Democrats are committing political suicide.......again.

The Dims voted down the stimulus bill worth trillions of dollars to relieve the current national and worldwide emergency.

Now many of you know that I have issues with the stimulus package and government thrown trillions at pretty much any problem that arises, however, if government is going to tell us we can't work, they MUST pay us. Otherwise, people will no longer listen to the government and we wind up with anarchy. And from what I hear, the GOP is using the basic framework of what Dims suggested to begin with, so why vote it down now?

What are they thinking? Any delay can mean millions of jobs and layoffs with the economy in free fall. which is perhaps all they really want and why they are doing this.

This ranks right up there with Biden trying to paint Trump as a racist for first suggesting to issue a travel ban against China.

There will be nothing "left" of the democrat party.
So who do you think the GOP want to help, corporations or low-wage workers?
Many low wage workers work for corporations, dumbass. You TDS morons believe you can destroy corporations without harming Americans. That's how fucking stupid you are.

What happened to the big tax cuts they got? They wasted it on stock buybacks and were more interested in raising CEO pay than in raising worker pay. We should not be doing that again.
Last edited:
as where the Obama stimulus package was not needed and basically did nothing for the economy.

Hundreds of thousands were being laid off each month. Stocks lost nearly 50%. The Stimulus was not enough and when the GOP decided to play footsie with that debt ceiling brinkmanship bull shit, all in the middle of the recovery, it wasn't suicide, it was a back stabbing!

That's just what they do.
I guess one can call it 'extortion.'

There is the passage from Genesis 25:29-34, in which one brother gave up his birthright for a bowl of stew.

29 Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. 30 He said to Jacob, “Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!”

31 Jacob replied, “First sell me your birthright.”
32 “Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?”

33 But Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.

34 Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left.

So Esau despised his birthright.

In the Congress, the Democrats are demanding something as valuable as that given away in the Bible story above....except it is not something of the Republican' is the survival of the nation.
And to get the money to tide over all of the Americans who have and will lose jobs, and businesses that will have to close.....the Democrats are demanding that their Bolshevik ideology be endorsed......

"a forgiveness of student loans, a forgiveness of the Post Office debt, and some funding for the arts. Beyond that, they are saying that if they/we lend corporations money (LEND, not give), then they should be able to have a say-so in how the corporations are run. That means a partial take-over of private industry by the government. This is not the time nor place for the leftists to push government control of private property and their socialism dreams."
Top Democrats Refuse to Go Along with Coronavirus Stimulus Package, Playing Politics with American Lives and Livelihood - Politics and Other Controversies -Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - Page 60 - City-Data Forum

Plus a rule that every state have same day registration and that the illegal aliens and double-voters have no problem voting.

The Democrats are not a political party......they are one large crime family, and if they have to destroy this nation, and its be it.

"Couldn't they put their hatred aside for a moment, long enough to get us through this crisis? Then they can go back to hating business, Trump, free enterprise, and other American institutions."
What are they thinking?
Dems are thinking why would anyone trust a corrupt and incompetent admin to effectively distribute those billions to small and large corps. when they have bungled everything else?
That's what you think when you have brain damaged. Dims trust government to do everything, but the minute a Republican gets into office, oh no, now you can't trust it. Don't you see the problem with your theory of government?
as where the Obama stimulus package was not needed and basically did nothing for the economy.

Hundreds of thousands were being laid off each month. Stocks lost nearly 50%. The Stimulus was not enough and when the GOP decided to play footsie with that debt ceiling brinkmanship bull shit, all in the middle of the recovery, it wasn't suicide, it was a back stabbing!

That's just what they do.
Republicans don't understand their shit can come back and hit them in the face
The Dims voted down the stimulus bill worth trillions of dollars to relieve the current national and worldwide emergency.

Now many of you know that I have issues with the stimulus package and government thrown trillions at pretty much any problem that arises, however, if government is going to tell us we can't work, they MUST pay us. Otherwise, people will no longer listen to the government and we wind up with anarchy. And from what I hear, the GOP is using the basic framework of what Dims suggested to begin with, so why vote it down now?

