Zone1 Democrats and their media use a microscope on Trump and blinders for Biden.

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Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The J6 travesty illustrates how corrupt our system has become. You have a political party that has turned every instrument of the government into a weapon to take down a political enemy. Every tweet, every private meeting, every casual comment is examined letter by letter. Meanwhile the blatant corruption of Joe Biden is completely ignored by the Democrats and their complicit Media. Biden sold us out to the Xi Jinping regime. This is not just a political problem and divisive for our country. This is a national security problem. But the Democrats and their media don't care. They are so blinded by political power and holding onto it, they are willing to sacrifice anything to get it.
They would love to talk about *biden but like with Hillary, what good thing could they possibly say?!?

The J6 travesty illustrates how corrupt our system has become. You have a political party that has turned every instrument of the government into a weapon to take down a political enemy. Every tweet, every private meeting, every casual comment is examined letter by letter. Meanwhile the blatant corruption of Joe Biden is completely ignored by the Democrats and their complicit Media. Biden sold us out to the Xi Jinping regime. This is not just a political problem and divisive for our country. This is a national security problem. But the Democrats and their media don't care. They are so blinded by political power and holding onto it, they are willing to sacrifice anything to get it.
It takes two to Tango. While some Repugs talk a good line it's just that, talk. After obama got away with his third genocide, 0ver 600 from his gun running. Thousands, including 500 children all across Africa, including Americans, twice That was it for me I quit the repug party, This doesn't mean I would ever vote for a democRat, That would be stupid, real stupid, something for nothing is not a way of life. That along with Eric Holder found guilty of Contempt of Congress but then answering no charges. with four years of none stop bull shit by Trump if it were up to me there would be a bounty on democRats and I would be on my fourth neckless of ears.
It takes two to Tango. While some Repugs talk a good line it's just that, talk. After obama got away with his third genocide, 0ver 600 from his gun running. Thousands, including 500 children all across Africa, including Americans, twice That was it for me I quit the repug party, This doesn't mean I would ever vote for a democRat, That would be stupid, real stupid, something for nothing is not a way of life. That along with Eric Holder found guilty of Contempt of Congress but then answering no charges. with four years of none stop bull shit by Trump if it were up to me there would be a bounty on democRats and I would be on my fourth neckless of ears.
The J6 travesty illustrates how corrupt our system has become. You have a political party that has turned every instrument of the government into a weapon to take down a political enemy. Every tweet, every private meeting, every casual comment is examined letter by letter. Meanwhile the blatant corruption of Joe Biden is completely ignored by the Democrats and their complicit Media. Biden sold us out to the Xi Jinping regime. This is not just a political problem and divisive for our country. This is a national security problem. But the Democrats and their media don't care. They are so blinded by political power and holding onto it, they are willing to sacrifice anything to get it.
The J6 committee has proven how corrupt the former president was.

It takes two to Tango. While some Repugs talk a good line it's just that, talk. After obama got away with his third genocide, 0ver 600 from his gun running. Thousands, including 500 children all across Africa, including Americans, twice That was it for me I quit the repug party, This doesn't mean I would ever vote for a democRat, That would be stupid, real stupid, something for nothing is not a way of life. That along with Eric Holder found guilty of Contempt of Congress but then answering no charges. with four years of none stop bull shit by Trump if it were up to me there would be a bounty on democRats and I would be on my fourth neckless of ears.
Dude, don’t waste everyone’s time with that false confession.

No one believes it.
Does President Biden have sex in common with any of his kids? the diary.

In a house as large as the Biden's the kids shouldn't be hearing the parents have sex....nor daddy taking showers with daughter....but she says "probably not appropriate " ?

As if there's room for her to be wrong about that being absolutely normal?
Inflammatory or baiting OP’s like this do not work in CDZ. In fact, without links to support your claims, you’d best off restarting it in Badlands. Closed.
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