Democrats are committing political suicide.......again.

So Democrats after one Senator stated on the floor last night, how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?
Trying to add how airlines need to lower their carbon footprint. Wanting tax credits for solar panel companies. Wanting to reduce the amount of unemployment insurance that had been settled, wanting to reduce small business measures, wanting to now give Americans less cash. All which had been agreed upon until Pelosi showed back.


C'mon, let's tell the truth now shall we?
The Dims voted down the stimulus bill worth trillions of dollars to relieve the current national and worldwide emergency.

Now many of you know that I have issues with the stimulus package and government thrown trillions at pretty much any problem that arises, however, if government is going to tell us we can't work, they MUST pay us. Otherwise, people will no longer listen to the government and we wind up with anarchy. And from what I hear, the GOP is using the basic framework of what Dims suggested to begin with, so why vote it down now?

What are they thinking? Any delay can mean millions of jobs and layoffs with the economy in free fall. which is perhaps all they really want and why they are doing this.

This ranks right up there with Biden trying to paint Trump as a racist for first suggesting to issue a travel ban against China.

There will be nothing "left" of the democrat party.
So who do you think the GOP want to help, corporations or low-wage workers?
Millions of people will lose their jobs this week without immediate action.
How many will be helped by the GOP bill as it is?

So it sounds to me like the Dims want to ignore business and only give out checks to Americans

Well how do these businesses that employ these Americans survive? They need the money as well.

Naturally, when it comes to these large massive bills the allocations are often questionable, if not completely clandestine, just like with the Obama Stimulus package. However, this is different in that this stimulus bill is actually needed to prevent massive layoffs and economic free fall, as where the Obama stimulus package was not needed and basically did nothing for the economy.
I agree it is needed and needed by everyone, workers and businesses and that is what the Dems are holding out for.

Moscow Mitch is a liar, those who watched his partisan speech see how he and The President are still talking the talk, that is politics, and not walking the walk; that is working to protect doctors, nurses, and other necessary people working in harms way, as well as the vast amount of citizens who do live check to check.
The Dims voted down the stimulus bill worth trillions of dollars to relieve the current national and worldwide emergency.

Now many of you know that I have issues with the stimulus package and government thrown trillions at pretty much any problem that arises, however, if government is going to tell us we can't work, they MUST pay us. Otherwise, people will no longer listen to the government and we wind up with anarchy. And from what I hear, the GOP is using the basic framework of what Dims suggested to begin with, so why vote it down now?

What are they thinking? Any delay can mean millions of jobs and layoffs with the economy in free fall. which is perhaps all they really want and why they are doing this.

This ranks right up there with Biden trying to paint Trump as a racist for first suggesting to issue a travel ban against China.

There will be nothing "left" of the democrat party.
So who do you think the GOP want to help, corporations or low-wage workers?
Millions of people will lose their jobs this week without immediate action.
How many will be helped by the GOP bill as it is?

So it sounds to me like the Dims want to ignore business and only give out checks to Americans

Well how do these businesses that employ these Americans survive? They need the money as well.

Naturally, when it comes to these large massive bills the allocations are often questionable, if not completely clandestine, just like with the Obama Stimulus package. However, this is different in that this stimulus bill is actually needed to prevent massive layoffs and economic free fall, as where the Obama stimulus package was not needed and basically did nothing for the economy.
I agree it is needed and needed by everyone, workers and businesses and that is what the Dems are holding out for.
No, they are holding out for all their kick backs to their special interests. They are douchebags.
So Democrats after one Senator stated on the floor last night, how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?
Trying to add how airlines need to lower their carbon footprint. Wanting tax credits for solar panel companies. Wanting to reduce the amount of unemployment insurance that had been settled, wanting to reduce small business measures, wanting to now give Americans less cash. All which had been agreed upon until Pelosi showed back.

