Democrats and Ghetto's, They own them

Oh please, the only tax breaks companies get are moving expense write-offs. Eliminating those tax breaks won't bring one job back home or stop one job from leaving. I posted the FactCheck piece on that today already. Need it again, just ask.
Right, because corps don't like tax breaks. Dems also closed other loopholes, against Pub opposition.
Obama To GOP: Stop Outsourcing US Jobs

Oh, what a genius you Democrats are. Now ask yourself: If DumBama is going to tax American companies for profits they made outside of the United States simply because they area a multinational company, how do you suppose those companies will respond?

Obama may be an idiot, but even he knows that those companies would close down in the US and move those operations out of the country.

So why is he acting like he really wants to do that? For the dupes in the Democrat party who don't know any better and it's all a dog and pony show because he knows Republicans will reject such stupidity. Then he can lead the sheep into their song Tax Cuts For The Rich.
Normal people can recognize which party cares about the welfare of the country, and which is bought off. Change the channel. And thanks for the stupidest wars ever and the corrupt world depression, dupe.
Normal people can recognize which party cares about the welfare of the country, and which is bought off. Change the channel. And thanks for the stupidest wars ever and the corrupt world depression, dupe.

No problem. Thanks for the most government dependents in the history of this country.
Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them,


This is an extremely old talking point, and - as usual - captain cut & paste is delivering it like it's new or interesting or his discovery.

Democrats definitely monopolized the poor during the hey-day of the New Deal - form 1930 to 1980.

But the Reagan Revolution would never have become a revolution if it only spoke to the wealthy. Reagan - and Newt's capture of the House - needed broad electoral support, so they used religion, patriotism, nationalism and the "Culture War" to go after the poor (especially in the South and Midwest). The post-Watergate resurgence of the Right would eventually employ an unprecedented army of think tanks and pop media to cultivate revanchist resentment amongst poor Americans who felt alienated by the social revolution of the 60s. So the notion that the Democrats are still the party of the poor is a gross simplification, if not factually false.

In terms of cultivating government dependency, the OP should research the amount of welfare doled out to poor red states. We can debate which states are the biggest takers, but we can't claim that Red States don't take. And we can't claim that they don't suck at Uncle Sam's teat every time a Hurricane, tornado or flood rips through their state.

The problem with the OP is that he is a deep believer in his team - so much so that he trusts everything they tell him, including the part about how his side doesn't cultivate dependency amongst the poor. He thinks his politicians don't dole out candy for electoral reasons. I'd ask him to study the amount of pork that came out of the Bush & GOP congress, but we know he is the cut & paste king, and his Dear Leaders don't supply him with that kind of information.

[Psst: hey moron. Do you want to know how Bush was able to win a second term so he could keep his mismanaged farce of a war going? The answer is quite simple. He handed out homes to the poor at a rate that made the Democrats look like Milton Friedman. Don't take my word for it; listen to his fucking for words.]

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Oh, what a genius you Democrats are. Now ask yourself: If DumBama is going to tax American companies for profits they made outside of the United States simply because they area a multinational company, how do you suppose those companies will respond?

Obama may be an idiot, but even he knows that those companies would close down in the US and move those operations out of the country.

So why is he acting like he really wants to do that? For the dupes in the Democrat party who don't know any better and it's all a dog and pony show because he knows Republicans will reject such stupidity. Then he can lead the sheep into their song Tax Cuts For The Rich.
It was a one time time tax duh.
Normal people can recognize which party cares about the welfare of the country, and which is bought off. Change the channel. And thanks for the stupidest wars ever and the corrupt world depression, dupe.

No problem. Thanks for the most government dependents in the history of this country.
Had nothing to do with the Bush World Depression lol...or the mindless obstruction of the GOP against solutions...idiot.
Normal people can recognize which party cares about the welfare of the country, and which is bought off. Change the channel. And thanks for the stupidest wars ever and the corrupt world depression, dupe.

No problem. Thanks for the most government dependents in the history of this country.
Had nothing to do with the Bush World Depression lol...or the mindless obstruction of the GOP against solutions...idiot.

No idiot, you socialists and communists have been running back to Bush now for over seven years, and you'll probably run back to him another seven. And if we finally do get a Republican President to straighten out this country, then you'll be giving credit to DumBama for the next seven years.
Normal people can recognize which party cares about the welfare of the country, and which is bought off. Change the channel. And thanks for the stupidest wars ever and the corrupt world depression, dupe.

No problem. Thanks for the most government dependents in the history of this country.
Had nothing to do with the Bush World Depression lol...or the mindless obstruction of the GOP against solutions...idiot.

No idiot, you socialists and communists have been running back to Bush now for over seven years, and you'll probably run back to him another seven. And if we finally do get a Republican President to straighten out this country, then you'll be giving credit to DumBama for the next seven years.
So tell us all the laws Obama passed that comprise this communist conspiracy lol...Oh, another corrupt Pub bubble, and another chickenhawk war no doubt...
Normal people can recognize which party cares about the welfare of the country, and which is bought off. Change the channel. And thanks for the stupidest wars ever and the corrupt world depression, dupe.

