Democrats and Ghetto's, They own them

Your fact exclusively, when are you going to wake up in the 21st century and throw away your ti dyed, moth eaten, Democrat started .. Vietnam protest shirts??
Got to fight the racists, war mongerers, and greedy. They don't change, dupe.

The Democratic Socialist Party .. yup, a worthy cause.. :thup:

I do what I can also ...
Socialism is just fair capitalism, dupe.

Well, I suppose if you're an uninformed Democratic Party ... "Dupe"
Tell me how it's communism. dupe

You be smokin the good stuff...:ack-1:
KKK, Jim Crow Laws, and Urban blight... It's IS DemoRATS fault...ROTFLMFAO!
Not for 45 years lol...

All DemoRATS, and the SHIT KEEPS COMING.... , Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Watts... All Leftist DemoRAT controlled!
All populated by discriminated against black people...and poor people- ALSO discriminated against by GOP...

View attachment 57412

A direct quote!
And? He was a Southerner in 1964...and right, I guess.

Wow... where's Franco?
Where is Jack Kemp, the last GOPer who did anything for the poor, discriminated against blacks? Of course blacks elect Dems- they know where the racists are duh...The OP is total bs.
They know where the handouts are.
Way to blame the victims of Pub policy. Crap jobs, pay, college loans, training, tax cuts for the rich and giant corps, a corrupt depression/bust, infrastructure falling apart, the stupidest wars EVER, etc. And 7 years of total obstruction. You think cutting affirmative action helps? Jeeesh.
Your guy has been in charge for the past 7 years dumbass.
2 WEEKS, dupe.
Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor
And you own Mississippi motherfucker, along with all of your other white trash redneck states, which have been voting for the Repugs for 40 years now and still getting poorer..

Real classy post from an uneducated, gutter sucking, Democratic Party shill....:laugh:
Thank you very much dummy, hope life in honey boob boo land of the meth head , inbred club is treating you quite well..

You retarded sewer rats have been voting for the same assholes for 40 years now down in the south and still poor as shit..

Dumbfuck like you masturbates to Trump on live TV, and is also a dumbshit who loves voting for assholes who wear suits that cost more than you make in a year ..
Where is Jack Kemp, the last GOPer who did anything for the poor, discriminated against blacks? Of course blacks elect Dems- they know where the racists are duh...The OP is total bs.
They know where the handouts are.
Way to blame the victims of Pub policy. Crap jobs, pay, college loans, training, tax cuts for the rich and giant corps, a corrupt depression/bust, infrastructure falling apart, the stupidest wars EVER, etc. And 7 years of total obstruction. You think cutting affirmative action helps? Jeeesh.
Your guy has been in charge for the past 7 years dumbass.
2 WEEKS, dupe.
2 weeks in session, with no possible filibuster.
Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor
And you own Mississippi motherfucker, along with all of your other white trash redneck states, which have been voting for the Repugs for 40 years now and still getting poorer..

Real classy post from an uneducated, gutter sucking, Democratic Party shill....:laugh:
Thank you very much dummy, hope life in honey boob boo land of the meth head , inbred club is treating you quite well..

You retarded sewer rats have been voting for the same assholes for 40 years now down in the south and still poor as shit..

Dumbfuck like you masturbates to Trump on live TV, and is also a dumbshit who loves voting for assholes who wear suits that cost more than you make in a year ..

The more you post , the more low class, racist and uninformed liberal you sound. ... :laugh:
Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor
And you own Mississippi motherfucker, along with all of your other white trash redneck states, which have been voting for the Repugs for 40 years now and still getting poorer..

Real classy post from an uneducated, gutter sucking, Democratic Party shill....:laugh:
Thank you very much dummy, hope life in honey boob boo land of the meth head , inbred club is treating you quite well..

You retarded sewer rats have been voting for the same assholes for 40 years now down in the south and still poor as shit..

Dumbfuck like you masturbates to Trump on live TV, and is also a dumbshit who loves voting for assholes who wear suits that cost more than you make in a year ..

