100% irrelevant to today
2) top 1 % pays 40% of taxes, bottom 50%( mostly middle class) pays almost nothing in taxes

middle class is harmed by liberal corporate taxes deficits and unions that shipped 30 million of their jobs offshore.
Absolutely clueless. Scary. Mao and Stalin couldn't be more irrelevant, have absolutely no approval in the modern world, especially in the US. You sound like a total nut. Read something for a few years.
Republican slums are much nicer than Democrat slums, but they are slums nonetheless.
Heroin/meth trailer parks in the south?

Long Island...most slums are 1 family houses, not apartment buildings.
When they say the middle class is being ruined by Reaganist tax rates and loopholes, they aren't wrong. O-Care helps, and will only get better.

Commie Care does help some people (non-productive), but at the expense of other people (productive). It's basically wealth transference through our medical care system.
Republican slums are much nicer than Democrat slums, but they are slums nonetheless.
Heroin/meth trailer parks in the south?

Long Island...most slums are 1 family houses, not apartment buildings.
When they say the middle class is being ruined by Reaganist tax rates and loopholes, they aren't wrong. O-Care helps, and will only get better.

Commie Care does help some people (non-productive), but at the expense of other people (productive). It's basically wealth transference through our medical care system.
I take umbrage to that...I want my Mexican cleaning ladies to be raring to go when they get here.
Not to mention the Mexican dishwashers and waiters.
Mao and Stalin couldn't be more irrelevant,.

dear stupid stupid liberal, then why did our liberals spy for Stalin and give him the bomb, why do they support Obama and Sanders (open communists) and why do they always want bigger gov't with no end no matter how big govt already is.

Norman Thomas quotes: ( socialist candidate for president)

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

Read "Useful Idiots" for full list of liberals who were really communists!!
Republican slums are much nicer than Democrat slums, but they are slums nonetheless.
Heroin/meth trailer parks in the south?

Long Island...most slums are 1 family houses, not apartment buildings.
When they say the middle class is being ruined by Reaganist tax rates and loopholes, they aren't wrong. O-Care helps, and will only get better.

Commie Care does help some people (non-productive), but at the expense of other people (productive). It's basically wealth transference through our medical care system.
You were ALREADY paying for indigent care, just in the dumbest way possible- no preventive care, no money from the ER patients, and forcing people onto WELFARE to get care. BRILLIANT. Now insurance is guaranteed- no longer 500k bankruptcies for people who THOUGHT they had insurance. Once again you prove yourself a perfect dupe of big money greedy a-holes. NO MORE FREELOADERS, people with pre-existing DYING, no oversight of cost, lack of transparency and competition, NO MORE SCAMS. Get your blinders off, dupe.

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