What are they thinking? Any delay can mean millions of jobs and layoffs with the economy in free fall. which is perhaps all they really want and why they are doing this.

This ranks right up there with Biden trying to paint Trump as a racist for first suggesting to issue a travel ban against China.

There will be nothing "left" of the democrat party.
So who do you think the GOP want to help, corporations or low-wage workers?
Many low wage workers work for corporations, dumbass. You TDS morons believe you can destroy corporations without harming Americans. That's how fucking stupid you are.

What happened to the big tax cuts they got? They wasted it on stock buybacks and were more interested in raising CEO pay than in raising worker pay. We should not be doing that again.
They invested it and created more jobs. What did you imagine they were supposed to do with it, give it to the Democrat party like the unions do?
So Democrats after one Senator stated on the floor last night, how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?
Trying to add how airlines need to lower their carbon footprint. Wanting tax credits for solar panel companies. Wanting to reduce the amount of unemployment insurance that had been settled, wanting to reduce small business measures, wanting to now give Americans less cash. All which had been agreed upon until Pelosi showed back.

View attachment 314343

C'mon, let's tell the truth now shall we?
Right, because Dems want to lower unemployment insurance, wanting to lower checks sent to Americans.
Tell me now what airline carbon footprints have to do with the pandemic, or solar panel company tax credits?
And as a Dem Senator stated, ’how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?’.
Yeah, they really care about working Americans. Not. It is a game to them. Throw all their pet wants in there while the getting is good, rather than concentrate on bringing back the jobs of working Americans employed by small businesses so they can survive.
Wasn’t it Rahm Emanuel who said never let a crisis go to waste?Here once afain, we see the Dems in action.

Excellent. I love shooting down the cherry picking that you right wingers do. It's almost a sport for me. Pet wants??? Oh sure, Republicans NEVER do that right?
Here if you want to see the full context of what Senator Menendez said it's right here. Hint..he wasn't talking about pet wants.
Menendez Demands COVID-19 Stimulus that Puts Families, Frontline Healthcare Workers First - Insider NJ
You have no idea what has happened last night on the Senate floor or since Pelosi got back in town. I will believe McConnell over Schumer any day.
just an example

Moscow Mitch earned this nickname, and he is solely about himself and the power he abuses. He'd toss you under the bus, and not for one moment have any empathy for your outcome.
Oh really? Who was it that threatened two Supreme Court judges recently? Who has set up a task force to fight Trump on the coronavirus? Tell me, please.

The two judges are the result of Moscow Mitch's misfeasance, and Trump (I know you don't believe so) is dumb, and he is unable to consider the consequences of his words or policies. He's very simple, everything revolves about him, and he acts on this internal question: "How will this impact me?"
MicConnel made Schumar attack two SC judges?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I guess one can call it 'extortion.'

There is the passage from Genesis 25:29-34, in which one brother gave up his birthright for a bowl of stew.

29 Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. 30 He said to Jacob, “Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!”

31 Jacob replied, “First sell me your birthright.”
32 “Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?”

33 But Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.

34 Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left.

So Esau despised his birthright.

In the Congress, the Democrats are demanding something as valuable as that given away in the Bible story above....except it is not something of the Republican' is the survival of the nation.
And to get the money to tide over all of the Americans who have and will lose jobs, and businesses that will have to close.....the Democrats are demanding that their Bolshevik ideology be endorsed......

"a forgiveness of student loans, a forgiveness of the Post Office debt, and some funding for the arts. Beyond that, they are saying that if they/we lend corporations money (LEND, not give), then they should be able to have a say-so in how the corporations are run. That means a partial take-over of private industry by the government. This is not the time nor place for the leftists to push government control of private property and their socialism dreams."
Top Democrats Refuse to Go Along with Coronavirus Stimulus Package, Playing Politics with American Lives and Livelihood - Politics and Other Controversies -Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - Page 60 - City-Data Forum

Plus a rule that every state have same day registration and that the illegal aliens and double-voters have no problem voting.

The Democrats are not a political party......they are one large crime family, and if they have to destroy this nation, and its be it.

