Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him

So you were for weaponizing them until your team weaponized them now you're against your opponents paying you back doing the same thing.


Oh, and some advice. Bend over, this is going to hurt ...


BTW. I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative. I don't have a team anymore since the GOP outlawed conservatism.

Now there's just RINOism. And Trumps the KING Rino.
& martybegan

I'm for not weaponizing those agencies for or against any political side.

I'm an actual conservative who believes in smaller, less intrusive government. You Republicrats LOVE your government intrusions. The Patriot Act and FISA 702, which both Trump and Biden reauthorized.

So when you say "You guys," I don't know what TF you're talking about.

You Trumpbots and Bidenbots need to go to you're rooms until you can learn to play nice.
And none of this "But mommy, he did it first, BS."
You are on the pussy side who doesnt think we are going to get payback. You guys are dumb. :dunno:
You are on the pussy side who doesnt think we are going to get payback. You guys are dumb. :dunno:

Revenge fantasy in the extreme.

I'm not sure how much you know about government, but let me fill you in on something.
In order for Trump to pull over his grand revenge fantasy, he's first got to get his appointments through the Senate.

It's highly unlikely that the republicans take the Senate. But let's say for funzies, he does. Trumps chances of getting his appointments through the senate confirmation is pretty good. Depending on who he selects.

Which brings up an interesting point. Who is going to stick their necks out for Trump after all the others either were indicted, put in prison or were forced to turn on Trump? Any one that Trump chooses either won't get confirmed. Or will be strictly by the book. Won't stretch things as Trump would like them to. IE a "no men" instead of Trumps "Yes men."

If the dems keep the senate., Trump's a lame duck for the next 4 years.

Either way it goes, Trump and his supporters lose.
Who the hell is John Davidson? Desperate lefties subscribe to anything that makes them feel good about their hatred.
When Trump fearmongers in the media cry out with one voice that Trump will weaponize the Justice Department and the courts, rig our elections, and shred the Constitution, it’s pure projection.
Because that’s exactly what they’re doing right now in a desperate bid to prevent Trump from winning office again.

So what did the dictator Biden do his very first day in office.
All the following done by Biden the first day and REVERSAL OF TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERs FIRST DAY!!!
Rejoin the World Health Organization
Set up a Covid office that reports directly to Biden
Rejoin the Paris climate accords
Revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and cancel other Trump administration energy rules
Nix the 1776 Commission
Unwind Trump’s changes to the census
Strengthen legal protections for “Dreamers”
Abolish the “Muslim ban”
Cancel the Trump administration’s interior enforcement rule
Halt construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall
Extend deportation protections for Liberians
Freeze Trump’s “midnight regulations”
So, every president has done it and Congress can too, be careful, what with you being on yer period there are bears running lose.
So, every president has done it and Congress can too, be careful, what with you being on yer period there are bears running lose.
What exactly do you mean "every president has done it"?
Plus, simple question ... do you see the little red dotted line under misspelled words? The correct spelling is "...running loose" not lose.?
What exactly do you mean "every president has done it"?
Plus, simple question ... do you see the little red dotted line under misspelled words? The correct spelling is "...running loose" not lose.?
Every president has canceled previous presidential edicts also known as EOs and typos generally occur on phones when posting.
Our libs love it when the political and governmental powers of the United States are all leveled at Trump. It doesn’t have to be (and isn’t) for any valid reason(s). For our libs, it suffices that the target is Trump.

It is highly revealing that the thing they now live in the most dread of is that President Trump made the soon be in a position to return the favor.
No doubt gangster Trump will be calling in favors from his lackeys when he's in Otisville, like all Mafia & gang bosses do.
No doubt gangster Trump will be calling in favors from his lackeys when he's in Otisville, like all Mafia & gang bosses do.
Stupid ass STD clap still ignorantly believes that President Trump will ever be put in prison.
Last night Trump enjoyed a Town Hall with a packed crowd in Davenport, Iowa. Sean Hannity hosted.

First item on the agenda:

"The former president turned some heads with some of his comments during the town hall, most notably with his comments to Hannity's question asking Trump to pledge to "never abuse power as retribution against anybody."

"Except for day one," Trump said. "I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill."

Hannity said "that's not retribution," with Trump quipping back, "I love this guy, he says, 'you're not going to be a dictator are you?'"

"I said, 'No, no, no, other than day one," Trump said.

"We're closing the border and we're drilling, drilling, drilling," Trump said. "After that, I'm not a dictator."

Hannity said that it sounded like what Trump was saying was that he would go back to his first-term policies, to which the former president agreed.