View attachment 314343

C'mon, let's tell the truth now shall we?
Right, because Dems want to lower unemployment insurance, wanting to lower checks sent to Americans.
Tell me now what airline carbon footprints have to do with the pandemic, or solar panel company tax credits?
And as a Dem Senator stated, ’how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?’.
Yeah, they really care about working Americans. Not. It is a game to them. Throw all their pet wants in there while the getting is good, rather than concentrate on bringing back the jobs of working Americans employed by small businesses so they can survive.
Wasn’t it Rahm Emanuel who said never let a crisis go to waste?Here once again, we see the Dems in action.
The Dims voted down the stimulus bill worth trillions of dollars to relieve the current national and worldwide emergency.

Now many of you know that I have issues with the stimulus package and government thrown trillions at pretty much any problem that arises, however, if government is going to tell us we can't work, they MUST pay us. Otherwise, people will no longer listen to the government and we wind up with anarchy. And from what I hear, the GOP is using the basic framework of what Dims suggested to begin with, so why vote it down now?

What are they thinking? Any delay can mean millions of jobs and layoffs with the economy in free fall. which is perhaps all they really want and why they are doing this.

This ranks right up there with Biden trying to paint Trump as a racist for first suggesting to issue a travel ban against China.

There will be nothing "left" of the democrat party.
So who do you think the GOP want to help, corporations or low-wage workers?
Millions of people will lose their jobs this week without immediate action.
How many will be helped by the GOP bill as it is?

So it sounds to me like the Dims want to ignore business and only give out checks to Americans

Well how do these businesses that employ these Americans survive? They need the money as well.

Naturally, when it comes to these large massive bills the allocations are often questionable, if not completely clandestine, just like with the Obama Stimulus package. However, this is different in that this stimulus bill is actually needed to prevent massive layoffs and economic free fall, as where the Obama stimulus package was not needed and basically did nothing for the economy.

Stop with the political shit, and try to use commons sense. Think outside the box, which limits you, and try to consider all of the consquences which came with this healthcare crisis.

Q. Why has The President not implemented the Defense Production Act

this a full look at the act;


this is what trump has done;

Read these posts everyone

Again, if you are counting on government to help you economically, DON"T

The above post is all they do in DC.

IT's time to go back to work.

I don't need the economic help from the government.

But we understand that too many people live check to check, and by giving Billions to corporations with no STRINGS attached is foolish, and that is what Moscow Mitch proposed.
The Dims voted down the stimulus bill worth trillions of dollars to relieve the current national and worldwide emergency.

Now many of you know that I have issues with the stimulus package and government thrown trillions at pretty much any problem that arises, however, if government is going to tell us we can't work, they MUST pay us. Otherwise, people will no longer listen to the government and we wind up with anarchy. And from what I hear, the GOP is using the basic framework of what Dims suggested to begin with, so why vote it down now?

What are they thinking? Any delay can mean millions of jobs and layoffs with the economy in free fall. which is perhaps all they really want and why they are doing this.

This ranks right up there with Biden trying to paint Trump as a racist for first suggesting to issue a travel ban against China.

There will be nothing "left" of the democrat party.
So who do you think the GOP want to help, corporations or low-wage workers?
Millions of people will lose their jobs this week without immediate action.
How many will be helped by the GOP bill as it is?

So it sounds to me like the Dims want to ignore business and only give out checks to Americans

Well how do these businesses that employ these Americans survive? They need the money as well.

Naturally, when it comes to these large massive bills the allocations are often questionable, if not completely clandestine, just like with the Obama Stimulus package. However, this is different in that this stimulus bill is actually needed to prevent massive layoffs and economic free fall, as where the Obama stimulus package was not needed and basically did nothing for the economy.

Stop with the political shit, and try to use commons sense. Think outside the box, which limits you, and try to consider all of the consquences which came with this healthcare crisis.

Q. Why has The President not implemented the Defense Production Act

this a full look at the act;


this is what trump has done;

Read these posts everyone

Again, if you are counting on government to help you economically, DON"T

The above post is all they do in DC.

IT's time to go back to work.
They want less to go back to work, get less unemployment and smaller checks. Yeah, it’s obvious what they want.
So Democrats after one Senator stated on the floor last night, how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?
Trying to add how airlines need to lower their carbon footprint. Wanting tax credits for solar panel companies. Wanting to reduce the amount of unemployment insurance that had been settled, wanting to reduce small business measures, wanting to now give Americans less cash. All which had been agreed upon until Pelosi showed back.