"Couldn't they put their hatred aside for a moment, long enough to get us through this crisis? Then they can go back to hating business, Trump, free enterprise, and other American institutions."

Mmmmm. Spam. I actually am hungry but I'm trying to watch my sodium intake.
Democrats are a crime family?? LOL. OK, I'll play, let's check the tape. Just pointing out Democrats are in blue.
And this stat is from the Fall of 2018.
The Dims voted down the stimulus bill worth trillions of dollars to relieve the current national and worldwide emergency.

Now many of you know that I have issues with the stimulus package and government thrown trillions at pretty much any problem that arises, however, if government is going to tell us we can't work, they MUST pay us. Otherwise, people will no longer listen to the government and we wind up with anarchy. And from what I hear, the GOP is using the basic framework of what Dims suggested to begin with, so why vote it down now?

What are they thinking? Any delay can mean millions of jobs and layoffs with the economy in free fall. which is perhaps all they really want and why they are doing this.

This ranks right up there with Biden trying to paint Trump as a racist for first suggesting to issue a travel ban against China.

There will be nothing "left" of the democrat party.
So who do you think the GOP want to help, corporations or low-wage workers?
Many low wage workers work for corporations, dumbass. You TDS morons believe you can destroy corporations without harming Americans. That's how fucking stupid you are.

What happened to the big tax cuts they got? They wasted it on stock buybacks and were more interested in raising CEO pay than in raising worker pay. We should not be doing that again.

But we will, on the backs of the American people, 87% of whom were already living paycheck to paycheck before this, with 1 in 5 families already having experienced a layoff since the pandemic rolled ashore.
So Democrats after one Senator stated on the floor last night, how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?
Trying to add how airlines need to lower their carbon footprint. Wanting tax credits for solar panel companies. Wanting to reduce the amount of unemployment insurance that had been settled, wanting to reduce small business measures, wanting to now give Americans less cash. All which had been agreed upon until Pelosi showed back.

View attachment 314343

C'mon, let's tell the truth now shall we?
Right, because Dems want to lower unemployment insurance, wanting to lower checks sent to Americans.
Tell me now what airline carbon footprints have to do with the pandemic, or solar panel company tax credits?
And as a Dem Senator stated, ’how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?’.
Yeah, they really care about working Americans. Not. It is a game to them. Throw all their pet wants in there while the getting is good, rather than concentrate on bringing back the jobs of working Americans employed by small businesses so they can survive.
Wasn’t it Rahm Emanuel who said never let a crisis go to waste?Here once afain, we see the Dems in action.

Excellent. I love shooting down the cherry picking that you right wingers do. It's almost a sport for me. Pet wants??? Oh sure, Republicans NEVER do that right?
Here if you want to see the full context of what Senator Menendez said it's right here. Hint..he wasn't talking about pet wants.
Menendez Demands COVID-19 Stimulus that Puts Families, Frontline Healthcare Workers First - Insider NJ
You have no idea what has happened last night on the Senate floor or since Pelosi got back in town. I will believe McConnell over Schumer any day.
just an example

Moscow Mitch earned this nickname, and he is solely about himself and the power he abuses. He'd toss you under the bus, and not for one moment have any empathy for your outcome.
Oh really? Who was it that threatened two Supreme Court judges recently? Who has set up a task force to fight Trump on the coronavirus? Tell me, please.

The two judges are the result of Moscow Mitch's misfeasance, and Trump (I know you don't believe so) is dumb, and he is unable to consider the consequences of his words or policies. He's very simple, everything revolves about him, and he acts on this internal question: "How will this impact me?"
MicConnel made Schumar attack two SC judges?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Trump Administration Eliminated CDC Position Intended To ...
Trump Administration Eliminated CDC Position Intended To Detect Disease Outbreaks In China Several Months Ago
Trump Administration Eliminated CDC Position Intended To Detect Disease Outbreaks In China Several Months Ago. Dr. Linda Quick left amid a bitter U.S. trade dispute with China when she learned her ...

