Democrats and Ghetto's, They own them

There's no difference between the economic model of the taliban and loserterianism. Both seek to destroy our first world country.

Matt is stupid and willful like a Nazi. Libertarians like our Founders wanted a tiny govt and capitalist economic system. Taliban wants exact opposite: huge totalitarian govt and 100% control of economy.

You are 100% stupid and liberal. There is no other explanation
Last edited:
Yup, everything is great..

dear stupid liberal, you said workers were poor. I told you they are spending a fortune on phones pets and Christmas so therefore not poor as you claimed. You then changed the subject because you are stupid liberal and disorganized.

Stick to the subject or admit you are too stupid to be here.
Any facts at all, or just Pubcrappe. Meanwhile, I thought Obama the dictator/pussy/commie had destroyed everything...idiot.
I was walking in the French quarter yesterday, there was a guy sitting on the sidewalk with a sign that said "broke, need money for food" But he was texting on a Iphone as he sat there begging.

That's the poor in America today.
All criminals now? lol. Well that takes care of all the stats...
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
Reality, actually, in Raygun Amerika.

100% stupid as always. Reagan wanted tiny government and freedom as did our Founders. Our current govt is very very huge, therefore very very liberal, and nothing at all like what Reagan would have wanted.

That makes you 100% stupid. You are stupid like a Nazi. Truth means absolutely nothing to you because you a far too stupid and liberal to understand the most basic things. This is what we would expect from a GED student.
He still holds the record for adding to debt and bureaucracy, dupe.
He still holds the record for adding to debt and bureaucracy, dupe.

dear stupid stupid liberal , a president does not get his way always. That's, for example, why Obama cant get single payer.

Do you have the IQ to understand even that???????
More money is spent on inner city schools than on suburban schools.

this is true. Newark had the highest spending per capita and worst results in America, and then Mark Zuckersberg donated $100 million and, surprise, still the worst results in America.

But, liberals still claim we need to tax the rich more to solve our problems!! Liberals claim this because they are far too stupid to imagine any other solution than to throw money at a problem.
How many more centuries is it going to take and how much more government assistance and legislation is it going to require before you Blacks decide to do a little something for your own selves and make some small move to take your place alongside all the other ethnic groups in America? You're pathetic whining losers.
Racist hater dupe^^. When racism ends.

It's racist Black losers like you who won't let it end. It's all you have going for you.
Pure UK WASP, actually. You fools think seeing past the end of your nose makes one a member of the group bing screwed over lol. STUPID. I'm not poor or black or gay, a-hole dupe. Jeesh.

So blacks believe whites are inferior and should be discriminated against? LOL. Hating racists and seeing reality doesn't make one a racist, Pub dupe.

You might consider a home study course in English that will teach you more of the language than Pub dupe. It really gets old. No, most Conservatives spend their time making a living for themselves and their families instead of simply spending their time thinking of ways to screw Black folks. Like I said before, you're doing that well enough all on your own.
Pub dupe's perfect. Everyone's doing what you're doing, just not ignoring what pander to the rich Pub policies are doing to the nonrich and the country, and blacks most of all. Keep whistling past the graveyard, dupe.

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry

I don't see any reason for me to change now. I'm 72 and have done alright thus far.
Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor

I thought conservative slum lords owned the ghettos.
More money is spent on inner city schools than on suburban schools.

this is true. Newark had the highest spending per capita and worst results in America, and then Mark Zuckersberg donated $100 million and, surprise, still the worst results in America.

But, liberals still claim we need to tax the rich more to solve our problems!! Liberals claim this because they are far too stupid to imagine any other solution than to throw money at a problem.

Yes, as long as it is YOUR money being thrown at THEIR problems.
GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6 ...
The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions ...
U.S. Corporations Pay Average Effective Tax Rate of 12.6 ...
AP By JAMES O' TOOLE U.S. companies face the highest official corporate tax rate in the world. But there's a big difference between the rates set out by ...
The Effective Corporate Tax Rate is at 12.1%, the ... - TIME
Despite the favored notion that the current US tax code sprung fully formed off Ronald Reagan's head in 1986, it’s not the case that companies tend to be ...
Reality Check: Effective U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Much Lower ...
... the U.S. will have the highest statutory corporate tax rate in ... (the effective rate) fell to a 40 year low of 12.1 ... “Corporate taxes are ...
Effective Corporate Income Tax Rates and the Corporate Ta
Those happened under the Bush administration. Their real name is "subsidies". It's expensive moving millions of jobs to China and closing down over 40,000 factories. All that has to be paid for. Which is why those companies were subsidized by government under Republicans during the Bush administrations.

Too bad you have no idea what you're talking about. From


When Democratic presidential candidates talk about tax breaks for corporations that ship our jobs overseas and tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies, what are they referring to and are they accurate?