View attachment 314343

C'mon, let's tell the truth now shall we?
Right, because Dems want to lower unemployment insurance, wanting to lower checks sent to Americans.
Tell me now what airline carbon footprints have to do with the pandemic, or solar panel company tax credits?
And as a Dem Senator stated, ’how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?’.
Yeah, they really care about working Americans. Not. It is a game to them. Throw all their pet wants in there while the getting is good, rather than concentrate on bringing back the jobs of working Americans employed by small businesses so they can survive.
Wasn’t it Rahm Emanuel who said never let a crisis go to waste?Here once afain, we see the Dems in action.

Excellent. I love shooting down the cherry picking that you right wingers do. It's almost a sport for me. Pet wants??? Oh sure, Republicans NEVER do that right?
Here if you want to see the full context of what Senator Menendez said it's right here. Hint..he wasn't talking about pet wants.
Menendez Demands COVID-19 Stimulus that Puts Families, Frontline Healthcare Workers First - Insider NJ
Well, no matter who you kids want to blame is your business, but the simple fact is we all need to go back to work because those in power don't have our back.

They never did.

You are making a claim which might fit the Senate Majority, and the Plutocrats within trump's swamp. The Speaker in the H. or Rep, her caucus, plus governors and mayors all across America respond to their constituents, We the People, not billionaire CEO's or corporations.

No one who had an income over $100k and is fiscally responsible needs a government handout, those who have been let go without any benefits they may have had and lost, desperately need the help.
The Dims voted down the stimulus bill worth trillions of dollars to relieve the current national and worldwide emergency.

Now many of you know that I have issues with the stimulus package and government thrown trillions at pretty much any problem that arises, however, if government is going to tell us we can't work, they MUST pay us. Otherwise, people will no longer listen to the government and we wind up with anarchy. And from what I hear, the GOP is using the basic framework of what Dims suggested to begin with, so why vote it down now?

What are they thinking? Any delay can mean millions of jobs and layoffs with the economy in free fall. which is perhaps all they really want and why they are doing this.

This ranks right up there with Biden trying to paint Trump as a racist for first suggesting to issue a travel ban against China.

There will be nothing "left" of the democrat party.
So who do you think the GOP want to help, corporations or low-wage workers?
Millions of people will lose their jobs this week without immediate action.
How many will be helped by the GOP bill as it is?
More than what will happen with the idiot demoncraps.
So Democrats after one Senator stated on the floor last night, how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?
Trying to add how airlines need to lower their carbon footprint. Wanting tax credits for solar panel companies. Wanting to reduce the amount of unemployment insurance that had been settled, wanting to reduce small business measures, wanting to now give Americans less cash. All which had been agreed upon until Pelosi showed back.

View attachment 314343

C'mon, let's tell the truth now shall we?
Right, because Dems want to lower unemployment insurance, wanting to lower checks sent to Americans.
Tell me now what airline carbon footprints have to do with the pandemic, or solar panel company tax credits?
And as a Dem Senator stated, ’how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?’.
Yeah, they really care about working Americans. Not. It is a game to them. Throw all their pet wants in there while the getting is good, rather than concentrate on bringing back the jobs of working Americans employed by small businesses so they can survive.
Wasn’t it Rahm Emanuel who said never let a crisis go to waste?Here once afain, we see the Dems in action.

Excellent. I love shooting down the cherry picking that you right wingers do. It's almost a sport for me. Pet wants??? Oh sure, Republicans NEVER do that right?
Here if you want to see the full context of what Senator Menendez said it's right here. Hint..he wasn't talking about pet wants.
Menendez Demands COVID-19 Stimulus that Puts Families, Frontline Healthcare Workers First - Insider NJ
You have no idea what has happened last night on the Senate floor or since Pelosi got back in town. I will believe McConnell over Schumer any day.
just an example

Dems are killing the party, and Hillary is going to prison.

no sireeeee, never heard that before -

The Dims voted down the stimulus bill worth trillions of dollars to relieve the current national and worldwide emergency.