U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before ...
U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before coronavirus outbreak
Before the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration eliminated a public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China.
US eliminated key China-based public health position ahead ...
US eliminated key China-based public health position ahead of coronavirus outbreak: report
The Trump administration moved to eliminate a position at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) based in China that some experts now say could have led to earlier knowledge of the ...
Trump Axed CDC Expert Job Months Before Outbreak
Trump Axed CDC Expert Job Months Before Outbreak
Trump Axed CDC Expert Job Months Before Outbreak March 22, 2020 at 5:20 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment "Several months before the coronavirus pandemic began, the Trump administration eliminated a key American public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China," Reuters reports.
Trump eliminated disease outbreak expert in China before ...
Trump eliminated disease outbreak expert in China before the coronavirus pandemic
The White House this summer eliminated a key US position that could have alerted the US of the coronavirus outbreak in China, Reuters exclusively reported Sunday. The Centers for Disease Control had embedded the American medical epidemiologist in China's disease control agency to train others to help track, investigate and contain diseases.
Trump Removed Key American Disease Expert From China ...
Trump Removed Key American Disease Expert From China Months Before The Outbreak
In 2018 Trump dismantled the pandemic response team. In 2019 he eliminated a key American public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China. Holy crap. Exclusive: U.S. Axed CDC Expert Job in China Months Before Virus Outbreak WASHINGTON — Several months...
The Trump administration cut a CDC position in China meant ...
The Trump administration cut a CDC position in China meant to detect disease outbreaks months before the coronavirus pandemic
President Donald Trump's administration slashed a public-health position in China last year that could have helped US authorities spot the novel coronavirus outbreak before it spread across the ...
The Trump administration cut a CDC position in China meant ...
The Trump administration cut a CDC position in China meant to detect disease outbreaks months before the coronavirus pandemic
The Trump administration cut a CDC position in China meant to detect disease outbreaks months before the coronavirus pandemic ... position in China last year ... who helped track, investigate and ...
US eliminated key China-based public health position ahead ...
Posted By TheNewsCommenter: From "US eliminated key China-based public health position ahead of coronavirus outbreak: report".Below is an excerpt from the article.. The Trump administration moved to eliminate a position at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) based in China that some experts now say could have led to earlier knowledge of the coronavirus outbreak.
US underprepared for coronavirus due to Trump cuts, say ...
US underprepared for coronavirus due to Trump cuts, say health experts
Jan 31, 2020US preparedness to deal with the threat of coronavirus has been hampered by the personnel and budget cuts made by the Trump administration over the
The Dims voted down the stimulus bill worth trillions of dollars to relieve the current national and worldwide emergency.

Now many of you know that I have issues with the stimulus package and government thrown trillions at pretty much any problem that arises, however, if government is going to tell us we can't work, they MUST pay us. Otherwise, people will no longer listen to the government and we wind up with anarchy. And from what I hear, the GOP is using the basic framework of what Dims suggested to begin with, so why vote it down now?

What are they thinking? Any delay can mean millions of jobs and layoffs with the economy in free fall. which is perhaps all they really want and why they are doing this.

This ranks right up there with Biden trying to paint Trump as a racist for first suggesting to issue a travel ban against China.

There will be nothing "left" of the democrat party.
So who do you think the GOP want to help, corporations or low-wage workers?
Many low wage workers work for corporations, dumbass. You TDS morons believe you can destroy corporations without harming Americans. That's how fucking stupid you are.

What happened to the big tax cuts they got? They wasted it on stock buybacks and were more interested in raising CEO pay than in raising worker pay. We should not be doing that again.
They invested it and created more jobs. What did you imagine they were supposed to do with it, give it to the Democrat party like the unions do?

No, they didn't. By in large, they brought their money home and bought back stock.
Why The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act (TCJA) Led To Buybacks Rather Than Investment
So Democrats after one Senator stated on the floor last night, how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?
Trying to add how airlines need to lower their carbon footprint. Wanting tax credits for solar panel companies. Wanting to reduce the amount of unemployment insurance that had been settled, wanting to reduce small business measures, wanting to now give Americans less cash. All which had been agreed upon until Pelosi showed back.

