Democrats Are A Waste Of Time

Let the goverment shut down. Schumer and Pelosi will own this one, since they won't negotiate with Trump. The last one costed us almost as much as Trump is asking for. If i was Trump i would be tweeting that.
Suspend amnesty, shut the border, authorize deadly force, declare a national emergency and build the wall.

Just do it.

Border wall talks break down ahead of second possible government shutdown
I am glad they are killing their born and unborn babies by the millions, at that rate there wont be a Democrat party in about 10 years. Once that happens, there wont be Global Warming or poverty anymore, because everyone will be happy.
Dream on..
We can always count on Schumer to stand his ground.
Its time to bring down the Hammer.....I've had a gut full of these RESIST punk ass seditious pricks....shut the government down and declare a National Emergency...attack it from two flanks....
Its time to bring down the Hammer.....I've had a gut full of these RESIST punk ass seditious pricks....shut the government down and declare a National Emergency...attack it from two flanks....
...which will erode much of what little support he has left in the spineless republican contingent in Congress, and likely lead to a sound beating in 2020. At which time, his national emergency will be halted, and the stunted, barely (if at all) started wall, canceled. the GOP is trying to tell him this, but he is a moron that will not listen.

So, in short... I'm all for it! Do it, President Pussyboy... declare your "emergency"... while your base country dies like flies from the opioid crisis... while the middle class languishes in debt as your tax cuts do nothing for wages and only make the rich, richer.... do it dumbass... let us test the quality of your 'emergency' and your judgment...
I agree they are a waste of time...that's why I don't bother to worry about them. They have no support...or enough to get their agenda thru.
Suspend amnesty, shut the border, authorize deadly force, declare a national emergency and build the wall.

Just do it.

Border wall talks break down ahead of second possible government shutdown
Ok, but there's no need to be rude about it. If the present negotiations fail to provide adequate funding for the border fence, declare a national emergency appropriate existing funding, say, from the military construction funding, and propose a temporary funding bill at existing levers for short periods of time to that negotiations can continue without shutting down the government.
Its time to bring down the Hammer.....I've had a gut full of these RESIST punk ass seditious pricks....shut the government down and declare a National Emergency...attack it from two flanks....
...which will erode much of what little support he has left in the spineless republican contingent in Congress, and likely lead to a sound beating in 2020. At which time, his national emergency will be halted, and the stunted, barely (if at all) started wall, canceled. the GOP is trying to tell him this, but he is a moron that will not listen.

So, in short... I'm all for it! Do it, President Pussyboy... declare your "emergency"... while your base country dies like flies from the opioid crisis... while the middle class languishes in debt as your tax cuts do nothing for wages and only make the rich, richer.... do it dumbass... let us test the quality of your 'emergency' and your judgment...
You are soooo full of shit.....Once the Wall is built, then we can go house to house, root out all the illegals, ship them back to their own countries and any fucking worthless liberal(redundant statement I know) that gets in the way, try them for Treason, they can go with the illegals or be shot...Now that would be exciting. Use their own Rules for Radicals back on them.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
In this book we are concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people; to realize the republic dream of equality, justice, peace.... "Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.' This means revolution." p.3
The liberals would be caught with their proverbial pants down, and just watching them cowering in fear, because that is what bullies do when they get pwned, just makes me smile....
Its time to bring down the Hammer.....I've had a gut full of these RESIST punk ass seditious pricks....shut the government down and declare a National Emergency...attack it from two flanks....
...which will erode much of what little support he has left in the spineless republican contingent in Congress, and likely lead to a sound beating in 2020. At which time, his national emergency will be halted, and the stunted, barely (if at all) started wall, canceled. the GOP is trying to tell him this, but he is a moron that will not listen.

So, in short... I'm all for it! Do it, President Pussyboy... declare your "emergency"... while your base country dies like flies from the opioid crisis... while the middle class languishes in debt as your tax cuts do nothing for wages and only make the rich, richer.... do it dumbass... let us test the quality of your 'emergency' and your judgment...
Last time Trump shut the government down it cost him nothing...the people know Pelosi and they know you have to battle her on every one that voted for Trump blamed him....he is back up to 47% approval....way above Obama at this same point.....

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