Now many of you know that I have issues with the stimulus package and government thrown trillions at pretty much any problem that arises, however, if government is going to tell us we can't work, they MUST pay us. Otherwise, people will no longer listen to the government and we wind up with anarchy. And from what I hear, the GOP is using the basic framework of what Dims suggested to begin with, so why vote it down now?

What are they thinking? Any delay can mean millions of jobs and layoffs with the economy in free fall. which is perhaps all they really want and why they are doing this.

This ranks right up there with Biden trying to paint Trump as a racist for first suggesting to issue a travel ban against China.

There will be nothing "left" of the democrat party.
So who do you think the GOP want to help, corporations or low-wage workers?
there are MILLIONS of small businesses that are corporations.

you are ignorant and so deny funds to these same small corporations that are being shut down.
there are MILLIONS of small businesses that are corporations.

you are ignorant and so deny funds to these same small corporations that are being shut down.
I'm not that ignorant. As I said in other posts, I think big and small corporations, well-paid and low-wage workers all need help to survive.
So Democrats after one Senator stated on the floor last night, how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?
Trying to add how airlines need to lower their carbon footprint. Wanting tax credits for solar panel companies. Wanting to reduce the amount of unemployment insurance that had been settled, wanting to reduce small business measures, wanting to now give Americans less cash. All which had been agreed upon until Pelosi showed back.

View attachment 314343

C'mon, let's tell the truth now shall we?
Right, because Dems want to lower unemployment insurance, wanting to lower checks sent to Americans.
Tell me now what airline carbon footprints have to do with the pandemic, or solar panel company tax credits?
And as a Dem Senator stated, ’how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?’.
Yeah, they really care about working Americans. Not. It is a game to them. Throw all their pet wants in there while the getting is good, rather than concentrate on bringing back the jobs of working Americans employed by small businesses so they can survive.
Wasn’t it Rahm Emanuel who said never let a crisis go to waste?Here once afain, we see the Dems in action.

Excellent. I love shooting down the cherry picking that you right wingers do. It's almost a sport for me. Pet wants??? Oh sure, Republicans NEVER do that right?
Here if you want to see the full context of what Senator Menendez said it's right here. Hint..he wasn't talking about pet wants.
Menendez Demands COVID-19 Stimulus that Puts Families, Frontline Healthcare Workers First - Insider NJ
You have no idea what has happened last night on the Senate floor or since Pelosi got back in town. I will believe McConnell over Schumer any day.
just an example

Moscow Mitch earned this nickname, and he is solely about himself and the power he abuses. He'd toss you under the bus, and not for one moment have any empathy for your outcome.
So Democrats after one Senator stated on the floor last night, how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?
Trying to add how airlines need to lower their carbon footprint. Wanting tax credits for solar panel companies. Wanting to reduce the amount of unemployment insurance that had been settled, wanting to reduce small business measures, wanting to now give Americans less cash. All which had been agreed upon until Pelosi showed back.

View attachment 314343

C'mon, let's tell the truth now shall we?
Right, because Dems want to lower unemployment insurance, wanting to lower checks sent to Americans.
Tell me now what airline carbon footprints have to do with the pandemic, or solar panel company tax credits?
And as a Dem Senator stated, ’how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?’.
Yeah, they really care about working Americans. Not. It is a game to them. Throw all their pet wants in there while the getting is good, rather than concentrate on bringing back the jobs of working Americans employed by small businesses so they can survive.
Wasn’t it Rahm Emanuel who said never let a crisis go to waste?Here once afain, we see the Dems in action.

Excellent. I love shooting down the cherry picking that you right wingers do. It's almost a sport for me. Pet wants??? Oh sure, Republicans NEVER do that right?
Here if you want to see the full context of what Senator Menendez said it's right here. Hint..he wasn't talking about pet wants.
Menendez Demands COVID-19 Stimulus that Puts Families, Frontline Healthcare Workers First - Insider NJ
You have no idea what has happened last night on the Senate floor or since Pelosi got back in town. I will believe McConnell over Schumer any day.
just an example

Moscow Mitch earned this nickname, and he is solely about himself and the power he abuses. He'd toss you under the bus, and not for one moment have any empathy for your outcome.
Oh really? Who was it that threatened two Supreme Court judges recently? Who has set up a task force to fight Trump on the coronavirus? Tell me, please.
So Democrats after one Senator stated on the floor last night, how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?
Trying to add how airlines need to lower their carbon footprint. Wanting tax credits for solar panel companies. Wanting to reduce the amount of unemployment insurance that had been settled, wanting to reduce small business measures, wanting to now give Americans less cash. All which had been agreed upon until Pelosi showed back.