It’s true that Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have associated the transfer of U.S. jobs overseas with tax breaks, or loopholes, for companies that practice off-shoring:

Both candidates are referring to a feature of the U.S. tax code that allows domestic companies to defer taxes on “unrepatriated income.” In other words, revenue that companies earn through their overseas subsidiaries goes untaxed by the IRS as long as it stays off the company’s U.S. books.

But economists, including left-leaning ones, do not agree that eliminating this provision will bring an end to off-shoring. And here’s why: In the U.S., companies are taxed 35 percent on earnings of $10 million to $15 million or on all earnings over $18.3 million. That’s one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, making an overseas move somewhat attractive to companies that wish to avoid the U.S. tax rate. But that’s not the leading reason companies send jobs overseas. According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks
That's one of the worst articles I've seen from "fact check". Let's go over some of the points. Starting with this one:

According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

A 2005 report???? You mean Republicans knew all the way back in 2005 foreign workers were getting more education than Americans? And what were they doing to correct that?

The GOP's Education Plan Gets an F

GOP cuts education nationwide - Google Search

And your stupid article goes on about a 35% tax when you know that's not the effective tax rate. You fuckers have been told that so many times, why the determined ignorance?

GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010, the Government Accountability Office said Monday.

The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions and offshore tax havens, the actual tax burden of American companies is much lower.

U.S. corporate tax collection totaled 2.6% of GDP in 2011, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That was the eleventh lowest in a ranking of 27 wealthy nations.

That Factcheck article wasn't serious journalism from 2008, it was a political hit piece. None of the links worked except this one:

So read it. There is no data in it. It's a report preparation for a debate defining terms. In fact, on page 56, it says:

Data are not available to directly provide information on workers dislocated due to offshoring.

Wouldn't you say that's awfully convenient for a report that's supposed to be about offshoring?

But if you really are interested, read this report on Bush's record on shipping jobs overseas.

Instead of creating new jobs and championing the interests of America’s workers, the Bush administration has chosen to actively support policies that worsen our massive trade deficit, subject workers to unfair trade practices and reward companies for moving jobs overseas. President Bush stood by as countries violated our rights under international trade rules; he refused to enforce our domestic trade laws; he negotiated new trade deals that threaten to weaken our trade laws and fail to protect workers’ rights; he subsidized job destruction with taxpayer dollars; and he shortchanged displaced workers and workers’ rights overseas. President Bush refuses to reform our trade, tax and investment policies to create good jobs, and he refuses to enforce the trade rules already in place to protect those jobs still at home. The result of these misguided—and fundamentally wrong—policy choices has been the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. Every time President Bush has decided to help companies ship jobs overseas, America’s workers and their families have paid the price.


Once a factory, like the over 40,000 that went "away" under Bush, is gone, it's gone. Those jobs don't just start up again. The very factories where those jobs happened are gone. Why don't Republicans understand that? The country didn't just lose jobs under Bush, it also lost the factories.
GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6 ...
The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions ...
U.S. Corporations Pay Average Effective Tax Rate of 12.6 ...
AP By JAMES O' TOOLE U.S. companies face the highest official corporate tax rate in the world. But there's a big difference between the rates set out by ...
The Effective Corporate Tax Rate is at 12.1%, the ... - TIME
Despite the favored notion that the current US tax code sprung fully formed off Ronald Reagan's head in 1986, it’s not the case that companies tend to be ...
Reality Check: Effective U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Much Lower ...
... the U.S. will have the highest statutory corporate tax rate in ... (the effective rate) fell to a 40 year low of 12.1 ... “Corporate taxes are ...
Effective Corporate Income Tax Rates and the Corporate Ta
Those happened under the Bush administration. Their real name is "subsidies". It's expensive moving millions of jobs to China and closing down over 40,000 factories. All that has to be paid for. Which is why those companies were subsidized by government under Republicans during the Bush administrations.

Too bad you have no idea what you're talking about. From


When Democratic presidential candidates talk about tax breaks for corporations that ship our jobs overseas and tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies, what are they referring to and are they accurate?


It’s true that Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have associated the transfer of U.S. jobs overseas with tax breaks, or loopholes, for companies that practice off-shoring:

Both candidates are referring to a feature of the U.S. tax code that allows domestic companies to defer taxes on “unrepatriated income.” In other words, revenue that companies earn through their overseas subsidiaries goes untaxed by the IRS as long as it stays off the company’s U.S. books.

But economists, including left-leaning ones, do not agree that eliminating this provision will bring an end to off-shoring. And here’s why: In the U.S., companies are taxed 35 percent on earnings of $10 million to $15 million or on all earnings over $18.3 million. That’s one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, making an overseas move somewhat attractive to companies that wish to avoid the U.S. tax rate. But that’s not the leading reason companies send jobs overseas. According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks
That's one of the worst articles I've seen from "fact check". Let's go over some of the points. Starting with this one:

According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

A 2005 report???? You mean Republicans knew all the way back in 2005 foreign workers were getting more education than Americans? And what were they doing to correct that?