View attachment 314343

C'mon, let's tell the truth now shall we?
Right, because Dems want to lower unemployment insurance, wanting to lower checks sent to Americans.
Tell me now what airline carbon footprints have to do with the pandemic, or solar panel company tax credits?
And as a Dem Senator stated, ’how many times are we gonna have a shot at a $1 trillion + program?’.
Yeah, they really care about working Americans. Not. It is a game to them. Throw all their pet wants in there while the getting is good, rather than concentrate on bringing back the jobs of working Americans employed by small businesses so they can survive.
Wasn’t it Rahm Emanuel who said never let a crisis go to waste?Here once afain, we see the Dems in action.

Excellent. I love shooting down the cherry picking that you right wingers do. It's almost a sport for me. Pet wants??? Oh sure, Republicans NEVER do that right?
Here if you want to see the full context of what Senator Menendez said it's right here. Hint..he wasn't talking about pet wants.
Menendez Demands COVID-19 Stimulus that Puts Families, Frontline Healthcare Workers First - Insider NJ
You have no idea what has happened last night on the Senate floor or since Pelosi got back in town. I will believe McConnell over Schumer any day.
just an example

Moscow Mitch earned this nickname, and he is solely about himself and the power he abuses. He'd toss you under the bus, and not for one moment have any empathy for your outcome.
Oh really? Who was it that threatened two Supreme Court judges recently? Who has set up a task force to fight Trump on the coronavirus? Tell me, please.

The two judges are the result of Moscow Mitch's misfeasance, and Trump (I know you don't believe so) is dumb, and he is unable to consider the consequences of his words or policies. He's very simple, everything revolves about him, and he acts on this internal question: "How will this impact me?"
MicConnel made Schumar attack two SC judges?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Trump Administration Eliminated CDC Position Intended To ...
Trump Administration Eliminated CDC Position Intended To Detect Disease Outbreaks In China Several Months Ago
Trump Administration Eliminated CDC Position Intended To Detect Disease Outbreaks In China Several Months Ago. Dr. Linda Quick left amid a bitter U.S. trade dispute with China when she learned her ...

U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before ...
U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before coronavirus outbreak
Before the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration eliminated a public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China.
US eliminated key China-based public health position ahead ...
US eliminated key China-based public health position ahead of coronavirus outbreak: report
The Trump administration moved to eliminate a position at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) based in China that some experts now say could have led to earlier knowledge of the ...
Trump Axed CDC Expert Job Months Before Outbreak
Trump Axed CDC Expert Job Months Before Outbreak
Trump Axed CDC Expert Job Months Before Outbreak March 22, 2020 at 5:20 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment "Several months before the coronavirus pandemic began, the Trump administration eliminated a key American public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China," Reuters reports.
Trump eliminated disease outbreak expert in China before ...
Trump eliminated disease outbreak expert in China before the coronavirus pandemic
The White House this summer eliminated a key US position that could have alerted the US of the coronavirus outbreak in China, Reuters exclusively reported Sunday. The Centers for Disease Control had embedded the American medical epidemiologist in China's disease control agency to train others to help track, investigate and contain diseases.
Trump Removed Key American Disease Expert From China ...
Trump Removed Key American Disease Expert From China Months Before The Outbreak
In 2018 Trump dismantled the pandemic response team. In 2019 he eliminated a key American public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China. Holy crap. Exclusive: U.S. Axed CDC Expert Job in China Months Before Virus Outbreak WASHINGTON — Several months...
The Trump administration cut a CDC position in China meant ...
The Trump administration cut a CDC position in China meant to detect disease outbreaks months before the coronavirus pandemic
President Donald Trump's administration slashed a public-health position in China last year that could have helped US authorities spot the novel coronavirus outbreak before it spread across the ...
The Trump administration cut a CDC position in China meant ...
The Trump administration cut a CDC position in China meant to detect disease outbreaks months before the coronavirus pandemic
The Trump administration cut a CDC position in China meant to detect disease outbreaks months before the coronavirus pandemic ... position in China last year ... who helped track, investigate and ...
US eliminated key China-based public health position ahead ...
Posted By TheNewsCommenter: From "US eliminated key China-based public health position ahead of coronavirus outbreak: report".Below is an excerpt from the article.. The Trump administration moved to eliminate a position at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) based in China that some experts now say could have led to earlier knowledge of the coronavirus outbreak.
US underprepared for coronavirus due to Trump cuts, say ...
US underprepared for coronavirus due to Trump cuts, say health experts
Jan 31, 2020US preparedness to deal with the threat of coronavirus has been hampered by the personnel and budget cuts made by the Trump administration over the
The fake news is a big echo chamber.
How many will die waiting on Pelosi playing her games, it's that simple.