The more you post , the more low class, racist and uninformed liberal you sound. ... :laugh:
Retarded Cuntservative lingo for ive been owned Bitch, , the more you post the dumber you sound, your really just too retarded and dumb to waste my time with you, so go fuck yourself, you whiny ****..
Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor
And you own Mississippi motherfucker, along with all of your other white trash redneck states, which have been voting for the Repugs for 40 years now and still getting poorer..

Real classy post from an uneducated, gutter sucking, Democratic Party shill....:laugh:
Thank you very much dummy, hope life in honey boob boo land of the meth head , inbred club is treating you quite well..

You retarded sewer rats have been voting for the same assholes for 40 years now down in the south and still poor as shit..

Dumbfuck like you masturbates to Trump on live TV, and is also a dumbshit who loves voting for assholes who wear suits that cost more than you make in a year ..

The more you post , the more low class, racist and uninformed liberal you sound. ... :laugh:

And you want to turn America into a third world country. Pretty uninformed I'd say. lol...Either that or treasonous.
Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor
And you own Mississippi motherfucker, along with all of your other white trash redneck states, which have been voting for the Repugs for 40 years now and still getting poorer..

Real classy post from an uneducated, gutter sucking, Democratic Party shill....:laugh:
Thank you very much dummy, hope life in honey boob boo land of the meth head , inbred club is treating you quite well..

You retarded sewer rats have been voting for the same assholes for 40 years now down in the south and still poor as shit..

Dumbfuck like you masturbates to Trump on live TV, and is also a dumbshit who loves voting for assholes who wear suits that cost more than you make in a year ..

The more you post , the more low class, racist and uninformed liberal you sound. ... :laugh:
Retarded Cuntservative lingo for ive been owned Bitch, , the more you post the dumber you sound, your really just too retarded and dumb to waste my time with you, so go fuck yourself, you whiny ****..

Now you've gone delusional ... a fine example of a low class, freeloading and desperate away as you wish...:lol:
Got to fight the racists, war mongerers, and greedy. They don't change, dupe.

The Democratic Socialist Party .. yup, a worthy cause.. :thup:

I do what I can also ...
Socialism is just fair capitalism, dupe.

Well, I suppose if you're an uninformed Democratic Party ... "Dupe"
Tell me how it's communism. dupe

You be smokin the good stuff...:ack-1:

If you believe we shouldn't invest in science, r&d and maintain our infrastructure. Well, you maybe on teh good shit!!!
Sounding real desperate there Franco...:laugh:
Fact, dupe.
Your fact exclusively, when are you going to wake up in the 21st century and throw away your ti dyed, moth eaten, Democrat started .. Vietnam protest shirts??
Got to fight the racists, war mongerers, and greedy. They don't change, dupe.

The Democratic Socialist Party .. yup, a worthy cause.. :thup:

I do what I can also ...
Socialism is just fair capitalism, dupe.

Both pure socialism and pure capitalism is bad. most nations on earth use a mixture of both and that is called social democracy.

We have two sectors!
Yup, Democrats control every ghetto in America...They are the proud Party of Ghetto life and no hope..


Democrats have long since realized that people who are poor and dependent on the government will vote for them, even if it is their liberal policies that created the poverty and dependency. That's why every ghetto in America is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by liberal Democrats. Unfortunately, so many destitute Americans have yet to realize that liberal policies don't fight poverty; they maintain it.

Perhaps the worst thing about that is the betrayal of the poor people involved. Most of them are just having a hard time and looking for a little help to make life easier for themselves and their families. Little do they realize that the "help" the liberals are offering is akin to a drug dealer offering them a free sample. Not every liberal intends to "hook" the people they're "helping" on poverty, but they're certainly not very upset when it happens. The more poor dependent Americans there are, the more votes liberals get; the more needed they feel, the larger the budget becomes for the non-functional, big government programs they support.