Trump's comments come after multiple media outlets claimed a second term for the former president would result in a "dictatorship."

It's a pretty safe bet based on his track record in his first term, Trump would not use the DOJ/FBI, the IRS, or any other government agency with law enforcement authority to go after any political opponents either in government or in the private sector. He was heavily criticized for not going after Hillary once he was in office.
And you're just dumb enough to believe he will close the border. As for "drill drill drill"...the government (the thing the President has some control over) doesn't drill jack shit you ignorant bitch. Oil companies do. Currently they have more land to drill on than they know what to do with. The reason they don't drill is complex so I doubt you'll understand it but what it basically boils down to is this...

How much does it cost to get oil out of domestic ground vs. how much it costs to get it out of foreign lands. The answer is more.

How much does it affect the price of everything from jet fuel to petroleum derivatives to retail gasoline if they were to "drill drill drill"? It would lower the price.

Why would they want to do either of those things?

Again, only a fucking idiot would buy what he sold last night. But there you are...buying it.
And you're just dumb enough to believe he will close the border. As for "drill drill drill"...the government (the thing the President has some control over) doesn't drill jack shit you ignorant bitch. Oil companies do. Currently they have more land to drill on than they know what to do with. The reason they don't drill is complex so I doubt you'll understand it but what it basically boils down to is this...

How much does it cost to get oil out of domestic ground vs. how much it costs to get it out of foreign lands. The answer is more.

How much does it affect the price of everything from jet fuel to petroleum derivatives to retail gasoline if they were to "drill drill drill"? It would lower the price.

Why would they want to do either of those things?

Again, only a fucking idiot would buy what he sold last night. But there you are...buying it.
What's this, fucktardo?
"Sec. 7. Other Revocations. (a) Executive Order 13766 of January 24, 2017(Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects), Executive Order 13778 of February 28, 2017 (Restoringthe Rule of Law, Federalism, and Economic Growth by Reviewing the ‘‘Watersof the United States’’ Rule), Executive Order 13783 of March 28, 2017(Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth), Executive Order13792 of April 26, 2017 (Review of Designations Under the AntiquitiesAct), Executive Order 13795 of April 28, 2017 (Implementing an AmericaFirst Offshore Energy Strategy), Executive Order 13868 of April 10, 2019(Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth), and Executive Order13927 of June 4, 2020 (Accelerating the Nation’s Economic Recovery fromthe COVID–19 Emergency by Expediting Infrastructure Investments and OtherActivities), are hereby revoked."

"(d) The Presidential Memorandum of April 12, 2018 (Promoting DomesticManufacturing and Job Creation Policies and Procedures Relating to Implementation of Air Quality Standards), the Presidential Memorandum of October 19, 2018 (Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water inthe West), and the Presidential Memorandum of February 19, 2020 (Developing and Delivering More Water Supplies in California), are hereby revoked."

"Biden" did that on day 1. :rolleyes-41:

In no way is/was any of that beneficial to Americans. In fact, just the opposite.
Last edited:
Did any of Biden's executive order's involve invoking the Insurrection Act, arresting protestors, shooting shoplifters, suspending the Constiution, or indicting the Republican Leadership??????

If not, how did Biden's actions in implementing the programs he ran on and overturning the largely illegal and unpopular actions of the outgoing administration - things he campaigned on doing, in any way similar to what Trump is threatening?
If you guys don't like what Trump is threatening, perhaps y'all should stop the harassment.
When Trump fearmongers in the media cry out with one voice that Trump will weaponize the Justice Department and the courts, rig our elections, and shred the Constitution, it’s pure projection.
Because that’s exactly what they’re doing right now in a desperate bid to prevent Trump from winning office again.


Healthmyths, to paraphrase Harry Truman, we just tell the truth and Trump Republicans think that's Hell. Respectfully, Supposn
The man sitting in the Oval Office is responsible for whatever happens on his watch. Grow up.
Which was not negotiating with the Taliban and then ignoring 6 out of 7 of the conditions he negotiated while ordering our generals to fully comply with all 8 of our conditions, including removing our leverage over the Taliban. That was all done by Benedict Donald in 2020 wasn't it?
Revenge fantasy in the extreme.

I'm not sure how much you know about government, but let me fill you in on something.
In order for Trump to pull over his grand revenge fantasy, he's first got to get his appointments through the Senate.

It's highly unlikely that the republicans take the Senate. But let's say for funzies, he does. Trumps chances of getting his appointments through the senate confirmation is pretty good. Depending on who he selects.