It's 'business as usual' for the party of death.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
I guess one can call it 'extortion.'

There is the passage from Genesis 25:29-34, in which one brother gave up his birthright for a bowl of stew.

29 Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. 30 He said to Jacob, “Quick, let me have some of that red stew! I’m famished!”

31 Jacob replied, “First sell me your birthright.”
32 “Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?”

33 But Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.

34 Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left.

So Esau despised his birthright.

In the Congress, the Democrats are demanding something as valuable as that given away in the Bible story above....except it is not something of the Republican' is the survival of the nation.
And to get the money to tide over all of the Americans who have and will lose jobs, and businesses that will have to close.....the Democrats are demanding that their Bolshevik ideology be endorsed......

"a forgiveness of student loans, a forgiveness of the Post Office debt, and some funding for the arts. Beyond that, they are saying that if they/we lend corporations money (LEND, not give), then they should be able to have a say-so in how the corporations are run. That means a partial take-over of private industry by the government. This is not the time nor place for the leftists to push government control of private property and their socialism dreams."
Top Democrats Refuse to Go Along with Coronavirus Stimulus Package, Playing Politics with American Lives and Livelihood - Politics and Other Controversies -Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - Page 60 - City-Data Forum

Plus a rule that every state have same day registration and that the illegal aliens and double-voters have no problem voting.

The Democrats are not a political party......they are one large crime family, and if they have to destroy this nation, and its be it.

"Couldn't they put their hatred aside for a moment, long enough to get us through this crisis? Then they can go back to hating business, Trump, free enterprise, and other American institutions."

Mmmmm. Spam. I actually am hungry but I'm trying to watch my sodium intake.
Democrats are a crime family?? LOL. OK, I'll play, let's check the tape. Just pointing out Democrats are in blue.
And this stat is from the Fall of 2018.
View attachment 314416

You're not pretending that the chart represents 'justice' in any way......are you????

The answer to your chart is the Democrat control of the courts.

The same with the Deep State and the Congressional establishment.

But it seems that the public has caught on.
The Dims voted down the stimulus bill worth trillions of dollars to relieve the current national and worldwide emergency.

Now many of you know that I have issues with the stimulus package and government thrown trillions at pretty much any problem that arises, however, if government is going to tell us we can't work, they MUST pay us. Otherwise, people will no longer listen to the government and we wind up with anarchy. And from what I hear, the GOP is using the basic framework of what Dims suggested to begin with, so why vote it down now?

What are they thinking? Any delay can mean millions of jobs and layoffs with the economy in free fall. which is perhaps all they really want and why they are doing this.

This ranks right up there with Biden trying to paint Trump as a racist for first suggesting to issue a travel ban against China.

There will be nothing "left" of the democrat party.
So who do you think the GOP want to help, corporations or low-wage workers?
Many low wage workers work for corporations, dumbass. You TDS morons believe you can destroy corporations without harming Americans. That's how fucking stupid you are.

What happened to the big tax cuts they got? They wasted it on stock buybacks and were more interested in raising CEO pay than in raising worker pay. We should not be doing that again.
They invested it and created more jobs. What did you imagine they were supposed to do with it, give it to the Democrat party like the unions do?

No, they didn't. By in large, they brought their money home and bought back stock.
Why The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act (TCJA) Led To Buybacks Rather Than Investment
Judging solely by the figures in your article, they buy backs consisted of a small percentage of total capital repatriated.

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