The GOP's Education Plan Gets an F

GOP cuts education nationwide - Google Search

And your stupid article goes on about a 35% tax when you know that's not the effective tax rate. You fuckers have been told that so many times, why the determined ignorance?

GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010, the Government Accountability Office said Monday.

The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions and offshore tax havens, the actual tax burden of American companies is much lower.

U.S. corporate tax collection totaled 2.6% of GDP in 2011, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That was the eleventh lowest in a ranking of 27 wealthy nations.

That Factcheck article wasn't serious journalism from 2008, it was a political hit piece. None of the links worked except this one:

So read it. There is no data in it. It's a report preparation for a debate defining terms. In fact, on page 56, it says:

Data are not available to directly provide information on workers dislocated due to offshoring.

Wouldn't you say that's awfully convenient for a report that's supposed to be about offshoring?

But if you really are interested, read this report on Bush's record on shipping jobs overseas.

Instead of creating new jobs and championing the interests of America’s workers, the Bush administration has chosen to actively support policies that worsen our massive trade deficit, subject workers to unfair trade practices and reward companies for moving jobs overseas. President Bush stood by as countries violated our rights under international trade rules; he refused to enforce our domestic trade laws; he negotiated new trade deals that threaten to weaken our trade laws and fail to protect workers’ rights; he subsidized job destruction with taxpayer dollars; and he shortchanged displaced workers and workers’ rights overseas. President Bush refuses to reform our trade, tax and investment policies to create good jobs, and he refuses to enforce the trade rules already in place to protect those jobs still at home. The result of these misguided—and fundamentally wrong—policy choices has been the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. Every time President Bush has decided to help companies ship jobs overseas, America’s workers and their families have paid the price.


Once a factory, like the over 40,000 that went "away" under Bush, is gone, it's gone. Those jobs don't just start up again. The very factories where those jobs happened are gone. Why don't Republicans understand that? The country didn't just lose jobs under Bush, it also lost the factories.

Oh please, you're challenging FactCheck with something you found on the internet from some University?

Let me explain what average means: If I am paying 10% of my gross in federal taxes, and you are paying 30%, that means the average is 20%. Now if you're a company that is paying that 30% WTF difference does it make what the average is? You're still paying that 30% and furthermore, the average also includes those companies that pay no taxes because of losses and write-offs. So yes, if you are paying 39% in corporate taxes, your corporation is better off getting out of this country.

And as FactCheck clearly points out, tax rates ARE JUST ONE of the many reasons companies go overseas. Education? What have the Republicans been fighting about with these worthless teachers unions? Who has been promoting School Vouchers and home schooling? Better question: WTF have Democrats done in regards to education besides asking for more money which never has done any good in the past?

Bush didn't do anything to move jobs overseas. Presidents don't move jobs--private industry moves jobs.
all contributing factors to off-shoring.

biggest factors of course are highest most liberal corporate taxes in world, liberal labor unions, and liberal deficits. These could all be reversed tomorrow to bring back 20 million jobs. Close borders and there's another 10 million jobs with huge upward pressure on wages.

Trump wants to do it all!!
GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6 ...
The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions ...
U.S. Corporations Pay Average Effective Tax Rate of 12.6 ...
AP By JAMES O' TOOLE U.S. companies face the highest official corporate tax rate in the world. But there's a big difference between the rates set out by ...
The Effective Corporate Tax Rate is at 12.1%, the ... - TIME
Despite the favored notion that the current US tax code sprung fully formed off Ronald Reagan's head in 1986, it’s not the case that companies tend to be ...
Reality Check: Effective U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Much Lower ...
... the U.S. will have the highest statutory corporate tax rate in ... (the effective rate) fell to a 40 year low of 12.1 ... “Corporate taxes are ...
Effective Corporate Income Tax Rates and the Corporate Ta
Those happened under the Bush administration. Their real name is "subsidies". It's expensive moving millions of jobs to China and closing down over 40,000 factories. All that has to be paid for. Which is why those companies were subsidized by government under Republicans during the Bush administrations.

Too bad you have no idea what you're talking about. From


When Democratic presidential candidates talk about tax breaks for corporations that ship our jobs overseas and tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies, what are they referring to and are they accurate?


It’s true that Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have associated the transfer of U.S. jobs overseas with tax breaks, or loopholes, for companies that practice off-shoring:

Both candidates are referring to a feature of the U.S. tax code that allows domestic companies to defer taxes on “unrepatriated income.” In other words, revenue that companies earn through their overseas subsidiaries goes untaxed by the IRS as long as it stays off the company’s U.S. books.