Liberals have a lot of perverse incentives to keep as many Americans poor as possible and they respond to those incentives in a big way.

- 5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor
And you own Mississippi motherfucker, along with all of your other white trash redneck states, which have been voting for the Repugs for 40 years now and still getting poorer..

Real classy post from an uneducated, gutter sucking, Democratic Party shill....:laugh:
Thank you very much dummy, hope life in honey boob boo land of the meth head , inbred club is treating you quite well..

You retarded sewer rats have been voting for the same assholes for 40 years now down in the south and still poor as shit..

Dumbfuck like you masturbates to Trump on live TV, and is also a dumbshit who loves voting for assholes who wear suits that cost more than you make in a year ..

The more you post , the more low class, racist and uninformed liberal you sound. ... :laugh:

And you want to turn America into a third world country. Pretty uninformed I'd say. lol...Either that or treasonous.

As usual , you have far more displaced emotion than common sense.
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

Of course I do.

You didn't read the article, it's obvious.

Most won't read it, but they should.

True that Dems encourage overuse of the welfare system. They seem to want more people on it. There are few checks and balances and virtually anyone can apply and too many have stayed on for years. We have 5th generation welfare families. It does destroy people's ability to do for themselves, but some want it that way.

The left also supports illegal immigration despite the fact that they take the jobs that the poorer people would get. When the illegals work for less money, of course some companies will prefer them. It means poor people need more assistance from government. Why are they in such a desperate place to start with?

The schools in many inner cities just plain suck. The left took away vouchers so those people couldn't chose better schools for their children. And since they don't work and don't qualify for good jobs, they can't afford to move. Despite the massive amount of money thrown at schools over the years, little has changed. Well, the teacher's union coffers seem to be well-funded, but the money doesn't do a thing for students.

Liberals tend to be more sympathetic to criminals than to the victims. They are quick to judge police when they encounter thugs on the street. Nothing is said about the rampant gang violence in inner cities that kill thousands each year. But one cop shooting and all hell breaks loose. Justified or not, the riots begin. All we hear from the leaders is encouragement, as if the criminals are right to be angry about cops trying to stop them.

Then there is the effort to kill jobs. Obamacare, raising the minimum wage and other regulations imposed have been job killers, so even if the poor manage to get through school and earn that diploma, fewer opportunities await them.

It all seems designed to keep people down and dependent. If the left really wanted to help people, why would they deny them a good education by forcing them to remain in failing schools. Why would they ensure that illegal aliens are able to snag the jobs that used to be easy for citizens to obtain? Why would they make it so easy for young people to turn to welfare instead of working harder to build a future? Why would they go to bat for criminals and not the victims? Only "victims" they support are thugs who are shot during run-ins with police, then they support the criminals that come out to riot and loot.

So sad that some people only know how to wait for someone else to do something to help them instead of believing that they have control over their own lives. By the time they are young adults, too many have made so many bad decisions that they may never turn things around, but the left encourages them to blame those who did make out okay. As long as a person is desperate, angry and has someone to blame, the liberals are secure.
The Democratic Socialist Party .. yup, a worthy cause.. :thup:

I do what I can also ...
Socialism is just fair capitalism, dupe.

Well, I suppose if you're an uninformed Democratic Party ... "Dupe"
Tell me how it's communism. dupe

You be smokin the good stuff...:ack-1:

If you believe we shouldn't invest in science, r&d and maintain our infrastructure. Well, you maybe on teh good shit!!!

We should invest in science, R&D and infrastructure, I've never said we shouldn't. Granted, Obama has been pathetic on all 3 and higher paying jobs and plenty more of them would certainly help. Did you notice how much debt and federal unfunded liabilities we're all stuck with thanks to Obama, Democrats and the establishment Republicans??
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

Of course I do.

You didn't read the article, it's obvious.

Most won't read it, but they should.

True that Dems encourage overuse of the welfare system. They seem to want more people on it. There are few checks and balances and virtually anyone can apply and too many have stayed on for years. We have 5th generation welfare families. It does destroy people's ability to do for themselves, but some want it that way.

