Democrats And The Denial of National Security.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
If it’s not first, protection of the homeland from all foreign adversaries should be way up on the list for elected officials. This is not the case for Democrats.

Democrats indicted in this thread: FDR, Biden, Carter, Clinton.

1.This was not always the position of the Democrat Party. The sea-change occurred under, and because of, the 32nd President.

"Not only did FDR overlook the external evidence; FDR ignored the counsel of key experts at the State Department, which, at the time, was an educated and experienced cadre of anti-Communists....who would be neutralized and purged....n 1937...the Russian research library at the State Department was broken up, the files on Communists, foreign and domestic, ordered destroyed. The second, in 1943. Both purges took place under Soviet pressure and even direction as when in March 1943 Foreign Minister Litvinov, incredibly, handed over a list of American diplomats the Soviets wanted fired....a "guilt offering to Stalin from Roosevelt"...
West, "American Betrayal," p.193.

“As Hitler marched into Poland, Whittaker Chambers arranged a private meeting with Adolf Berle, President Roosevelt’s assistant Sec’y of State. Chambers detailed the Communist espionage network, naming at least two dozen Soviet spies in Roosevelt’s administration, including Alger Hiss. Berle reported this to Roosevelt, who laughed, and told Berle to go f--- himself.
Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarthy: Reexaming the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 60.

No action was taken, and in fact, Roosevelt promoted Hiss. Almost a decade later, Chambers was called before the HUAC and named Hiss as a Soviet agent. Hiss sued Chambers, at which time Chambers presented “… four notes in Alger Hiss's handwriting, sixty-five typewritten copies of State Department documents and five strips of microfilm, some of which contained photographs of State Department documents. The press came to call these the"PumpkinPapers" Whittaker Chambers - Wikipedia)

2. George Earle was a special emissary of FDR's to Europe...and returned in 1944 with proof that implicated the Soviets in the Katyn Forest massacre (In April of 1943, the mass graves of thousands of shot, bayoneted, and asphyxiated Polish officers were uncovered in the Katyn pine forest near Smolensk, Russia.) Earle testified later at the Katyn Forest hearings that Joe Levy of the NYTimes, warned him that bringing an anti-Soviet report to FDR would be a career ender : "George, you don't know what you are going to over there. [Soviet Spy] Harry Hopkins has completed domination over the President and the whole atmosphere over there is 'pink.'"
West, "American Betrayal," p.211.

On March 22, 1945, FDR wrote to Earle: "I have noted with concern your plan to publicize your unfavorable opinion of one of our allies. I do not wish you to do so. Not only do I not wish it, I specifically forbid you to do so." He then ordered Earle to Samoa for the duration.

On March 26, 1945, Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall issued the following order: "Censor all stories, delete criticism Russian treatment." This was aimed at those Americans who had been POWs of the Red Army. Note that some 20,000 US soldiers were never returned [by Stalin].

This Democrat attitude toward foreign nations, and ideologies, has led to a deterioration of both the integrity and the efficiency of what is called our ‘intelligence agencies.’
And it is no accident.
As we have seen during the Trump administration, the Deep State, the intelligence apparatus, works at the behest of the Democrat Party, a party that does not honor national security.
The beneficiaries are always the most anti-American nations of the world.
3. During the 1970’s, the Democrat Congress decided to gain control over the intelligence community.“… including the most controversial tool of that policy, covert action. Secrecy was seen as antithetical to the American way, and there was widespread agreement that “rogue” agencies such as the CIA were a threat to liberty.

a. [Democrat] Senator Frank Church and his allies claimed that an assertive legislative role would bring the United States “back to the genius of the Founding Fathers.” This assertion was made despite the fact that American presidents from 1789 to 1974 were given wide latitude to conduct clandestine operations they believed were in the national interest.

b. The damage done to the CIA by this congressional oversight regime (Democrat-controlled Pike and Church Committees) is quite extensive.

c. [A]s Henry Kissinger once observed about the Church Committee, that it is an illusion that “tranquility can be achieved by an abstract purity of motive for which history offers no example.” It is precisely this illusion which has prevailed in congressional circles since the heyday of Frank Church and Otis Pike. As Church himself once argued, the United States should not “fight fire with fire . . . evil with evil.”

d. [C]hairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden,…[t]he Delaware Democrat was one of seventeen Senators who voted in 1974 to ban all covert operations, and proudly noted during his 1988 campaign for president that he had threatened to “go public” with covert action plans by the Reagan administration, causing them to cancel the operations.
Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA | History News Network

Remember this?
“We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us.” — Winston Churchill

Not according to the Democrats.
4. Democrats Jimmy Carter and Stansfield Turner fired some 850 experienced intelligence officers in the Far East and Asia in 1978, wrecking Clandestine Services.