But economists, including left-leaning ones, do not agree that eliminating this provision will bring an end to off-shoring. And here’s why: In the U.S., companies are taxed 35 percent on earnings of $10 million to $15 million or on all earnings over $18.3 million. That’s one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, making an overseas move somewhat attractive to companies that wish to avoid the U.S. tax rate. But that’s not the leading reason companies send jobs overseas. According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks
That's one of the worst articles I've seen from "fact check". Let's go over some of the points. Starting with this one:

According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

A 2005 report???? You mean Republicans knew all the way back in 2005 foreign workers were getting more education than Americans? And what were they doing to correct that?

The GOP's Education Plan Gets an F

GOP cuts education nationwide - Google Search

And your stupid article goes on about a 35% tax when you know that's not the effective tax rate. You fuckers have been told that so many times, why the determined ignorance?

GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010, the Government Accountability Office said Monday.

The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions and offshore tax havens, the actual tax burden of American companies is much lower.

U.S. corporate tax collection totaled 2.6% of GDP in 2011, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That was the eleventh lowest in a ranking of 27 wealthy nations.

That Factcheck article wasn't serious journalism from 2008, it was a political hit piece. None of the links worked except this one:

So read it. There is no data in it. It's a report preparation for a debate defining terms. In fact, on page 56, it says:

Data are not available to directly provide information on workers dislocated due to offshoring.

Wouldn't you say that's awfully convenient for a report that's supposed to be about offshoring?

But if you really are interested, read this report on Bush's record on shipping jobs overseas.

Instead of creating new jobs and championing the interests of America’s workers, the Bush administration has chosen to actively support policies that worsen our massive trade deficit, subject workers to unfair trade practices and reward companies for moving jobs overseas. President Bush stood by as countries violated our rights under international trade rules; he refused to enforce our domestic trade laws; he negotiated new trade deals that threaten to weaken our trade laws and fail to protect workers’ rights; he subsidized job destruction with taxpayer dollars; and he shortchanged displaced workers and workers’ rights overseas. President Bush refuses to reform our trade, tax and investment policies to create good jobs, and he refuses to enforce the trade rules already in place to protect those jobs still at home. The result of these misguided—and fundamentally wrong—policy choices has been the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. Every time President Bush has decided to help companies ship jobs overseas, America’s workers and their families have paid the price.


Once a factory, like the over 40,000 that went "away" under Bush, is gone, it's gone. Those jobs don't just start up again. The very factories where those jobs happened are gone. Why don't Republicans understand that? The country didn't just lose jobs under Bush, it also lost the factories.

Oh please, you're challenging FactCheck with something you found on the internet from some University?

Let me explain what average means: If I am paying 10% of my gross in federal taxes, and you are paying 30%, that means the average is 20%. Now if you're a company that is paying that 30% WTF difference does it make what the average is? You're still paying that 30% and furthermore, the average also includes those companies that pay no taxes because of losses and write-offs. So yes, if you are paying 39% in corporate taxes, your corporation is better off getting out of this country.

And as FactCheck clearly points out, tax rates ARE JUST ONE of the many reasons companies go overseas. Education? What have the Republicans been fighting about with these worthless teachers unions? Who has been promoting School Vouchers and home schooling? Better question: WTF have Democrats done in regards to education besides asking for more money which never has done any good in the past?

Bush didn't do anything to move jobs overseas. Presidents don't move jobs--private industry moves jobs.
Didn't do anything to slow it either, like Dems have been blocked from doing the last 5-6 years.

The small businesses without lobbyists and accountants are paying the top rates, the big corps who move don't. They're a disgrace, dupe. Charter schools and home schooling are on average worse than the public ones. The ghetto schools won't work because they're in war zones. The effective corporate tax rate is a fact, as opposed to your bs Pub propaganda.
Didn't do anything to slow it[offshoring] either, like Dems have been blocked from doing the last 5-6 years.

Dems could support eliminating the corporate tax tomorrow. Ireland went down to 11% and most of the world's major corporations moved there in whole or in part.

How does making America a winner again sound?
GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6 ...
The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions ...
U.S. Corporations Pay Average Effective Tax Rate of 12.6 ...
AP By JAMES O' TOOLE U.S. companies face the highest official corporate tax rate in the world. But there's a big difference between the rates set out by ...
The Effective Corporate Tax Rate is at 12.1%, the ... - TIME
Despite the favored notion that the current US tax code sprung fully formed off Ronald Reagan's head in 1986, it’s not the case that companies tend to be ...
Reality Check: Effective U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Much Lower ...
... the U.S. will have the highest statutory corporate tax rate in ... (the effective rate) fell to a 40 year low of 12.1 ... “Corporate taxes are ...
Effective Corporate Income Tax Rates and the Corporate Ta
Those happened under the Bush administration. Their real name is "subsidies". It's expensive moving millions of jobs to China and closing down over 40,000 factories. All that has to be paid for. Which is why those companies were subsidized by government under Republicans during the Bush administrations.