No problem. Thanks for the most government dependents in the history of this country.
Had nothing to do with the Bush World Depression lol...or the mindless obstruction of the GOP against solutions...idiot.

No idiot, you socialists and communists have been running back to Bush now for over seven years, and you'll probably run back to him another seven. And if we finally do get a Republican President to straighten out this country, then you'll be giving credit to DumBama for the next seven years.
That kind of thing happens when the guy was the USA's biggest catastrophe ever duh...and you want to do it again...
Normal people can recognize which party cares about the welfare of the country, and which is bought off. Change the channel. And thanks for the stupidest wars ever and the corrupt world depression, dupe.

No problem. Thanks for the most government dependents in the history of this country.
Had nothing to do with the Bush World Depression lol...or the mindless obstruction of the GOP against solutions...idiot.

Normal people can recognize which party cares about the welfare of the country, and which is bought off. Change the channel. And thanks for the stupidest wars ever and the corrupt world depression, dupe.

No problem. Thanks for the most government dependents in the history of this country.
Had nothing to do with the Bush World Depression lol...or the mindless obstruction of the GOP against solutions...idiot.

No idiot, you socialists and communists have been running back to Bush now for over seven years, and you'll probably run back to him another seven. And if we finally do get a Republican President to straighten out this country, then you'll be giving credit to DumBama for the next seven years.
So tell us all the laws Obama passed that comprise this communist conspiracy lol...Oh, another corrupt Pub bubble, and another chickenhawk war no doubt...

Says the far left drone that supports Obama's illegal wars!
No idiot, you socialists and communists have been running back to Bush now for over seven years, and you'll probably run back to him another seven. And if we finally do get a Republican President to straighten out this country, then you'll be giving credit to DumBama for the next seven years.

Dude, you should be in comedy.

You guys blamed Clinton for 9/11, even though Dear Leader was asleep at the wheel and failed to defend the Eastern Seaboard. Then you blamed the Housing Meltdown on Jimmy Carter, who you've been blathering about daily for over 30 years. You've turned blame into an institution.

As for Socialism, your president basically handed homes to the poor. Listen to his words genius.

Listen to his words and stop blaming everyone else for what he did. We're sick of it.

No idiot, you socialists and communists have been running back to Bush now for over seven years, and you'll probably run back to him another seven. And if we finally do get a Republican President to straighten out this country, then you'll be giving credit to DumBama for the next seven years.

Dude, you should be in comedy.

You guys blamed Clinton for 9/11, even though Dear Leader was asleep at the wheel and failed to defend the Eastern Seaboard. Then you blamed the Housing Meltdown on Jimmy Carter, who you've been blathering about daily for over 30 years. You've turned blame into an institution.

Another far left drone in denial that Clinton had four years and many opportunities to get Bin Laden..

It is like the Clinton years do not exist in their programming!
Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them,


This is an extremely old talking point, and - as usual - captain cut & paste is delivering it like it's new or interesting or his discovery.

Democrats definitely monopolized the poor during the hey-day of the New Deal - form 1930 to 1980.

But the Reagan Revolution would never have become a revolution if it only spoke to the wealthy. Reagan - and Newt's capture of the House - needed broad electoral support, so they used religion, patriotism, nationalism and the "Culture War" to go after the poor (especially in the South and Midwest). The post-Watergate resurgence of the Right would eventually employ an unprecedented army of think tanks and pop media to cultivate revanchist resentment amongst poor Americans who felt alienated by the social revolution of the 60s. So the notion that the Democrats are still the party of the poor is a gross simplification, if not factually false.

In terms of cultivating government dependency, the OP should research the amount of welfare doled out to poor red states. We can debate which states are the biggest takers, but we can't claim that Red States don't take. And we can't claim that they don't suck at Uncle Sam's teat every time a Hurricane, tornado or flood rips through their state.

The problem with the OP is that he is a deep believer in his team - so much so that he trusts everything they tell him, including the part about how his side doesn't cultivate dependency amongst the poor. He thinks his politicians don't dole out candy for electoral reasons. I'd ask him to study the amount of pork that came out of the Bush & GOP congress, but we know he is the cut & paste king, and his Dear Leaders don't supply him with that kind of information.

[Psst: hey moron. Do you want to know how Bush was able to win a second term so he could keep his mismanaged farce of a war going? The answer is quite simple. He handed out homes to the poor at a rate that made the Democrats look like Milton Friedman. Don't take my word for it; listen to his fucking for words.]

Way to talk past the subject of the OP and add your own distorted views, imaginings and excuses. Yet, an interesting post added to a long list of views and subjects worth discussion... Sourpuss.. :laugh:
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