View attachment 314343

C'mon, let's tell the truth now shall we?
Right, because Dems want to lower unemployment insurance, wanting to lower checks sent to Americans.
Tell me now what airline carbon footprints have to do with the pandemic, or solar panel company tax credits?
And as a Dem Senator stated, ’how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?’.
Yeah, they really care about working Americans. Not. It is a game to them. Throw all their pet wants in there while the getting is good, rather than concentrate on bringing back the jobs of working Americans employed by small businesses so they can survive.
Wasn’t it Rahm Emanuel who said never let a crisis go to waste?Here once afain, we see the Dems in action.

Excellent. I love shooting down the cherry picking that you right wingers do. It's almost a sport for me. Pet wants??? Oh sure, Republicans NEVER do that right?
Here if you want to see the full context of what Senator Menendez said it's right here. Hint..he wasn't talking about pet wants.
Menendez Demands COVID-19 Stimulus that Puts Families, Frontline Healthcare Workers First - Insider NJ
You have no idea what has happened last night on the Senate floor or since Pelosi got back in town. I will believe McConnell over Schumer any day.
just an example

Moscow Mitch earned this nickname, and he is solely about himself and the power he abuses. He'd toss you under the bus, and not for one moment have any empathy for your outcome.
Oh really? Who was it that threatened two Supreme Court judges recently? Who has set up a task force to fight Trump on the coronavirus? Tell me, please.

The two judges are the result of Moscow Mitch's misfeasance, and Trump (I know you don't believe so) is dumb, and he is unable to consider the consequences of his words or policies. He's very simple, everything revolves about him, and he acts on this internal question: "How will this impact me?"
So Democrats after one Senator stated on the floor last night, how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?
Trying to add how airlines need to lower their carbon footprint. Wanting tax credits for solar panel companies. Wanting to reduce the amount of unemployment insurance that had been settled, wanting to reduce small business measures, wanting to now give Americans less cash. All which had been agreed upon until Pelosi showed back.

View attachment 314343

C'mon, let's tell the truth now shall we?
Right, because Dems want to lower unemployment insurance, wanting to lower checks sent to Americans.
Tell me now what airline carbon footprints have to do with the pandemic, or solar panel company tax credits?
And as a Dem Senator stated, ’how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?’.
Yeah, they really care about working Americans. Not. It is a game to them. Throw all their pet wants in there while the getting is good, rather than concentrate on bringing back the jobs of working Americans employed by small businesses so they can survive.
Wasn’t it Rahm Emanuel who said never let a crisis go to waste?Here once afain, we see the Dems in action.

Excellent. I love shooting down the cherry picking that you right wingers do. It's almost a sport for me. Pet wants??? Oh sure, Republicans NEVER do that right?
Here if you want to see the full context of what Senator Menendez said it's right here. Hint..he wasn't talking about pet wants.
Menendez Demands COVID-19 Stimulus that Puts Families, Frontline Healthcare Workers First - Insider NJ
You have no idea what has happened last night on the Senate floor or since Pelosi got back in town. I will believe McConnell over Schumer any day.
just an example

Moscow Mitch earned this nickname, and he is solely about himself and the power he abuses. He'd toss you under the bus, and not for one moment have any empathy for your outcome.
Oh really? Who was it that threatened two Supreme Court judges recently? Who has set up a task force to fight Trump on the coronavirus? Tell me, please.

The two judges are the result of Moscow Mitch's misfeasance, and Trump (I know you don't believe so) is dumb, and he is unable to consider the consequences of his words or policies. He's very simple, everything revolves about him, and he acts on this internal question: "How will this impact me?"
Fail. Keep trying.
Pelosi took time off to goof off during a global crisis, then comes back to work and throws a monkey wrench into a relief bill both sides worked hard on. I think the word we are looking for is douchebag.

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