“Explore the aftermath of the CIA’s infamous “Halloween Massacre”

Agency officers protested their mass-firing under the Carter administration …

The “Halloween Massacre,” the most horror movie-sounding thing to ever happen to the Central Intelligence Agency, was a bureaucratic nightmare that pushed out the Agency’s most senior employees. CIA officers were so outraged at the “massacre” that they reportedly responded with everything from screen-printing protest shirts, leaving graffiti in Agency buildings and even cussing out the newly-appointed CIA Director Stansfield Turner (via telegram).


No !! The dims are not in denial
This is fully part of their master plan !

I almost never hear English anymore
5. Under Democrat and Stalin aficionado, Franklin Roosevelt, Soviet Spies were welcomed and feted in the administration.

But weren't there good Americans in the government? Sure were. But…

"Not only did FDR overlook the external evidence; FDR ignored the counsel of key experts at the State Department, which, at the time, was an educated and experienced cadre of anti-Communists....who would be neutralized and purged....n 1937...the Russian research library at the State Department was broken up, the files on Communists, foreign and domestic, ordered destroyed. The second, in 1943. Both purges took place under Soviet pressure and even direction as when in March 1943 Foreign Minister Litvinov, incredibly, handed over a list of American diplomats the Soviets wanted fired....a "guilt offering to Stalin from Roosevelt"...
West, "American Betrayal," p.193.

The reason for guilt? Some advisers had had the gall to suggest not only that the democracies could survive a Nazi conquest of the USSR...but that, in such an event, the United States should not recognize a soviet government in exile. George Kennan echoed those feelings. Weil, "A Pretty Good Club," p. 106.

In so very many ways, Republican Reagan was the diametric opposite of Roosevelt, especially when it came to communists.

“The American media[who?] referred to 1985 as the Year of the Spy because law enforcement arrested many foreign spies operating on American soil. However, the preceding year, 1984, actually had more arrests for espionage in the United States.

The eight major agents who became infamous in 1985 for espionage against the United States were John Anthony Walker, Richard Kelly Smyth, Sharon W. Scranage, Larry Wu-Tai Chin, Jonathan Jay Pollard, Ronald William Pelton, Randy Miles Jeffries, and Edward Lee Howard.”
1985: The Year of the Spy - Wikipedia

Which President was looking out for America, Reagan or Roosevelt?
the Deep State, the intelligence apparatus, works at the behest of the Democrat Party, a party that does not honor national security
In other words the Deep State is comprised of Communist Party officials who are falsely elected on "the usual" Republican or Democrat tickets, or appointed to positions of power by elected politicians, or hired by personnel and human resources departments throughout every branch of government which universally require a test of loyalty to the Communist Party as a condition of employment in local, state, or federal government anywhere in the U.S.
the Deep State, the intelligence apparatus, works at the behest of the Democrat Party, a party that does not honor national security
In other words the Deep State is comprised of Communist Party officials who are falsely elected on "the usual" Republican or Democrat tickets, or appointed to positions of power by elected politicians, or hired by personnel and human resources departments throughout every branch of government which universally require a test of loyalty to the Communist Party as a condition of employment in local, state, or federal government anywhere in the U.S.

The Democrats ARE Communists.

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.
6. FDR loved the power wielded by dictators and tyrants, and modeled his economic plan on Mussolini's, and turned American foreign policy over to Stalin.
He approved of Hitler's assaults on other nations, and congratulated Chamberlain at Munich.

Biden has a similar relationship with Communist China, ready to do their bidding. It's clear why he ended the plan to look into the Wuhan lab and the weaponization of the Kung Flu.

But not to leave out Bill Clinton.....
Rudy Giuliani says former President Bill Clinton "gutted" the intelligence-gathering budget of the CIA. While the cuts were real, his remarks tell only part of the story.

…America never made up for the gutting of the intelligence services that Bill Clinton did," Giuliani said Nov. 2, 2007, on Bloomberg TV's Political Capital With Al Hunt. "I think those are Tenet's words, by the way, that Bill Clinton gutted American intelligence — 20, 30 percent cuts,"…

… It is true that Clinton oversaw decreases in the intelligence budget and that Tenet has described the budget situation when he became CIA director in 1997, four years into Clinton's presidency, as a disaster.

As a result, Tenet said, the CIA no longer could "recruit, train and sustain officers for our clandestine services" and "the nation's human intelligence capability was in disarray."