Too bad you have no idea what you're talking about. From


When Democratic presidential candidates talk about tax breaks for corporations that ship our jobs overseas and tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies, what are they referring to and are they accurate?


It’s true that Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have associated the transfer of U.S. jobs overseas with tax breaks, or loopholes, for companies that practice off-shoring:

Both candidates are referring to a feature of the U.S. tax code that allows domestic companies to defer taxes on “unrepatriated income.” In other words, revenue that companies earn through their overseas subsidiaries goes untaxed by the IRS as long as it stays off the company’s U.S. books.

But economists, including left-leaning ones, do not agree that eliminating this provision will bring an end to off-shoring. And here’s why: In the U.S., companies are taxed 35 percent on earnings of $10 million to $15 million or on all earnings over $18.3 million. That’s one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, making an overseas move somewhat attractive to companies that wish to avoid the U.S. tax rate. But that’s not the leading reason companies send jobs overseas. According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks
That's one of the worst articles I've seen from "fact check". Let's go over some of the points. Starting with this one:

According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

A 2005 report???? You mean Republicans knew all the way back in 2005 foreign workers were getting more education than Americans? And what were they doing to correct that?

The GOP's Education Plan Gets an F

GOP cuts education nationwide - Google Search

And your stupid article goes on about a 35% tax when you know that's not the effective tax rate. You fuckers have been told that so many times, why the determined ignorance?

GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010, the Government Accountability Office said Monday.

The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions and offshore tax havens, the actual tax burden of American companies is much lower.

U.S. corporate tax collection totaled 2.6% of GDP in 2011, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That was the eleventh lowest in a ranking of 27 wealthy nations.

That Factcheck article wasn't serious journalism from 2008, it was a political hit piece. None of the links worked except this one:

So read it. There is no data in it. It's a report preparation for a debate defining terms. In fact, on page 56, it says:

Data are not available to directly provide information on workers dislocated due to offshoring.

Wouldn't you say that's awfully convenient for a report that's supposed to be about offshoring?

But if you really are interested, read this report on Bush's record on shipping jobs overseas.

Instead of creating new jobs and championing the interests of America’s workers, the Bush administration has chosen to actively support policies that worsen our massive trade deficit, subject workers to unfair trade practices and reward companies for moving jobs overseas. President Bush stood by as countries violated our rights under international trade rules; he refused to enforce our domestic trade laws; he negotiated new trade deals that threaten to weaken our trade laws and fail to protect workers’ rights; he subsidized job destruction with taxpayer dollars; and he shortchanged displaced workers and workers’ rights overseas. President Bush refuses to reform our trade, tax and investment policies to create good jobs, and he refuses to enforce the trade rules already in place to protect those jobs still at home. The result of these misguided—and fundamentally wrong—policy choices has been the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. Every time President Bush has decided to help companies ship jobs overseas, America’s workers and their families have paid the price.


Once a factory, like the over 40,000 that went "away" under Bush, is gone, it's gone. Those jobs don't just start up again. The very factories where those jobs happened are gone. Why don't Republicans understand that? The country didn't just lose jobs under Bush, it also lost the factories.

Oh please, you're challenging FactCheck with something you found on the internet from some University?

Let me explain what average means: If I am paying 10% of my gross in federal taxes, and you are paying 30%, that means the average is 20%. Now if you're a company that is paying that 30% WTF difference does it make what the average is? You're still paying that 30% and furthermore, the average also includes those companies that pay no taxes because of losses and write-offs. So yes, if you are paying 39% in corporate taxes, your corporation is better off getting out of this country.

And as FactCheck clearly points out, tax rates ARE JUST ONE of the many reasons companies go overseas. Education? What have the Republicans been fighting about with these worthless teachers unions? Who has been promoting School Vouchers and home schooling? Better question: WTF have Democrats done in regards to education besides asking for more money which never has done any good in the past?

Bush didn't do anything to move jobs overseas. Presidents don't move jobs--private industry moves jobs.
Didn't do anything to slow it either, like Dems have been blocked from doing the last 5-6 years.

The small businesses without lobbyists and accountants are paying the top rates, the big corps who move don't. They're a disgrace, dupe. Charter schools and home schooling are on average worse than the public ones. The ghetto schools won't work because they're in war zones. The effective corporate tax rate is a fact, as opposed to your bs Pub propaganda.

Tell us Dupe, what have the Republicans been stopping when it comes to keeping jobs here in America? Let's hear the plans Democrats didn't implement during the first two years of the DumBama administration when they had complete control over the house.

All business works the same way. Your tax rate is calculated by Gross, losses, and profit. That's it in a nut shell. It doesn't matter whether you own a small business or a large one.
Those happened under the Bush administration. Their real name is "subsidies". It's expensive moving millions of jobs to China and closing down over 40,000 factories. All that has to be paid for. Which is why those companies were subsidized by government under Republicans during the Bush administrations.