Which brings up an interesting point. Who is going to stick their necks out for Trump after all the others either were indicted, put in prison or were forced to turn on Trump? Any one that Trump chooses either won't get confirmed. Or will be strictly by the book. Won't stretch things as Trump would like them to. IE a "no men" instead of Trumps "Yes men."

If the dems keep the senate., Trump's a lame duck for the next 4 years.

Either way it goes, Trump and his supporters lose.
The Senate?!! Hell no he doesnt need that!

Trump just needs to fill two positions, and they arent elected positions. He replaces Wray at the FBI and he replaces Garland at the DOJ. Its game over after that. You can expect to see many prosecutions. Many other people will also be fired from the DOJ and FBI.
When Trump fearmongers in the media cry out with one voice that Trump will weaponize the Justice Department and the courts, rig our elections, and shred the Constitution, it’s pure projection.
Because that’s exactly what they’re doing right now in a desperate bid to prevent Trump from winning office again.

So what did the dictator Biden do his very first day in office.
All the following done by Biden the first day and REVERSAL OF TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERs FIRST DAY!!!
Rejoin the World Health Organization
Set up a Covid office that reports directly to Biden
Rejoin the Paris climate accords
Revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and cancel other Trump administration energy rules
Nix the 1776 Commission
Unwind Trump’s changes to the census
Strengthen legal protections for “Dreamers”
Abolish the “Muslim ban”
Cancel the Trump administration’s interior enforcement rule
Halt construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall
Extend deportation protections for Liberians
Freeze Trump’s “midnight regulations”
The reason that Biden received over 7 million more votes than Trump was that Americans wanted change.

There is no evidence that Trump's 91 indictments, based upon substantive evidence he failed to conceal and the sworn testimony of dozens of Republicans, were politically motivated, nor that the Department of Justice (that is not directed by a Democrat) is partisan.

Paranoia and a cultish devotion to the Cry Baby Loser who can't handle the reality that he lost, is no substitute for fact.
The reason that Biden received over 7 million more votes than Trump was that Americans wanted change.

There is no evidence that Trump's 91 indictments, based upon substantive evidence he failed to conceal and the sworn testimony of dozens of Republicans, were politically motivated, nor that the Department of Justice (that is not directed by a Democrat) is partisan.

Paranoia and a cultish devotion to the Cry Baby Loser who can't handle the reality that he lost, is no substitute for fact.
Unfolded mail in ballots aren't people.
Last night Trump enjoyed a Town Hall with a packed crowd in Davenport, Iowa. Sean Hannity hosted.

First item on the agenda:

"The former president turned some heads with some of his comments during the town hall, most notably with his comments to Hannity's question asking Trump to pledge to "never abuse power as retribution against anybody."

"Except for day one," Trump said. "I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill."

Hannity said "that's not retribution," with Trump quipping back, "I love this guy, he says, 'you're not going to be a dictator are you?'"

"I said, 'No, no, no, other than day one," Trump said.

"We're closing the border and we're drilling, drilling, drilling," Trump said. "After that, I'm not a dictator."

Hannity said that it sounded like what Trump was saying was that he would go back to his first-term policies, to which the former president agreed.

Trump's comments come after multiple media outlets claimed a second term for the former president would result in a "dictatorship."

It's a pretty safe bet based on his track record in his first term, Trump would not use the DOJ/FBI, the IRS, or any other government agency with law enforcement authority to go after any political opponents either in government or in the private sector. He was heavily criticized for not going after Hillary once he was in office.

Clean up on Aisle 3. Trump's threats to arrest Democrats, shoot protestors, and jail leftists seems to have alarmed the general public and isn't giving Trump the kind of publicity he was hoping for. Time for some cleanup with Sean Hannity. Oh no that's not what I said. I didn't mean that! I meant this!!!

Yes let's just ignore the fact that Trump spent all four years of his first term having the DOJ, FBI and the Inspector General's offices investigate Hilllary Clinton, Barrack Obama and Joe Biden, as well as trying to charge Andrew McCabe, Peter Strocz and Lisa Page, and others with crimes. The fact that no Democrats were charged with anything is proof positive that there was absolutely no evidence of them doing any of the things Trump had claimed.

Trump even stone walled and slow walked the Hunter Biden investigation because he knew there was NOTHING to find. All he has to do is announce the investigation, and let the right wing media and the House Weaponization of Government Committee do the rest. Just like his House Committee is doing now with the Hunter Biden fiasca and the Impeachment Enquiry.

We all heard you loud and clear the first time Donnie. When someone tells me who they are, I believe them.

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