Tenet's clear implication is that Clinton — who took office in 1993 — bore considerable responsibility.
PolitiFact - The intel numbers game

SUMMARY: Rudy Giuliani says former President Bill Clinton "gutted" the intelligence-gathering budget of the CIA. While t/> <meta name=

Time and again we find that the Democrats are not on the side of America.
If it’s not first, protection of the homeland from all foreign adversaries should be way up on the list for elected officials. This is not the case for Democrats.

Democrats indicted in this thread: FDR, Biden, Carter, Clinton.

1.This was not always the position of the Democrat Party. The sea-change occurred under, and because of, the 32nd President.

"Not only did FDR overlook the external evidence; FDR ignored the counsel of key experts at the State Department, which, at the time, was an educated and experienced cadre of anti-Communists....who would be neutralized and purged....n 1937...the Russian research library at the State Department was broken up, the files on Communists, foreign and domestic, ordered destroyed. The second, in 1943. Both purges took place under Soviet pressure and even direction as when in March 1943 Foreign Minister Litvinov, incredibly, handed over a list of American diplomats the Soviets wanted fired....a "guilt offering to Stalin from Roosevelt"...
West, "American Betrayal," p.193.

“As Hitler marched into Poland, Whittaker Chambers arranged a private meeting with Adolf Berle, President Roosevelt’s assistant Sec’y of State. Chambers detailed the Communist espionage network, naming at least two dozen Soviet spies in Roosevelt’s administration, including Alger Hiss. Berle reported this to Roosevelt, who laughed, and told Berle to go f--- himself.
Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarthy: Reexaming the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 60.

No action was taken, and in fact, Roosevelt promoted Hiss. Almost a decade later, Chambers was called before the HUAC and named Hiss as a Soviet agent. Hiss sued Chambers, at which time Chambers presented “… four notes in Alger Hiss's handwriting, sixty-five typewritten copies of State Department documents and five strips of microfilm, some of which contained photographs of State Department documents. The press came to call these the"PumpkinPapers" Whittaker Chambers - Wikipedia)

2. George Earle was a special emissary of FDR's to Europe...and returned in 1944 with proof that implicated the Soviets in the Katyn Forest massacre (In April of 1943, the mass graves of thousands of shot, bayoneted, and asphyxiated Polish officers were uncovered in the Katyn pine forest near Smolensk, Russia.) Earle testified later at the Katyn Forest hearings that Joe Levy of the NYTimes, warned him that bringing an anti-Soviet report to FDR would be a career ender : "George, you don't know what you are going to over there. [Soviet Spy] Harry Hopkins has completed domination over the President and the whole atmosphere over there is 'pink.'"
West, "American Betrayal," p.211.

On March 22, 1945, FDR wrote to Earle: "I have noted with concern your plan to publicize your unfavorable opinion of one of our allies. I do not wish you to do so. Not only do I not wish it, I specifically forbid you to do so." He then ordered Earle to Samoa for the duration.

On March 26, 1945, Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall issued the following order: "Censor all stories, delete criticism Russian treatment." This was aimed at those Americans who had been POWs of the Red Army. Note that some 20,000 US soldiers were never returned [by Stalin].

This Democrat attitude toward foreign nations, and ideologies, has led to a deterioration of both the integrity and the efficiency of what is called our ‘intelligence agencies.’
And it is no accident.
As we have seen during the Trump administration, the Deep State, the intelligence apparatus, works at the behest of the Democrat Party, a party that does not honor national security.
The beneficiaries are always the most anti-American nations of the world.
LMAO Go F yourself ruskie.
7. While many have looked at the Democrat Church, and Pike Committees, and the work of Senator Biden, as having emasculated the intelligence agencies, leading to the 9/11 attack, the more proximate cause was Democrat Bill Clinton’s preventing the sharing of intel.

“At issue is the pre-Patriot Act "wall" that prevented communication between intelligence agents and criminal investigators -- a wall, Mr. Ashcroft said, that meant "the old national intelligence system in place on September 11 was destined to fail." The Attorney General explained:

"In the days before September 11, the wall specifically impeded the investigation into Zacarias Moussaoui, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. After the FBI arrested Moussaoui, agents became suspicious of his interest in commercial aircraft and sought approval for a criminal warrant to search his computer. The warrant was rejected because FBI officials feared breaching the wall.

"When the CIA finally told the FBI that al-Midhar and al-Hazmi were in the country in late August, agents in New York searched for the suspects. But because of the wall, FBI headquarters refused to allow criminal investigators who knew the most about the most recent al Qaeda attack to join the hunt for the suspected terrorists.”

Let’s see the supporters of the Democrat Party make an argument that all of the above are simply coincidental.

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