Too bad you have no idea what you're talking about. From


When Democratic presidential candidates talk about tax breaks for corporations that ship our jobs overseas and tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies, what are they referring to and are they accurate?


It’s true that Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have associated the transfer of U.S. jobs overseas with tax breaks, or loopholes, for companies that practice off-shoring:

Both candidates are referring to a feature of the U.S. tax code that allows domestic companies to defer taxes on “unrepatriated income.” In other words, revenue that companies earn through their overseas subsidiaries goes untaxed by the IRS as long as it stays off the company’s U.S. books.

But economists, including left-leaning ones, do not agree that eliminating this provision will bring an end to off-shoring. And here’s why: In the U.S., companies are taxed 35 percent on earnings of $10 million to $15 million or on all earnings over $18.3 million. That’s one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, making an overseas move somewhat attractive to companies that wish to avoid the U.S. tax rate. But that’s not the leading reason companies send jobs overseas. According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks
That's one of the worst articles I've seen from "fact check". Let's go over some of the points. Starting with this one:

According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

A 2005 report???? You mean Republicans knew all the way back in 2005 foreign workers were getting more education than Americans? And what were they doing to correct that?

The GOP's Education Plan Gets an F

GOP cuts education nationwide - Google Search

And your stupid article goes on about a 35% tax when you know that's not the effective tax rate. You fuckers have been told that so many times, why the determined ignorance?

GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010, the Government Accountability Office said Monday.

The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions and offshore tax havens, the actual tax burden of American companies is much lower.

U.S. corporate tax collection totaled 2.6% of GDP in 2011, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That was the eleventh lowest in a ranking of 27 wealthy nations.

That Factcheck article wasn't serious journalism from 2008, it was a political hit piece. None of the links worked except this one:

So read it. There is no data in it. It's a report preparation for a debate defining terms. In fact, on page 56, it says:

Data are not available to directly provide information on workers dislocated due to offshoring.

Wouldn't you say that's awfully convenient for a report that's supposed to be about offshoring?

But if you really are interested, read this report on Bush's record on shipping jobs overseas.

Instead of creating new jobs and championing the interests of America’s workers, the Bush administration has chosen to actively support policies that worsen our massive trade deficit, subject workers to unfair trade practices and reward companies for moving jobs overseas. President Bush stood by as countries violated our rights under international trade rules; he refused to enforce our domestic trade laws; he negotiated new trade deals that threaten to weaken our trade laws and fail to protect workers’ rights; he subsidized job destruction with taxpayer dollars; and he shortchanged displaced workers and workers’ rights overseas. President Bush refuses to reform our trade, tax and investment policies to create good jobs, and he refuses to enforce the trade rules already in place to protect those jobs still at home. The result of these misguided—and fundamentally wrong—policy choices has been the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. Every time President Bush has decided to help companies ship jobs overseas, America’s workers and their families have paid the price.


Once a factory, like the over 40,000 that went "away" under Bush, is gone, it's gone. Those jobs don't just start up again. The very factories where those jobs happened are gone. Why don't Republicans understand that? The country didn't just lose jobs under Bush, it also lost the factories.

Oh please, you're challenging FactCheck with something you found on the internet from some University?

Let me explain what average means: If I am paying 10% of my gross in federal taxes, and you are paying 30%, that means the average is 20%. Now if you're a company that is paying that 30% WTF difference does it make what the average is? You're still paying that 30% and furthermore, the average also includes those companies that pay no taxes because of losses and write-offs. So yes, if you are paying 39% in corporate taxes, your corporation is better off getting out of this country.

And as FactCheck clearly points out, tax rates ARE JUST ONE of the many reasons companies go overseas. Education? What have the Republicans been fighting about with these worthless teachers unions? Who has been promoting School Vouchers and home schooling? Better question: WTF have Democrats done in regards to education besides asking for more money which never has done any good in the past?

Bush didn't do anything to move jobs overseas. Presidents don't move jobs--private industry moves jobs.
Didn't do anything to slow it either, like Dems have been blocked from doing the last 5-6 years.

The small businesses without lobbyists and accountants are paying the top rates, the big corps who move don't. They're a disgrace, dupe. Charter schools and home schooling are on average worse than the public ones. The ghetto schools won't work because they're in war zones. The effective corporate tax rate is a fact, as opposed to your bs Pub propaganda.

Tell us Dupe, what have the Republicans been stopping when it comes to keeping jobs here in America? Let's hear the plans Democrats didn't implement during the first two years of the DumBama administration when they had complete control over the house.