The left also supports illegal immigration despite the fact that they take the jobs that the poorer people would get. When the illegals work for less money, of course some companies will prefer them. It means poor people need more assistance from government. Why are they in such a desperate place to start with?

The schools in many inner cities just plain suck. The left took away vouchers so those people couldn't chose better schools for their children. And since they don't work and don't qualify for good jobs, they can't afford to move. Despite the massive amount of money thrown at schools over the years, little has changed. Well, the teacher's union coffers seem to be well-funded, but the money doesn't do a thing for students.

Liberals tend to be more sympathetic to criminals than to the victims. They are quick to judge police when they encounter thugs on the street. Nothing is said about the rampant gang violence in inner cities that kill thousands each year. But one cop shooting and all hell breaks loose. Justified or not, the riots begin. All we hear from the leaders is encouragement, as if the criminals are right to be angry about cops trying to stop them.

Then there is the effort to kill jobs. Obamacare, raising the minimum wage and other regulations imposed have been job killers, so even if the poor manage to get through school and earn that diploma, fewer opportunities await them.

It all seems designed to keep people down and dependent. If the left really wanted to help people, why would they deny them a good education by forcing them to remain in failing schools. Why would they ensure that illegal aliens are able to snag the jobs that used to be easy for citizens to obtain? Why would they make it so easy for young people to turn to welfare instead of working harder to build a future? Why would they go to bat for criminals and not the victims? Only "victims" they support are thugs who are shot during run-ins with police, then they support the criminals that come out to riot and loot.

So sad that some people only know how to wait for someone else to do something to help them instead of believing that they have control over their own lives. By the time they are young adults, too many have made so many bad decisions that they may never turn things around, but the left encourages them to blame those who did make out okay. As long as a person is desperate, angry and has someone to blame, the liberals are secure.

Great Post Clementine, I read it and so should everyone...

Merry Christmas to you and yours Clementine...:beer:
Ghetto's form because there isn't enough funding for education, isn't enough high paying jobs and the infrastructure is turning to shit.

Also not enough police. Op, do you believe in Police?

Of course I do.

You didn't read the article, it's obvious.

Most won't read it, but they should.

True that Dems encourage overuse of the welfare system. They seem to want more people on it. There are few checks and balances and virtually anyone can apply and too many have stayed on for years. We have 5th generation welfare families. It does destroy people's ability to do for themselves, but some want it that way.

The left also supports illegal immigration despite the fact that they take the jobs that the poorer people would get. When the illegals work for less money, of course some companies will prefer them. It means poor people need more assistance from government. Why are they in such a desperate place to start with?

The schools in many inner cities just plain suck. The left took away vouchers so those people couldn't chose better schools for their children. And since they don't work and don't qualify for good jobs, they can't afford to move. Despite the massive amount of money thrown at schools over the years, little has changed. Well, the teacher's union coffers seem to be well-funded, but the money doesn't do a thing for students.

Liberals tend to be more sympathetic to criminals than to the victims. They are quick to judge police when they encounter thugs on the street. Nothing is said about the rampant gang violence in inner cities that kill thousands each year. But one cop shooting and all hell breaks loose. Justified or not, the riots begin. All we hear from the leaders is encouragement, as if the criminals are right to be angry about cops trying to stop them.

Then there is the effort to kill jobs. Obamacare, raising the minimum wage and other regulations imposed have been job killers, so even if the poor manage to get through school and earn that diploma, fewer opportunities await them.

It all seems designed to keep people down and dependent. If the left really wanted to help people, why would they deny them a good education by forcing them to remain in failing schools. Why would they ensure that illegal aliens are able to snag the jobs that used to be easy for citizens to obtain? Why would they make it so easy for young people to turn to welfare instead of working harder to build a future? Why would they go to bat for criminals and not the victims? Only "victims" they support are thugs who are shot during run-ins with police, then they support the criminals that come out to riot and loot.

So sad that some people only know how to wait for someone else to do something to help them instead of believing that they have control over their own lives. By the time they are young adults, too many have made so many bad decisions that they may never turn things around, but the left encourages them to blame those who did make out okay. As long as a person is desperate, angry and has someone to blame, the liberals are secure.

It's all about vote buying.

Keep kids uneducated; especially about politics, and they will vote the way their parents and grandparents voted.

Promote social programs. The more people on social programs, the more likely Democrat voters.

Keep bringing in foreigners. Foreigners tend to vote Democrat, especially Hispanics.

Keep taking steps towards the takeover of our energy and environment. Once politicians have total control over those two things, they will have total control over the people.

Keep taking or suggesting steps to disarm Americans. The less Americans that can have guns, the less ability they have to defend themselves. If Americans can't defend themselves, they become victims of crime. Democrats love victims, and victims love Democrats.
Thanks GOP for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest, longest wars ever, a corrupt world depression, 7 years of mindless obstruction, the worst bs propaganda machine ever, and still blaming it on the black guy who gave us the best economy in the world and basically no casualties anymore. You're a brainwashed disgrace.
I don't get it. Obama isn't an old fat white guy.
One thing though. Santa would never be a Republican. He gives things away, makes children happy and loves people.
Santa sure enough is a Republican. He gives stuff away and doesn't ask you to pay higher taxes to fund his generosity. He certainly does care for children. He doesn't snatch them from the womb and sell their parts. Yup he loves people. He doesn't CLAIM to love people in return for their vote.
The nonrich pay more than ever after 30 years of Reaganism, in ALL taxes and fees, the rich less. You are duped.

We didn't have 30 years of Reaganism except for what goes on inside your head. Out of the last 30 years, we've had a Democrat President 15 of those years.
Blacks elect Dems because they are uneducated--especially when it comes to politics.

Ask a black man how he votes, and he will tell you Democrat. Ask him why, and he will tell you because the Republican party is for the rich. Ask him who told him that, and he will tell you the Democrats.

Why do Democrat run cities turn into ghettos? Because they are mini socialist entities. Imagine if they are able to turn our entire country that way. Bernie Sanders would be so proud.
Pubs are turning the whole country into a ghetto, blacks just lead that effect. Blacks are right about the GOP then dupe. Plus it's full of racists...

Please explain how "pubs" are turning the country into a ghetto when it's Democrat cities that are the ghettos--totally run by Democrat politicians. "Pub" areas are those suburbs outside of those ghettos where crime is low, schools are successful and business thrives.
The middle class and the poor have been getting killed the last 30 years. The blacks get it the worst because of discrimination...

How are blacks discriminated against? We have laws against that you know, or are you trying to tell me laws don't work? And if laws don't work, why the obsession by the left to make more laws against firearms?

The middle-class did pretty good during most of the Bush years. They did great in the 90's when Republicans had control of the Congress as well. In fact, they balanced the budget and even had a projected surplus.

Oh, but now that DumBama is President, we need to blame the President who left office 27 years ago for his failures.
For African Americans, discrimination is not dead

What a brilliant piece. A survey of people that "think" there is discrimination. My goodness, how in the world could I debate what people think?
I don't get it. Obama isn't an old fat white guy.
One thing though. Santa would never be a Republican. He gives things away, makes children happy and loves people.
Santa sure enough is a Republican. He gives stuff away and doesn't ask you to pay higher taxes to fund his generosity. He certainly does care for children. He doesn't snatch them from the womb and sell their parts. Yup he loves people. He doesn't CLAIM to love people in return for their vote.
The nonrich pay more than ever after 30 years of Reaganism, in ALL taxes and fees, the rich less. You are duped.

We didn't have 30 years of Reaganism except for what goes on inside your head. Out of the last 30 years, we've had a Democrat President 15 of those years.
We STILL have reaganist giveaway to the rich tax rates and policies, defended to the death by bought off Pub pols and the dupes.

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