All business works the same way. Your tax rate is calculated by Gross, losses, and profit. That's it in a nut shell. It doesn't matter whether you own a small business or a large one.
Of course they never had control of congress for 2 years, dupe, actually less than 6 months, 13 DAYS in session. And you don't mess with tax rates in the middle a corrupt Pub meltdown. Duh.. There were over 200 Pub filibusters in the Senate, so your bs is irrelevant. You never heard of lobbyists, loopholes, and accountants. LOL.
Too bad you have no idea what you're talking about. From


When Democratic presidential candidates talk about tax breaks for corporations that ship our jobs overseas and tax breaks and subsidies for oil companies, what are they referring to and are they accurate?


It’s true that Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have associated the transfer of U.S. jobs overseas with tax breaks, or loopholes, for companies that practice off-shoring:

Both candidates are referring to a feature of the U.S. tax code that allows domestic companies to defer taxes on “unrepatriated income.” In other words, revenue that companies earn through their overseas subsidiaries goes untaxed by the IRS as long as it stays off the company’s U.S. books.

But economists, including left-leaning ones, do not agree that eliminating this provision will bring an end to off-shoring. And here’s why: In the U.S., companies are taxed 35 percent on earnings of $10 million to $15 million or on all earnings over $18.3 million. That’s one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, making an overseas move somewhat attractive to companies that wish to avoid the U.S. tax rate. But that’s not the leading reason companies send jobs overseas. According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks
That's one of the worst articles I've seen from "fact check". Let's go over some of the points. Starting with this one:

According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

A 2005 report???? You mean Republicans knew all the way back in 2005 foreign workers were getting more education than Americans? And what were they doing to correct that?

The GOP's Education Plan Gets an F

GOP cuts education nationwide - Google Search

And your stupid article goes on about a 35% tax when you know that's not the effective tax rate. You fuckers have been told that so many times, why the determined ignorance?

GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010, the Government Accountability Office said Monday.

The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions and offshore tax havens, the actual tax burden of American companies is much lower.

U.S. corporate tax collection totaled 2.6% of GDP in 2011, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That was the eleventh lowest in a ranking of 27 wealthy nations.

That Factcheck article wasn't serious journalism from 2008, it was a political hit piece. None of the links worked except this one:

So read it. There is no data in it. It's a report preparation for a debate defining terms. In fact, on page 56, it says:

Data are not available to directly provide information on workers dislocated due to offshoring.

Wouldn't you say that's awfully convenient for a report that's supposed to be about offshoring?

But if you really are interested, read this report on Bush's record on shipping jobs overseas.

Instead of creating new jobs and championing the interests of America’s workers, the Bush administration has chosen to actively support policies that worsen our massive trade deficit, subject workers to unfair trade practices and reward companies for moving jobs overseas. President Bush stood by as countries violated our rights under international trade rules; he refused to enforce our domestic trade laws; he negotiated new trade deals that threaten to weaken our trade laws and fail to protect workers’ rights; he subsidized job destruction with taxpayer dollars; and he shortchanged displaced workers and workers’ rights overseas. President Bush refuses to reform our trade, tax and investment policies to create good jobs, and he refuses to enforce the trade rules already in place to protect those jobs still at home. The result of these misguided—and fundamentally wrong—policy choices has been the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. Every time President Bush has decided to help companies ship jobs overseas, America’s workers and their families have paid the price.


Once a factory, like the over 40,000 that went "away" under Bush, is gone, it's gone. Those jobs don't just start up again. The very factories where those jobs happened are gone. Why don't Republicans understand that? The country didn't just lose jobs under Bush, it also lost the factories.

Oh please, you're challenging FactCheck with something you found on the internet from some University?

Let me explain what average means: If I am paying 10% of my gross in federal taxes, and you are paying 30%, that means the average is 20%. Now if you're a company that is paying that 30% WTF difference does it make what the average is? You're still paying that 30% and furthermore, the average also includes those companies that pay no taxes because of losses and write-offs. So yes, if you are paying 39% in corporate taxes, your corporation is better off getting out of this country.

And as FactCheck clearly points out, tax rates ARE JUST ONE of the many reasons companies go overseas. Education? What have the Republicans been fighting about with these worthless teachers unions? Who has been promoting School Vouchers and home schooling? Better question: WTF have Democrats done in regards to education besides asking for more money which never has done any good in the past?

Bush didn't do anything to move jobs overseas. Presidents don't move jobs--private industry moves jobs.
Didn't do anything to slow it either, like Dems have been blocked from doing the last 5-6 years.

The small businesses without lobbyists and accountants are paying the top rates, the big corps who move don't. They're a disgrace, dupe. Charter schools and home schooling are on average worse than the public ones. The ghetto schools won't work because they're in war zones. The effective corporate tax rate is a fact, as opposed to your bs Pub propaganda.

Tell us Dupe, what have the Republicans been stopping when it comes to keeping jobs here in America? Let's hear the plans Democrats didn't implement during the first two years of the DumBama administration when they had complete control over the house.

All business works the same way. Your tax rate is calculated by Gross, losses, and profit. That's it in a nut shell. It doesn't matter whether you own a small business or a large one.
Of course they never had control of congress for 2 years, dupe, actually less than 6 months, 13 DAYS in session. And you don't mess with tax rates in the middle a corrupt Pub meltdown. Duh.. There were over 200 Pub filibusters in the Senate, so your bs is irrelevant. You never heard of lobbyists, loopholes, and accountants. LOL.

Do you know how many Republican bills were stuck in the Senate before Americans gave them leadership again? Well over 200.
That's one of the worst articles I've seen from "fact check". Let's go over some of the points. Starting with this one:

According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

A 2005 report???? You mean Republicans knew all the way back in 2005 foreign workers were getting more education than Americans? And what were they doing to correct that?

The GOP's Education Plan Gets an F

GOP cuts education nationwide - Google Search

And your stupid article goes on about a 35% tax when you know that's not the effective tax rate. You fuckers have been told that so many times, why the determined ignorance?

GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010, the Government Accountability Office said Monday.

The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions and offshore tax havens, the actual tax burden of American companies is much lower.

U.S. corporate tax collection totaled 2.6% of GDP in 2011, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That was the eleventh lowest in a ranking of 27 wealthy nations.

That Factcheck article wasn't serious journalism from 2008, it was a political hit piece. None of the links worked except this one:

So read it. There is no data in it. It's a report preparation for a debate defining terms. In fact, on page 56, it says:

Data are not available to directly provide information on workers dislocated due to offshoring.

Wouldn't you say that's awfully convenient for a report that's supposed to be about offshoring?

But if you really are interested, read this report on Bush's record on shipping jobs overseas.

Instead of creating new jobs and championing the interests of America’s workers, the Bush administration has chosen to actively support policies that worsen our massive trade deficit, subject workers to unfair trade practices and reward companies for moving jobs overseas. President Bush stood by as countries violated our rights under international trade rules; he refused to enforce our domestic trade laws; he negotiated new trade deals that threaten to weaken our trade laws and fail to protect workers’ rights; he subsidized job destruction with taxpayer dollars; and he shortchanged displaced workers and workers’ rights overseas. President Bush refuses to reform our trade, tax and investment policies to create good jobs, and he refuses to enforce the trade rules already in place to protect those jobs still at home. The result of these misguided—and fundamentally wrong—policy choices has been the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. Every time President Bush has decided to help companies ship jobs overseas, America’s workers and their families have paid the price.


Once a factory, like the over 40,000 that went "away" under Bush, is gone, it's gone. Those jobs don't just start up again. The very factories where those jobs happened are gone. Why don't Republicans understand that? The country didn't just lose jobs under Bush, it also lost the factories.

Oh please, you're challenging FactCheck with something you found on the internet from some University?

Let me explain what average means: If I am paying 10% of my gross in federal taxes, and you are paying 30%, that means the average is 20%. Now if you're a company that is paying that 30% WTF difference does it make what the average is? You're still paying that 30% and furthermore, the average also includes those companies that pay no taxes because of losses and write-offs. So yes, if you are paying 39% in corporate taxes, your corporation is better off getting out of this country.

And as FactCheck clearly points out, tax rates ARE JUST ONE of the many reasons companies go overseas. Education? What have the Republicans been fighting about with these worthless teachers unions? Who has been promoting School Vouchers and home schooling? Better question: WTF have Democrats done in regards to education besides asking for more money which never has done any good in the past?

Bush didn't do anything to move jobs overseas. Presidents don't move jobs--private industry moves jobs.
Didn't do anything to slow it either, like Dems have been blocked from doing the last 5-6 years.

The small businesses without lobbyists and accountants are paying the top rates, the big corps who move don't. They're a disgrace, dupe. Charter schools and home schooling are on average worse than the public ones. The ghetto schools won't work because they're in war zones. The effective corporate tax rate is a fact, as opposed to your bs Pub propaganda.

Tell us Dupe, what have the Republicans been stopping when it comes to keeping jobs here in America? Let's hear the plans Democrats didn't implement during the first two years of the DumBama administration when they had complete control over the house.

All business works the same way. Your tax rate is calculated by Gross, losses, and profit. That's it in a nut shell. It doesn't matter whether you own a small business or a large one.
Of course they never had control of congress for 2 years, dupe, actually less than 6 months, 13 DAYS in session. And you don't mess with tax rates in the middle a corrupt Pub meltdown. Duh.. There were over 200 Pub filibusters in the Senate, so your bs is irrelevant. You never heard of lobbyists, loopholes, and accountants. LOL.

Do you know how many Republican bills were stuck in the Senate before Americans gave them leadership again? Well over 200.
And then none were passed, because they were just bs propaganda for dupes like you...

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